
By blaankdrarry

388K 10.1K 14.8K


Mended Together
Quidditch Accident
The First Time
Room Together
Four Times
Like A Pair Of Leather Trousers
Like A Pair Of Leather Trousers Part Two
Most Things Are Never Left Unsaid
The Freshest Air
The Bride Whore
The Mirror Of Erised
The Warmth Of You And Youth
Silken Moonlight and Midnight Hair
The Kitten Prince Of Slytherin
Like Tears In Rain, You'll Have My Sympathy
Dorkus Maximus
Double Tall Extra Hot Draco Malfoy With Whip, Please
Completely Abnormal
A Szerelem Labirintusa
A Szerelem Labirintusa
Of Love And Hate
Merciless Love

The Surprises Of Life

5.5K 161 194
By blaankdrarry

A/N: Alrighty guys, here is another one shot. This one was requested by the lovely -Voidpsychodoll who requested a one shot with Harry and Draco in a relationship and one of them ends up pregnant. The daughter  Cedric who is son of Neville and Blaise.

I just want to apologize greatly for the long wait. You requested this back in November and I had finished before the holidays began but I never had the time of day to actually post for reasons. So I'm so sorry for the long wait, I tried to put everything you wanted in the one shot, but it was a bit difficult.

This has Mpreg so please no hate comments about it. I really hope you guys like it. I might even make it a book but we'll see.


The Surprises Of Life


Feburary 1999

Harry is pacing the hospital lobby, his legs carrying him from one side of the room to the other side of the room. Half of the room is filled with the Weasleys, who are also trying to remain calm as they hear the only girl in the family scream at the top of her lungs.

It feels like hours have passed by, but really it must be less than half an hour. Harry can't stop worrying over Ginny, who is inside giving birth to his child -his fucking child. His mind still can't wrap around the idea that he is having his child at the age of eighteen.

Harry isn't exactly sure when he had sex with Ginny, he thinks it must have been right after the war ended because after sleeping for long hours, Harry woke up to music and cheers and everyone congragulating him.

He remembers drinking a lot of Firewhiskey because he wanted to forget everything and just ignore everyone in general.

He must have been a bit too drunk because the next morning he wakes up naked and a note from Ginny that says, It was amazing.

At that time, Harry had no fucking clue what amazing meant and he had shrugged it off, but then Ginny anounces to the Weasley family on Harry's brithday party that she is pregant -and with Harry's fucking child at that!- and that she wants to marry Harry.

Harry, of course fucking panics, because when the hell did he have sex with Ginny? The last time he checked his wet dreams and his new found person to wank off to was Draco Malfoy and that has got to mean something right?

But, Harry is a gentleman and he accepts the child and helps Ginny with the pregnancy. Although he doesn't marry her, he can't because he isn't in love with her. Ginny, though, is a stubborn brat who doesn't know what the word no means and she keeps bothering him about it.

And now, seven months later, Harry is at St. Mungos waiting with much impatience for the Healer to come out and just get it over with and say that Harry is a father. Harry sits down on the plastic chair, but stands up immediatley when he sees the Healer come towards him.

"Is everything alright?"
The healer gives Harry a soft look and smiles, "Why don't you take a look yourself?"

Harry's green eyes widen and he follows the healer into the room that holds Ginny and his son. Holy fuck, he's a fucking dad!

Harry can't believe it, he's always wanted a family and even if he had imagined it with someone else (blonde hair with grey eyes husband) he is still estatic that he's going to be a father.

Ginny lays on the bed, her red hair pulled into a messy bun and sweat all over her face, but Harry doesn't pay any attention to her. He's so focused on the baby that rests on the healers arms. The healer passes the baby to Harry and Harry cradles him into his arms. 

His son has a messy blop of hair and has the same long and narrow nose as him, the same small and pointy ears that he has. And when the baby opens his eyes he has the exact same shade of eyes color as Harry, a deep green with golden flecks.

Harry is tempted to marry Ginny in that one second, but Harry refuses to live a lie and even though he wants his son to live in a loving family, Harry isn't capable of sacrificing his happiness.

He knows it selfish, but he's given too much to life and he thinks he deserves it.

Beside, Harry has a feeling that his son will be very much loved with him as his father.


April 2014 - Easter Break

"Mum, Dad, I-I'm gay."

Albus waits for his parents reaction. The room is tensed and Albus feels like suffocating, he forces himself to relax and to breath in and breath out. His dad is the one to respond first.

"I'm proud of you Al, you know that I'll suppo-"

Harry is cut off by Ginny, "Gay! My son, my only fucking son is gay! Oh my, you turned out to be just like your fucking father right? You're going to go around and suck everyones dick now, just like your fuucking father!"

Harry is shocked with the sudden outburst, he knew that Ginny held a grudge on him for being gay, but he never expected her to lash out like that to their son.

Harry turns to look at his son and his heart breaks when he see's his dear Alby crying and running to his room.

Ginny is still barking things at the boy and Harry feels rage fill him. How dare she say such things to Alby, and who the bloody hell does she think she is saying that Harry sleeps with random people!

He's still a virgin in the area of sex back there, the most sexual he's gone is blowjobs and a few rutting like dogs. She's always off clubbing to who knows where and doesn't come back until the next day.

"Ginevra Weasley! How dare you say such rude things to your son!"

"How dare he become as sick as you, Potter!"

It's like this for hours, the two throwing insults at each other until Ginny gets tired and runs to her bedroom and packs her things and leaves.

Harry doesn't really care, all he's worried about is his son Albus who is probably still crying in his bedroom.

"Alby, can I come in?" Harry knocks softly and waits for his son to open the door. Harry's heart threatens to brust with ache when he see's the dishevled state his son is in.

His usual tamed black hair is a mess and his eyes are red. Fat tears roll down his cheeks and he sobbing so hard he is shaking his slim frame. 

Harry hugs him and takes the two of them to Al's bed. "Shhh, Al, shhhh. It's alright son, I'm proud of you for doing that."
Albus stops his sobbing and wipes the tears and snot from his face. He feels a lot better now that his dad is with him and telling him that it's all okay now. 

"Did she leave?" Albus asks his father. 

Harry nods his head and he feels his son sigh, they don't talk and Harry only leaves the room when he feels Al fall asleep.

Harry runs a hand through his messy hair and he feels like he needs a drink. He enters his study, walking over to the small desk that holds a bottle of wine and ice.

But, he's interrupted by the sound of the floo. Harry hears the voice of someone calling his name and even though it's been a shitty day the sound of his friend, Neville calling him lifts Harry's spirits up.

"Harry mate, you okay? You look pretty bad, everything alright there with you?" Nevilles concern face warms Harry's heart and he sticks his head inside of the fireplace.

He can hear the sound of Zabini's voice ranting at Nev and telling him to go and help him.

Harry sighs and shakes his head, "Ginny left us."

Harry can hear the silence on the other end and Nevilles face is one of shock and surprised. "She left you? Why would Gin do something like that?"

"Al came out to us today and she didn't take it well." Harry doesn't elaborate because he really doesn't want to relive that experience again. 

"Ahh, mate I'm sorry to hear that. Do you need me to come over and talk ov-"

Harry stops Neville, he knows his friend means good, but Harry's tired and he wants to sleep it off.

"Nah, thanks Nev though. I appreciate the tought, but I just want to sleep it off."

Neville nods his head in understanding and bids his goodbyes to Harry. Harry shakes his head and closes his eyes.

He can't still believe that after fifteen years with Ginny, she'd take off just because her son is gay.

It's been a long day and Harry really only wants sleep.


July 2014

Diagon Alley is full of people today. Harry pushes some of them away and walks over to the small cafe that sits at the corner. Albus is at Ron's house playing quidditch and Harry wanted to go out to Diagon to get a present for Nevilles and Zabini's upcoming anniversary.

 Harry speed walked to the cafe, not fancing getting caught by Rita Skeeter or any of the annoying reporters who were always looking for something about him. When Harry entered the cafe it wasn't busy, in fact there were only three people sitting around the tables.

His eyebrows raised when he saw Draco Malfoy sitting on one of the tables that hid at the far end of the cafe. Malfoy hadn't spotted Harry yet and after ordering a coffee, Merlin knows why, Harry sat right in front of the chair that sat on Malfoy's other side.

"Mind if I sit?" Harry didn't wait for the respond, sitting his arse down and drinking his coffee.
Malfoy didn't say anything, his grey eyes widening in surprise before his face went back to that indifferent mask he always seem to held with ease.

Harry has always envied that mask, he wishes he could be able to hide his emotions so easily like that. Instead when he's angry he seems to relate to an angry lion about to eat his pray or when he's happy he jumps and plays like a small kitten. It annoys him.

"Potter." Malfoy's voice is as rich as Harry remembers from their young days at Hogwarts.

The years have been kind to Malfoy, his pale blonde hair shimmering in the late afternoon sun that lights through the windows. There are barely any wrinkles surrounding his face, his cheekbones allure Harry and his grey eyes seem to melt his insides. His pink lips beg for Harry's own to touch them.

"Malfoy." Harry smiles at Malfoy because he knows from personal experience that the only way to get to Malfoy is if your nice, Malfoy doesn't know how to handle nice.

Harry wishes he knew this back when he was still at Hogwarts, maybe everything would have been easier, but than again Harry never expected to be nice to Malfoy.

Again Malfoy's face morphs into confusement, but he hides it well. Not too well because Harry can see it, but enough to indicate that he's wondering why in the fuck Harry would want to talk to him.

Harry for the life of him doesn't know why he asks, all he knows is that he's been waiting years to say it. "Want to join me on a date tomorrow?" 

Harry would have laughed at the face Malfoy made after he asked the question. In all honesty it was quite adorable, Malfoy currently resembled a kitten who had been asked if it wanted milk, his grey orbs wide and a pink blush decored over his pale cheeks.

"A ... date? As in ... a date." Malfoy stumbles over his words and Harry chuckles this time. 

"Yes Draco," Harry makes sure to emphasize Draco's name, "Would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?"

Harry again doesn't wait for a response, he gets up from his chair and pushes the seat back in. "Great, I'll owl you the reservation and the time later today." Harry waves Malfoy good bye and when he reaches the outside he realizes that he's shaking with nerves.

Of course he is! He just asked his Hogwarts rival who he's had some kind of infatutation with for years out on a date. Who wouldn't be shaking after doing such things.

What have I gotten myself into?


December 2014

When Harry asked out Draco during the summer he really didn't expect any of what happened. 

No, really, like he probably expected a one night stand or like a relationship with the gorgeous man most likely, but not what happened. Harry didn't even know it was possible for any thing like that to happen.
Harry didn't expect to be pregnant with a child or fucking twins. 

Twins that were made after having wild, kinky sex with Draco, his boyfriend of five months. How the bloody hell is it even possible for a man to end up pregnant, is he going to end up with one of those ... things where baby's come out. Where will it come out from?

"-calm down dad." Albus hand is resting on his own sweaty palm.

Calm down? How is he supposed to calm down when he just realized that he's pregnant and with Draco Malfoy's child nonetheless who Harry doesn't even know if he wants one.

"Breathe in dad, come on. It's okay, I bet Dray will be estatic that he'll be a father and with twins!" Albus voice is laced with aww and excitement.

Harry should be feeling that, but all he feels is panic because he doesn't know how any of this pregnant shit works!

Why do women agree to this?

"Dad, look at me." Albus voice breaks Harry's panic indused thoughts, "It's going to be fine. Don't worry about it. Just tell Dray when he comes home from his work tonight and you'll see that your panic was for nothing."

Harry nods and he hopes that Draco will be happy about it because Harry doesn't know what he'll do if Draco won't help.


They're making out in bed, after dinner with Scorpius and Albus who Harry suspects there is some kind of romance there, Draco had dragged his body up to the room they shared. Draco had been about to throw Harry's jeans off when Harry spits it out.

"I'm pregnant with twins!"

The room is silent, Harry's eyes are closed and he holds his breath because he's terrified about Draco's response.


Harry opens one green eye, "I'm pregnant with-"

"I heard what you said Harry. I'm just ... surprised I guess." Draco shrugs and Harry's staring at him with an open jaw.

"Surprise, you guess? I almost fucking died when they told me and you're fucking surprised, you guess."

Draco sighs and grabs a hold of Harry's tan hand, bringing him closer so he can hold him. He knows how much Harry adores the fact that he can tuck his head underneath his chin.

"I mean, I knew wizards could produce a child, but it's not common for it to happen. But, of course being you, Harry Potter, you were able to make that happen."

Pale hands hold Harry's warm face and Draco places a soft kiss on his lips, "I'm shocked and maybe this is going to fast, but I've been waiting years to be with you so if you think that I'm going to let you go now that I'm going to be a father and with you than you'll have to try to get rid of me harder Potter."

Harry smiles and kisses Draco hard.


August 2015

Harry holds the little girl that is surronded in a pink blanket. Draco holds their other son while Scorpius and Albus (who are in a relationship the sneaky bastards) coo at the newborns.

It had been one of the worst and painful nine months for Harry. He hereby swears never to bear children, if Draco wants more than he'll give birth, but Harry is not going through that again. Harry had made that very clear when he almost broke Draco's hand during labor.

"What's going to be their names Da?" Harry smiles when he hears Scorpius call him by that title, the boy looks so much like his own father, but he's so much more kind. A light of curiosity shining in his silver eyes.

"Destiny Lillith Malfoy Potter." Draco nods at he name, his blonde hair bouncing lightly. "And this child here will be named Orion Abarax Malfoy Potter."

Destiny still has the red wrinkly skin that all newborns have after labor, but she hold a mop of strawberry blonde curls in her head and deep blue-gray eyes. She'll be a beautiful young lady when she's older. 

Orion, on the other hand, has brown hair with blonde streaks and hazels eyes. Small freckles dotting his nose and chin. He has the pointy chin of a Malfoy, but the button nose of the Potters. 

"Oi mate! How'd your kids end up good looking when they're coming from you?" Harry glares at Ron and smiles when he hears an "Ow! Mione."


Nineteen Years Later

The wedding is simple.

Fairy lights decor the trees and small lanters float above the night sky. Harry smiles softly when he see's his husband, Draco, dancing around the yard with their daughter Destiny who is laughing and smiling brightly.
Destiny's husband, Cedric is talking with Ron and Orion.

Harry feels a tug on his leg and he looks down to see his grandson and son looking up at him.

"Dad, me and Rolen want to climb up the tree and take a picture, but we're too small so we want you to help us get up there." Allan sounds and acts just like his father Draco and poor Rolen just nods along looking lost.

Harry turns to see Neville walking over to him, "Allan, I heard that your brother was looking for you so that you could go up the tree." 

Allan doesn't even wait for Nev to finish, instead grabbing Rolen's hand and running over to Albus and Scorpius who are holding their newborn son.

"They grow up fast don't they Har." Neville is looking at Destiny and Cedric, his son, the newlyweds. They really do grow up fast, one day they're in pampers and the next they're getting married.

"Beautiful isn't she?" Draco's hands wrap around Harry's waste and Nev smirks when he see's them. He walks away towards Blaise and Harry is left with Draco's head resting on his shoulder.

"Yes she is." 

They don't say anything more, watching their children laugh with the guest and dance around. Fireworks explode up in the sky and Harry can hear the cheers of the people.

"I love you." Draco whispers and Harry turns to kiss him.

"Me too."

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