Beyond The Soul: Kai

By Theodore21

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The World...has being lost. Thanks to world-spread contamination, the earth has been polluted and ravaged. Ma... More

Chapter 1: The Lone Heart
Chapter 2: Open Wounds
Chapter 3: To Reclaim The Lost Light
Chapter 4: The Tournament Begins
Chapter 5: The City on the Sea
Chapter 6: The Fragile Youth
Chapter 7: A New Bond
Chapter 8: Innocent Strength...and Pure Resolve
Chapter 9: A Heartless Fate
Chapter 10: Strength of Heart
Chapter 11: New Feelings
Chapter 12: Worries And Fears
Chapter 13: Heartfelt Ties
Chapter 14: The Origins Of Us - Part 1
Chapter 15: The Origins of Us - Part 2
Chapter 16: The World of...Yesterday
Chapter 17: Past Shadows
Chapter 18: Divine Union
Chapter 19: Humanity's Bliss
Chapter 20: A Promise to be Fulfilled
Chapter 21: Honest Goal, Conflicting Drive
Chapter 22: One's Pain, is Another's Sorrow
Chapter 23: Cryptic Clues, Certain Prediction
Chapter 24: A Cold land...and Warm Emotion
Chapter 25: Lurking Suspicions
Chapter 26: Meeting...and Departing
Chapter 27: Tears of a Loved One
Chapter 28: The Fated Awakening
Chapter 29: Divine Fury
Chapter 31: True Feelings
Chapter 32: The Call of Another
Chapter 33: A Curious Offer and Question
Chapter 34: A Demon's True Nature
Final Chapter: The Power of Unity

Chapter 30: A Story and a Last Request

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By Theodore21

What words could truly describe what had transcended upon the battlefield around them. Tema stands a senti-human born of a human Father and Sentinel Mother. Aurora whose life was taken away...somehow stands before Tema looking alive and well.

Tema slowly stood up, his body drenched, his long purple hair still dripping water and his eyes mildly burning from the tears which he had wept from despair. Tema looked up to Aurora, her hair now much like his own, unsure of how to react.

Then a smile appeared and her lips moved...but her voice was of someone else "the final limiter has been removed. I knew it would one day be unsealed..." Tema instantly recognised this voice

"Mot...Mother? Is...That you?" Tema then just felt a caressing hand on his hand

"It's good to see you son"

Viola looked at her "this is...this is Zephina" she was unable to comprehend the full scope "while Aurora in person...the spirit...belongs to Zephina"

"Zephina..." said Eve looking uo  "she really did look a lot like Aurora"

"Tema..." said Rafiel "that is indeed Zephina. The person you call now stood before you"

Tema looked up in pure disbelief at the person before him. Someone...that he'd never thought he'd never see again "Mother...but...but how?" said Tema just confused " be?"

"I am here...because of you..." said Zephina gently "I've been waiting...waiting for the chance that I would one day meet you again" Zephina pressed a hand over Aurora's chest "I placed a portion of my own essence within Aurora, and sealed it away with the last limiter. And Now...I get to meet you ag-" Tema then just vaulted into her. Tema put his arms around her, shaking...but tightly

"I...I missed know?" said Tema happily...yet shakily joyfully crying"I...missed you!" Zephina just smiled and put her arms around him.

The feeling in the air...that had once been heavy and thick with despair like a deep thick fog...was now just lifting away. It was as if Zephina very presence, just her gentle smile...just lifted the fog away from everyone's hearts. As was as if a warm breeze now blew, gently filling the air with a kind of warmness. A kind of warmness like the feeling of a parents hug, on a cold winter night.

Zephina then pushed Tema back who was wiping his eyes "hello again...Tema. You've certainly grown to be such a handsome man" Tema just laughed embarrassed "and your hair..." Zephina felt through his long purple hair "it's so beautiful. I never thought you'd get my hair style"

"it was...plain and dark a while ago" said Tema smiling "hang on...let me just" Tema breathed out relaxing himself, to which after a momentary glow he returned to his normal appearance.

Tema's hair was now short, dark and messy and he wore his dark jumper and blue pants "there we go...see?" Zephina sweetly smiled

"I'm glad you still resemble your Father. It looks a bit strange you having my hair"

"I thought your hair rather suited me actually" Zephina rubbed his head a little hard

"it does, does it? Tema...from now on, the power that I have bestowed to you is now fully under your grasp. Should you ever need my power, simply call out to it...and it'll appear" Tema then looked a bit sad

"Mother...about Aurora. Is...she?" Zephina just retained her good smile

"For now she's merely sleeping. So don't worry...okay?"

Zephina then stood up and looked amongst everyone "you certainly travel with a big group Tema. And a few of them I know very well"

"And a couple of them are your new family" said Tema with a cheeky smile

"Oh" Zephina looked quite surprised "I knew about Aurora from hearing your voice but who else?" Yumi then ran forward

"That's me and Viola" said Yumi "I'm Yumi, Miss Zephina"

"Yumi...try that again" said Tema "if you're my sister, then what does that make Zephina to you"

"oh...right" Yumi then blushed a bright red "ummm...Mom, he-he"

Zephina looked at Yumi "aren't you a pretty thing? With such a gifted body" Yumi looked quite embarrassed "I have to thank for looking after my son all this time" Yumi put her arm around Tema and brought him close

"He certainly has been a handful" said Yumi "he certainly not one to sit back and watch"

"he gets that impulsiveness from his father I'm afraid" said Zephina "Once he has his mind on an idea he'll follow it through"

"umm...Yumi?" said Tema " you mind giving me my sight back?" Yumi had pulled Tema almost into her chest "I kind breath but I can't see"

"Oh sorry" said Yumi letting him go " come you're not red-faced?"

"Because you do it purpose" said Tema annoyed "plus your my sister, why would I be embarrassed of you?"

"Ohhhh...look at you being all grown up and mature" Yumi then gave Tema a friendly nuggy to which Zephina laughed.

As Yumi stopped Zephina "so...Tema? You said a couple of them right? So which would be the other one" Tema gestured to Viola

"That would Viola Mother" said Tema in a friendly motion

"oh...Viola?" Zephina looked quite surprised "I didn't think you'd would be part of the family" Viola looked oddly a little shy, which brought some amusement to Tema and Yumi

"It's...nice to see you again. Umm...Miss...Cirrus"

"It's strange being called by that name. And I'm glad to know you kept your promise after all these years. I didn't think you'd become my daughter though"

"neither did I...Miss Cirrus"

Tema then made a tutting sound "now, now Viola. That's not how you should address her"

"yeah Viola" said Yumi "you know what to call her. I mean I did it, so I'm waiting for you" Viola actually blushed

"well...ummm...I don't think...ummm" Yumi and Tema crossed their arms and spoke in unison

"come on Viola. Say it, say it!" Viola just went bright red and

"M...M...Mother!" said Viola to which Yumi and Tema cheered

"hurray! She said this" little laughs went round the whole group.

Zephina looked most happy "I never imagined I would have four children before the end of lifetime. So let's see who else we have?" she stepped to Rafiel "Oh Rafiel...a surprise to see you" Rafiel gave a good bow

"It's such an honour to have once met you again" said Rafiel "I would never have thought I'd get another chance to meet you" Rafiel then gestured to Kairi who ran up to him "I'd like to introduce my mistress...Kairi" Kairi gave a polite curtsey

"It's nice to meet you Tema's Mom" said Kairi "I have to say, Tema has been a very good friend to us. I see why he was so kind, he must have got it from you" Zephina smiled

"I think it was more the friends he had around him" said Zephina "lovely to meet you"

Tema then ran over to Jo and Blaze "Mother, I'd like to introduce you to Jo" Jo gave a nod "she's a friend from Ventus City"

"hello there" said Jo "I've got to say, at least I know where he gets his strength from. I hope you don't mind but we're staying in your house"

"I gave them both the house as Aunty Alana, gave me a place to stay"

"yeah...which Tema has promised to help clean up when we're all done" said Blaze "he kind of...left it in a state" Zephina then crossed her arms and frowned

"Tema...have you been doing your chores?" Tema rubbed his head and gave a nervous laugh "Now Tema, I expect to help out fully...understand?"

"Yes Mother" said Tema a little unenergetically.

Tema then stepped over to Lea with Noa and Seje "Mother, this is Lea with Seje and Noa" Zephina knelt down to Lea

"Hello Miss Zephina, it's nice to meet you ma'am" said Lea in a friendly manner

"I've got to say though...I'm surprised" said Seje "I didn't Tema's Mom would be so good looking" Lea tugged on Seje's ear "alright, alright I'll behave I'll behave"

"Excuse me Miss Zephina" said Noa "I really like your's so pretty"

"Why thank you dear" said Zephina

"Oh, oh and look at this" Noa sprouted her white wings

" those are pretty" said Zephina looking at them "that's a nice surprise indeed. May I..." Noa turned to the side and let Zephina feel them "wow...this is a surprise" 

"what...what is?"

"nothing...just talking to myself. Your wings are lovely"

Zephina then stood back up and noticed Z "now have you been keeping?"

"Umm...can't complain, can't complain" said Z "I did a little travelling, a little evil...and a few good fights"

"you looked like you've enjoyed yourself. What are you doing as of now?"

"just...umm...thinking about my chosen career. My boss...kind of a git so I resigned"

"Good for you, just be careful of your employer next time"

"I will, I will don't get at me"

Zephina then turned back round "now...I'm sure I'm missing someone. Where is she?" Eve had walked towards her "oh...there she is"

"It's nice to meet you Zephina" said Eve "forgive me, I can't remember our last meeting I'm afraid. But...I sort of vaguely remember you"

"Like I said, six centuries ago" Zephina then placed both hands on Eve's shoulder "So you're the one that Tema likes so much?" Eve and Tema went bright red

"well...we've...been through a lot...together" said Tema shyly

"Tema...was the one who saved me" said Eve happily "he's very important to me"

"As you are to him Eve" said Zephina gently.

Zephina knelt down and looked between them "both of you have gone through so much, and yet you've always been there for one another. Even when Tema was lost in his despair and were the one Eve who brought him back. Please continue to look after him for me"

"Don't worry...I will" said Eve honestly. Zephina smiled and stood up.

 "it's so nice to meet you all. But I'm afraid I can't stay forever. Robert...he's waiting for me" Zephina looked up at the sky "So...I'm taking this chance to clear up a few...inconsistencies"

"well...what do you mean?" said Eve

"About Alana Cirrus?" asked Viola "Alana Cirrus herself said she was related to you. Which can't be entirely true"

"and where did you go?" asked Tema "I mean I don't mean as Mrs Cirrus but more  as Zephina. Atlas said you vanished from history...and memory. From history I understand...but memory?"

"And could you explain Aurora?" said Yumi "I mean why does she looks so much like you? And you said you placed the 3rd limiter...why is that?"

"I actually...placed all three" said Zephina "don't worry...I'll now explain everything that happened...before the time of the exodus"

Zephina gathered her thoughts "I'm sure you all know the idea behind the creation of Divine sentinels"

"we were..." said Eve "originally intended to be at our full strength...without the need for a human"

"That is indeed true" Zephina sounded a little sad "only eight of us were to be born at that time"

"Wait eight?" said Yumi "but I thought, except Tema, only seven were...born"

"That's because...this one...was a failure on their part. I'll explain momentarily"

Zephina took a breath "Sentinels, much like humans, are individual from everyone. No manner of science can influence how you act, look or talk. However the one thing that can be influenced is the type of sentinel. Just as humans can be influenced down a certain profession for example"

"so...the humans can choose the ability we have?" said Yumi

"Only to a degree. I don't even know the specifics myself. Anyway group of humans, wanted to create sentinels...that would have the power of several or all types"

Zephina then looked serious "from what I remember...this took many, many years. Which during the time of Earth's rapid decay...meant they were running out of time"

"So I take it...they were on a very tight schedule?" asked Kairi

"Roughly less than a year before mankind were to leave the earth, only eight were born from this project. Four of the sentinels were capable of wielding multiple abilities, but not all of them"

"that makes sense" said Viola "I can't heal injuries like Aurora, and neither can I wield earth"

"And I can't really make weapons" said Eve "I can mold my elemental powers...but that's it"

Zephina nodded and continued "Me and...the demon however were full successes. As you seen Tema fight with my power, we both could wield every power known to sentinel kind"

"You pure of heart" said Tema "and Kaos, not so pure. I know this is a stupid question...but was he really as bad as he is described?"

"I wish I truly knew Tema. As I said...six-hundred years is a lot time. I do vaguely remember the scientists were very scared of him, and quickly...saw to him"

"And, Aurora and this new eighth one?" asked Viola

Zephina closed her eyes "Aurora...came out as close to me as possible. The only flaw she had, was she couldn't summon a weapon. Regardless in terms of power...she was near equivalent"

"that explains the resemblance" said Tema "but...what about this eighth sentinel?"

"Aurora unlike the rest of us...mentally...she was a new-born child.  She had no idea of expression, emotion or real thought. Which meant...she was the target...of the eighth sentinel"

Zephina had a face of depression and pity as she looked to town "this sentinel, in the eyes of the scientists...was a complete failure., wielded no power of the sort. And was physically that of a human. Mentally however...he was a genius. One way of another, he came to the conclusion if he couldn't have power...he'd take it"

"So...I'm guessing..." said Viola "with Aurora being a newborn child...she'd be at his mercy"

"Mother...who was...this man?" Zephina closed her eyes

"the refer Damos"

Zephina might as well have slapped all of them, at the reaction they all got. Yumi was the first to react "wait, wait, wait...that a sentinel!?"

"An artificial human in every sense." Said Zephina somewhat sadly "mentally he was full of anger. He loathed the fact he had no power, and the scientists who had abandoned so...and sought to change his life. Damos like I said was vastly intelligent and found a method to transplant a sentinels' essence to his own core"

"and I can imagine it worked as well" said Viola thinking "he managed to take a part of Kaos. Then I can imagine he went after Aurora"

"With Aurora in the mental state she was in, she would've been an easy target. So I took it upon myself to place limiters in her body. This would restrict her powers greatly so should Damos find her...he wouldn't get anything from her. However soon...the sentinel reclamation began"

Zephina turned and stepped away a little to see the town all around "in order to hide us away, we were all put into cryostasis pods, not to awaken for many years. I don't know if I was first or not, but when I awoke I was greeted by your Father Tema...Robert"

"Father...was the one who found you?" asked Tema

"Robert was already a scientist of sentinels by the time I met him. He was the one who taught that humans and sentinels were born to be together. And after a while...we became very close to one another"

"and at one point or another...I came into the world" said Tema looking at his hands

"and that was time as Zephina ended"

Zephina stepped back "In giving birth to you, my core had inadvertently been passed along to you. And thus...began my life as Mrs Cirrus. My form changed to that of a normal human. It was then we also learnt that Damos was on in charge of his own business"

"that would've been when Damos was on the hunt for Divine sentinels" said Eve "okay then last questions...about Mistress Alana and why we can't remember you"

Zephina looked somewhat sad as she spoke "I did protect Aurora and Tema. Damos, sensing my power had gone, became convinced I had given it to another. So we had to alter the memory of anyone who knew me. This was helped along a little, the long time everyone spent in cryosleep had dulled their memory from that time"

"but for me...and Alana" said Viola "we were...made to forget.  Mistress Alana does have a sibling...but it was Robert Cirrus. And he was the one she didn't get along with"

"I see the seal was broken from you" said Zephina looking at Viola "but yes. We didn't want Damos to find Tema...or Aurora. But in the end...he still found her"

Zephina put her hand on Aurora's heart "Aurora was still the same as she was back then. Mentally like that of a young child only this time physically as well. This managed to keep Damos away from her...but we both knew it wouldn't be too long. Robert was the one who told me, a human master could be the one to heal her"

"but then...Damos tried to take her" said Tema quietly "and that's when you saved Aurora and" Zephina put her hand on Tema's head

"In end we were able to send Aurora to Ventus city, hoping that she would find Tema and bond to him as we planned. But...I wanted the say sorry to you when I could. So I put in a 3rd limiter into Aurora, with my own essence, which would come out...should Aurora feel well and truly happy"

Eve then went into thought "So...Zephina, how did Damos know of the 3rd limiter?"

"because that's what we told him. That she had three" said Zephina "Robert said it would better to exaggerate the number for added safety" Viola sighed

"that sounds like one of his plans"

"the 3rd limiter..." Zephina knelt down to Tema "was so I'd finally have the chance to tell you something Tema" as Tema waited...a wet drop landed on the drying floor "I'm sorry Tema. I'm so sorry...for leaving you...all alone. Forgive me" tears of deep regret charted a course down Zephina's cheek, landing with quiet splashes upon the floor

Tema looked at her in turmoil and wiped a tear from her cheek "Mother...I already forgave you.  While it's true I was alone, I don't hold it against you in the slightest" Zephina looked at him with teary eyes "Aurora...came to save me and from her...I met everyone else. I was able to have a family and friends, because of you. Because of Aurora"


"now I have something to say to you. Thank you...for protecting me...and giving me life" Zephina looked completely overjoyed and pulled Tema by his head into her arms.

They say a single action, can say a thousand words. Nothing more true than the hug between a Mother and Son. Zephina then pushed him back and rubbed his cheek "I'm so proud of you...I've never felt happier...than this day. And now...I finally join him...without any regrets" Zephina then stepped to Yumi

"It's been...nice meeting you...Mom" said Yumi happily and a little teary-eyed to which Zephina hugged Yumi

"it's been nice meeting you too" Zephina then let go and stepped to Viola "who knew that one'd become my daughter"

"the same can be applied to you" said Viola

"Can I count on you to watch over Tema?"

"Of course" Viola blushed again "he's my brother after all" Zephina rubbed Viola on the head "so...this is what it feels like. Good bye...Zephina"

Zephina then stepped to Eve "Eve...thank you for the happiness you have brought Tema. The bond you amazingly strong indeed" Eve looked happy

"And I wouldn't replace it for anything"

"Now if I did have a favour on him correct?" Eve nodded

" did you?" Zephina tapped her nose

 "then..." Zephina whispered to Eve who seemed to have turned red "could you do that for me?" Eve looked nervous for some reason

"I...I could...b-but w-what wi-will I say"

"You'll think of something. I know you will"

Zephina then stepped to Tema "I'm afraid...I have to going. Once I leave, Aurora will then wake up. I came and said everyone that I wanted to. And now I can leave with no regrets"

"that's great...Mother" said Tema

"But before I go...there's something I need to ask of you" Zephina drew close and whispered in his ear. Tema listened intently and then reacted

"Wait...I can do that!? I did it with...Noa...and Yumi? Well...if you really think I can" Tema then turned to Lea "hey Lea would you mind coming here?"

"hmm...yeah okay" Lea wheeled herself over to Tema.

Tema then stepped to Lea taking a deep breath, then with a breath out his body was bathed in white light. Afterwards he emerged in his sentinel form, his long purple hair flowing in the breeze. Lea looked a bit puzzled "how come you switched back Tema?"

" mother tells me you have achy legs" said Tema to which Lea looked confused "So I'm helping you out a bit" Tema then knelt down

" legs are fine"

"That's not what Mother said. Sorry for being intrusive" Tema then put his hands on Lea's legs to which blue lightning like energy flowed all down them. Lea looked to be no pain as Tema continued this for a few moments.

Tema then stopped and stood up "there we go. That should've  relieved any aches you might have felt. Now for the arms..." Tema gestured a hand to her "may I...take your hand please?" Lea looked to Zephina who nodded

" can" said Lea taking Tema's hand but to her surprise he pulled her straight out the wheelchair close to him "wait what are" a great shock...flooded through her body and mind "No wait...I can't be"

"Lea...Lea!" this came from Seje who ran over "you're...standing. You're...standing!"

Lea, although a little shakily, was stood on her legs. Something she had never done since she was born. Lea was leaning on Tema, her legs shaking in complete bewilderment "my legs...they're...working. I'm...actually...standing"

"hey Lea..." said Seje "try and walk to me" Lea turned to Seje and tried taking her first steps. Tema was right there, as she stepped forward wobbling. Lea took each step slowly...but unaided. Then she fell forward...with Seje ready to catch her " did it Lea"

"yeah Lea!" said Noa excitedly "you were really walking!" Lea just looked too lost for words.

Tema wheeled her chair towards her "it'll take a little while, your legs will need to...fully wake up" Seje eased Lea back into her chair "but given'll be walking with the rest of us" Lea tried to open her mouth to speak...but her sheer happiness just remained her speechless. Tears went down her face, landing on her lap and she looked up at Tema...mouthing

"Thank you"  Tema relieved himself, reverting to normal and put a hand on Lea's shoulder with a smile.

Tema then stepped back up Zephina "So...I was right. It seems as a senti-human the strength of your heart can heal and empower all those around you. Be it through touch...or with words"

"So...was Tema the reason I now have white wings?" asked Noa

"maybe so" said Zephina "or it could just been the result of your happiness" Zephina then stepped back a little "well...I must bid you all farewell" a thick-purple light rose slowly around "I'm so happy to have met all of you...and proud of the bonds you all share"

Tema stepped forward to her "well...Mother, I hope you'll find Dad...and tell well I'm doing" Eve then joined Tema

"we'll all look after him and each other" said Eve earnestly "so don't worry okay?"

"I won't. All I this one last request. Just be as happy as you can, and look after each friends and family. Oh and Tema..."


"I love son" Tema gave a wide smile

"I know...I know" Zephina closed her eyes and the purple light that embalmed her...left her body.

The thick light left her body and began rising into the sky. Tema watched the light while feeling Eve's hand around his "Goodbye...Mother" Tema clasped around Eve's hand as the light rose into the sky. As the light reached the cloud-line, it just simply dispersed all round showing now the early evening sky. It was a dim orange beckoning the coming of the night. The light then stopped...and shot off vanishing into the distance...vanishing from sight.

Tema looked back down at Aurora's body, who had remained stood up. Her hair seemed to be different alternating in colour. Her hair was now a nice aqua blue with two purple streaks down her hair. Then the eyes opened, a light purple. Tema looked at Aurora "Aurora...this is you this time?" Aurora then smiled

"Well...what do you think?" it was Aurora's voice this time "I'll leave you to work it out" Aurora then stepped forward and rubbed Tema on his head "but I was the last time I looked" Tema then hugged Aurora to which she held him back

Tema then moved back "you had me really worried you know" Tema then hung his head "I really thought you had...gone"

"I'm sorry for doing that to you Tema" said Aurora "I really am. But I'm here now, and all better" Yumi then stepped forward

"Yeah...and with a new colour scheme" said Yumi "your hair is now all blue and long like" Aurora looked at her hair 

"I'll have to get you a new hair thingy" said Tema "it kind of broke off when Zephina came out"

"It's good to see you again Aurora" said Viola "You gave us all quite a scare" a almost forgotten person spoke

"you did indeed Aurora"

Everyone turned to Drake was starting to get up "You bring me so know you are fine and okay"

"Drake...I see you're...okay" said Eve with an unwary expression "I take it you saw all that"

"Nope. I awoke to the vast purple light, I know nothing before that" Drake got up but he was holding his arm

"Well...what are you going to do?" said Yumi looking weary "are you going back to your boss?" Drake then shook his head

" more. I think it's time...I had a think about things. All I've been told by...that man has been diluted truth. I want to see for myself...what life I actually like. And who knows...maybe I'll find something"

Drake then took out a green teleporter pad "Cirrus Boy. You have...intrigued me. Maybe one day...we'll meet again"

"until then Drake..." said Tema giving a small wave "see you later" with a press Drake vanished from view. Another voice then spoke

"'s time for me to bid adieu as well" said Z standing up "I think I need to go on a little trip myself. I'd like to find the answer to a question"

"Ehat...kind of question?" asked Aurora

"During the fight. You asked me...what is it that drives me forward? Well...before it was the pleasure of the fight. I'm not so sure that's what I want. I want to find my answer...then one day I'll fight you again" Z then sprinted, jumped and vanished from view.

As Z left Seje was the first to speak "well...I think it's time we asked. What are we to do now? We're fine and dandy...the bad guy has been stopped. What now?"

"we keep going of course" said Jo " we still have the finals of the competition left after all. When do the finals start anyway?"

"That's more or less 48 hours from now" said Viola

"That's two days from now" said Tema "we should all decide what we want to do. but while you're deciding, can you come with me? I'd like to show you around Nova Aerris"

While everyone was puzzled Eve then smiled "let's and Tema found the True Nova Aerris. A world a lot better than this one"

"you have...where...where is it?" asked Kairi

"come everyone...follow me" said Tema waving with his arm

"come on people..." said Eve "this way" them everyone just followed them.

Tema and Eve had lead everyone back into the hotel and into the room they had been put in. Everyone else was mildly puzzled Tema then tapped on the back wall twice. The wall then spread apart...and showed the large freight elevator and with a gesture led them inside.

The lift whirred down for a considerable time, everyone feeling a little trapped by the four walls. Then the walls left showing the underside of the city in full. Kairi looked out onto the labyrinth and enclosed like city "what...what is this place?"

"A place...where sentinel and in harmony" said Tema "there's no divide, restrictions, laws or petty things like ego and arrogance"

"This is lower Aerris" said Eve "the true utopia...of mankind"

"Hey...look everyone...down there" said Noa pointing to which a large crowd had gathered.

As the lift reached the bottom many sentinels and teens had gathered round to see the visitors. They looked a bit nervous but then "look...look it's Tema and Eve" "they're back" "What Atlas said was true" Atlas, wearing his blue t-shirt and pants strode forward from the group

"I welcome you're safe return. Tema and Eve"

"Hey guys..." this came from Nick who appeared "welcome back. Are...these are all your friends?"

"Everyone!" called Tema stepping forward "I welcome my friends and family. They'll have all come to see...Lower Aerris in all its glory" Tema's friends and sisters all gave friendly waves to which the crowds looked reassured "Nick, Nick come here. Could you do a favour?"

Tema gestured Nick closer and whispered something "oh...really!?" said Nick as he looked Lea "then yeah sure! I'll be back!" Nick darted off as fast as he could

"Tema..." said Lea wheeling herself to him "why did...that boy look at me?" Tema then simply smiled and looked forward "huh...?" just then Nick reappeared through the crowd

"oh she is Doctor" Lea looked curiously but she saw the doctor...her whole expression changed.

Lea's whole body language...became that of sadness...yet joy. As Martha Rivere stood before her. Martha too shared her reaction, covering her mouth with her hands. Lea then spoke the word...she so wanted to say "Mom...Mom"

"Lea...oh my gosh" said Martha "Lea!" Martha was about to run but Tema stopped her

"Doctor...let her come to you" said Tema to which he nodded to Lea.

Lea put her downs on her chair, trying to lift herself out. Lea slowly started to rise but the chair wheeled out from under her making her fall forward. Martha once looked ready to run but Tema put his hand out "Martha...wait...please! There's something...she has to show you!" Martha stopped again...but wondered why. Tema got down to Lea on the ground "nice and slow Lea. Use me if you have to"

Lea began propping herself and rose to her hands...and knees. Using Tema as support she slowly, but determined, got up from her her feet. Then Tema slowly stepped away to show Lea stood...although shaky, by her own two feet. Martha just looked overwhelmed, not believing the feat she was seeing before her. Then Lea took a step forward, then another...and another.

Everyone remained silent, not daring to speak a word as Lea continued her first walk. Every step she took was slow...weak...but important. Then as she reached Martha, Lea stopped and smiled with teary eyes "Mom...I...missed you" Martha then hugged Lea tightly, crying as she did.  Tema then started to clap, slowly and happily. Then one-by-one everyone joined in. The whole area was filled with the sounds of applause.

Martha then pushed her back "Lea...Lea I'm so happy to see you again" Martha then noticed Seje "hey there Seje. It's good to see you again"

"same here Mrs Rivere" said Seje "It's been...somewhat quiet without you around and everything. It's a shame we found you though, that peace will now be broken"

"I see your sarcasm hasn't changed" Noa then came forward "oh...who's this little one?"

"This is Noa mother" said Lea "the newest addition to the family"

"it's nice to meet you Miss Lea's Mom" said Noa happily "Am I alright to have a hug too?" Martha just chuckled

"Come here then...both of you" Martha then hugged them both "Seje...get your butt over here and join in" Seje just nodded and joined in the group hug. Tema had a good look of satisfaction on his face. Tema then felt himself gently pulled into Aurora's side

"You did real good Tema. You did real good" Tema just pressed his head into her side "well done" Tema had a good smile...while looking at the reunion before him.

A little later, as the atmosphere died down...two events were due to occur. The first...was with Damos. Damos stood alone in a white circular room. The room was a science nerds dream filled with machines, test-tubes, graphs, pods, microscopes the lot.

 Damos was leaning heavily against a very large cylindered pod "dam...dam...dam it all. My plan...has been ruined. I can' now. Aurora never had that power, and the brat is part human. Which means he doesn't have a take" Damos looked into the pod "it looks partial power isn't enough. I have to...take it all" within the pod, was semi-naked man...with long blonde hair " and I...will soon become one. Then...this world...can be saved"

The second event, depending on perspective, was going to be a lot worse. Tema and friends were relaxing around the clinic tent. Eve was talking to Kairi and Yumi with a red face "so...I should do that then?"

"Yes...most definitely" said Kairi liking that idea "I think you should"

"Yeah, yeah" said Yumi "I think it's only fair due to the scare he gave you.

"So go ahead and ask" Eve nodded

"Hmm...Tema" said Eve a little shy "could you...come here?" Tema drew closer "do you remember that you said I had one favour I could use at any time"

" you have one...then fire away"

Tema listened to her request. Tema however then went completely stiff and red in the face "repeat t-that...again"

"I want..." said Eve slowly "you and one,  go on a date in solemn town" Tema looked as if he had been stood on "why...can't you do it?" everyone was just giggling amongst themselves

"no-no it's not that. I m-mean I wasn't expecting that...fa-favour"

"'re all red" Kairi then leaned forward and whispered "huh...what?" she turned bright red too "no...wait..."

"I...a-accept...your favour...E-Eve"

"then we'd better get going" said Kairi "me, Yumi and Aurora are going to make sure you two do this right. So let's go onwards to Solemn town" Yumi leaned on close and whisper

 "Eve had no idea...did she?" Kairi just gave a cheeky grin

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