|The Menace| A Kylo Ren Fan-f...

By firstdis0rder

16.5K 490 144

"Give yourself over to me." Kylo Ren hovered above me, his brown orbs shined with anger as he glared down at... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Five

1.2K 34 6
By firstdis0rder

My eyes groggily opened the next morning. And I felt something around my waist, almost like a belt. I lowered my gaze and found that Kylo had his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. I bit my lip in frustration and sighed lightly, how was I supposed to get out of this?!

I suddenly realized that I had turned over in my sleep and was now snuggled into Kylo's hard chest. Our bodies pushed up against each other in an weird manner that made me itch in uncomfortableness.

I groaned internally and shut my eyes tightly, trying to pry his arm off my waist in order to escape his tight grasp.

He groaned lightly before pulling me tighter against him, I let out a small groan of my own when my face collided with his chest.

Struggling to escape his vice like grip and managed to turn myself back around, hoping to fall back asleep. Even though, it was hard with him pressed up against my back. I was stupid to think I would be able to fall back asleep, all I could think of how close Kylo was. My body was stiff as I tried not to wiggle around in his grip.

After what seemed like hours I felt Kylo slowly start to move around, his hand quickly leaving my waist before standing up out of the bed.

I heard him sigh before shuffling around in the closet for something to wear, I tried my best to pretend as if I was sleeping but Kylo wasn't having it.

"I know you're awake. Get up." He ordered, slipping back on his clothes from yesterday.

I flipped over on the bed and adjusted the covers on myself more, I was in desperate need of more sleep.

Kylo turned and I felt the covers leave my body. his wrist flicking upwards to remove the sheets from the bed. Really? The cool air hit me and I shivered and groaned, wanting the warmth back.

"How did you sleep?" He suddenly asked, taking me by surprise. Did he really care? Or was he just toying with me? Why would he care?

"Good, I guess." I lied.

"Don't lie." He threw on his black cloak, while staring at me intently.

I resisted the urge to tell him to "fuck off" but instead, kept my composure.

"Well it's kind of hard when someone has their hand wrapped around your waist." I muttered to myself quietly.

Kylo definitely heard me because I saw him turn slightly in my direction, his jaw muscle twitching before turning away. He was probably choosing not to answer my comment. I'd be embarrassed too if I were him. He didn't want to acknowledge that he was actually holding me.

I sat there fidgeting on the bed while he dressed, waiting patiently on what was going to happen next. The thought of escaping never left my mind, I just had to figure out how I was going to pull it off.

I'm not going to lie, it felt kind of good to have his hand around me, I felt secure. I just hated the fact that it was him.

I heard a small chuckle from the other side of the room, Kylo had his hideous mask on and was about to leave.

"I'll be back soon, for now you will stay in here and not cause trouble okay? There is also clothes for you in the closet so you can stop wearing mine." His voice was mangled from the mask, but I could still sense some amusement.

My face flushed, I had been wearing his clothes?! My cheeks heated up from embarrassment and I quickly looked away from him, not wanting to keep eye contact.

"Who else's would they be?" He questioned. "This is my room."

Every part of me hated staying here alone but I knew there was no point fighting it, I didn't want to end up like last night.

Throwing myself back onto the bed I closed my eyes briefly, rubbing them before opening them back up. My head throbbed in pain from lack of sleep and my stomach grumbled in hunger. I can't Remember the last time I ate.

My eyes became heavy and I struggled to stay awake due to lack of sleep during the night, I fought my body to keep myself awake, not wanting to fall asleep; I needed to find a way out of here.

I was so lonely, more lonely than I have ever been. I may not have had parents but I still knew people, I had friends; before they were all killed by this monster I'm stuck with. This time I was all alone, I had no one.

I knew that if I sleep right now I wouldn't be able to sleep later on tonight, and it would just be this on-going cycle.

It felt like hours passed by before Kylo returned, not that I was happy that he came back but; I was getting bored.

I shot back up within seconds and scattered across the bed and stood up right, not comfortable being on the bed with him there.

"You're frightened of me." He simply stated, approaching the spot where I stood.

I backed up, the backs of my legs hitting the bed as I glare up at Kylo. My hate and anger taking over my body, it was getting harder to control my emotions around him.

"N-no I'm not." My stuttering voice gave my fear away, of course I couldn't hide my emotions from him! He knew everything!

I stood bravely in front of the bed, my knees growing weaker and weaker by the second. I knew I wouldn't be able to stand for much longer, the fear was getting to me.

Something else was buried underneath all the fear- it was anger, and hate towards Kylo, towards everything that happened. It made me feel powerful and that scared me.

"I can sense your emotions, don't bother lying to me." He continued to advance upon me, soon leaving me no room to move.

My heart race picked up and I felt like it was going to burst out of my chest any minute.


"Sshhh." He shushed me, raising his hand to my face, out of instinct I pulled back from him; losing my balance and falling backwards onto the bed.

He glared down at me for a few seconds, his dark eyes scanning over my body. I felt vulnerable under his stare, and I hated feeling vulnerable.

"Stop staring at me." I finally spoke, sitting back up from my laying position.

Kylo quickly obeyed my request and adverted his eyes away from my body. I finally felt more relaxed, and able to breathe properly.

He quickly stepped away from me and walked out the door, I curiously looked out; missing the feeling of being free. I felt like a fly caught in a spiders web, no escape. Just slow death.

He returned soon after with a bowl of fruit and yogurt, my stomach immediately growled and churned in delight. I haven't eaten much these days and I was in desperate need for food. I perked up at the sight of the delicious fruit, I'm sure he could hear my stomach growl.

"I know you're hungry. Eat." He put the fruit down before me, standing over me for a couple of seconds before turning away and heading over to the bathroom.

Once the door was closed I dug into the fresh fruit, my mouth watering from the delicious sweet food. I moaned in delight, savouring every last bit of the food. I was surprised I was given such decadent food, I thought I was a prisoner?

Kylo Ren

As soon as I entered the room Jessica shot up like a rocket, I could sense her fears from miles away. She reeked of fear. I knew it was going to be easy breaking her.

"You're frightened of me." I finally said after removing my helmet, approaching her slowly. I knew this had an effect on her; as soon as I stepped close to her she tensed, fear written across her face.

"N-no I'm not." Her voice laced with fear, she couldn't out smart me even if she tried, I was too powerful for her, although, she had wits. Not a doubt about that.

I felt a warmth when I was close to her, like I was attracted to her. I couldn't feel this way about her. I couldn't have any connections with the light. I was the Commander of the First Order, I had duties and jobs to do, I couldn't have time for a foolish little girl.

"I can sense your emotions, don't bother lying to me." I held back a smile, she truly was really innocent and naive, I knew I could easily manipulate and toy with her.

I was now so close to her, I could feel the fear and anger radiation off her body. Good... anger... if only she could learn to use it...
I could sense how scared and nervous she was. I loved how nervous I made her, and I wasn't even trying. This was going to be easier than I thought. I smirked.

"I-I.." She stuttered, her eyes darting from side to side like a frightened child.

I felt a tinge of guilt when I saw how much fear I caused her, no.. I couldn't be thinking like this, I can't feel guilty. I couldn't have any second thoughts about this.

"Shhh." I shushed her, my hand moving out to gently caress her beautiful face. She frowned and swatted my hand away. In doing so she tripped and fell backwards onto the bed, landing harshly onto her back.

My breathing quickened as I saw her helplessly lay back on the bed, my first instinct was to climb on top of her, but I knew it wouldn't do much good, deciding against it I stood towering over her, my eyes slowly scanning over her body.

My breathing picked up as I saw her chest heave up and down, I couldn't help but stare at her figure. She was so.... stunning.

She caught me staring and hissed angrily, "Stop staring at me."

I immediately tensed and adverted my gaze, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

I stepped away from her and grabbed the food that I had left outside the door for her, I knew she hadn't eaten in awhile and she needed her strength for training tomorrow. I needed her to be strong, I'll show her the power of the dark side.

Placing the food in front of her she perked up, her stomaching growling at the sight.

"I know you're hungry. Eat." Pushing the food in front of her I stepped away and walked over to the bathroom, I couldn't be around her any longer, I needed to think.


Once I finished eating I tried to think of ways to escape this place, I could stay here forever unless I wanted to die, or worse; become a murderer.

I heard the water running and assumed Kylo was showering, I was glad he was away from me; I could finally think straight.

I awkwardly sat on the bed in silence, my mind trying to come up with ways I could get out, sadly I didn't know how to fly a ship so that wasn't an option, my other option was to be saved but no one knew I was alive. My village was completely destroyed, who knew that I was alive?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Kylo stepped out of the bathroom, his towel hung loosely around his hips. It was quite a sight.

I quickly adverted my stare and focused on my hands, fidgeting them nervously.

"You should rest. Tomorrow your training starts." Kylo announces, slipping on a plain black t-shirt.

My eyes quickly snap up to meet his gaze, I raise my eyebrows in confusion and tilt my head to the side curiously. He couldn't possibly mean...

"What are you talking about?" I quickly ask, my voice filled with worry.

He nods to me before answering, "I am training you, it's already been decided."

His hair was wet and messy, his usual dark black curly/wavy hair now sticking out in all directions. I wonder what it would feel like if I ran my hands through it.... I quickly shake my head of the thought and focused on what he just said, he wants to train me? I already refused once, I didn't want to.

Anger welled up in my stomach, my face scrunched up and I glared at him.

"I told you I'm not joining The First Order, you're a bunch of murderers." I spat. Rage bubbling up in my stomach.

His fists clenched and unclenched as he stormed over to me, instantly I regretted what I had said. He seemed beyond pissed.

"It is not up for discussion, you can be very powerful and we can use you." His voice trailed off as he continued to walk up to me. "I can teach you things, powerful things....You can learn to control your powers and use them!"

"I-I don't want to learn from a murderer!" My anger returned, I balled up my fists and shouted.

"Do not test my patience foolish little girl, you have been chosen by the Supreme Leader himself, you have no choice in the matter. I could've left you to die like the rest of your pathetic village." He smirked. Satisfied at my shocked response.

Within seconds I was on my feet, my hand raised ready to slap him. I've never felt this kind of anger before, no one will ever get away with saying that. Before I could retaliate against him my hand was stopped mid air and forced back down to my side, my whole body paralyzed as he held my arms down with his invisible Force.

I grunted, and struggled to break free of his grasp. I wanted to be as far away from this man as possible.

Instead of distancing himself from me Kylo stepped closer to me, his chest touching me. Tears of anger built up again in my eyes as I uselessly fought against him.

"You will never try that again! I am your superior and you will respect me! I could crush you in ever possible way, remember that." His words hitting me like bricks, I knew he was not to be messed with.

My body shook with anger as I glared hatefully at Kylo, his brown eyes gleamed with anger, his jaw clenched and his lips pulled back into a snarl.

"Fuck you." I hissed, spitting at him again.

Kylo let out a ferocious snarl of anger and within seconds I was pinned to the bed on my back, Kylo hovered above me. His legs positioned between mine and his hands beside my head, blocking any escape I had.

"I told you you'd dearly regret it if you did that again." He reminded me harshly.

My breathing picked up as he hovered above me, my heart pounded against my rib cage. I thought that it would burst out at any second now. I'd be surprised if Kylo didn't hear it too.

"Get off of me." I spit lowly.

His eyes focused on my face, scanning in every detail like before. I felt uncomfortable with a man this close to me, and to say the least I hated it.

"You will train with me and you will join, you could be so powerful with my teachings." His voice smooth, trying to control his anger against my stubbornness.

I glared up at him, my lips pulled into a frown. I didn't really have a choice, if I refused he would kill me. But I'd rather die than train with him. He seemed to read my thoughts and squinted his eyes at me, again trying to control his boiling rage.

"Give yourself over to me." Kylo hovered above me, his brown orbs shined with anger as he glared down at my trembling body.

My panting soon filled the dark room as my breath began to quickened at the predicament I was in, I glare up hatefully at Kylo who is above me, all I can do is lay helplessly under him.

I was beyond terrified of his man, he made it crystal clear that he could crush me, but that didn't stop me.

"I can train you to be more powerful than you could ever imagine." My heart pounded in my chest, and my breathing became ragged. "Don't think that you can hide anything from me, because I know everything. And I know you're terrified of me." He suddenly bent down closer to my ear. "You should be."

I managed to muster up some courage and fire back. "You're insane to think I'll ever join you!" I spat, anger fuelling me once again.

"Join with me, or die." He threatened.

"I'd rather die!" I retorted.

His eyes sparked with anger, like a fire, erupting, spreading amongst everything.

He suddenly pushed away from me and yelled in anger, ripping out his saber and pointing it back at me, his body shook with anger. I gasped and jumped back from the glowing red weapon, the heat radiating off my neck. I scrambled back from him and pushed myself up against the wall on the bed, my chest heaved up and down.

"This conversation is over. I will not discuss it any further, your fate has already been decided." He clicked off his saber, throwing it onto the table.

I knew that I wasn't going to be able to fight him any longer, I was going to have to train with him tomorrow, but I'll never join him. He turned back towards me, his chest heaving up and down just like mine, his from anger mine from fear.

"Like you're even powerful enough to train me," I mumbled angrily.

Kylo stormed towards me in an instant, i let out a small squeak of surprise and I panicked and realized I had no where to go, my hands held out in front of me for protection, like that was going to stop him.

"No... Please...No no no!" I cried, out of fear I turned my head away from him. I felt his hand move in front of my face and I suddenly started feeling tired, my eyes growing heavier by the second. Finally I toppled over onto the bed, the last thing I saw was Kylo glaring down on me.


Wooooo hope you guys all enjoyed that chapter, sorry if things are a little slow but they will pick up!
Tell my what you think so far!
What do you think Jessica is going to do?
What would you like to see happen? Don't forget to vote and comment! 💕💕

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