To Again We Rise

By MustReadTheForever

493 27 13

A girl that knows nothing about herself is now finding out more than she wanted. Her identity is a becoming o... More

To Again We Rise (Based on my dream)
Chapter 2: Into the Light
Chapte 3: Her blood Still Flows
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6: (A short Chapter)
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13: Training
Chapter 14 & 15

Chapter 4: Are you to die for?

26 2 0
By MustReadTheForever

Chapter 4: Are you to die for?

   Wake up to the sun shining through the clear glass windows.

“I had a nice nap,” I think as I stretch. I look around. The bed I’m on is white, frilly and warm. There are white wooden dressers around me matched by indigo table sheets. There are white vases with indigo roses. Also, there are two large pairs windows on two walls bordered by thick white curtains and see-through white curtains.

Once again, the architecture embraces my eyes with its white walls that have light shades of indigo that softly shimmer and shine as the rays of light pass over them. The indented details of musical notes and music boxes are fine and clean.

I get out of bed and clean tidy it up. I hear knocking on the door as a ruch to turn to open it.

“Well you’re up, and just in time for breakfast!” Ant says.

“I didn’t think you would be up yet. Anyways, you’re not going down like that. Daitchi said you could pick your clothes from whatever is already in here,” Axel told me.

I laughed, “Thanks for letting me know. See you at breakfast.”

I shut the door and head towards the white wooden dresser.

There are three dresses. I guess I need a morning dress, so I’ll pick this pink one. I don’t really like pink, but this pink was soft and vibrant, so alive.

The dress has two parts.

I put on the light pink part. It is long, slightly frilly. The sleeves are tight from the top and come down really…out. Kind of like a Kimoto but it’s not extended that way.

The second part is a white mini-jacket…sort of. I put the jacket over the first part of the dress. The jacket is light. It falls just below my knees and ends in frills. There are light pink ribbons connected to bows that can be buttoned. Some are over where my ribs should be, and some at the waist.

Now for my hair…

I look around and spot a white brush and brush my hair. I take parts of my wavy-like hair and tie it back with a pink ribbon. Then I slip on white sandals that are open, but are put together with braids of plastic and shoe material.

I open the door, surprised to find Axel and Ant still there.

“You guys have been here the whole time?” I asked.

“You don’t know the way to the dining room so we had to…talk about putting on a dress,” Ant interrupted his own sentence.

“Anyway, let’s show you to the dining room, get the location memorized as we walk,” Axel told me.

We started to walk.

“You can completely defeat heartless-you can purify them. There are many purifiers or saviors in this palace or mansion or whatever you want to call it. Out of all the saviors, you’re the only female. The youngest ones here are the twins. They are about eleven years old. The rest of us are fourteen and older. How old are you?” Axel asked me.

“I’m thirteen.”

“When’s your birthday?” Axel asked me.

“May 21st ,” I respond.

“Are you Queen Lise’s daughter?” Ant asked.

“I don’t think so, but Daichi seems to think I’m related to the Queen,” I answer.

“Anyway, behind these large double doors you will find the dining room,” Axel informed me.

How does everyone look like? Will they be nice? What if they start asking questions? I hope there aren’t bullies!

I thought as I pushed open the over-sized door.

I took my first step in and instantly smelled cinnamon rolls, baked bread, and doughnuts. Man, I’m hungry.

“Come on, this way,” Axel invited me as he grabbed my wrist. He walked me towards the table.

The table was large and rectangular. The table sheet was white set up with glass plates and silver forks engraved in diamonds. The huge windows on the walls took up most of the wall space and giving out the scenery of the flower garden below us. (NOTE: Dining room is on the 3erd floor)

The table had vases every other two seats and white flower petals. The floor was a marvelous diamond-like marble and there where large white pillars. Each pillar was indented with something different. Behind my seat, a pillar decorated in musical notes stood.

Next to me, a Greek goddess stood. I know her!

“Um, why is Aphrodite next to me?” I asked Axel.

“Your born as Taurus. You know your zodiac. And your goddess is Aphrodite. The seating tries to balance ‘negative energy and positive energy’ as Daichi explains it,” Axel explained.

“Hey Axel, it that a female purifier?” A young blonde with large, shiny aqua eyes asked.

“A girl?” And Identical version of the blonde asked.

“Yeah, but man is this girl strong. She knocked out a thousand heartless on the spot within a few seconds. That’s why there haven’t been heartless the past two days. Yuina, these boys are the twins,” Axel explained.

“Hi, I’m Yuina. Axel? What happened to the 24/7 attitude?” I asked.

“Geez. Knock it off, will you?”

“No promises.” I turned to the twins “What are your names?”

“I’m Tee,” One of the twins responded joyfully.

“And I’m Nee,” the other twin responded with the same delight as the first twin.

----Twin Wars 1: Begin-----

“Try saying our names!” Tee and Nee shouted together.

“It’s nice to meet you Nee, Tee,” I giggled.

“She said my name first!” Shouted Nee.

“But she thinks my name’s better!” Shouted Tee.

“No way, my name’s better! Right, Yuina?” Asked Nee.

 “Come on guys! You’re not going to start the mini twin wars now, are you?” I asked as I tried o calm them down.

It became silent. They stopped fighting and arguing and just sat there.

“uhh? Did I do something wrong?” I asked.

“Nope! You made us stop fighting, see!” Nee and Tee laughed together.

“I see,” I laughed along.

“So, you share the same wideness,” Axel mumbled.

-----Twin Wars 1: Solved----

I messed up Axel’s hair and playfully said, “There’s that attitude!”

“Hey stop! Stop it!” Axel brushed me off and tried fixing his hair.

I laughed, “Perfect reaction, Axel. Hundred percent!” Axel frowned, but even I can tell he was trying not to smile.

A man with orange hair (redhead) and shiny jade eyes came.

“Time to eat breakfast,” He called out. I stood up and followed Axel and the Twins.

“What do you guys call yourselves?” I asked Nee and Tee.

“Where the Nee-Tee,” Tee and Nee responded.

The redhead form earlier took me to the side and said, “I’m Hiku, nice to meet you.”

“I’m Yuina,” I responded.

I got back in line to get my food. Let’s see? What should I eat? I know! Two large cinnamon rolls and apple cider.

I took my seat next to Aphrodite. The rest of the purifiers joined me.

I WILL describe everyone at the table below:

1.    Jake

a.    Silky Brown, wavy haired with blue eyes. A few inches taller than me. 14 years old.

2.    Jack

a.    Spiky-haired blonde with blue eyes. A couple inches taller than me. 14 years old.

3.    Jackie

a.    Older version of jack. 17 years old. A foot taller

4.    Rei

a.    Dark red hair with streaks of black in it. Jade eyes.

5.    You have met the twins

6.    You have met Daichi

7.    You have met Hiku

8.    You have met Axel

9.    You have met Ant

(Note: There are others, but these are the main people that have to do with the plot)

I look around. Tee is chewing in his cinnamon roll while Nee was just sitting there.

“What’s wrong Nee?” I asked.

“I’ve been thinking…Do you have a twin?” Asked Nee.

This question caught me off guard. I DID have a twin BROTHER. Even though I have been inside that machine, I know my twin. I’ve met my twin. My whole body started to tense up and ache with stinging pain across my body.

“Yeah, why do you ask?” I asked.

“I knew it!” Nee and Tee shouted at the same time.

“How did you know?” Jackie asked.

“Well she could tell the difference between us! She knew which one was Nee and which one was Tee!” Nee shouted.

“That doesn’t answer anything,” Axel responded.

“Yuina knew that we had a name for ourselves, lots of twins do,” Tee added.

“Still…” Ant said.


“Yeah, I have a twin brother. His name is Clio,” I explained.

“Why aren’t you together? Twins usually stick together! Do you hate Clio?” Asked Nee.

“No! There are just…certain…circumstances…” I mumbled.

“Did Clio leave you behind or something?” Nee asked.

“Hmmm….Not exactly, sort of, though,” I responded.

“Can you tell us the story? I mean how much you loved Clio?” Asked Nee and Tee.

“I’ll tell as much as I can,” I responded.

We were born together. Ever since our birth, the adults wanted us separated for some reason. We were born together, we used the same toys and used the same room and liked the same things. But Clio was better at things.

“Ah, Clio, you ran a mile within 6.3 minutes. Well done!” Mother would always praise him.

“Ah, Clio, the joy of our family and the brains of all, he won another math metal,” Dad would praise him.

“Good job!” I would always yell. Clio, my sunshine, the one I looked up to.

One night, we lay in bed together.

“Hey, I think I’m going to run away. If I run away, will you come with me?” Asked Clio.

“Run? Run where?” I would ask.

“To a free land where you and I can be together, forever,” Clio had whispered to me.

“We are brother and sister, we are twins, and we’ll always have each other. If that time comes, I’ll chase after you,” I reassured Clio.

“You will chase after me? So I guess I don’t need to worry about getting you there, you’ll get there yourself. Good,” Clio whispered as he closed his eyes.

Then there was 7th grade where things started to change.

“Clio!” I would shout in the middle of the hallway, I raced toward him, my little hug attack. He knew I would hug him and he swooped me into his arms every time.

I wasn’t expecting it though. I wasn’t expecting what happened later.

We met at a Café.

We were talking, talking about our school day and trying to decide what to order.

“I want to tell you a secret,” Clio whispered to me.

“What? What’s the secret?” I asked, exited.

We were sitting by the window blocked out my curtains so no one outside saw what he did. We were in the corner so no one saw what he did…  He took his menu, covered our faced and leaned close to tell me.

“I killed Mom and Dad. You must kill the ones that hinder our love if you want to chase after me.”

Then, our lips met and he gently kissed me.

“Wait, what?” I asked, but held my hands down and let his lips dig into mine.

A minuet passed. Then another minuet, I couldn’t breathe. Everything went black.

I awoke in some new home with this new “mother” and “father”. Clio was there, he hugged me, gave me a small kiss on the cheek, handed me a knife, and jumped out the window.

After that, he disappeared…

“Yuina?” Nee and Tee asks

“huh? Oh, sorry!” I said, waking up my wandering mind.

“you stopped at ‘we were in the corner of the café by the window where the curtains where closed. That’s when it happened,’” Nee informed me.

“So? What happened?” Tee asks

My mind started to race. Reliving that moment and all the pain…Mom and Dad, the real mom and dad wanted Clio to marry some other girl. I wasn’t really happy about it, I though Clio would forget about me if he got another family.

“You’re spacing out again!” Nee snaps his hands in front of my face, “Come back now!”

“Ah, I did it again, sorry,” I apologize.  

“Come on, tell us where you left off,” Tee and Nee ask.

Axel put hand on my shoulders, “I don’t think she’s ready to tell us yet. She has to get over her own emotions before she can tell us. Come on, it’s time to see Daichi. Besides, you two understand. What if you where without the other, would you want to tell people?”

“I guess not. Let’s go see Daichi!” Tee and Nee jump out of their chairs and get ready to go.

We walk as a group toward Daichi. I catch some people eyeing me, I can tell what they want to say, ‘why can’t you tell us?’ Tell us!’

I walk in and we all sit down.

“Yuina, it’s nice to see you again,” Daichi beams at me.

“Nice to see you, too,” I respond.

“I see you have met everyone,” Daichi says.

“Yes, I have,” I reply.

Daichi walks towards me and lays his hand on my shoulders, “it would be my greatest honor if you joined our team. Your purifying powers far exceed my own and it might lead you to understanding why or how your family was murdered.”

That made me curious. The murders? He means how and WHY my family was murdered?

Did Clio really murder my family? Why? If now who? Why?

I leaned closer.

“There are so many thing awaiting you. Your forgotten past, unknown truth like who your family was, why you where imprisoned. Don’t you want to know?” Daichi asks.

“I will join, but I have another reason besides the ones you just mentioned,” I reply.

“Other reasons?” Asks Daichi.

“Someone very close to me said ‘you have to break free to follow me and catch up to me, you can kill if you want, escape if you have to’ I need to find out what that means, that’s why,” I say.

Daichi smiles, “you, are you thinking of Clio?”

“Clio? You know Clio?” I ask.

“You could say that. I can take you, if you want. But, are you willing to die in return?”

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