CrankGameplays One-Shots (Com...

By DimondJewel57

131K 2.1K 1.7K

This is a bunch of one-shots about the adorable Smol Bean! We take requests! I am making this book with my go... More

When Games Go Too Far [X Reader]
Scars Are Beautiful [X OC]
CrankGameplays One-Shots
CrankGameplays One-Shots
Author's Note!
CrankGameplays One-Shots
CrankGameplays One-Shots
CrankGameplays One-Shots
CrankGameplays One-Shots
Author's Note!
CrankGameplays One-Shots
CrankGameplays One-Shots
Author's Note!
CrankGameplays One-Shots
CrankGameplays One-Shots
CrankGameplays One-Shots
Midnight Songs [Special Request]
CrankGameplays One-Shots
CrankGameplays One-Shots
Author's Note!! ]Alex]
CrankGameplays One-Shots
CrankGameplays One-Shots
CrankGameplays One-Shots
It All Started at Recess
CrankGameplays One-Shots
CrankGameplays One-Shots
Book Cover Competition!!
CrankGameplays One-Shots
CrankGameplays One-Shots
CrankGameplays One-Shots
CrankGameplays One-Shots
I'm So Sorry
Let's Talk!
CrankGameplays One-Shots
About Requests...
Guys I Am So Sorry
OMG [Alex]
Hard Enough for You Mr. Smug? [X OC]
I'm Back!
Hey Guys!!!
Quick Thing!!

Late Nights

8.9K 152 134
By DimondJewel57

                                                                              ~Late Nights~  

                                                                          ~2016, California~

(Y/n's POV)

I rubbed my tired eyes. I was staying up with Ethan and having a Criminal Minds marathon. Mark and Tyler were out for the day so we've been watching since like 10 in the morning it was now 12 AM the next day. I yawned and looked over at Ethan. He held the large fuzzy white blanket up to his face and watched on. He was so into the show. He didn't even look tired. I turned my attention back to the tv. We were on some episode in season 3 last time I checked. I snuggled deeper into the white blanket. My eyes grew heavy. I got up and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and began pouring myself some water. I wiped my eyes and looked around the dark room. We decided to turn off all of the lights. I sipped the water and walked back into the living room. Ethan smiled at me as I sat down. I smiled back and snuggled back under the blanket. Ethan scooted closer to me. "You're warm." He said. I felt his hand. "You're cold." I said. "I don't understand how I'm still cold even after being under this blanket literally all day." He said. I chuckled. The sound of two very loud men was heard. Mark opened the door and Jack and Tyler slurred their way over to us. "Hey Jack." I said. "Heeeeeeeyyyy babez." He slurred. I chuckled and got up. I hugged him. He reeked of alcohol. He hugged back. He went to walk over to the bathroom, but he fell. Signe walked over to him and helped him up. Amy and Mark walked over to us. "Hey you two~" Amy teased. "Hi Amy." I said. "JACK! D-Did I ever tell you that..." Tyler interrupted himself with a belch, " you, an-and the world loves you too." Tyler said and put his arm around Jack. I snickered. "Who's bright idea was it to go to a bar?" Ethan asked. "Jack's." Singe said. I yawned. "You guys watching Criminal Minds?" Amy asked. "Yeah we're having a marathon, we've been watching since like 10 AM." Ethan said. "Good god." Mark said. "That's a nice friendship." Signe said. I raised an eyebrow. "When you can snuggle and it doesn't mean anything." She said. I had just noticed that Ethan's arm was draped over my shoulders and I was leaning against him. I smiled. "I ship them." Mark said. "YOU GUYS! I-I LOVE YOU GUYS!" Jack shouted. "Love you too Jack." I said. Me and Jack were like brother and sister. "CARRY ME AWAY PEASENT!" Jack shouted. Tyler picked Jack up bridal style and carried him upstairs. "Tyler just took my man...'' Signe said. I laughed. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. Ethan twisted his finger in my hair mindlessly. I relaxed as he gently played and tugged at my hair. Signe and Amy sat down on the other couch and Mark went upstairs to go to sleep. Signe and Amy were whispering about something until they smirked about something. I narrowed my eyes at them. I let it go and leaned my head on Ethan. "I have to go use the bathroom.'' Ethan whispered. I nodded and slightly frowned as he removed his arm from my waist and walked into the bathroom. "You like him don't you?" Amy asked. I looked at her then laughed. "What?" She asked. Ethan came down and asked what I was laughing about. "S-She asked me if I like you." I said. He started laughing. "What?" Amy asked. Signe shrugged. "Of course not!" I shouted and laughed more. "Why was that so funny?" Signe asked. "Me and Ethan have known each other since second grade and just the thought of liking each other is hilarious." I said. It was true me and Ethan were very good friends, but deep down I knew that I liked him more than just a friend. I yawned again. About an hour later I found myself asleep.

(Ethan's POV)

I played with her hair as she quietly snored. Her head was resting in my lap. I seen a flash and I looked over at Amy who's face dropped. She ran. Signe followed her. I chuckled and looked at the TV. "Are you still watching?" Came up. I decided that it was time to put the marathon on pause for a bit. I gently shook Y/n. Her eyes fluttered open. "Hey I'm going upstairs." I said. She nodded and got up. She walked upstairs. We could clean up tomorrow morning... I walked upstairs too. I walked into my room and flopped onto my bed.

(Mark's POV)

"Mark." Amy whispered. I opened my eyes. "How many pounds can you lift?" Amy asked. "About 280, why?" I said and put my glasses on. "I need you to help me with something..." She said with a devilish smirk. Uh-oh... I got up and followed them to

Y/n's room. "So you know how Ethan tends to grab things in his sleep right?" Amy whispered. "Yeah." I whispered back. The sound of her bed creaking was heard. "We're gonna put Y/n in Ethan's bed and hope for the best." She whispered. I nodded. Y/n was an extremely heavy sleeper, so the chances of waking her up was like 1/5. I opened her door and walked in. I walked over to her bed and carefully lifted her. I slowly walked ver to Ethan's room which was right across from her's. Amy opened the door. Now Ethan we had to be careful with, he was a strong sleeper, but not as strong as Y/n. I set Y/n down next to Ethan. He groaned and turned on his side, facing her. I bit my lip, waiting to see if he woke up. After nothing I walked out and closed the door. I looked at Amy who smiled and kissed me. I smiled and kissed her back and we went back to my room.

(Y/n's POV)

I awoke to bright light shining through my curtains. I yawned and reached for my phone and when I felt it I grabbed it. I felt something move against my waist. I looked behind me. I was met by Ethan's face. His arm was wrapped around my waist around me waist and his leg was over mine. I looked at the phone and seen that it was his. I put it back on the table. I could feel my face light up as he pressed himself against me more. I could feel his chest rising and falling. I could feel his...area pressed up against my butt. I moved away from him so I wouldn't turn into a tomato. He groaned and let go of me. He sat up. "Morning?" I asked. He looked back. "How'd you get in here?" He asked. "I was just about to ask you that." I said. He ran a hand through his long, fluffy, and blue hair. He was so cute. "I'm gonna go downstairs." He said. I nodded. "If you don't mind, I'm staying in bed, I'm tired." I said. "I don't mind." He said. I smiled and closed my eyes and snuggled under his covers. After about 30 minutes of me just staring at the ceiling I decided to get up. I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep anyway. As I made my way down the stairs, the smell of bacon and eggs filled my nostrils. I walked downstairs to be greeted by Ethan's bare back. He wore baggy sweatpants that hung low, so the waistband of his boxers showed. I blushed and walked over to the kitchen table. I tried my best to ignore his shirtless torso, but it was difficult. Ethan looked scrawny, but he was actually quite muscular. He had abs and biceps. They weren't bulging muscles, but they were enough to make me stare. "Hope it's the eggs you're staring at." Amy said, snapping me out of my dazed state. I looked at her and blushed lightly. Ethan opened the fridge. I heard footsteps coming down the steps followed by the sounds of bumps. I got up and walked over to the stairs. Jack was at the bottom, laying down, face first. I laughed and helped him up. "I shouldn't have drank as much as I did..." He mumbled. "Morning to you too." I said. He walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. Why did none of the men in this house have shirts on? Ethan set a plate in front of all of us. He sat down across from me and began eating. "Is there syrup in this?" Jack asked. "Ethan just grabs random shit and throw it into his eggs." I said. Ethan nodded with a smile. I chuckled and continued eating. I finished eating and set my plate in the sink. I began washing the dishes. After everyone finished they put their dishes in the sink and I washed them. When I finished I walked up to my room. Amy walked in as well. "So how'd you get me into Ethan's bedroom?" I asked while searching through my closet. "H-Huh?" She asked. "I know you had something to do with me in Ethan's bed." I said. "Actually it was me and Mark so..." She trailed off. I removed my pants and put on black skinny jeans. I took of my grey t-shirt and put my "You Will Never Not Matter" t-shirt on. "Now, tell me how you really feel about Ethan." Amy said. I looked over at her then back into my closet and pulled out my grey high tops. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out socks and put them on. I sat on my bed and began putting my high tops on. Amy cleared her throat. "I like him ok? Is that wha you wanted to hear?" I asked and began tying my shoe. I tied the other one and got up. "That's exactly what I wanted to hear." Amy said and left. I smirked and put my hair in a bun. I left my room and walked downstairs. Ethan was now dressed. He had black skinny jeans on, his blue hoodie, and for once he as wearing his glasses. I smiled and sat down next to him. "Figured out the mystery of how I appeared in your room." I said with a slight chuckle. "Let me guess, Amy and Mark." He said. I nodded. He chuckled and draped his arm over my shoulder. I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder.

(Ethan's POV)

I smiled as I heard her soft snores. After time her head began falling. Her face fell down into my lap. I wouldn't have minded if she wasn't face first into my crotch. I put my hands on her head and went to lift her head up, but Amy walked in. "Um, you guys couldn't do this in your room?" She asked. "N-No! We aren't doing that. She fell asleep and her head fell in my lap!" I said. "Mhm." She smirked. I blushed more. "I'll leave y'all alone." She smirked and walked away. I lifted Y/n's head. Her eyes fluttered open. She yawned. "Jesus Ethan, you look like you're on fire! If you were hot you could've just told me to get off." She said and moved off of me. I nodded with a smile, trying to cover it up. Amy walked back into the living room and sat down. "Wanna make a video with me?" I asked. She nodded with a smile. We darted up to my room. I pulled a chair over and sat down in my chair. Y/n sat next to me. I set everything up and pulled up reddit 50/50. "Oh no.." She said. I hit record. "What is up my cranky crew? It's Ethan from CrankGameplays and today!...I am joined by Y/n!" I said. She smiled and waved. "We're going to be doing Reddit 50/50!" I shouted excitedly. "Why are you so excited about this?" She asked. "Smile always!" I shouted at her angrily. I looked back a the camera and smiled innocently. (These aren't accurate I'm just saying what I remember from my reddit 50/50....*Shudders*) "German shepherd smiling or man shoves rod down his pe-" "EW!" Y/n shouted causing me to laugh. I clicked. Y/n screamed and got up away from the computer. I screamed and shut it off. "I can't imagine how painful that would be!" Y/n said. "Man shits himself or kitten and dog bonding." I said. "Either one of those is fine." Y/n said. I laughed. I clicked it and it was the kitten and the dog. I clicked off then looked at the next one. "Woman gets her breasts cut off or man gets his penis cut off." I read. "My babies!" She shouted and covered her chest. "My baby!" I shouted and covered my crotch. I clicked. It was the woman. "AHHH! NO NO NO NO! SHUT IT OFF!" She yelled. She screamed and got up and stood off camera. I was laughing so hard. I turned it off and we continued. After many disgusted expressions and many screams we called it quits. "That is all for this video, if you liked it smack that like button right in the face." I finished my outro and sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "I need to go bleach out my eyes with some holy bleach..." Y/n said and left my room. I chuckled and began editing. After I finished editing it was some time around 6 PM. I sighed and walked downstairs. Y/n and Tyler were talking. Signe and Jack were on their computer. Amy and Mark were in the kitchen cooking. I was tempted to go get the fire extinguisher. I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone. I began checking twitter. I checked Mark's twitter. I picture of me and Y/n laying in bed together was there. "Of course.." I mumbled. I put my phone back in my pocket and ran a hand through my blue hair. I looked over at Y/n. Her and Tyler were cuddling. I felt something in my chest. I only felt this way when someone else was with Y/n. It was jealousy... I walked upstairs.

(Tyler's POV)

I smirked as Ethan went upstairs looking rather grumpy. I got up to go into the kitchen. "Did it work?" Amy whispered. I nodded with a smile. "It's official." Amy squealed. Y/n walked into the kitchen with us. Amy pulled Y/n aside and they did their girly gossip. I walked upstairs and into Ethan's room. "Hey Ethan." I said. "Hi." He said, not looking away from his computer. "Um..dinners ready." I said. "You done cuddling with Y/n?" He asked and looked over at me. I smirked. "Ethan that was to see if you would get jealous over it, and I'd say mission accomplished." I said. He blushed lightly. "I-I wasn't jealous..." He said. "Yeah, something just got you super grumpy." I said and left his room with a smirk.

(Y/n's POV)

I seen Tyler looking rather full of himself. Ethan came down looking kind of flustered and embarrassed. Ethan walked by and sat at the dinner table. "What's up with him?" I asked Tyler. He just shrugged. After we all ate dinner everyone did their own thing. I walked upstairs and into my room. I looked around, trying to find something to do with myself. I seen my ukulele. I opened my door quietly to see everyone downstairs talking and laughing. They wouldn't here me, right? I closed my door quietly and picked up my ukulele. I only knew a few songs on the ukulele thanks to Ethan. He taught me how to play. "Short steps...deep breath, everything is alright." I sang.

(Jack's POV)

I wanted to explain the good news to everyone, but I wanted Y/n to be here too. "I'll be right back." I said. Various ok's were heard as I walked upstairs. As I got closer to Y/n's room, I heard soft and angelic singing. I smiled and listened. Once the song was over I knocked on the door. I heard scrambling around and the sound of the instrument being set down was heard. She opened the door, trying to cover up here heavy breaths. I smiled. "Can you come downstairs?" I asked. She nodded and tucked some of her hair behind her ear and we walked downstairs. She sat on the floor next to Amy and Signe. I sighed and looked over at Signe. She nodded with a smile. "I have an announcement to make..." I said. Everyone looked over. "I'm gonna be a father!" I shouted happily. Everyone sat for a second before many cheers. Y/n came up and hugged me tightly. I chuckled and hugged her back. After our congradulations, we all sat and talked for the rest of the night. I went to bed a few minutes after Signe went up.

(Amy's POV)

Ethan went up into his room to get changed into his pajamas and so did Y/n. Mark and I were sitting and chatting. Y/n came down in a Jacksepticeye t-shirt and Markiplier pajama pants. Ethan came down in hiss normal baggy grey sweatpants and he had a CrankGameplays t-shirt on. They sat down on the other end of the couch. "Let's play truth or dare!" I announced. Tyler looked over and shrugged. Jack ran down the stairs. "I heard truth or dare." He said. I giggled. He sat on the floor. "Mmm...Jack, truth or dare?" Mark asked. "Dare." Jack said. "I dare you to..." Mark whispered something in Jack's ear. Jack smirked and looked over at Ethan. Jack threw Ethan over his shoulders and threw him on the couch. "AND HE'S JOHN CENA!" Jack shouted. I laughed. "DO DO DO DOOOO!" Mark yelled.

(Y/n's POV)

I laughed. Ethan sat up, laughing. "My turn!" Jack shouted. He scanned us all before stopping on me with a smirk. "Ethan truth or dare?" He asked, not looking away from me. "Hm..dare!" He shouted. Oh no. "I dare you to tickle Y/n." Jack said. I looked at Ethan who was smirking devilishly. I bolted away from Ethan. I ran into the kitchen, but Mark was there. I ran the other way. Jack was there. I turned to go the other way, but Tyler was there. I was screwed at this point. I felt arms wrap around my waist. I squealed as I was lifted off of the ground and carried back into the living room. Ethan pinned me onto the couch. "Ethan please." I begged. He wiggled his fingers in between my ribs. I was laughing and kicking. He moved his hands down and began pinching my sides. I was hysterical at this point. He stopped and laughed. I inhaled and exhaled, trying to catch my breathe. I sat up and punched Ethan. "Ow!" He whined. I sighed and wiped my eyes. "Y/n truth or dare?" He asked. "Truth." I said. "Have you ever liked or currently are crushing on someone in this group?" He asked. I was almost positive blush appeared on my face. "Um yes..." I said. "Who was it?" He asked. I flipped him off. "Amy truth or dare?" I asked. "I want an answer!" Ethan shouted. I laughed. "Um...Da- no truth." She said. "What are your thoughts about stone faced Tyler?" I asked with a slight giggle. "Screw you Y/n." Tyler said. "He's...stone faced?" She asked. I laughed. We played on until everyone went to bed except for me and Ethan. "What do you say we continue our marathon?" Ethan asked. "Sure!" I said with a smile. It was already like 9 PM. We continued the episode we were on. I grew tired some time around 11. "You still awake?" Ethan asked. I smiled and looked over at him. "Barely." I said with a smile. He chuckled. "Do you wanna go to bed?" He asked. "No, I'll finish this episode with you." I said. He nodded and directed his attention to the TV. I wasn't paying attention to the TV though. I was paying attention to him. No matter what anyone says, he's by far the most handsome man I knew. He hated his acne, but that's what he's known for and I don't think it looks bad. He had beautiful hazel eyes. His hair was kinda wavy today. He was the second youngest in the group, me taking the cake. I was 19. He cleared his throat, snapping me out of my trance. He was smirking at me. "What?" I asked. "This is the second time I've caught you staring at me." He said. I blushed and looked away. He gently set his hand on my face and pushed my face so I was looking at him. I looked into his currently green eyes. They flickered between my eyes and my lips. They stopped at my eyes, asking for my permission. I nodded. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips against mine gently. I closed my eyes and kissed back. As the world around us faded, I could feel Ethan's hands place themselves on my waist. I moved into his laps so I was straddling him. We still hadn't broken contact. I pulled back and gasped for air. I leaned my head against his forehead. "I love you..." I whispered. "I love you too..." He whispered back.

(Signe' POV)

I took so many pictures. Though I made sure my flash was off...Amy. 

Thank you guys so much! This story is growing so quickly! I'm sorry I haven't been posting on this or my other story if you read that too. I'm kinda going through a rough stage in my relationship. But thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day. If it is thou's birthday, HAPPY B- DAY GUUURRRL!!      ~Love Alex

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