The Allen Twins (Glee and Fla...

By AlyceSeafire

111K 2.3K 783

Sebastian and Barry Allen are the twin sons of Henry and Nora Allen. After the incident, they were separated... More

Double the Trouble
The Incident
As The Years Go By... PART 1!
As The Years Go On...PART 2!
As the Years Go By...Part 3!
Brothers and Sisters
The Flash
Secrets Revealed
Huntbastian Part 2
Keep Calm, Warble On!
Oh Brother
Long Live Bohemia
Take Me Or Leave Me
Without the Flash...
Change for the Better? Pt 1
Chapter 30: Change for the Good Pt. 2
Chapter 31: Interlude

Huntbastian Part 1

4.1K 84 10
By AlyceSeafire

Dalton Academy

It was Sebastian's senior year and he was excited. He's heading towards his new dorm room in the academy. Dalton has a little tradition. You can only room with the same person once. It's to encourage friendship between the boys in the same year.

And this year, according to the office, Sebastian's roommate is a new transfer. He entered the room and found a burly brown haired teen on the other side.

"Hi." he greeted turning from his open suitcase on the bed.

"Hello." Sebastian said offering his hand, "You must be the new transfer. I'm Sebastian Smythe."

"Hunter Clarington."

The two boys shook hands. And Sebastian couldn't help but stare at his roommate. He had sharp features and stunning green eyes. He had a strong grip and large biceps that could be seen under his grey shirt. He had this...intense look that just captivated him.

Hunter smiled as he let go of Sebastian's hand, who had snapped out of his stupor.

"I hope you don't mind." Hunter said motioning to his taking the right side of the room.

"No, I don't." Sebastian said placing his things on the left side of the room. "So where are you from? You don't look like from around here."

"I'm not." Hunter agreed. "I transferred from a military academy at Colorado Springs."

"Ah, a military boy. What made you transfer to the boring state that is Ohio?"

"I got a scholarship." Hunter said simply.

"Wow, that's big." Sebastian said impressed. "Dalton doesn't usually give out scholarships."

"Yeah." Hunter said. "So they say. So how about you? Tell me something about you. Other than playing lacrosse."

Sebastian looked at the lacrosse stick that he just put away.

"Intuitive." Sebastian complemented. "Well, I am part of the Warblers."

"That's Dalton's show choir right?"

"Yeah," Sebastian said. "I've been performing since I was eight. And the Warblers are one of the well-known clubs in Dalton. So why not. Do you sing?"

"I'm decent." Hunter said.

"Then, you should join." Sebastian insisted. Trying (and failing) not to sound too pushy. "The Warblers are like a band of brothers. It would be great if you could join."

"I will think about it." Hunter said with a smile. Inwardly Sebastian was jumping up and down in joy; maybe he could get to know his roommate better. And maybe impress him.


Two months in the school year, and Sebastian had felt that this year was a lot more interesting than the last.

He had gotten his first crush ,which was also his room mate. He also (disappointedly) found out that his crush was straight. Or in his terms "Not even remotely bi-curious". Then he was kicked out of his spot as captain and was replaced. By yet again, the same room mate/crush. But he was co-captain of the Warblers under Hunter's insistence. And despite being gay, thankfully, Hunter wasn't homophobic. So he had formed a friendship with the intense and slightly stiff teenager.

So for Sebastian, it's been an interesting year. What he didn't expect however was for it to get worse.

One day, Hunter came into the room with suspicious looking package.

"What is that?" Sebastian asked looking up from his homework his glasses askew.

"This," Hunter said "Is the key to our success at Sectionals. We used the same thing for our competitions back in Colorado."

Sebastian grew curious and set aside his homework and glasses and took a peak to Hunter opening the package. His eyes grew wide seeing vials and syringes.

"You've got to be kidding me. No." Sebastian said. "You are not going to inject the Warblers with..."

Sebastian snatched one of the vials off the box. "Anabolic Steroids."

"Last I remember I was the Captain of this Show Choir." Hunter said standing up with crossed arms and a look of authority.

"This is illegal." Sebastian said shaking the vial in his hand. "Hunter, we have fourteen year old boys in the Warblers. The hell and I letting you drug them."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"I could report you to the Dean." Sebastian said. "And I got the proof."

Sebastian headed out the door swiftly, but Hunter grabbed him before he could get out of the room. Sebastian struggled and thrashed as Hunter kept him from running. He pulled the lanky teen backwards and tossed him to his bed. He pinned Sebastian to the bed his arms above his head and he pried the vial off his hand.

Sebastian was terrified. He knew his friend had military training, and he knew he was strong. But being pinned down against his will scared him. But he glared at the burly teen who sat on his stomach.

He tried to get Hunter off him but he was a lot heavier than he was.

"You shouldn't have done that." Hunter said.

"Don't." Sebastian said. "You can't just drug them all. I am going to tell them."

"No, you wont." Hunter said confidently. "Unless you want all of Dalton's population to know your little secret, Sebastian Allen."

"How did you...?"

"I did my research." Hunter said he plucked the framed photograph of the Allen family from the bedside cabinet. "I wonder what the Dalton kids would say finding out that the Sebastian Smythe, was not only adopted, but was the kid of a murderer."

"He didn't kill my mom." Sebastian argued struggling more but Hunter had pinned both his arms under his foot.

"Or so you and your brother said, Bartholomew right?"

"Okay, so you tell them." Sebastian said his voice wavering. "You tell them my secret, but that doesn't change the fact that you want to drug fourteen teenagers."

"Oh, that is just to keep you away from the students." Hunter said. "I wonder what the school would do if they find this."

Hunter took out a cassette tape from his pocket, which caused Sebastian's eyes to widen.

"Where did you find that?"

"I have my ways."

"Okay, so what if they find that old tape. I already admitted to it last year. And I served my community service."

"What about your little brother." Hunter said. "I wonder how he is at his school. ECAS right? I wouldn't want something bad to happen to him."

"You wouldn't."

"An eye for an eye, Sebastian." Hunter said. "You tell on me, and your brother pays the price. So are you in."

Sebastian glared at him then looked away. "It doesn't seem like I have a choice."

"Good. Glad you see it my way." Hunter reached for the syringe from his bed.

Sebastian closed his eyes as he felt the syringe pierce through his arm and inject him with some drug.

"All done." Hunter said patting his arm. Sebastian couldn't look his way. "I need you on my side, Sebastian. With your help, we will win this."


After Hunter told/threatened the Warblers, Thad went to confront Sebastian who was quiet while Hunter was speaking. He cornered Sebastian after he finished Lacrosse practice.

"You can't possibly agree with this." Thad demanded. "I know you have this huge crush on him but you can't possibly be stupid enough to let him do this."

"You wouldn't understand, Thad." Sebastian said shouldering his duffle bag.

"What that you are being so stupidly infatuated that you don't see what he wants to do?" Thad said angrily then grabbed Sebastian's arm and started to drag him towards the building.

"What are.."

"WE are going to tell the dean what the hell his scholar is doing."

"We can't." Sebastian said pulling his arm our of Thad's grip.

"Well, if you won't. Then I will." Thad said. "I am very disappointed in you, Sebastian. I knew you were a bit of a jerk, but I know you are smarter than this."

"You can't tell the dean, Thad." Sebastian said grabbing his arm.

"What's wrong with you?" Thad demanded pulling his arm. "Why the hell are you defending him? What has he got over you that you turn into his little puppy? Come on Sebastian. You are a lot stronger than this."

Thad was stomping towards the building.

"He threatened Barry." Sebastian said closing his eyes. Thad stopped in his tracks and looked at his friend who had a helpless look on his face. "He threatened to hurt Barry. Among other things. You can't tell anyone Thad.

"Barry's all the way in Central City." Thad pointed out. "How in the world could he threaten to hurt him all the way from here."

"He has military connections." Sebastian said tears were starting to pool in his eyes. "I already lost so many people in my life, Thad. I can't lose him too. I can't stand him getting hurt. Especially by something I've done."

Thankfully they were away from other student's view. Thad wrapped his arms around Sebastian's as he broke down in fear.

"I can't let anything happen to him, Thad..."

"I know." He said patting his shoulder. "I promise you, we'll figure this out."


Sebastian went back to Dalton after accompanying Barry to the airport. It was Sunday and most of the students were already heading to bed. The halls were empty but since it wasn't curfew yet, Sebastian was going to pick up something he left at the Choir Room.

He was surprised to find the inner door locked.

Someone must have heard his turning of the doorknob because one of the younger Warblers opened the door slightly and peaked through the slit.

"Oh, Hi Sebastian." Dale said opening the door just enough for Sebastian to slip through. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just picking something up." Sebastian said confused by the amount of Warblers in the room. There were three of the newer Warblers in the room. They had pillows and blankets scattered around the floor and the couches. "A better question would be what are you all doing out of your dorms."

Dale motioned me to follow him. He went behind one of the far couches where there was Tyler curled up his arms around his knees. And Jeff was beside him trying to comfort the young Warbler.

"What happened?"

"He's hallucinating." Jeff said. "The drugs are getting into his head."

"This has got to stop." Sebastian murmured. "What Hunter is doing is causing more harm than good."

"How." Jeff asked. "Hunter has something over you. And whoever or whatever that is prevents you from telling the Dean."

Sebastian couldn't look at Jeff.

"He threatened Barry, didn't he?" Jeff asked.

Sebastian just nodded. He looked at Tyler who was shivering in fright in Jeff's arms. An eleven year old Barry's voice echoed in his head. The last words he said before they both went separate ways.

"Make sure you never lose sight of who you are."

And by letting this happen, Sebastian did. But he was going to do the right thing. He was going to make this right.


The Warblers were all forced to go into court. After Trent joined the New Directions to testify in court. Thad insisted that Sebastian testify as well, as the representative of the Warblers who were affected. Since the issue was about drugs, it went beyond the terms of the Show Choir Rules. But also the law.

"We would like to call to the stands, Sebastian Smythe."

Thad squeezed his hand reassuringly before he went to the stands. Hunter grabbed his arm when he passed.

"What are you doing?" he demanded.

"I am done being pushed around by you." Sebastian said after pulling his hand back from his grip. He went to the stands and the prosecutor stepped forward.

"Please state your whole name for the records." He said.

"Sebastian Harold Allen Smythe."

The Warblers all exchanged a look as soon as Sebastian said his whole name.

"What is your relation to the accused?"

"He's my roommate and my co-captain." Sebastian said.

"Mr. Smythe, can you please tell us have you ever seen the substance inside your room or being injected to your fellow team mates."


"Can you please elaborate."

Sebastian sighed and told the prosecutor of what happened that night. He finished his statement and after being cross examined by the defense attorney he went off the stands as the Judge announced a recess.

He exited the courtroom and Hunter grabbed him. He held Sebastian by the collar with a mad look on his face.

"Hello, Sebastian." He greeted. "You really shouldn't have done that."

"I'm done being pushed around by you." Sebastian said pushing Hunter's hands off his collar. "You may have threatened my brother. But the Warblers are my brothers too."

Sebastian glared at his friend. "And if you ever really were my friend. You'd know that I always protect my brothers."

Hunter practically attacked Sebastian. He got about two punches in when Nick, Jon and Jeff got him off Sebastian and Thad pulled Sebastian away from Hunter.

"That is enough." Thad said. Getting in between them. "You've hurt the Warblers for the last time."

"I don't need you guys anyways." Hunter said violently grabbing his arms off the three Warblers. They all huddled behind Sebastian and Thad. And he left the group.

The whole group sighed with relief while Thad looked over Sebastian's injuries.

"I'm fine." Sebastian said.

"So, did you mean what you said?" Nick asked. "About being brothers."

"Yeah." Sebastian said with a big smile. "I haven't really had real friends. I never really had any. I only had my brother. Or in this case, my brothers."

They all hugged and smiled in relief and love.

"So, seeing as Hunter has been kicked out of the Warblers." Nick said. "I nominate Sebastian as our Captain."

"I second." Jeff chimed.

"All in favor?" Thad asked.


"Motion passed." Thad said.

"All we need now is the bang of the gavel to make it official." Sebastian said. "I wonder if the Judge would allow us to borrow his gavel."

They all chuckled as the court was called in again to finish the sentencing. But they all knew that they were going to be all right.

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