For Better Or For Worse

By J_TheGoddess

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You Ever Had A Rough Life Of Abuse or Rape And Was Hated Or Looked At Differently For Being Lesbian By The On... More

For Better or For Worse
Too Soon...
Just The Beginning...
Everything Happens For A Reason
Taking Steps...
New Books
The Revealing Pt.1
The Revealing Pt.2


287 12 18
By J_TheGoddess

Chapter 9:

Emoni P.O.V:

      I never thought I would see this person ever again. I was stiff, stuck in the place where I sat in the store. I felt like my surroundings were all in slow motion, I couldn't feel anything.

      I was numb to the core as my mind over flowed with questions. My emotions were bouncing off the walls right about now I didn't know if I sshould feel furious, cautious, dismayed.

      I began to panic going into an anxiety attack finally breaking down. Last thing I remember is my eyes closing and darkness taking over me as I violently began shaking. 

               ~4 Hours Later~ 

      I woke up with the most intense migraine ever. I rolled over to an empty bed wondering how I got here. I seen a glass of water and 2 aleve on a napkin to my right on my night stand. I slowly sat up stretching proceeding to take the tablets. I drank half of the water; lord my throat was so dry and sore

      I slowly took my time standing up as I heard two voices downstairs. I opened the bedroom door walking to the living room to have my heart nearly jump out my chest. I became frozen again as Jaz quickly ran up behind me grabbing my hands rubbing them kissing my neck to calm me down. 

      The woman of my life that I always looked upto since I was a child stood before me smiling nervously. The woman that died before my eyes years ago. The woman in my pictures that I have been kissing and venting to. My eyes watered as she embraced me in a tight, much needed hug. 

"Abuela..." I sobbed out. 

"Yes Baby Im Here In The Flesh" She said letting out a heavy sigh.

"I-I-Watched Y-You D-Die Tho-Though" I said as she held me walking me to the couch. 

"No Sweetie You Watched Me Save Your Life" She said looking in my eyes as I looked back seeing she was telling the truth. 

"What Do You Mean" I asked taking deep breaths calming down.

               ~2 Hours Later~

      A hundred and one questions later I was in rage but very overwhelmed to the information I had just received. It took me a minute to comprehend that my so called mother was a lunatic.

      She made my grandmother stay away from me and if she didn't she threatened to kill me or move me away and my abuela knew how much I loved sports and wanted to stay at my current tech school. 

    So my grandmother has been in panama under cover laying low and im the first to know that she still alive. I asked how and she said and I quote "Thats Classified Information Sugar Stay Out Grown Folk Business Now".

      I love her southern accent I swear it was warming sometimes and made you explode into a fit of laughter when she would curse someone out. 

      I also found out all this time I been going to her grave and talking to her or having problems she was literally always there for me but never watched because she knows I can feel when someone is looking at me. I appreciated that so much even though I wanted to rip her head off I understood why she did what she did and forgave her.

      Jaz was upstairs giving us space to reunite since my grandmother already told her what was up. I invited my grandmother to stay with us but she said she was good and she swing by tomorrow morning. 

      I walked upstairs to Jaz on the phone so I let her know my grandmother left and Ill be in the living room. I laid on the couch thinking about how I finally got my #1 woman back in my life.

      I really did miss her and it feels good to have her back. I turned on the tv settling on "Bob's Burger" since I only missed 12 minutes of it which means it just started. 

      I got comfortable under my blanket staring at the tv intently soon feeling my eyelids get weak as I pushed all my thoughts and emotions to the side letting sleep fully take over me.

Jaz P.O.V

      I carried Emoni into the house and upstairs to the bed as her grandmother shut the door locking it. I placed her down careful not to wake her as I made my way downstairs to grab some water and medicine not before placing the covers over her and taking her shoes off. 

      After I grabbed what I needed for my baby I joined her abuela on the couch watching family feud. We chuckled at some of the answers the players were giving that made no type of sense.

"Name Something That Cats Have That People Do Not" Steve said reading off of his Q-Cards.

"Hair" The Wright family answered as me and Emoni grandmother gave each other the same look and started laughing as the buzzer went off indicating that it wasn't on the board and she was wrong. 

       Four Hours Later of watching tv and her grandmother explaining to me everything I was overwhelmed and flabbergasted. I heard light footsteps as Emoni peeked around the corner frozen.

      I quickly ran up behind her taking her hands in mine rubbing them as I kissed her neck softly feeling her relax against my body. She began to sob a little when her grandmother walked to her and embraced her into a hug. 

      I took a step back nodding at the grandmother as I headed upstairs giving them space. I laid out on the bed thinking about life. I want to really go somewhere with this relationship and be there for her but it's the fact that one of my high school hoes some how found me and be hitting me up. She knew how to work her mouth piece and I was horny but that's disrespectful to Moni I wouldn't want her doing that to me.  

      Just a little head wont hurt because I never dared to put my mouth on that girl. Back in the day I had to take ole girl to the clinic. She was trying to say she had a bacteria infection knowing damn well she had chlamydia. I hated being lied to and she knew that so I called her doctor. 

      She like to get around and I wasn't tryna catch nothing forreal. I picked up my phone dialing her number laying back on my pillow. She picked up on the second ring with a noisy background. 

"Hello" She said with her baby voice.

"Wyd Mamii" I said running my hand through my dreads.

"About To Get Off Work In 6 Minutes, Wassup?" She said moving around alot.

"You Wanna Come Get Me For A Little Bit" I said smirking knowing the answer.

"Yeah Give Me 15 And Ill Text You When Im Out" She said saying bye to whoever as I heard her car door slam shut. 

"Aight Ke" I said calling her by her nickname and then hanging up.

       I stood up but sat back down keeping the phone on my ear even though I hung up as Emoni notified me her grandmother left and she would be downstairs in the living room. Once she left I stood up grabbing my strap specifically for Ke that she left a while back. I grabbed everything I would need as my phone dinged telling me I had a messag I quickly glaned at it as wet emojis danced across the screen. 

      I went down stairs to silence as I was greeted to a sleeping Moni. I turned the tv off and the lights then walking out the door shooting Emoni a quick text telling her where I was heading to and then locking the door. I hopped in KeKe all black 2004 Maxima as the odor of marijuana caressed and danced upon my nose hair. I always hated the smell of weed and cigarettes; Im a drinker.  

      We pulled up to her house not to long ago. She opened the door wasting no time to crash her plump lips into mine. She licked my lips asking for access as I granted fighting for dominance shortly winning. She let her hands roam up and down my body not breaking the kiss as I looked  deep in her eyes as an emotion came across her face but i ignored it sliding my hand in her work pants. 

      She moaned the sexiest moan ever into my mouth as I felt warmness form in between her thick thighs causing a smirk to dance its way across the brim of my lips. She pulled back to breathe for air as she strutted away into the kitchen. 

"Thirsty" She asked sticking her head out the kitchen doorway. 

"Sure...You Know What I Like" I said turning around grabbing the remote to turn the tv on.

"Henny It Is" She said as the sound of glasses clashing together rang in the atmosphere.

      Seconds later she came back with 4 shot glasses in each hand. She sat them down infront of us. I grabbed one chugging it down as she did the same. I took the second one to the head too. Once we finished she crawled on top of me smirking as I seen the shiny blade in her mouth. Before I could react she cut my neck with it. 

      I was in shock all I seen was little colorful specks flashing everywhere as my vision blurred. My body felt numb I couldn't move. Last thing I remember is her putting on her robe opening the door as she shared a kiss with a figure I couldn't make out.

      I closed my eyes feeling drowsy what have I done got myself into I thought before I completely blacked out.


1) What Do You Think Ke Put In Jaz Henny? 

2) Why Do You Think Ke Did It?

3) How Yall Feel About Jaz Going To Have Sex With Another Female After Her And Emoni Just Got Together?

4) What Do You Think Is Going To Happen Next?

5) Who Do You Think The Figure Is That Ke Shared A Kiss With?

6) How Yall Feel About Emoni Reuniting With Her Grandmother? 

Thanks For Reading Please Vote And Comment 

*25 votes + 25 comments = Update* 

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