The Heartbreaker #Wattys2017

By alisonswan94651

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Highest Ranking #106 |15/03/18| "Under a pretty smile, there's always a secret." "In a world full of faces, I... More

Cast List
Chapter 1: Game On
Chapter 2: How to be a heartbreaker
Chapter 3: Pink hair & new starts
Chapter 4: Got a secret, can you keep it?
Chapter 5: Training lessons; Guns or books?
Chapter 6: Something Else
Chapter 7: Party disaster
Chapter 8: Friendship Goals
Chapter 9: Stay
Chapter 10: Running
Chapter 11: Meet & Greet
Chapter 12: Birthday Bash
Chapter 13: Learn To Let Go
Chapter 14: Player, Player; Liar, Liar
Chapter 15: History Repeating Itself
Chapter 16: Accident Happens
Chapter 17: Jealous or Mad?
Chapter 18: New Realizations & Races
Chapter 19: Falling In A Abyss
Chapter 20: Confessions, Stars & Kisses
Chapter 21: What The...!?
Chapter 22: Doubts & Interventions
Chapter 23: I'm Game If You Are
Chapter 24: Date gone south
Chapter 25: Someone I Used To Know
Chapter 26: Finally She's Here
Chapter 27: Family & Betrayal
Chapter 29: Something's Fishy
Chapter 30: Stolen Kisses
Chapter 31: Fifty Shades Of Paxton
Chapter 32: I'm Royally Fucked
Chapter 33: Keep Your Secret Safe
Chapter 34: She's All Mine
Chapter 35: Love Me, Love Me
Chapter 36: Surprise!
Chapter 37: Go To Prom With Me?
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter 2
Character Aesthetics
The Fiction Awards 2018

Chapter 28: Beginning Of a Nightmare

275 66 14
By alisonswan94651

Paxton's POV


"Why are you still sad because of them? They are bad, forget them." Max tried to tell me but the tears were falling like never before. It's been a week Andrea hasn't come home and Wade hadn't called.

"They deserve hell. Let Dad come. I'll make sure she never gets her position in the company." I almost forgot this year after finishing college she was supposed to take over the company.

"You can't-do anything about it." I waved him off to cry harder. God, I am a mess.

"That's it! I'm calling Alex. You two are going out and forget what happened."

Before I could protest he called her and took a seat next to me. Not even five minutes later a bell interrupted us and with a grin he hopped from the bed.

"That's gotta be a record. I'll be back with her and get dressed. We're all going."

Dressing in long-sleeved shirt and shorts I waited for their return but none came. After waiting for at least five minutes I came downstairs to see Andrea, Wade, and Max in a staring contest. Seeing them both together made my blood boil but I made a calm face and stood between them.

"What's going on?" At my sound, Wade looked at me painfully like it hurt him to leave me. But I knew better. Maybe he dated me to be close to my sister. Who knew the truth these days?

"I came to say goodbye," Andrea replied my previous question.

"Leaving where?″ Max asked bitterly.

"We need to leave the town. We're both in trouble. So I think I'll see you when the time comes." I didn't understand what was happening.

She took a step to me to which I backed. Shaking her head, she walked in front of me and spoke, "Pretend till it's become real."

She walked back and said something to Max too but I wasn't having it when Wade stepped closer to me. He smiled sadly and pecked my cheek. At his touch, I flinched.

He didn't deserve to be near me.

He said, "Don't cry when the sun is gone because the tears won't let you see the stars."

But how can I see the stars when I'm still addicted to the sun? I thought bitterly but didn't say anything.

After that, they both walked out of our lives like they never were a part of it. Just a day after we got the news of our parent's car accident. In that accident along with my parents, Alex's parents were and they all were dead. Police found the break was cut out and the suspects were my sister and her boyfriend who was mine just a week ago.

It fitted too as they both disappeared. With more argument, Uncle John made a decision to move out of the country. There were threats to take over the company and our lives were in danger. Unintentionally Alex's life went at risk too. So to avoid police and the duel troublemaker we left Europe to live on base.

After living with Reese and Reed, I changed. I became the player my sister was. Maybe even ruthless. After a friend from New York called, we left the base and I joined Rain View using our mother's middle name.

Heck, I didn't want to stay a Helix anymore.

I was a Rivera now. And I had no intention to change that.


"You just can't walk away like that," Max said as soon as he entered my room.

"And you don't enter my room without my permission. Your girlfriend should've taught you that." Hearing my harsh words, he scowled.

"You still annoyed at that? I'm sorry Ok. I shouldn't have ignored you." He sat next to me ruffling his unmade hair.

"What happened now?″ I asked confused. They've found us. It had to change something.

"They're here."

Hearing him I stood up and walked out. Surely they were in downstairs and Chris was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Chris?″ I asked bewildered.

"In his room. He refused to see Wade in here." I took in a breath of relief. At least he didn't leave.

"And Alex?″ I asked remembering her move out.

"She said she'll come after paying her respects to both our parents." I sighed. I couldn't even stay for our parents. I wasn't strong enough.

"Why they're here?″

"Even I don't know. They followed us."

Just get this over with.

Max along with me walked down to see both stood up from the sofa and stared at us.

"So the deal?″ Andrea asked.

"How you're gonna distract them?″ I asked instead.

But Andrea ignored my question completely. "I should go. I've already stayed too long. I promised my friends I'd hurry."

Wade lowered his head against the sofa. "I missed you," He whispered so only I could hear.

"Yeah, I bet you did." I retorted chuckling at his words. He was still with my sister, even after two years and he wished me to believe him.

What a fool...

"Come back to me." He begged. "Come home." He broke away suddenly. "I have to go. None of the others can find out I've been down here. I love you."

As Wade turned away, I grabbed his wrist and said. "Now tell me why you're really here."

"What do you mean, what am I here for?" Wade struggled. "I told you-"

"You're lying."

Andrea's mouth dropped. "I can't believe- you think-"

"Tell me the truth, right now," I said as coldly as I can manage to try to stay confident.

Wade hesitated before answering. He gave Andrea a fierce glare, and said, "Fine. Andrea, tell her the real truth."

"Hell no!" She stepped back. Now that's a funny thing to see. My sister never looked this scared before.

"What are you planning to do once you know the truth?" Andrea asked shuttering.

I laugh. It was a laugh that said, I have a lot of plans. Which one are you referring to?

"I know you've heard rumors about the accident of our parents. I also know you think we did it, but we didn't."

"Isn't that what every criminal says?″ A new voice replied. It was Alex with her belongings. Dammit! She was really moving out.

"No. Two years ago I was coming to Pax's birthday party." Wade started. "I was near your house when I saw someone was beating your sister. Immediately I tried to help but when I saw who it was, it was Beston Company's new heir. Your sister was dating him so I thought it was abusing going on."

"But the truth is I was playing him too. He got to know about it. He wanted to take over the company by dating me so when we both got to know about our reasons, he started to threaten everyone. That day in Max's football practice the gun was supposed to kill him." Andrea yelled and we all stopped. I remember the gunshots like it happened yesterday. In the middle of Max's practice some people started to the shooting but due to illness he didn't go that day, so Max survived.

"And that's not it. He threatened to kill you if I didn't leave you. So your sister thought it'll be OK if we just faked our relationship." Wade finished.

"And you didn't think to inform our parents!? Are you guys insane!?" Max yelled out.

"We did. But he picked up the phone and said I can't save them now. And the next day at the airport I heard about the accident. I'm sorry, little sis. It was my entire fault." Andrea wiped her eyes looking away from me.

I folded my arms on the bar. "It was him who kidnapped me, didn't they? If I'm a threat, they're going to kill me."

"No, they're not. They want me."

"So why don't you go to him then?″ Alex folded her arms looking impatiently at Andrea.

"I will but Pax has to keep an eye out. As my sister, she's next to the target. So that's why Wade has bought the next house to this for safety reasons and we'll stay there." My eyes dropped at the news. Next to my house?

"What?″ I asked surprised. I can't forgive them even if I want. They could've come clean and I would've helped them. But they were the one who decided to go criminal. Now there's nothing I can do to help them.

"Promise me you'll forget about what happened before. Promise you'll forgive us. Give me your word." Andrea asked ignoring my previous outburst.

"You'd trust my word?"

"No." She said looking at me with hesitation, "I-I wouldn't."

I laugh coolly and, grab Alex's hand, I'm ready to leave.

"Pax, wait- " She began. I'm almost on the stairs. "Pax, please wait!" I looked over my shoulder.

"I'll get you out of this, I promise." She said, then immediately clamped her hands over her mouth and ran out of the house.

"I'll catch up with you later, Pax," Wade smirked and went after my sister.

I want to believe this is all just nightmare but I know even nightmares aren't this vivid.

And I'm sure this is just the beginning.

Unknown POV


We got some pictures of Paxton when she was just a naive girl. These pictures will be a nice surprise for the yearbook picture, don't you think?

Until then-


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