Help Is Only So Far Away

By blah478

8.8K 623 540

A lot has happened since Cedric Diggory's death, especially in the lives of Voldemort, Quirrell, and Bellatri... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 7

443 32 35
By blah478

What was he going to do? Voldemort needed a place to stay away from wizards. He searched and searched for 3 weeks, before he finally found an apartment. Unfortunately, it came fully equipped with its own horrible muggle. Voldemort went to meet him and straight away, he was disgusted at having to live with a muggle, but he would have to deal with it for now. He had contemplated killing the boy, but after the........episode at Quirrell's hotel, Voldemort promised himself that he would not kill a single person. That would just bring more attention to himself and that would not be good! So he decided to suck it up for a bit to just stick around and keep an eye on Quirrell until he was on his own two feet, then he would move on. It was fine. It wasn't like Voldemort was going to talk to him or anything. He was still respecting Quirrell's wishes.....sort of.

He met up with the muggle, who was called Tyler. He was, what muggle society would describe as slightly childish. Tyler told him that he could move all his stuff in, though he didn't know that Voldemort had nothing. Tyler even said that he could decorate the room how ever he wanted and that he could bring any girls, or guys, he didn't judge, back to the apartment just so long as he let Tyler know beforehand. He was kind and considerate. Voldemort despised him and it made him want to retch. He was so.......MUGGLE! Ergh! It was just for a month or so, then he would find somewhere else to live, by himself. Until then, it would have to do.

Voldemort had a small room to himself. A small window, that overlooked the street, above a single bed, that creaked a little when Voldemort sat on it. There was a chest of drawers and a wardrobe to put everything in. He would wake up, sit around a bit, go out and try to spot Quirrell, come home, watch TV and go to bed. It was routine. Whenever he was hungry, he just went to the fridge. It went well, for about a week, until Tyler had to open his big, bogey-bat mouth!

"So, I don't want to be rude or anything, but we need to sort out how rent is going to be paid. I kinda figured we would split it evenly half-and-half?" Voldemort glared at him from the sofa, where he was sitting, twirling his wand in his hand. He had been careful to not use it around Tyler, so to him, it was just an odd-shaped stick that Voldemort carried around with him. Tyler gulped loudly. They'd been living together for a very short time and Voldemort terrified Tyler. "I mean, we don't have to do that, but I- well I- that was the reason I wanted a roommate. I, um, yeah....."

Voldemort glared at him. "What do you mean rent?" Tyler looked at him, slightly dubiously; but despite the ridiculous question, the icy tone had sent a chill down his spine.

"Well I don't own this place. I live here, but I don't own it and I need to pay money to stay here. That's what rent is. I need to pay it and you need to pay half of it now you live here too." Voldemort's eyes were sending daggers at Tyler at this point.

"And how am I meant to pay if I don't have money?" The question came out like a sneer and Tyler was near shuddering. His new flatmate was petrifying (A/N Yes I did just use that!!), but if he could pay some of the bills, Tyler wouldn't care if he was a giant slug. He was struggling and getting desperate.

"You need to get a job." He said. Voldemort hated the thought of that. Why the muggle couldn't just leave him alone, he had no idea, but Voldemort wished he would!  Wizard God, a job sounded awful. Surrounded by even more muggles, forced to do someone's bidding, the very thought made Voldemort want to drown himself. He could feel his features morph into a murderous look as he thought about it.

"Um, I need to go, but we can, er, finish this later." Said Tyler, quickly, before dashing out with a frightened look on his face.

Voldemort had to stay at the flat for a bit and even if he didn't, he didn't have anywhere else to go. He would need to get a job, as much as he hated the thought of that, but if it meant he could stay and keep an eye on Quirrell then so be it. The next day, Voldemort found himself at a job centre. He was sat in front of a woman with dark skin and black hair, tied up in a bun and glasses halfway down her nose. There was a nametag, saying she was called Mrs Sharp. Her dark suit finely pressed. She looked down upon Voldemort which he despised and he had an org to shoot a curse at her. He dug his nails into his right hand to stop him from grabbing his wand.

"Name?" She asked. Voldemort froze. He couldn't use Voldemort. That left.......urgh no!! He'd come up with one. Make one up quick!

"Um, Lucius......Lestrange. Yes, Lucius Lestrange." She looked at him with raised eyebrows before shrugging and typing into her computer.

"There is no Lucius Lestrange on record. I would like your real full name please?" She still had her eyebrows raised and frankly Voldemort was offended by it. So she knew he lied? So what? Wait, did this mean he had to use his real name? Would it be.....on record, or whatever it is she said? Well, he had been with the muggles when he was younger at the orphanage and knew they had some file thing on him. He just had to suck it up and tell her. He was about to break a vow he made many many years ago to never be that person again, instead to become the Dark Lord.

"My name is....Tom Marvolo Riddle." Urgh, he was trying not to shudder. She typed it in and seemed surprised to find a match.

"Yes.....I see. Date of birth is?"

"31st of December"

"Okay and final question, birth parents?"

"My mother was Merope Gaunt and my.....father," he spat the word. "Was....Tom Riddle Sr."

This time, Voldemort couldn't hold in the shudder. Mrs Sharp have hima weird look before just accepting it.

"It says here that you were at an orphanage until 11, then taken off to a boarding school......which has no name? And then after that, you seemed to just disappear. So you have no work history, degrees or anything?" Voldemort shook his head, only understand it the first part and just assuming that he didn't have the second. "Well this means that we have to cross off all the ones that you need a degree for, or grades or anything of that sort. After that, there are no more good jobs left. I can get you a job, so long as you don't have any preferences." Voldemort jutstared at her. He needed a job, simple as. However, this did not sound good. Eventually, he missed at her, staring warily.

"Um..........oh, there is a pizza in town that needs a delivery guy?" At Voldemort's face, she turned back. "Okay, not that one. What about..........there's a job going at the Snickers factory." Voldemort's anger grew and grew. He knew he looked how he felt, murderous.

"NO! I'D RATHER DIE!!! I AM NOT WORKING FOR SNICKERS!!!!" Everyone stared at him. He was standing up, having just yelled. Everyone's eyes were following him and even Mrs Sharp looked scared a little. He say back down and slumped over in his chair.

"Um.......okay.......nope.......nope.......nope.........There is a cafe, just down from here that needs a barista? That's the last one on the list." Voldemort thought a bit for a long time, it would involve interacting with muggles, but he could steal money from the till. It sounded horrible but Voldemort needed money. According to Mrs Sharp, the hours weren't so bad. Okay then, he'll do it. He signed the paper form thingy and after a phone call to the cafe, was told to be there on Monday.

Just like that, Voldemort had a job. He could now pay to stay, and would be a working, hard-earning citizen. God, he hated it already and he wasn't even there yet!!

Tyler was over the moon about it. The smile on his face when Voldemort told him made him hate Tyler a little bit less. He was practically bouncing. Voldemort wondered what all that was about. He seemed like a little child in a man's body. His brown curls bounced on his head and his green eyes were very bright. He even hugged Voldemort. Of course, Voldemort wasn't having any of that and pushed him off but there was a small smile on his face but his heart lifted a little.

Tyler kept bouncing around and Voldemort started laughing at him. Tyler grinned at him, trying to get him to join in. He put some music on and started jumping in time. Voldemort scoffed at him. He wasn't such an insufferable muggle.....

Voldemort blew him aside and started to dance properly. Twirls, leaps, steps and small jumps. Anything that came into his head, he didn't hold back. It was like he was flying gracefully through the air. Tyler was watching in awe. It felt wonderful, he hadn't danced since......well since the graveyard.

He suddenly stopped dancing. A lump formed in his throat, his stomach started twisting and he felt sick. His heart dropped in his chest. He knew he felt guilty for what happened but it wasn't just that. He had changed his mind. He was going to have Quirrell stay with him and find some other way to move the blame, but Bellatrix had gotten involved. He had no choice really but to go along with it. He thought it would be fine, he would just break Quirrell out when he was in control. It wasn't wonderful but it would be fine. Then Quirrell got taken away and suddenly Voldemort was missing him like hell. It just all seemed to go horribly wrong after that. The look on Quirrell's face as he was taken away would haunt him forever as would the look in his eyes from the hotel. Wizard God, it was all a mess and it was all Voldemort's fault. He felt like he was being crushed and he couldn't breathe or see straight. There was just darkness.

"You okay now?" Tyler's voice seemed to push through the darkness and slowly, whilst Tyler kept on talking to him, the darkness lifted. Voldemort was sitting on the sofa, with a glass of water in his hand.


"Dude, what happened just then? You were dancing, like incredibly well, then suddenly you stopped and got a horrible look on your face and went really white. You started swaying so I sat you down on the sofa and got some water. Is everything okay? What was going on in there?" He tapped the side of Voldemort's head and it made Voldemort want to slap his hand away but he couldn't be bothered. Tyler was babbling nervously on and Voldemort couldn't make much sense of his words. He just wanted to be left alone.

"Nothing. It-It's nothing." He looked down at his hands.

"Dude, c'mon that was not nothing. Tell me." Tyler sounded really serious. Voldemort didn't want to tell him but knew that he would never get any peace or quiet unless he spilt the beans. Tyler was such a child that he would mumble on and annoy him until he did so.

"I, um, was just thinking that it had been a while since I last danced." That was sort of the truth. Tyler gave him a look to show he didn't belive it one bit.

"C'mon man. That would not have made you react the way you did."

"Um, well then I remembered the night I last danced and, um, I ,er. I hurt my friend that night and he was very angry with me. I saw him recently and he hasn't forgiven me. That's all I was thinking about. Now leave me alone!" Voldemort rushed out the room and stormed into his own bedroom.

Great. Now that horrible muggle will do nothing but send him pitiful looks. Voldemort spat at the very thought. Urgh, he didn't need any pity. What he needed was.......well he wasn't really sure what he needed.

A/N So that was a long  chapter and for once all in one POV!! So poor Voldemort is trying to sort his life out and has been stuck with a muggle roommate.

Anyone have any thoughts or opinions on Tyler? He is an original character and I'm not sure how big his character will be later on.

So yes, I didn't put the year for Voldemort's d.o.b because he's 70 something years old and I wanted him to be much younger in this. Also I have no idea how the hell you get a job so I created this way, I know that's not how it works.

Anyway, next chapter has a bit about Quirrell's side of things whilst all this is going on. I'll try to update soon.

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