Truly Immortal (On Hold)

By The-Dark-One

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When one hears the word Immortal, you automatically assume that they never die. That's not entirely true. You... More

The Beginning
Unknown Parasite
Once Upon a Time
Chaos Ensues
Death of a Loved One
The Truth is Out There
Punishable by Death
Death Will Always Follow
To Die For
Raven Black


290 21 14
By The-Dark-One

Chapter 9- Regrets

I watched as Calley ran the opposite direction kicking up dust the faster she ran. The moon was a magnificent crescent shape, the stars illuminated the night sky with such mystery and all I could think about in that time and in that moment, was Annette. With all that has been going on I still had not found time to grieve for her death. I felt my chest tighten at the thought of Annette and I looking up at the stars not long ago, enjoying one another's company as we looked at the mysterious stars together. A lone tear slid down my cheek and traveled down the path of my throat to soak into the furs I was wearing.

My emotions began to get overwhelming. Sadness, grief, despair, misery. All emotions were building up deep within my soul and I let them. I let them hoping maybe they would crush me and take away the emotional pain that haunted my thoughts. My soul was blackened and encrusted with the guilt of what I have done. I not only killed my entire village and was also responsible for the death of another entire village, but I was feeling the guilt and pain from the death of my mother and Annette.

Regret hit me hard enough that it took my breath away. If I never turned Calley this would not have happened to these poor villagers, and those who will come into contact with her in the future. I should have let her die peacefully, instead I became selfish in wanting to keep her with me, a part of my mother that could never die, and in doing so... I made her into a monster, a demon. That's what we are. We are demons in my eyes, we suck the blood — the life out of anyone we wish. The hunger takes control over our thoughts, our entire mind is riddled with thoughts and images of blood and death, and if we give control to the hunger... we give control over to the demon inhabiting our body. I turned my sister into a demon in hopes that I'd have at least one family member that I love with me, and now, now I will take the life of immortality I gave her back.


2014- Unknown

I gathered all the vampiric men and women that I knew would rebel against Caen Tomes and set into motion a plan to have him assassinated. I looked around the abandoned warehouse at the fifty odd numbered vampires all eagerly awaiting for their orders from me. Ninety percent of the vampires that stood before me had their own agenda for wanting Caen dead and that agenda was mostly about power.

I wanted him dead for a completely different reason. I've lived too long, I've watched many of my kind slaughtered, tortured, and enslaved, as well as the human race. Our kind took humans in secret, fed on them, beat them, used them for our wildest fantasies and then bled them dry and burned their bodies like trash. I was once human a long time ago; now I am nothing but a mere puppet for Caen to use when he so wishes. I will no longer adhere to his orders. I will not be his puppet any longer. Someone needs to kill him and who better than the one he trusts to have his back.

I wouldn't wish this disease on anybody — not even my worst enemy. Your time is running out, Caen. The rebellion will rise in number and soon, another will take your place. She will be our Queen at last.



A whole week has went by and still my search for Calley has came up empty. I pray that she stays out of my sight until the day I find a way to die. I know you can only travel the world so many times before you start to feel the soul sucking loneliness and eventually you miss your sister or brother, they creep into your thoughts like a sin. It's only been a week and I miss my sister dearly, but I must go on, I must push forward and continue to search for her. I fear that if she is not found quickly and dispatched of many more people will die by her hands.

I wish my mother were here to tell me what I should do, how to fix this problem that I have created, but she isn't... and she will never be again. Thanks to these parasites, I have created a blood sucking demon and the humans that Calley changes will be on my hands, all their blood... on my hands. Soon, my demon will wrap its clawed fingers around my black soul and squeeze until I give it control once more. How can I stop this demon that resides within me? How can I stop more from being created by Calley? How can I get rid of the parasites that are constantly squirming and wiggling around my heart like a protective barrier?

If I found a way to get rid of them, would I finally be able to die? And if I died, would I take the voice, the merciless demon residing in me with me, too? These thoughts were constantly rolling inside my mind on a loop, and on top of it, I was still trying to find Calley. It was then that I had a realization. It hit me like a fist to the cheek. Calley has left our home and could be near the European area, or even possibly, the Americas. I walked and walked until I made my way through the European country, and there, at the borderline of Russia, I finally caught wind of Calley's scent. It was just barely there but that led me to believe that I was on the right path. I took off running, finding a bit of hope somewhere in the midst of the dark, and maybe I'll still be able to save humanity.



I ran the opposite direction of Caen, dust swirled up behind my feet like a a gust of fierce wind as it whips through the tall blades of grass. I pushed forward like a raging storm, leaving nothing behind me but a maddening sandstorm. Trees passed by me in a blur of green and brown, screech owls screeched violently into the night air sounding almost like a foreboding warning to the other creatures that lurked in the dark that something evil was coming.

As I ran faster and deeper into the woods, I couldn't help but think about what I had done. I had killed an entire village and without remorse, without a second doubt in my mind that that is what I wanted to do. Even now I did not feel sorrow for killing the villagers, I actually liked the feeling of their warm blood as it  cascaded down my throat in a velvety goodness. I liked the feeling of my cloth being soaked in a deep crimson red, it made me look feral, wild — dangerous.

I was not an evil person, this I knew, but I just couldn't quite get over the feeling that I enjoyed killing. I enjoyed their petrified screams as they echoed into the night skies, their pleas as they cry out towards the stars, our ancestors. I enjoyed the fear as it seeped out of their pores and thickened all around me, taunting me with that delicate sweet scent that only fear could have. I must admit, I never thought that I could enjoy taking another's life when I was a weak human being, but now that my eyes have been opened and the truth has been revealed to me... I revel in watching their life fade out from their eyes as I drink every last drop of their essence.

I didn't have to be alone either. If I was right all I needed to do was feed someone my blood and they would have the disease, the Vampirism. I smiled to myself as I thought about my brother. If Caen thought it was going to be easy to take me down then he would discover just how wrong he is. I will build me an army of people infected with Vampirism and have them surround me everywhere I go. Let's see Caen try and get to me then.

If anyone was good at sneaking around to get into mischief it was me. I used to sneak out at night whilst the family slept so I could see Trevor. I was sad when I saw that he was one of the bodies that Caen had drained dry and left in the pile of bloody bodies. My brother never once knew of my meeting Trevor, how will he ever locate me if I know exactly how to throw him off my trail?

Caen was such a good son and big brother, it made me sick. He always stole the affections of our mother, he had the respect of the nine villages and all of its people's. Caen needs taken down and shown that he isn't everything that they make him out to be.

He thinks he can fight the hunger, that he can control it, how very naïve of him. You can't control the hunger, you can't fight it... It controls you. There is nothing he can do. It will grow inside his body like a sickness until he's totally consumed by it and then... then he will know what it's like to give into the call of the darkness that resides inside. He will do its bidding, there is no stopping it, he will see. There is no fight that could ever be won against the whisper inside.

I picked my pace up feeling an excitement I have not felt since I first snuck out to meet Trevor. I was going to change my first human into a vampire. From there I would keep turning humans until I had a great enough army to take down Caen if he came for me, and if he didn't come for me... I'd come for him.

AN: This chapter is a little bit shorter than I intended but I honestly couldn't see what more I could add to it. It does have three separate POV's in it but I needed to show how Caen felt after the guilt finally showed up and how he felt about chasing his only sibling. As for Calley, she's pretty much showing you that she doesn't care about anyone but herself, she's giving into her inner Vampire. The Unknown... *cackles evilly* We haven't gotten to that part yet, BUT I did leave a vital hint in the unknown pov. Hope you picked up on it. XOXO The-Dark-One

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