Making Love to The Alpha

By Forever_AndAlways999

27.9M 636K 116K

(Warning Mature Content) "You don't know how long i've been waiting for you to say that..." Sam groaned into... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine: Unedited
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve: Unedited
Chapter Thirteen: Unedited
Chapter Fourteen: Unedited
Chapter Fifteen: Unedited
Chapter Sixteen: Unedited
Chapter Seventeen: Unedited
Chapter Eighteen: Unedited
Chapter Nineteen: Unedited
Chapter Twenty: Unedited
Chapter Twenty-One: Unedited
Chapter Twenty-Two:
Chapter Twenty-Three:
Chapter Twenty-Four: Unedited
Chapter Twenty-Five: Unedited
Chapter Twenty-Six:
Chapter Twenty-Seven:
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Unedited
Chapter Twenty-Nine:
Chapter Thirty: Unedited
Chapter Thirty-One:
Chapter Thirty-Two: Unedited
Chapter Thirty-Three: Unedited
Chapter Thirty-Four: Unedited
Chapter Thirty-Six: Unedited
Chapter Thirty-Seven:
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Unedited
Chapter Thirty-Nine:
Chapter Forty: Unedited
Chapter Forty-One: Unedited
Chapter Forty-Two:
Chapter Forty-Three: Unedited
Chapter Forty-Four: Unedited
Chapter Forty-Five: Unedited
Chapter Forty-Six: Unedited
Chapter Forty-Seven: Unedited
Chapter Forty-Eight:
Chapter Forty-Nine:
Chapter Fifty:
Chapter Fifty-One:
Chapter Fifty-Two: Say Goodbye..Then Hello
Last Chapter:

Chapter Thirty-Five: Unedited

445K 10K 3.4K
By Forever_AndAlways999

The medicine Ruby gave me knocked me out. As soon as I swallowed it, sleep found me before my head hit the pillow.

Looking at the clock, I realized I had been asleep for more than 12 hours, and it was 5:03 a.m. "What.. the..Hell" I whispered to myself, pushing the blanket down to my knees and swinging my legs off the bed and onto the cold wood floor.

Standing up, I felt weak and empty. Like I haden't eaten in days, leaving my stomach to rumble and groan. What was that pill Ruby gave me made of!? NyQuil!?

Slowly making my way down stairs, I took deep breaths trying to keep the calm myself. Once I reached the kitchen, I swung the fridge door open and grabbed a yogurt cup. Peeling the top off I left it on the counter and grabbed a spoon, digging into the yogurt and shoving it into my mouth.

As soon as it hit my stomach, I wanted more. I finished the yogurt cup in seconds, moving onto a bundle of grapes and then a entire carrot. Never before had I been this hungry, and even now I counlden't get full.

Grabbing a bagel, I walked away from the fridge knowing I might over-eat myself. Chewing on the delicious bread, I walked over to the stairs, but something in Ruby's studio caught my eye.

Opening the door, I took a step in and grabbed the dusty red leather scrap book and stat on the tarp and dried paint covered floor.

Looking around, I realized I hadn't painted or drawn in a while and my fingers where itching to do so. But I coulden't, there would be time for that later. Right now I had to open this book and see why my mother had a matching one.

Biting into the bagel, I flipped to the first page in the scrap book and saw my mom as a child, her hair in two pigtails and her face covered in chocolate. Flipping through the book, they where all pictures I had never seen of my mom.

Come to think of it, i'd never seen any of my mom during her childhood. Only of when she was a teenager, and those all had dad in them.

Flipping to the back, I almost screamed at what I saw.

In the glossy reflection of the page, I saw Ruby standing behind me.

~~~~~(Sam's P.o.V)~~~~~

"One more set" I urged Andrew, slapping his cheek and getting into the spotting position. "Sam, we've been up since four, let's just go back to bed" He whined, gripping the bar and doing a few lifts before pushing it into the holding rack. "Don't be a baby, just do the set." I said again, rolling my eyes and clapping.

He groaned and stood up, motioning for me to lay down and lift. Glaring at him, I got into positon and began lifting effortlessly. I finished the set in seconds, motioning for him to add more.

"Sam, that's to much" He said, helping me but the bar back into its holding position "Add more" I demanded, closing my eyes and watching him add another twenty pounds to each side "More".

He huffed and added more "You're just doing this because you're sexually frustrated brother" He said under his breath. Ignoring it, I began lifting and lowering the weight trying to keep my anger under control.

Ever since I knocked my dad into submission and he passed the title over, everything I could normally handle fine was harder and harder each day. It was probably the full moon that was doing it to me, yeah, that's what it was.

"I am not 'sexually frustrated', Andrew" I growled, doing another set. "You should try-" He tried to say but I already knew what he was going to say "I am not watching porn. I have Allie".

Securing the weight in place, I stood up and stretched my muscles, watching my reflection in the weight room mirror. "She probably woulden't mind, it's just porn. Lillian doesn't mind" He laughed, handing me my water as we moved over to the treadmills.

"Lillian? What happened to Ammi?" I scoffed, taking a sip of the water and jumping on the treadmill. We both began walking, listening to the whir of the machine. "She's Allies friend. And that means if I do something stupid with Ammi, you'll hear all about it and you're so whipped that you'll have to talk to me about it" He pointed out, looking at me.

We walked for a few seconds, me ignoring the fact that he just called me whipped, and him smirking like a donkey. "I'm just going to say it, wait for your mate, brother. I didn't and I regret it, but you can wait. Everything with Allie is so much better than with any girl. And chicks dig abstinence" I laughed, drinking my water and thinking about Allie.

Maybe i'd run over and climb in bed with her before she woke up, but i'd need to shower first.. or would I? Do girls like guys straight from the gym? Maybe i'd get her to shower with me..

"Yeah, sure. You sure Allie's your mate and not mine?" He laughed, and I shot him a warning glare to tell him the joke wasn't funny. "Stick to your porn, brother. I'm going to go shower so I can wake Allie up"

~~~~(Allie's P.o.V)~~~~

"Ruby." I gasped, turning around to see her with tears in her eyes. "Your mom was always rebellious. She never obeyed my rules. I raised her to be a lady, to understand right from wrong. But she was always like her father-your grandfather." Ruby said, wiping her eyes and sitting next to me. "Charles was a great man, and I made the same mistake she did. And hopefully not the same mistake you make.

"Charles and I met on a safari in Africa when I was going through my experimental years. He showed me a lion pride, we stayed in a village together and he taught me how to paint. Then I had sex out of wedlock. We married because my parents where catholic and believed that was the right thing to do. Then Charles died and well.. history repeats itself" She trailed off, taking the book from my and running her hand over the glossy paper cover.

She took a few deep breaths. "This is the note your mother wrote me before she left, telling me it was all my fault and how she and Toby where in love and that they where going to get married.. That's why I sent you to Angie and Kevin's house. I thought the distance would make you realize how young you are, and how you need to experience things before you get pregnant and start a family. You're young, Allie. And Sam is too, so take your time and don't grow up to soon."


OH! Question of the chapter;

1.How do you feel about Ruby after THAT story time? Think it's a load of bull, or that she was telling the truth?

2: Do you think Sam is whipped?

I want atleast 20 replys per question! And label them '1' or '2'!

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