Jaspis Oneshots

By Semii-Quartz

1.9K 72 46

Just a Giant trash pile of Jasper x Lapis oneshots. (Some of these might get turned into full separate storie... More

Update: Requests
Jolly Good Time
Lovely Last Words


379 11 17
By Semii-Quartz

(Human au)

Lapis smiled intently as she snuggled up into the big strong arms that had become her home over the years.

Jasper held her closer and continued watching the movie playing on the t.v in front of them.

The man on the screen was talking to his daughter, who was now way older than him, after he had come back from space.

The scene was touching and sent tears into Lapis' eyes.

After a moment, the two women heard cars pull up into their driveway.

Jasper peaked through the blinds and her eyes widened.

She turned to Lapis with a panicked expression.

"Jasper, what's wrong? Who's out there"

Jasper ignored her question and walked over to the smaller woman

She put her hands on Lapis' shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

"Lapis listen" She started in a desperate tone "Whatever happens, I'll always love you"

"Jasper, what are you talking about?" Lapis asked, starting to become upset herself.

"I did something bad...really bad" She tried to explain "I need you t-"

Jasper was cut off by the door being busted open.

She stood up straight cursed under her breath.

"You're under arrest for the assisted murder of Cameron Joseph!"

Lapis' eyes widened "W-what's going on!?" she screamed

Jasper had already been handcuffed and was being dragged out of her home.


She was practically thrown in the police car, screaming and cursing.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you" The policeman read her her rights as he got into the vehicle.

Lapis ran up to another police officer "Where is she going? What's going on?"

The man turned to her with a saddened expression "Your friend...is a murderer"

...the words hit Lapis hard.

She thought about the name.

Cameron Joseph.

It suddenly all made sense.

That was the name of the boy that would harass Lapis in highschool.

One day...he went missing...

Lapis felt tears in her eyes.

"C-can I see her?" she asked

The policeman frowned "You'll have to visit her up at the Fenderhied Penitentiary. Visiting hours are already over for today but you can come at around three tomorrow"

That was it.

Lapis broke out in tears as she watched Jasper get taken away.

*The Next Day*

Lapis sat at a small table.

Across from her was Jasper.

She was in an orange jumpsuit and looked completely emotionless.

"I'm sorry..."

"What did you do?"

"I don't expect you to stay..."

"Answer my damn question Jasper" 

Jasper kept her gaze on the table in front of her.

"Do you remember Cameron?"She asked in a quiet tone

"The one from highschool? Yes"

"You know how he went missing?" Jasper's breathing quickened.


"Me, Amethyst, Emerald, Agate, Tourmaline, and Ruby...jumped him"


"We broke almost every bone in his body...He bled out"

Lapis felt her stomach drop.

The woman she'd been living with for years, the woman she loved... was a murderer.

"Are the others in there with you?"

"Only Amethyst"

"Good...at least you have someone you know with you..."

"Lapis, I'm scared...I could be in here for years...They don't even know about the others..."

"The others!?" Lapis yelled in a hushed tone.

Jasper looked down again.

"I can't believe this"

"You don't have to stay..."

"You're right...I don't" 

Jasper did something she didn't normally do...She started to cry.

"But I will" Lapis finally said in a soft tone.

Jasper looked up at Lapis, tears still falling down her cheeks.

"I love you. I don't care what you did...or how long you're gonna be in here. I love you and I always will."

"B-but...I'm gonna be in here for a long time..."

"I'll wait."

Jasper sniffed before leaning across the table and kissing Lapis deeply.

"Hey!" The CO watching everyone yelled "No touching!"

Jasper nodded and pulled back.


"I'm gonna miss you..." Lapis said quietly

"...I'm gonna miss you too"

"Alright! Visiting hours are over!Everyone gets one hug goodbye if they want" The CO announced.

They both nodded and stood.

Jasper engulfed Lapis in her arms.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

The End...

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