The Freshest Air

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AO3: Androids_in_Metropolis

Some boys grow up with nothing. Some have everything thrown at them. Some are just born with everything-Some don't even know it.

Draco Malfoy was part of the latter group; The group born with everything, to be clear, and he was very, very aware of the fact that he had everything. At first it made him blush, the thought that he had so much but he hadn't had to work for it, not had his father. He was aware of his privilege from a very young age, even going so far as to ask his father about the fact that their were thousands upon thousands of people less fortunate than they were (as his father made it a point to mention the fact as often as possible); That night was the night he felt the true fury of his father's temper.

'Take what you have been given, and don't mind those who don't have what you have.'

After that night the young Malfoy tried not to think about the difference in status between himself and many other wizards, and muggles alike. He quickly learnt his father's opinions on muggles and mudbloods (a word Draco found hard to say. It felt dirty in his mouth); He was better than them. Every time he chanted those words to himself he shook inside, not believing either himself or his father, sitting beside him and stroking his forehead.

"My Son is better than those filthy, disgusting mudbloods. Filthy, disgusting...non-magic people; The revolting squibs of the world!" Lucius purred, petting back his son's strikingly blond hair, extenuating his widows peak. Draco would shy away from the man, only he knew the sharp slap of his father's hand against his cheek at his insubordination. Draco didn't dare to state his own, small opinion. Didn't dare to shy away from the older man's grip.

The young boy was relieved when his letter came; Signed from the headmaster, and delivered via the usual owl. His father's approving gaze brought a flush to his pale cheeks; He was always trying to win his father's opinion despite how wrong it felt.

Draco saw Hogwarts as an escape; An escape from status, and an escape from the rigid social norms of the upper class, pure blood wizarding world he had been born into. He was only 11, but already acutely aware of socio economic status and race wars. He was already stuck in between a fight he hadn't asked for; His father, and his rich cronies and the rest of the magic and non-magic world.

The air aboard the stuffy Hogwarts train seemed to Draco to be the freshest air he'd ever breathed. It was a new beginning; Freedom, individuality, and equality. It was only a vague idea in the back of his young mind, but it was there...slowly growing into something greater...something more rebellious than simply breathing new air.

Draco was shocked and disappointed to find out that there was already a role set out for him at Hogwarts; Slytherin, his Father's friends sons' as his own friends, and a whole set of new norms to conform to. A whole new world of pain.

His new 'friends' were automatic; Assuming they would be together just based on last time. His new friends and head of house were exactly like his father, though if possible, their conviction was even stronger than his own father's.

The brief feeling of freedom he had felt upon boarding the Hogwarts Express was squelched inside him when his hand offered in friendship to one less fortunate than himself (none other than the boy who lived, and one of the younger Weasley boys) was turned down in poor taste and haste.

The night turned into the blond's safe place; A place to hide away from all the expectations thrust upon him by by his house mates and family, and all three of the other houses. He would sneak through the near deserted halls, avoiding Mrs. Norris and her small man, Filch, and heading towards the abandoned Girl's bathroom on the first floor where his only companion was Moaning Myrtle (the ghost of the girl who fell victim to the basilic all those years ago).

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