The Allen Twins (Glee and Fla...

By AlyceSeafire

111K 2.3K 783

Sebastian and Barry Allen are the twin sons of Henry and Nora Allen. After the incident, they were separated... More

Double the Trouble
The Incident
As The Years Go By... PART 1!
As The Years Go On...PART 2!
As the Years Go By...Part 3!
Brothers and Sisters
The Flash
Secrets Revealed
Huntbastian Part 1
Huntbastian Part 2
Keep Calm, Warble On!
Oh Brother
Long Live Bohemia
Take Me Or Leave Me
Without the Flash...
Change for the Better? Pt 1
Chapter 30: Change for the Good Pt. 2
Chapter 31: Interlude


6.1K 118 39
By AlyceSeafire

Barry spent Thanksgiving that year with at the Smythe home, which put a big smile on Sebastian's face.

Sebastian was in the kitchen making dessert before his mama's cousin came, since his mama wanted to make Thanksgiving dinner with her cousin "for old time's sake" she said, it gave Sebastian an excuse to force Barry to help him make dessert.

They were going to make some old recipes from when they were eleven. And knowing how messy they can get, Barry changed his shirt.

Just then Mrs. Smythe's cousin and his family came to the house.

"Barry, come meet our guests." Mrs. Smythe said. "This is my cousin, Hiram, his husband LeRoy, and their daughter Rachel."

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Barry Allen" Barry said with a smile and shook hands with them all. Rachel was startled at first.

"Is something wrong?" Barry asked curious and concerned as he shook hands with Rachel.

"Nothing, you just look like someone I know." Rachel said offhand.

"Okay," Barry said. "Excuse me, I'm going to help Bas with desert before he eats all of the whipped cream."

Barry left the room to help with his brother.

"Bas, your cousins are here." Barry said but was greeted with icing to the face and Sebastian had a spoon in his hand guiltily. But he couldn't help laugh.

"I am so going to get you for that." Barry chased Sebastian around the counter. Sebastian ran out of the room, with Barry at his tail who had a can of whipped cream.

"Get back here!"

Sebastian managed to run up one set of stairs and ran back down the other set of stairs with Barry on his tail. He managed to get a few feet ahead he looked back and teased.

"I didn't do it," Sebastian teased. With a little dance which was enough time for Barry to tackle his brother to the floor.

"You had it coming." Barry said sitting on top of his brother and created a white beard and mustache around his chin. They were both laughing like crazy, until someone coughed. They both looked up and saw the adults and Rachel who had a flabbergasted look on her face. The twins had a deer in headlights look on their faces.

"What are you boys doing?"

Both boys looked at each other then back at the adults. "Nothing."

Barry got off Sebastian who greeted his uncles with a big smile.

"It's nice meeting you again, Uncle Hiram, Uncle LeRoy." Sebastian said coming over to hug his uncles after wiping the cream off his face.

"Sebastian?" Rachel demanded. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here." Sebastian said with a big smile in his face. There was no better free time than messing with the New Direction kids. "Now, give your cousin a hug."

Sebastian hugged Rachel who froze at the brief greeting.

Rachel then slapped him across the cheek.

"Rachel!" LeRoy scolded affronted.

Sebastian just rubbed his cheek. "I guess I deserve that."

"Now are you going to give me a direct answer?"

"I think we deserve one as well." Rachel and Sebastian looked at the parental who were looking at them confused and in Rachel's dads case affronted.

"It's a long story." Sebastian said. "Let me just finish dessert first, come one Barry."

Sebastian dragged Barry back into the kitchen while his parents brought the Berrys to the family room.

"So are you going to tell me, what's going on?" Barry asked.

"It's complicated."

"Try me."

Sebastian sighed at Barry's determined look. "Rachel is from a rival glee club."

"Okay, but what's with the animosity, your rivals. But she was looking at you with so much hate."

"I may or may not have blackmailed her to try to forfeit when we were in competition." Sebastian murmured. "And hit and nearly blinded her best friend's boyfriend."

"Sebastian!" Barry scolded. Which caused Sebastian to wince. "Why would you do that."

"I may have taken the whole be a normal care free teenager to a different extent." Sebastian said "I apologized. And destroyed the pictures."

"Did you apologize to Rachel?"


Barry groaned and they finished the dessert. After Sebastian placed the dessert into the fridge, Barry took Sebastian's arms and dragged him to the family room.

"What are we...."

"You are going to explain to them everything you just told me and apologize to Rachel."


"No arguments."

Sebastian couldn't help pout as Barry dragged him. Barry brought him to the family room which caught everyone's attention and he all but threw Sebastian in front of Rachel.

Sebastian looked at Barry with pleading eyes while he stood firm. The adults couldn't help be amused at how Sebastian looked. He looked like a reprimanded child. And all it took was words from his younger brother.

"I'm sorry, Rachel." Sebastian said softly

"For?" Barry prompted.

Sebastian looked back at Barry. "Seriously?"

"For?" Barry repeated with a stern look which was rare on the younger twin. Sebastian groaned.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused last year." Sebastian said.


"And for the pictures." Sebastian added. "I honestly didn't mean it. I was being stupid and I'm sorry."

"It's alright." Rachel said. "You apologized last year, and destroyed the pictures...They are destroyed right?"

"Yes," Sebastian promised. "I swear, they are all gone."

"Good." Rachel said.

"So now that everything is hopefully cleared up," Mrs. Smythe said. "Did you clean up the kitchen."

"I think." Sebastian said with a cheeky grin then ran towards the kitchen with Barry at his tail.

"Sebastian Harold Allen Smythe, that kitchen better be spotless in ten minutes."

"Okay, mama!"

"I'm going to see if they need any help."

"No need, Rachel. Those two made the mess, I am sure they can clean it up." Mrs. Smythe said.

"It's okay, Aunt Jen." Rachel said. "I just have a few questions for Sebastian."

"If it's about Barry, I'm not sure if he'd tell you." Mr. Smythe chimed. "They've been telling people the same excuse for the past six years."

Rachel was still stubborn and left the room. Hiram looked at his cousin.

"She'll figure it out." Hiram said.

Rachel walked right into the kitchen were the counter was a big mess. Sebastian was collecting the bowls and utensils and returned the mixer to the box while Barry was wiping the counters.

"What a big mess."

"That's what happens when you haven't seen your brother for two years and was suddenly thrown into baking duty." Barry said with a smile. "And the fact that we haven't really had this much fun in a while."

"Hey we had fun last Christmas when I was there."

"Yeah, when you weren't being such a slave driver during rehearsals."

"Hey you won." Sebastian said "So what can we do for you Ms. Berry."

"What are you two anyways?" Rachel said. "Obviously your brothers, but why is Barry your parent's godson. But you guys are twins."

"It's complicated."

"Try me."

"Would you believe me if I said that our mom was killed by a man in red and yellow lightning?" Barry said.

"And our father was taken away by the cops right in front of us when it was impossible for him to kill our mom? Sebastian continued.

"That he is now sitting in a high security prison serving a life sentence."

"And we were separated when we were eleven years old." Sebastian said "And that we met each other every few years for about two weeks at most."

Rachel gapped at how offhandedly they managed told the story.

"That's terrible." she said affronted.

"That's life." Sebastian said then smirked. "Why do you think I'm such an ass? Sometimes life doesn't give you lemons, so you have to toughen up and get through it."

"It's just so unnerving how alike you guys look."

"That's what you get with identical twins, honey." Sebastian said with a smirk which caused Barry to flick him with the towel. "What?"

"Be nice." Barry scolded. "She was just asking."

"Well, it's obvious." Sebastian complained. "I mean come on, we're almost the exact same height, same build we even share the same face. The only difference is that I have the mole at the side of my neck."

Barry rolled his eyes and washed the rag he was using to wipe the chocolate off the counter.

"Do you go to Dalton, too?" Rachel asked Barry. "And why aren't you with the Warblers."

Sebastian chuckled. While Barry hit him at the back of his head.

"I go to ECAS." Barry said. "I got a scholarship back when I was thirteen."

"And he can't dance to save his life." Sebastian said finishing up with the clean up. "His singing is bearable. But he can't dance."

"Hey, I managed to put up with your choreography."

"Of course you did, Lipschitz." Sebastian teased.

"You know Broadway?" Rachel asked surprised.

"I had to do something when my mom was done with my homework." Sebastian said. "Home school can be a bit boring."

"Don't let him fool you." Barry said. "He can probably choreograph for just about any musical."

"Hush you." Sebastian scolded.

"Really?" Rachel asked clearly interested. "Are you thinking of applying for NYADA?"

"I haven't thought of where I'm going to college. But I've had my heart set on a program." Sebastian said. "Prelaw."

"What?" Rachel asked. "Why? I saw the Warblers at Sectionals. You guys were really good. The choreography clearly improved from the Warbler two step."

"Good to know you approve." Sebastian said. "But I've already made up my mind. Singing and dancing, that's a hobby. Choreographing is something I do for fun. But I have my heart set on becoming a prosecutor."

"Do you have a video?" she asked. "Of what you did at Barry's school."

"I'm sure my Aunt Jen has it somewhere." Barry said. "If not I'm sure I can ask Iris."

"While you're at it tell her something for me."


"That Barry Allen said I love you."

"Real funny." Barry said as he left to look for the video.

"I know." Sebastian said with a big smile. Unknowing that Barry left on purpose to leave Rachel and Sebastian to solve their issues. "Hi."

"Hello." Rachel said. "So a twin."


"Does it become a bit weird? I mean you're out here and he's back in his school hundreds of miles away." Rachel asked. "And does he know..."

"He knows I'm gay." Sebastian said. "He's the first one who knows. He's my brother. I tell him everything. When most of my friends left when our family was broke apart. I know I have him no matter what. And that's enough for me. He's my little brother. I'd do anything for him."

"Does anyone else know?"

"Berry, I don't have friends." Sebastian said offhandedly. "Only acquaintances and family. I don't tell anyone anything. The Warblers only knew about Barry yesterday. Teenagers are cruel, Adults can be worse. I've already been burned. I'm not going to put my hand in the fire again. I have Barry and my foster parents. That's enough for me."

"What about Barry's friends?"

Sebastian sighed and looked at Rachel seriously. "Imagine meeting me the first time. You don't know me, I don't know you. We're getting to know each other. You find out that my mother is dead, my father is in prison. Would you have stayed?"


"Out of pity." Sebastian said. "Berry, before my mom died, I was like Blaine was at Dalton. I was well known. I was admired for my talent. I had a lot of friends. But after the incident only one stayed by my side. Barry experienced it as well. But Barry had his best friend Iris. The girl I called my best friend was only a friend who I grew close to. My best friend was always my brother. I don't trust people. Not as much as I should."

"Then why trust me?"

"Because you'd pester me for an answer either way."

Rachel glared at Sebastian, he chuckled but his expression mellowed and he looked at her with a genuine smile.

"Because no matter how messed up my life is. Hiram and LeRoy had been like another pair of parents to me. So that makes you family."

~()~ First year of college

New York City

Blaine and Kurt were relaxing on the couch in the loft. Blaine had his head on Kurt's lap with an open book on his.

"So guys, what do you think?" Rachel asked giving them a twirl. She was wearing sky blue halter top with a white slacks and a black cardigan.

"Nice." Blaine commented. "Where are you going?"

"Well, my cousin wants to get together. And he wants to experience a Broadway show in NYC. And he invited me to come with after dinner with his mom's godson."

"Where's dinner?" Kurt asked.

"I'm not sure, he just said to dress nicely."

"If that's the case." Kurt said looking over her attire. "Change to the black pencil skirt and bring your white cardigan instead."

"Thanks Kurt." The door bell rang and Rachel went to get the door.

Barry stood at the other side in a white collared shirt under a red v-neck sweater, a green bow tie and black slacks.

"Hey Barry." Rachel greeted.

"How'd you know it was me?"

"Bas wouldn't go anywhere in a sweater." Rachel whispered with a smile. "Come on in."

"What are you doing here?" Kurt demanded.

"You know him?" Blaine asked after a good look over Barry.

"Do I know you?" Barry asked clearly confused.

"I can't believe you'd forget the Meerkat." Kurt said surprised. "I recognize him anywhere..."

"That's not Sebastian." Blaine said. "He wouldn't go anywhere in a sweater. The resemblance is uncanny though."

"And how do you know that?"

"Trent told me when they were debating on changing their style for Regional's." Blaine said. "Sebastian wouldn't want to be caught dead in a red sweater outside of the dorm. He said it makes him look festive."

"Guys, this is my aunt's godson, Barry Allen." Rachel said. "Barry, this is Blaine and Kurt."

"Nice to meet you." Barry said shaking their hands.

"Just wait here, I'm going to change make yourself at home." Rachel said. "Where are we meeting with..."

"He said he'd be here in a few minutes." Barry said. "He got caught up in the subway. He missed the train."

"I thought you were the one who was always late."

"It's not me this time." Barry said with a smile.

"So how do you and Rachel know each other?" Kurt asked. "And how come I have never met you before."

"I just started college this year, so I haven't been in New York long. We met through my Aunt Jen." Barry said. "I was spending Thanksgiving with them that year."

"Why weren't you at home?" Blaine asked curious. "It was Thanksgiving, my parents wouldn't even let me out- of the house unless it was truly necessary like school. They said Thanksgiving is about family. As does most families now that I think about it."

Barry gave a forced smile. "I'd rather not talk about it."

Rachel returned to the living room where Barry was having a conversation with Kurt and Blaine. "Better?"

"Much." Kurt commented.

"So what I don't get is how you have a cousin." Blaine said. "I thought LeRoy was an only child and Hiram was disowned."

"He was." Rachel said. "Except for an uncle and a cousin. Aunt Jen was very open with my dad being gay. My cousin's gay too actually."

"Oh yeah." Barry agreed. "He was so worried about his parents finding out and might disown him. And leave him in the streets or something."

"I never knew that." Rachel said.

Barry smiled. "You don't know him like I do."

"What's your cousin like?"

"He's confident, I guess you can say that." Rachel said. "I'm still getting to know him."

"He can be a bit defensive." Barry said. "So don't take anything he says to heart. He's been hurt quite a bit so he doesn't always give the benefit of doubt."

"I doubt he could be that bad." Kurt said. "But I want to meet this cousin of yours."

"I don't think you would." Rachel said

"Come on Rach, I'm your best friend. And I never knew you had other family. How bad can he be?"

The door bell rang. And Kurt quickly went to get the door, Rachel went after him. But Kurt already opened the door.

He was shocked to find Sebastian at the door.

"Hey, Kurt." He said with a big smile. He looked at what he was wearing. He raised an eyebrow. "I didn't think you wore sweatpants, I mean it's like the middle of the day."

"What are you doing here?" he demanded.

"I'm here for Rachel." Sebastian said slipping into the room. "Hey Blue Berry."

"Bas." Rachel said with a frown.

"What? You're Rachel Berry. And you're in blue."

"You're in a good mood." Barry commented. "You passed that Logic test?"

"Hell yeah." Sebastian said with a big smile. "Not only passed, I aced it!"

"Rachel, you owe us an explanation." Kurt said crossing his arms.

"You too, Seb." Blaine said. "I didn't know you had a twin."

"No one knew until senior year." Sebastian said. "I didn't think it was a requirement to tell everyone you know about your family life. Besides I don't ask you about Cooper, I figured it out myself."

"I only found out about Bas last year." Rachel said. "And I was sworn to secrecy."

"And I thought I was your best friend." Kurt said sadly. "We used to tell each other everything. Or at least you could've told me that you were related to the Meerkat. What you guys are like best friends now?"

"It's not like that Kurt..."

"I told her not to tell." Sebastian said. "Just lay off her."

"What could be so bad to be sworn to secrecy?" Blaine asked. "I don't think it'd be that bad."

"Say that to me when you see your mother killed in front of you and your family was torn apart. Leaving the one person you promised yourself you'd keep from harm." Sebastian said emotionlessly.

"Bas." Barry said waving his hand over his brother's face that had the same emotionless but sad expression. "I'm fine. Okay, snap out of it."

"So, are we going to dinner?" Sebastian said with a smile. Like it didn't happen. "We have to catch our reservation in about thirty minutes."


"This is nice." Rachel said her arm latched around Sebastian's as they left the Theater. "It's been a while since I went to actually watch Theater instead of acting in one."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."

"I still can't believe you convinced me to stay in NYADA instead of doing Funny Girl full time." Rachel said. "And the TV series."

"First, the script wasn't as good as they said it was." Sebastian said. "I'm being frank here when I say that. And you know I say it with the best intentions. Besides the contract that they sent you had a really big flaw. They were given right to change the script."

"And what's wrong with that?"

"If they liked your script as much as they had said they did, why would they change it." Sebastian pointed out. "Removing parts is not the same as changing the script. Besides, weren't you the one who went into all that trouble to get into NYADA. Why would you leave that on a maybe."

"What's life without taking any risks?"

"I get that." Sebastian said. "But remember, I went into most of the adapting after my family disaster, if there's one thing I learned, it's that every action has it's consequences. Always think before you act."

"Then how did that not help you back in high school?"

"Hey, I think we've established that I am an idiot in science." Sebastian said. "What I understood is that the rock salt should keep the slushie from melting. Not cause cornial damage."

"And the photos?"

"Not everyone is going to believe a he said she said from teenagers," Sebastian said. "I know, I've experienced it."

There was a pause then Rachel confronted Seabstian.

"You should tell Kurt and Blaine." Rachel said. "They deserve to know."

"Why?" Sebastian said. "It's not like I'm related to them. And I don't have to talk to them unless I have to. Which is rare since they are in NYADA."

"At least tell Blaine." She said. "He's your friend. Isn't he?"

"They wouldn't understand, Rachel."

"You might be surprised." She said. "Kurt has experienced the same thing with bullies as Barry. Heck Blaine was beat up to a pulp just for being gay. They both know what it's like to be afraid of getting hurt by those you think could be trusted."

"I don't know." Sebastian said. "After my mom died and my dad went to prison, I went to my mama and papa and we traveled for years. I never went to school until Dalton. I didn't have friends outside of those that remained after I left Central City. I'm not as easily trusting as Barry. I'm not confident with my judge of character."

"Maybe it's time to take that risk." Rachel said. "It's time to stop running, and learn to live."

~()~ Age 25

Central City

Sebastian and his husband were both lying shirtless on the bed.

It was their stay at home day. Sebastian was curled on his husband's side, who had an arm around his shoulders as they watched endless movies.

His husband looked down at the bronze haired boy who was curled up beside him. He couldn't help think how he was so blind. Sebastian looked up and saw him looking.



"Seriously what?" Sebastian asked getting on top of him. "You can tell me."

"I wonder how I could I have been so blind." he said. "And how you ever forgave me?"

"Someone close to me gave told me. That I need to take risks and learn to live." Sebastian said. "and took that risk. I took the risk of letting someone in. And you know what?"


Sebastian looked deeply into his eyes he gave him a kiss on the lips. "I'm glad I did."

"I love you, Bas."

"I love you, too"

:D Long chapter.

Okay please review :D

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