My brothers best friend is my...

By KamisamaKissFreak

180K 4K 250

Spencer is a werewolf living in a werewolf town. Her whole family is a werewolf. She's an average girl. She's... More

My brothers best friend is my mate!
I found my mate!
First fight
Pack business
Family affairs
Resolving the issue
Just us
We need to talk
I'm sorry
A newbie
Why? Just why?
The pain
The Battle
Negotiating (also last chapter)
Update on sequel


3.5K 102 4
By KamisamaKissFreak

Here's the next update!! Hope you guys like it!

After three days my wounds had been healed and I was ready to finally mate with Kyle. Walking into his office I cleared my throat, catching his attention. I smiled at his surprised expression.

"They've released you? Are you alright then? Nothing hurts anymore?" He asks worriedly. I laugh and walk over to his desk, standing in front of him. "Kyle... I want to mate. Right now." His eyes widen and he stares back at me. "I'm serious." I state.

It was a swift motion. His hands were on my hips, and the next I knew, he was taking off my shirt. I blushed. I knew this was exactly what I wanted and now that I'm a full wolf I am able to bare his children!

"Spencer I love you so much, you know that right?" He paused his actions and looked into my eyes. I stared back. I really love him. "I love you too. I want you. I want us to be one. No matter what I will always love you. Nothing will ever break us apart."

He smiles and caresses my face. "Spencer..." our heart felt moment ends and he's back at kissing me passionately. I moan, liking all the sensations he's giving me. Finally he leaves my mouth and goes to take off my pants but I stop him.

Though I love him I also want to have my fair share of dominance. It's not everyday you get the chance of a life time. I smirk at his confused expression and push him away steadily until I'm on top. He looks up at me, still confused.

"I'm so hot and bothered." I whisper, leaning down and licking his ear. He groans seductively and grabs my waist. "S-Spencer what are you..." he trails off. I giggle. I like being in control like this... I place my hands on his chest. "Mm, Kyle..." I moan out. He grinds his teeth together.

"Stop teasing babe." He complains. I giggle. "But I like it- being on top I mean." He gives me a bit of a scowl and I smile back at him, rolling my hips into his. He lets out a loud grunt before hissing. "Damn... I'm so hard..." he mutters. I blush.

"Kyle I love you. I'll love you forever. Please hold me tighter." I say. His eyes open and he reaches out, grabbing me and switching our positions. I pout, dang I lost my authoritative position! He smirks. "I love you too babe." He huffs out. Oooh so his wolf is taking over is it?

I'm surprised he's kept it within him for so long. Bringing my legs up I let my wolf take over as well. "I want to be with you so bad. I'm so glad we're mates!" She howled out in pleasure as Kyle fondled my breasts. I moaned. Yes! "I'll definitely make you feel amazing my love."

(A/N) Okay for anyone who doesn't want the full on sex scene please skip ahead. Thank you :) (gosh I'm so embarrassed!)

With our clothes off, piled up on the floor, our entire beings were being exposed to one another. I grew shy and pulled away, covering my breasts. My scars from that time in the woods when I lost my father. Kyle stops and looks at me.

"Spencer it's alright. You are beautiful to me. I love seeing this side of you. I love you so much, these scars... they are there to remind you why you are still alive ." He comforts me, any thoughts of nervousness disappearing within seconds.

Uncovering my self I watch as his eyes take me in as a whole. His eyes traveled from my lips to my chest to my middle to my legs and finally back up to my eyes. I blushed and took this capable to explore his body. His muscles popped out and looked so attractive as he held onto me. He was lean but strong and gentle.

Growing shy again I couldn't bring myself to look down any further than his waist. Biting my lip I steel a quick glance and grow red in the face by what I find. I look back up at Kyle. "Are you sure it'll fit inside me?" I ask nervously. He chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"Don't worry sweetheart it will." He reassures me gently. I nod and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down. "Okay. I trust you. I give you my everything tonight Kyle. My alpha. My mate." I whisper. With that said we share a passionate kiss.

His mouth then left mine and find a nipple. I let a loud moan protrude from within me and I quickly covered my mouth. It feels so good! My legs shot yo and wrapped around his waist. "Ah k-Kyle!" I moan out. After a few more minute she abandons my breasts and moves further down.

His tongues stars to slide into me. In and out, in and out, bringing me so much pleasure. I arch my back, tears forming in he corners of my eyes as I cry out in bliss. I feel like this wall inside me is going to snap at any moment! "K-Kyle I feel... I feel...! Ah!" He stops his pleasuring actions and veins his mouth back to mine.

Next he pulls away and sucks o. His fingers. What is he doing that for? "Kyle why are you-" my question dries up in my mouth as he inserts his fingers into me. I cry out, in some pain and some pleasure. This feels really weird!

He brings to move them, going in different direction and stretching me out, giving my more pain then pleasure. I gripped his shoulders tightly. "Ah! Kyle I don't like this!" I cry out. He kisses my neck. "I know I'm sorry but if I don't do this it'll hurt even more!" He explains. I nod in understanding and close my eyes.

Slowly pleasure starts to build within me again and I feel I'm nearing that wall again when he pulls them out. "Wait! It need to-!" I don't finish. Kyle positions himself above me and one partial thrust, puts himself half way in.

Pain racks my body and tears spring from my eyes. "Kyle!!" I scream out in pain. I am instantly defending myself, trying to push him away. He grabs my hands and I look up at him, scared and in pain. He looks back at me with regret and begging for forgiveness. He didn't mean to hurt me...

"I'm sorry babe. I can't help it. Just relax. If you relax and loosen up it won't hurt as bad." He explains gently. Trying to follow his orders I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths, trying to relax my tense body.

Finally the pain starts to subside after a while. Opening my eyes I look up at Kyle and kiss him. "I think it's okay now." I explain. He nods and begins to move. At first I want him to stop but soon the pain grows into immense pleasure and soon I can't control the moans and scream of bliss that come from my mouth.

"Ah! Oh fuck! Oh Kyle! More!" I beg, gripping into him tightly. He kisses my neck and starts sucking on it really hard. My mouth drops open from the pain but the pleasure is overwhelming and I lose the ability to make any sound whatsoever. I dug my nails into his shoulders, the pleasure almost too much.

Finally something in me snaps and I feel a huge sweep of relief, hugging Kyle tightly I moan deeply into his ear. "K-Kyle I just..." he pants and I notice something is filling me up inside. Huh?! Did he-?! I blush and kiss his neck. "Spencer... I... I love you so much." He pants out exhaustedly.

Feeling the same I smiled and kiss his cheeks. "That was amazing Kyle..." he collapses on me and we both just lay there, panting and soaking up the moment. I smile, I did it! We did it! We mated!

(A/N) Okay sex scene over!

At some point we end up in Kyle's room, laying in his bed. We both fall into a deep slumber and when I wake back up Kyle is still out cold. I smile and move some hair out from his eyes.

His face looks so at peace and so happy. I smile wider. We really mated! I'm so happy! I was finally able to become one with Kyle! Our bond is finally complete! I lean in and kiss Kyle's nose before sitting up and getting out of bed to get dressed. As soon as my feet touch the floor I go plummeting to the ground.

The noise from my fall wakes Kyle up instantly. "What?! What happened?!" He asks alarmed. I groan and hold my hips. They hurt!! "My... my hips!" I whimper. Kyle appears in front of me. "Are you alright? What happened?" He asks. I blush and glare at him, well I tried to any way but we did just mate.

"My hips hurt from last night!" I pout. He chuckles slightly. "Sorry... here," he extends his hand to me. I take it and he picks me up, carrying me to the bathroom. What's he doing?! "A bath will help you feel better." He explains. Oh... I smile. "You'll take one with me?!" I ask excitedly. He laughs and smiles down at me.

"I can if you want me to." And this we both take a bath together. Most of it was me splashing Kyle with water and then squealing I laughter as he tickled me to death. But he was right, after our bath my hips felt impressively better and I was able to walk without hurting my hips or back and my legs didn't wobble.

Getting dressed we headed down to the dinning hall only to see his parents and the rest of the pack there, most of them waiting outside for us. Do they know we mated or something? I blushed at the thought of it.

His mother is the first to speak. "Spencer. This eastern alpha who has killed so many of those who you love, can you tell him about us? The wolves need a rally, something to boost their confidence and manor them join the fight. They aren't all too sold on the idea of fighting for you." She explains. I gulp.

I have to give a speech to rally forces together?! I look over at Kyle and smiles lovingly down at me, grabbing my hand. "You can do this, I'll be right beside you the whole time." He assures me. I nod and we walk outside. I take I. The huge crowd and gulp once more.

Taking in a deep breath to calm my nerves I begin. "Everyone!" I all attention to myself and they all stare back at me, their loud voices now quiet. I grip Kyle's hand harder but push on. "I know you are scared, I know what you think about this war. You aren't sure of the means. I am here to tell you to fight."

They whisper among themselves for a second before I continue. "This little boy-" I point to Liam who is standing among the crowd. "His entire family has been wiped out by these wolves from the eastern pack! And my family too."

"We have nothing left save for this pack and those who are in it. I want to protect this pack with my life. This pack is my family now and my mother is being held captive by this alpha. And he won't stop until he has what he wants. But we can destroy him, with our numbers and strength and spirits I know we can take them!"

I let go of Kyle's hand and step forward. "If we don't stop this threat while we can our children and grandchildren- hell even us right now and right here, will pay that price!" It's silent for a second so I try once more. "To protect the future please join our forces and help us win this battle against the eastern pack who have taken out so many of us, who have targeted a little boy!"

They look at each other, considering my words. I look over at Kyle almost in disappointment before the crowd erupts in cheers. They are all agreeing to my plan and they are all chanting my name.

Kyle is at my side, smiling at me. I smile back. "You did it, Luna." Hearing Kyle acknowledge me as my title excites me and I jump up and hug him. I'm sure we will win this and take out the eastern pack. We have to, so that no one else will suffer! I can't let anyone else suffer. They don't serve that! I hug Kyle tighter. I won't lose Kyle to this fight either! I won't!

Okay so how was the long anticipated chapter? I hope you guys enjoyed it! Sorry that it took so long but I couldn't figure out how to write the sex scene. Anyways thanks to all who are reading my story! I love you all! Until next time!

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