Vanished Undercover

By Mistiemiller

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Ashlynn Saige is a genetic prototype that a group of scientists were working on before they were arrested. Wi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Authors note!!
Chapter Six
Chapter seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Three

19 0 0
By Mistiemiller

Boss POV

"Detective Rotollo we have a problem. They found her mic and we can only assume they are going to find her tracking chip. We need to move fast to pull her out before we lose her. Call the Bay City police give her location and have her pulled immediately." I can't believe I made such a bad decision. I jeapordized her safety even though I know she didn't have a hundred percent chance of being successful.

I had to sit and wait by the phone for about two hours before I got the terrible call saying that they found the chip and the cam but not Ashlynn. The items were found in a dumpster in the middle of nowhere. Blaine must have went out of his way to get rid of them which means they are probably holed up for the night. We need to keep looking. We will find her hopefully sooner rather than later.

Ashlynn POV

It's getting late and I really want to go to sleep but I am uncomfortable sleeping here. Blaine said I had to sleep in Cameron's bed and I was absolutely terrified. What if he tried to have sex with me or something? I dont like guys, they scare me. My foster dad was highly abusive when I was younger. Mostly just emotionally but when he drank he became violent and would hit me with things. When I turned eighteen I left but I still have a lot of fears over what is going to happen to me. I really dont want him to come back and hurt me again.

Growing up with so much violence has had a very big effect on me. I can barely walk the streets without panicking if a guy gets too close. So much as the raise of a hand and I close up terrified of being hit. Sometimes I think that maybe that is why I always have problems determining my sexuality. I sometimes wonder if I would have less of an atraction to women if I hadnt went through such abuse with a man that was supposed to protect me. 

Cameron told me to come sit by him so that I could relax enough to fall asleep. His voice wasnt as loud and booming as Blaine's and it was actually a little soothing but I didnt trust him. I saw Blaine reaching for his gun so I took a few tentative steps towards Cameron.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. You dont even have to sit by me just on the end of the bed if you want." I decided I would go with what he said and sit on the end of the bed. He made no move towards me and Blaine put his gun back down. I sat there and forced myself to stay calm while watching the television Cameron had turned on. 

I eventually got tired and so I layed down curled up in a ball as far away from Cameron and Blaine as I could without outright disobeying Blaine's command to stay in the bed with Cameron. I was almost asleep when a hand reached up and grabbed me by the waist and pulling me back so I was laying by him. Cameron was trying to cuddle me and I was just to tired to fight back but I was glad that he wasnt trying to hurt me.

I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare but when I wooke up I was shaking and worried because Cameron's hands were a little high for comfort. He was asleep, I could hear him lightly snoring, so I think he was more trying to hug me than fondle me. I pushed his arm off of me and climbed out of bed. I'm really thirsty but I'm not so sure I want to drink anything they put in the mini fridge. Maybe they have something still sealed.

I walked over to the fridge and found a bottle of sprite. I picked it up and tipped it upside down to make sure there were no holes in the bottle and when there was no leak I opened it listening for the seal to break before I took a big swig of it. I havent drank anything since that one drink in the club. I moved to sit in the rocking chair on the edge of the room. 

I fell asleep in that chair rocking back and forth watching the cars drive by. I wanted to run but the door has that padlock on it so I cant get out. Cars passed steadily for a while and while I sat there thinking I decided maybe I should hide the gun. If I hid it he wouldnt be able to point it at me for a while.

I carefully got up from the rocking chair and went over to the side of Blaine's bed. He had fallen asleep on top of the blankets so it was a little easier to get his gun. I lifted his shirt carefully so that I could see the waistband of his jeans. They sat low on his hips so it was a little weird for me. I carefully grabbed the handle of the gun and pulled it out slowly. It was a little over half way out when he started to move. It scared me and I jumped which moved the gun just right to wake him up.

Blaine's hand shot out to grab mine and he held it still so that I couldnt move it, "What are you doing?"

"I-I-I wanted to hide the g-gun so that you c-couldnt hurt m-me." I was starting to cry again. 

"How do I know you werent going to shoot me and try to run baby girl?" Even half asleep he scared me. 

"M-my name is Ash-Ashlynn. It would be p-pointless to shoot y-you I'm locked in and d-dont know where the k-key is." He pulled me onto the bed roughly and laid me beside him. I let out a yelp of fear on accident. 

"Relax and take deep breaths.I dont need you going into a panic attack on me here." He reached up to brush the hair from my face and I flinched back. I thought he was going to hit me. He moved my hair and told me to calm down and that he wasnt going to hurt me. He's a very up and down person. One minute he's threatening me and the next he's telling me to relax. 

I squeezed my eyes tightly closed as the panic set in. My boss told me that Blaine had raped girls before and it really wasnt helping my mental state right now. He didnt touch me anymore after that. He actually got up and grabbed something to drink before waking up Cameron. "Hey man, I'm going to get breakfast here soon. I need you to lock the door behind me and watch the girl while I'm gone."

Cameron slowly sat up and got around to getting out of bed. He looked around and when he spotted me he asked how I ended up there. 

"Ashlynn thought she was going to steel my gun and I caught her. She almost went into a panic attack so I made her lay there and take deep breaths."  That answer seemed to work for Cameron because he pulled a shirt on and sat in the rocking chair while Blaine was getting dressed in the bathroom.

When he came out his hair was dripping wet and he didnt have a shirt on. There was a weird fluttery feeling in my tummy. I didnt understand it but it made me nervous and I tried to ignore it.

"Stop checking me out baby, it makes you look so tempting and I wouldnt want to have to do something we might regret." Something about that statement didnt sit well with me. "What will you eat? I'm going to get breakfast and you wouldnt eat last night."

"I'm a vegetarian."

"Why didnt you say that last night? We could have went out to get you something else. Do you eat eggs?"

"Not really." He seemed off in his own world thinking before he randomly walked out the door. Cameron locked the door after him and then just looked at me. 

"I didnt know kidnapping a girl would be so boring. Wanna spice things up a little bit?" I shook my head no. "Why not? I can play nice, I dont have to be violent or rough. I think your really pretty."

"I dont like guys," Cameron looked at me funny as if he was calculating something in his mind.

"Are you saying we took all that time to kidnap a random girl and your a lesbian? That's just great!" Sarcasm dripped off of his voice and he didnt look super happy. 

Cameron tossed a bag across the room to me. "Well, I'm not sitting here bored, put that on and we can go swimming in the pool downstairs." I didnt want to wear a bikini in front of him so I went in the bathroom to put it on and tossed on a shirt that was on the floor. I'm pretty sure it's the one Blaine wore last night. 

When I walked back out Cameron was changed into swim trunks without a shirt. I tossed on the jeans they bought me last night and followed Cameron out of the room. "If you try to run I have a knife. I wont hesitate to stab you got it?" I nodded and we continued into the room with a pool. He sat his things down on a chair beside the pool and dove in. I was still uncomfortable with taking my clothes off and so I only took my jeans off and sat on the side of the pool with my feet dangling in the water.

Cameron swam around the entire pool but he did try to hold a conversation. I wasnt answering back but he could tell I was listening. He told me all about his daughter and how excited he was to see her again when he gets home.

I saw Blaine walk past the windows and he stopped to come back. He entered the pool room and walked over to where I was. "What are you guys doing down here?" 

"Well, Blaine, we kidnapped ourselves a lesbian. I wanted sex she didnt I wasnt in the mood to force it so we came down here because I was bored." Blaine glared at him and told him to meet him up in the room. He grabbed me by my arm and tugged me with him upstairs. When he saw I wasnt fighting him he loosened his grip but continued to tug me towards our room. I wonder what's going on...

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