Playing With Chance

By AngelHidingHorns

111K 3.2K 912

Playing with chance? Not a good idea. Eventually it will throw something at you that you don't know how to... More

Playing With Chance - Chapter 2
Playing With Chance - Chapter 3
Playing With Chance - Chapter 4
Playing With Chance - Chapter 5
Playing With Chance - Chapter 6
Playing With Chance - Chapter 7
Playing With Chance - Chapter 8
Playing With Chance - Chapter 9
Playing With Chance - Chapter 10
Playing With Chance - Chapter 11
Playing With Chance - Chapter 12
Playing With Chance - Chapter 13
Playing With Chance - Chapter 14
Playing With Chance - Chapter 15
Playing With Chance - Chapter 16
Playing With Chance - Chapter 17
Playing With Chance - Chapter 18
Playing With Chance - Chapter 19
Playing With Chance - Chapter 20
Playing With Chance - Chapter 21
Playing With Chance - Chapter 22
Playing With Chance - Chapter 23
Playing With Chance - Chapter 24
Playing With Chance - Chapter 25
Playing With Chance - Chapter 26
Playing With Chance - Chapter 27
Playing With Chance - Chapter 28
Playing With Chance - Chapter 29
Playing With Chance - Chapter 30
Playing With Chance - Chapter 31
Playing With Chance - Epilogue

Playing With Chance - Chapter 1

14.1K 153 40
By AngelHidingHorns

I walked through the doors and looked around with curiosity.  

It was the middle of the year and I was going to need to learn quickly who I needed to avoid and who I would talk to, but not tell anything to.  I also had some major sucking up to do with the teachers.  

People say that the way to get good grades is to do your homework and study and all that crap, but it isn't.  If you want good grades you make sure you try in class and make the teacher think you are interested in whatever they ramble on about.  If they think your smart they will be nicer when they grade your work.  Of course it helps that I am smart.  

I know.  I'm slightly cocky but as long as I admit it to myself and I don't let other people know; I don't really see it as a problem.

My musing was interrupted by a person running into me.  

What the hell?

Oh ya.  I haven't gotten the whole don't mess with her because she doesn't react thing going on yet.

"I'm so sorry.  I wasn't watching where I was going," I heard a girl say.

Maybe she didn't do it on purpose.

Looks like I found the person I'm going to talk to.  Not that I'm going to let her know anything about me, but she looks like she will make a good partner in classes.

I smiled at her and said, "No problem.  I guess I wasn't either.  I was trying to find my classroom and I've had this stupid map glued to my nose for the past five minutes.  I'm hopelessly lost."

This was a tiny school.  So not really but it made a good reason for her to want to talk to me.

"You must be new.  What class are you looking for?"

I pulled my schedule out even though I had memorized it last night.

"I have math with Jenson."

She was quick to reply, "Cool I have him too.  You are almost there.  We just need to turn down this hall, and he is right there."

A smile slipped onto my face as I held out my hand and said, "My name is Elizabeth."

"Kayley," she replied holding out her hand.

In class I decided that I wanted information on the people around me.  There wouldn't be much because of the size of the school but information was information.

"So," I started, "is there anybody that I should stay away from?"

She scrunched up her nose for a second and answered with distaste, "If you are unfortunate enough to chance across Chance you should probably run in the other direction.  He can be dangerous."

"And how, might I ask, do I know who Chance is?"

A disbelieving look entered her eyes, "Find the most gorgeous guy in this school and you have the right guy.  Why is it that all the hot ones are cocky jerks?"

"Because being hot makes people become cocky jerks?"

"That might be it," she replied sadly.

"Can you define hot for me?  I'm not sure what it entitles in this school."

"Well...," she started with a thoughtful expression, "Tall, forest green eyes, black hair, awesome abs, and if you find all that in one package then you got your guy."

"Interesting," I said trying to sound like I thought it was, "is there anybody else that I should be weary of?"

Without further prompting she launched into a full account of all the people around us, and who was annoying, mean, sweet, and every other way to describe a person.  

By the time class ended I think I could have walked up to a random person and told them their name and everything else worthy of interest about them.

"Bye," I said waving to Kayley and turning around to go to my next class.

Before I had taken more then two steps I crashed into something hard.  I knew that it wasn't a wall since I was in the middle of the main hallway.

Keeping my head down I let all traces of any emotion drain off my face.  I knew that if I looked in a mirror right now I would look like a very bored little outcast.

When I felt that I had mastered the expression I looked up slowly scanning a male body as my eyes traveled up to land on tall guy with green eyes and black hair looking down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Did you need something?" I asked without letting any emotion leak into my voice as I spoke.

He looked surprised that I had spoken but quickly covered it up with a smirk, "You really need to watch where you're going."

"Why?" I asked with the same emotionless tone.

He looked at me like I was a strange creature that he found crawling in front of him, "Because you just ran into me.  Do you know who I am?"

I knew exactly who was in front of me but I was not going to let him know that.

"Some jerk who is stopping me from going to class."

He pulled his head back in a surprised gesture, "Look, you must be new here.  Let me explain something to you," he said before I cut him off with a loud sigh.

"I don't really want to talk to a loser like you.  So could you please get out of my way?"

His eyebrows raised in disbelief, "You seriously don't know who I am?"

"Should I?"


"Fine, then let me guess.  You are must be chance coming to rain on my previously wonderful day.  You are the cocky jerk who is unworthy of my attention," I now let sarcasm leak into my voice as I raised my eyebrow at him.

"So you have heard of me," he said in a mocking voice that I really didn't like.

"Why on earth would you think I have heard of you?" I asked going back to my dead voice.

Confusion now ruled his expression, "Didn't you just say my name?"

I looked at Chance like he was crazy, "I didn't say any names."

"Yes you did.  You said my name."

"Oh really?  In what part?  When I called you a prick?"

He looked slightly offended when he replied, "You never called me a prick."

"Hm, I guess I forgot to voice that part.  Well let me tell you what I was thinking, Prick.  I was thinking that you are a shaggy looking mutt that couldn't spell the word dumb, and probably thinks that the world revolves around you, but you don't notice that everyone hates you, and thinks you are a low life that they want to keep happy because you throw a fit every time things don't go your way.  Then the list of profanities going through my head was endless, and I don't think teachers would be happy if I voiced any of them in school."

An angry look entered his eyes and he tried to tower over me.

I sighed again and looked up at him, "If you're trying to look intimidating you fail.  There are very few people in this world that scare me and you just don't make that list."

He was a really annoying person.

I brushed past him to see a crowd standing around looking at me with amazement.  

Crap.  I think I just ruined the whole blending in thing.  

At my last school people would have brushed something like that off as if it hadn't happened.  I just wasn't someone that they paid attention to.  After all I was only one face in a sea of them at my last school.

Oh well as long as I already ruined it I might as well have some fun.

Without turning around I said, "Oh and Prick?  You might want to close your mouth before a slut crawls into it."

I heard his jaw snap shut, and I had to work to keep the smile off my face.

The people around me didn't feel that need and most of them started laughing but stopped quickly.

Hm.  He must have most of them too scared to out right laugh at him.

"Prick?  You should let them laugh.  It will make them live longer."

With that I rounded the corner and entered my next classroom.  I sat down in the back not bothering to go talk to the teacher.

Today was going to be just great.  Note the sarcasm.

I found Kayley at lunch and sat down next to her with a smile.

"Hey," I said.

She unconsciously scooted away from me and said, "I heard you ran into Chance.  Literally."

Slightly confused by her reaction to me I said, "Nope.  There was this kid named Prick that fit your description well enough though."

A groan escaped her and she said, "Would you not call him that?  You know exactly who it is you ran into after you left."

"Ya I do, but I think Prick fits him so much better then Chance."

If she was going to act like this then I don't think I want to make her my 'friend'.

She glanced around her looking for an escape, and her eyes landed on someone behind me.

"Hey look it's my boyfriend I gotta go," she said getting up quickly and walking away. 

If she wasn't going to sit here I might as well not sit here.  Picking up my tray I moved to a table that was in the corner and looked abandoned.  

Much better.  It's just to hard to study my new bitches, I mean classmates, when I can't see all of them.

As I looked around the lunchroom I couldn't help but notice the looks every one was giving me.

What the hell?  

Oh well it makes it so I can put faces to the names that Kayley gave me earlier.

When I was done going through all the people around me I turned to eat my lunch and heard a voice being cleared.

Looking up I found a very angry looking Chance staring at me.  It almost looked like he was shaking he was so mad.  Huh.  I wonder what I did to deserve that.

"Can I help you, Prick?" I asked with boredom.  I wasn't really bored.  He was making my life entertaining but if he knew that he would stop.

"You're that girl who insulted me in the hall earlier, aren't you?" he tried to go on to say more but I cut him off.

"Good job Prick!  Your memory is better then a goldfish.  You deserve a gold star.  Too bad I left my stickers at home.  I'll bring you one tomorrow, okay?" I said with amusement before picking up my sandwich and resuming eating.

"Great.  Now you're insulting me again.  You steal my seat and now you are insulting me again."

I let a hurt look settle on my face, "I thought you wanted a gold star."

"No, I don't fucking want a gold star!"

I pouted and said, "Fine.  More for me."  He stared at me in disbelief.  "Why do people keep staring at me today?  Did I forget pants or something?"  I looked down pretending to check, "Nope.  I have my pants.  So why are you looking at me like that?"

"You stole my seat, and you act like this....." he said trailing off.

"I'm not stopping you from sitting here," I pointed out cocking my head to the side, "People at this school sure are weird."

He looked at me with disbelief.  That seemed to be his main expression today.

"We're weird?  You just offered me a gold star," he started to rant before I cut him off.

"Which you declined."

He looked at me annoyed, "And you think we're weird?"

"What kind of kid doesn't like a gold star?  That's just weird."

"I'm not a kid.  I'm almost eight-teen years old."

"Oh big boy!  I don't think I can count that on my fingers any more.  If I use my toes I can though.  Do you want to count with me?"

I held my hand up and said, "One, two, three," I got to give him props.  He made it all the way to five before stomping away and leaving me alone.

A smirk crossed my face as I watched his retreating figure.

I win.

As soon as he was gone I looked around to see that once again everyone was looking at me with their mouths hanging open.  Not a pretty sight since some of them were eating.

Seems pretty boy draws attention.

Not really use to that.

If they wanted something to stare at though I can give them something to stare at.

Addressing all of them I said, "I think he needs a time out don't you?  Temper tantrums are just not acceptable."

Their eyes widened at that and it took a while for them to reluctantly return to their lunches.

How did he have them so wrapped around his finger?

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