The Allen Twins (Glee and Fla...

By AlyceSeafire

111K 2.3K 783

Sebastian and Barry Allen are the twin sons of Henry and Nora Allen. After the incident, they were separated... More

Double the Trouble
The Incident
As The Years Go By... PART 1!
As The Years Go On...PART 2!
As the Years Go By...Part 3!
Brothers and Sisters
The Flash
Huntbastian Part 1
Huntbastian Part 2
Keep Calm, Warble On!
Oh Brother
Long Live Bohemia
Take Me Or Leave Me
Without the Flash...
Change for the Better? Pt 1
Chapter 30: Change for the Good Pt. 2
Chapter 31: Interlude

Secrets Revealed

4.6K 118 33
By AlyceSeafire

Age 19

Since moving to New York, Sebastian and Rachel grew close. Every now and then they talk over the phone.

"So Berry, what's going on at your side."

"Well, Santana's back."

"Really?" Sebastian asked slightly interested with the situation "And what, pray tell, is Sha-Queer-A doing in NYC?"

"Come on, Bas. Be nice." Rachel scolded "She's my friend too."

"Hey, I am pretty sure both her and Gay Face call me some over grown rodent. So I am sure I am allowed to say something back."

"Are you sure you and Barry are brothers?"

"Well since I don't need to look at a mirror to know how I really look without all the snark and bravado. Yes. Why?"

"Because I am almost certain that you and Santana can be related."

"Well, she is sexy enough to pass off as my sibling." Sebastian teased. "So why is she in New York?"

"She's transferring to Columbus. She didn't like Louisville as much as she'd hope."

"Really?" Sebastian said catching his attention. "What kind of classes is she taking?"

"I think she's going to take something like criminology. That's what she said anyways."

"I've got to go." Sebastian said getting on his feet and grabbing his keys and wallet.

"Why?" Rachel asked "I thought you didn't have class today."

"Uh, I just remembered that I was meeting with Barry, today."

"You guys live together." Rachel pointed out.

"I meant we were meeting somewhere outside." Sebastian said "I gotta go, talk to you soon, bitty Berry."

"Bye, Bas." Rachel said with a sigh. There was no stopping Sebastian and his playful name calling. She went out of her room thinking of visiting Santana to see how she's doing on her first day.

She was surprised to see Blaine sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Rach." He greeted

"I didn't know you were home." she admitted

"Class ended early." Blaine said "where are you going?"

"I was thinking of visiting Santana see how her first day back to college is going."

"Cool." Blaine said "I'll come with."


Barry just left his Criminal psychology class when a girl grabbed his arm.

"Hey, Meerkat!" a pretty Latina said "How rude of you not to acknowledge me."

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"You mean you don't remember me?" Santana asked flabbergasted. "Do you seriously want me to go Lima Heights Adjacent on your ass maybe that would shake your memory a bit?"

"I'm sorry, I think you might have the wrong person." Barry said "I've got to go."

"Cut the heart of gold crap, Bitchlet." she said angrily "I know you think you're all that, but Auntie Snixx isn't done with you."

Barry just ignored the ranting teen and started to walk away.

"Don't you dare walk away from me, Twink." she scolded. "I am not done with you."

"But, I am." Barry said mustering up the courage and a bit of snark he learned from Sebastian. He turned and did the most intimidating look he can. "I don't know who you're looking for, or who is this guy you seem to be arguing. But I know it isn't me. And for the record, if he's not interested, calling him names isn't going to work. You just sound desperate."

"Oh, you think... Hell no, you of all people know I'm gay. And unlike you, I am in a happy relationship. So don't think you can go give me relationship advice, you son of a bitch."

Just as Sebastian was about to catch up to the arguing duo. Santana angrily slapped him across the face.

"What the hell!" Barry and Sebastian said simultaneously. Barry was surprised to see Sebastian at Columbus knowing that it was his free day and he likes to spend it at home.

But no one was more caught off guard than Santana.

"What the hell, Twink!"

"I could say the same to you, Sha-Queer-A." Sebastian snapped back getting in front of Barry. "Who the hell do you think you are assaulting my brother."

"I call them as I see them, Andrew McCarty." Santana said with crossed arms "I didn't think that a self-absorbed, son of a bitch such as yourself would have a brother much less a twin. And I am certain, just by being related to you, he is a little bitch as well."

"You don't know me." Sebastian snarled. "So don't you assume that you have the right to talk about me or my brother that way."

"A little defensive there, Sebastian." she teased "Wouldn't want the whole world to hear that you're into incest."

"That would probably happen when your ditzy, airhead of a girlfriend turns into Albert Einstein." Sebastian growled

"Is that how you treat a lady?" Santana said mockingly. "That's probably why your mother gave you up."

"Take that back!" Barry exclaimed

Sebastian was just about to attack the Latina when he felt someone hold him back.

"Let go of me, Barry."

"It's not me."

Sebastian turned and saw Barry at one side glaring at Santana. He turned his head a little more to see a bit of pale blonde hair.

"What is going on?" Nick said standing in between Sebastian and Santana. While Jeff kept Sebastian from killing Santana.

"What do you think it looks like, Duval." Sebastian snarled and pulled one arm from Jeff's hold.

Rachel and Blaine caught up to the group and saw the commotion.

"What's going on here?"

"That's what we're trying to find out." Nick said. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I was talking to Bas and he seemed to leave in a rush. So I came to check on Santana on her first day."

"Wait, you and Whiskers here are buddy buddy now?" Santana demanded. "When did that happen and what did he threaten you with for you to actually befriend this son of a bitch."

"Probably the same thing that you did, to make her believe your some saint." Sebastian growled. Barry went between them.

"Just stop. This is not the time and place." Barry said. "Let's just go home and we'll talk this through like adults."

"You should listen to your double, Twink. He seems a lot smarter than you are."

Sebastian was about to attack her again but thankfully Jeff had a good hold of him.

"And you should just shut up." Barry said. "We can talk about this calmly. Let's just get out of here first."

"We can go to the loft." Rachel said '"I'm sure we can figure it all out after a little chat."

"Our place is nearer." Barry said. "Come on. You guys too. Nick and Jeff right?"

"Yeah, nice to see you again, Barry." Nick said. "I just wish it wasn't for these circumstances."

"Let's get out of here." Blaine said.


The group went back to the Smythe-Allen apartment. The whole time the Warblers kept an eye on Sebastian knowing that he has a tendency to do something stupid when provoked. While Rachel kept Santana busy and was silently explaining to her what was going on.

"So, Berry." Santana said not caring if the others hear. "What is going on?"

Rachel sighed "You know that my dad was an only child and daddy was disowned right?"

"Yeah, the whole Glee club knows your sob story."

"What I didn't know is that Daddy wasn't disowned by his whole family." Rachel said. "Daddy's Uncle, who left him some money when he died, and his cousin didn't really care that he was gay.

"Okay, what's this got to do with the Meerkat."

"Well, daddy's cousin is a fashion designer." Rachel explained. "Who has a husband who is a state's attourney..."

"Wait, so you're saying that Sebastian..."

"Is my cousin." Rachel agreed.

"Then the double ganger?"

"That is not my story to tell Santana." Rachel said looking at Sebastian who was in the middle of Nick and Jeff who were both catching up with the annoyed teen. "That's his."

"I doubt he'd tell me, Berry." Santana said. "As you know me and the Warbler aren't really buddies."

"Sebastian doesn't trust as easily." Rachel said. "And frankly you haven't really given him a reason to trust you."

"And you think a conversation in their home is enough?"

"Well, you guys are too alike to ignore." Rachel said. "If there is anyone who'd understand you better it's him. And I have a feeling it works both ways."

Barry led them towards the fourteenth floor of a very high classed apartment.

"This is where you guys live?" Nick and Jeff asked with raised eyebrows.

"And you guys live just a few blocks down." Sebastian pointed out. "It's not that farfetched. You're place, if I remember correctly, is a lot more high class than this. So Shush."

"So, now that we're here." Santana said making herself comfortable on the sofa. "Explain."

"We're twins." Sebastian and Barry said simply.

"No shit Sherlock."

"What kind of explanation do you want, Lady Quera?" Sebastian demanded. "That I kidnapped some guy who has the same height and body structure as myself and forced him to do plastic surgery?"

"And use him as some kind of fuck toy, because you're just that messed up, yes."

"Santana!" Blaine and Rachel scolded completely flabbergasted at her response just as Barry stopped Seabstian from attacking the Latina Lesbian.

"Seb!" Barry stepped in front of his brother. "Why don't you take Nick and Jeff into the room and catch up. I'll handle this."

"I am not leaving you with that bitch." Sebastian insisted. "She..."

"I'll take care of it." Barry said calmly. He looked to Nick and Jeff who were both by Sebastian's side instantly. They booked their arms around Sebastian's and started talking to him about Warbler business.

"So have you heard from Skylar? I hear the Warblers are pretty good this year."

"Yeah," Nick agreed. "Though I heard that the auditions were annoyingly long. Longer than last time."

As soon as Sebastian was out of the room Barry looked seriously at the three New Direction kids.

"So what do you need to know?"

"Who the hell are you?"

"I am Barry Allen." He said simply. "What is your issue with my brother?"

"He's a pompous, son of a bitch that's what." Santana said. "Do you even know what he was like in high school? You are his brother right? So you should know what kind of asshole he was."

"My brother has done some things that he isn't proud of." Barry said "But he has his reasons. He's grown up."

"That attitude that happened earlier today was being grown up?"

"Well, you weren't much better now were you?" Barry asked. "I don't even know you. But you attacked me. Sebastian and I may share the same parents. But I am not my brother. It was wrong for you to insult our mother like that."

"I call them as I see them."

"You can say all you want about me, or my brother. But you don't say anything about her." Barry said glaring at the Latina. "You don't know what we've been through."

"Oh really?" Santana asked. "What I'm sure your mother was probably some messed up chick that fucked a pair of twins that made you and your little minion."

Barry grabbed her by her upper arms and held her making her look at him in the eye. Santana was surprised by the strength of the obviously more lankier and less muscular twin.

"Barry?" Rachel asked surprised she had known the younger Allen twin and knew that he was less likely to resort to physical violence. His reaction was beyond surprising to her. She was just about to confront him when Blaine held her back. He shook his head. This is something that they have to settle themselves. Barry was ignorant to the pair at the other side of the room.

"You take that back."

"Why would I?" Santana asked her bitch mask faltering. "That's how you and Barry could look that much alike right?"

"Our mother is dead." Barry said darkly looking at her eyes with such sadness and anger that looked a lot scarier than Sebastian's. It even made Santana feel small. "I saw the man kill her in front of me. I saw my dad get arrested for something he didn't do. I watched my brother live a life in solitude just because we couldn't live together anymore. You don't know what me and Sebastian had been through. So don't you dare think that you have the right to assume."

"I..I didnt..."

"That's right. You didn't know." Barry said. "So shut your trap before you do something that you'd regret."

Barry felt someone held his hand that was still around Santana's arm. Sebastian gently pried his brother's hands off Santana's and held his fuming brother close.

"I think you should all go." Sebastian said with authority.


"Come on, Santana." Rachel said leading the guilty Latina out of the apartment. "Call me later okay, Bas."

"Sure." Sebastian said calming down his distraught brother.

They all left the apartment leaving the two brothers to calm down over the day's events.


Age 25

Starling City.

Sebastian was called for a case in Starling City one day. He spent a week in Starling and when he finished the case. He caught up with his old friend from law school Laurel Lance who he was surprised to find out was the assistant DA in Starling.

"So, Sebastian Smythe." She said "How have you been?"

"You know same old same old."

"I haven't seen you since you came here about six months ago." Laurel said. "Six months, a lot can happen."

"Well, my brother woke up from his coma."

"That's great news!" Laurel said. "How's he doing?"

"He's great." Sebastian said. "He's back to work already."

"What? After a nine month coma?"


"What does he do anyways."

"He's a forensic scientist for CCPD."

"Barry Allen?"

"Yeah." Sebastian said surprised. "How do you..."

"He's here in Starling City." Laurel said. "He's friends with Oliver Queen."

"He knows Oli?"

"You know Oli?"

"Yeah." Sebastian said. "The Queens are old family friends...where are you going?"

"We are going to Verdant."

"Why do are we going to Thea's Night club."

"Where else would Oliver Queen be?"


Laurel and I drove to Verdant and was allowed in by the bouncer at the door. We met Thea who was mixing some drinks by the counter.

"Thea Queen."

"Sebastian?" Thea said looking at him surprised and hugged the other man. "What are you doing here?"

"I have a case." Sebastian said. "And I believe you know Laurel."

"Yeah, do you..."

"We went to law school together." Laurel said. "Have you seen your brother."

"He's upstairs." Thea said. "Their...celebrating."

"Ahh." Laurel said understanding while Sebastian was confused. "Come on, Seb."

"Nice seeing you again, Thea." Sebastian said kissing her cheek before being draggged away by Laurel.

"You are always a little charmer, aren't you?"

"She's an old friend." Sebastian said. Laurel brought him upstairs where there were a few tables occupied. They instantly spotted the superhero team.

"Hey." Felicity called as soon as she saw Laurel but shut up when she saw Sebastian. She turned to Barry then back to Sebastian.

"What are you doing here?" Barry asked surprised to see his brother.

"I have a case." Sebastian said. "Better question, what are you doing here?"

"I have a case."

"You have a twin?" Felicity asked. "There's two of you?"

"I believe that's what having a twin is, honey."

"Rude." Felicity commented. "I didn't know have a twin."

"I didn't know you were a twin, Bas."

"Well you do now."

Sebastian and Oliver exchanged a look.

"Sebastian Smythe."

"Oliver Queen."

"It's been a while."

"And who's fault is that. Get back after five years being stranded on a deserted island and no calls, no emails, not even a little how are you to an old friend."

"I could say the same with you." Oliver said with a small smirk. "Some big shot lawyer now and you got married? I didn't even get an invite."

"I'm sorry but I don't have the mailing address to the middle of no where." Sebastian said. "The next time I need to send an invite, I now know where."

The other people around the table were looking at them with wide eyes. And after exchanging a look, they both laughed heartily.

Oliver stood from his seat and gave his old friend a hug.

"It's been a while, ey Bas? "

"Too long, Oli."

"What is going on? " Roy asked "Do you guys know each other."

"The Smythes' are old family friends." Oliver explained as Sebastian and Laurel squeezed into their table. "Seb and I met in one of our parent's galas."

"I think it was the Christmas Gala at the Merlyn Mansion the year we came back from Paris." Sebastian said. "After that, Oli here practically adopted me as a little brother since Thea was just twelve he couldn't exactly talk to her about I quote "pretty girls in sexy outfits"."

"And he failed to tell me that he doesn't... Swing that way."

"So," Sebastian said looking at Barry "Is this a case or a 'case'."

"Its a follow up case." Barry said simply.

"Uh huh." Sebastian said "So how do you guys know each other."

Barry and Oliver exchanged a look.


"At a bar."

Barry and Oliver look at each other after responding simultaneously. Sebastian couldn't help have a small grin like smirk.

"At a bar."

"At work."

Cisco couldn't help laugh at the situation while Caitlin shook her head. Roy and Felicity however were a bit uneasy. What if this stranger learns that Oliver is the Arrow.

"So Sebastian, tell us a bit more about yourself." Felicity said changing the subject. "Well other than the fact that you're a lawywer. And you apparently knew Oliver from a party."

"Yes," Sebastian said. "First of all before anyone asks, I am the older twin."

"You have no idea how many times that question was tossed around when we were younger." Barry said. "They just don't know that Sebastian is probably the best and most protective older brother anyone could ask for."

"Awwww..." Felicity cooed. "I wish I had an older brother..."

"Not really." Roy said. "Most older brothers are jerks."

"Not always." Barry said smiling at Sebastian. "But Bas, does have his moments."

"Don't I know it." Oliver said playfully causing Sebastian to raise an eyebrow at him.

"Like you are any better."

"Oh, please. I am the best."

Just then Thea passed by their table.

"Thea, how was Oliver when you guys were kids."

"Oh, he can be a bit of a jerk." Thea said. Causing Oliver to pout while Sebastian had a smirk. The other occupants at the table laughed at the exchange. "But you know, I wouldn't want to change him for any other."

Thea kissed Oliver at the cheek then went on her way. Sebastian had a smug smile on her face and everyone was still laughing at the embarrased Oliver's expense.

"Fine. I wasn't the best." Oliver said. "But I am still the ..."

"You're still the same Oliver Queen that I talked to when I needed someone so I think that's good enough." Sebastian said with a smile. "Anyways. What else do you want to know."

"What are you doing in Starling anyways?" Cisco asked curious.

"The company I used to work for had some financial and legal problems that were resurfaced after the terrorist attack last year. So they called me to come and help."

Sebastian's phone suddenly started to ring.

"Seriously, Bas?"

"What?" Sebastian asked. "I found the performance online and kept the audio. It's not like my husband doesn't have a nice voice."

"Anyways, I have to go." Sebastian said reading the text. "I'm meeting with my husband at the train station."

"Wait you're headed back to Central. The last train is about to leave in a few minutes." Barry said looking at his watch.

"No, Hunter got some time off and we're going site seeing." Sebastian said. He came closer the middle of the table. And whispered. "I do hope that the Arrow and Flash teams managed to save the day."

Sebastian then gave them all a smirk and left.

"How did he..."

"I don't know." Barry said shaking his head. "Sebastian's...well Sebastian. He has his ways."

"The question is." Roy said. "Can we trust him?"

Barry and Oliver exchanged a knowing look.

"Without a doubt."

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