The Dark Windows

By nandostagram_1d

6.6K 305 94

Ally has been best friends with Charlie all her life. The only problem with Charlie is her obnoxious friend L... More

The Dark Windows
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Another Author's note

Chapter 33

112 8 5
By nandostagram_1d


Louis's POV:

"Does he even have brains in that head of his?" Paul asked me.

"I know right."

"But in all seriousness, who doesn't care that they're daughter isn't home and they don't think anythings wrong? They think it's just an experiment?!"

"Tell me about it."

"And the fact that he thought you were trying to have se-"

"Please don't mention that, yeah?" I was really fucking pissed off at that comment, so much that it made me think about it all last night.

I would never ever do that to Ally. I wonder if we ever did have a relationship, if she'd feel so intimidated by me. That's the last thing I would ever want from her. Yes, it might have crossed my mind but that was way way in the future.

Is that what other people would think of me too? I'm just this big selfish bastard who sleeps with tons of girls? Well, to be honest that's exactly what I would think of myself. That's what she used to think of me. She would grimace at the talk of it, and god dammit. Why the fuck would I ever even think to do that?

Why would that even make sense to get rid of the thought of her? It made me ache now, and as I walk through those damn hallways at school, it comes back to haunt me. And even in my own bedroom, the memories come back to haunt me.

It will never be repaired after this. If I ever do walk the halls hand in hand with her, girls will laugh at me. They'll know what I did, all that has happened. Ally will get embarrassed, she won't want to be seen with me. She won't even look at me I bet. She would find out all the information from all the girls, and she would be sickened by me. She'd think I want her for that. I don't.

"Louis! Hello where is your mind at?!" Paul was screaming in my face.

"Sorry. It happens a lot." It has been happening a lot more than ever.

"Either way, did you hear what I said?!" I shook my head. He sighed. "I said, I'm bringing in someone to help me look at your phone and stuff. To try and get more information."

"If you looked at me in the halls and knew I slept with lots of girls, would you think I'm an awful person?"

"Louis, I just told you something huge, and you're asking me about that?"

"Can you just answer me?" He rolled his eyes.

"I wouldn't think you're an awful person so-to-say, I would just think that you're a bad influence. But then again I don't have the full story to judge." Great. Everyone thinks I'm a bad person. "Anyways, can you answer me?"

"He's not even gonna find anything!!! We've gone through this so many times."

"Well sorry Mr. 'I'm in a bad mood'."

"How childish." We both just laughed, and I played with my hands. There was something that my mum wanted me to ask him...what was it? God dammit Paul's right, I honestly have no idea where my mind is at. Maybe it was about Ally? No. What else could it possibly be then? Oh I remember.

" mum wanted to know if you wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow night. She wants to meet you or something." He rubbed the back of his hair, and smiled.

"And you, being you, are actually allowing me to meet your family?"

"I never said you couldn't meet my family..." I trailed off. He was silent, tapping his pencil on his desk.

"I'll come, if you tell me one thing." Oh god.

"What is it?" He looked down at the pencil that he had just placed on the desk.

"Why were you asking me those questions?"

"I don't know. Her dad got inside of my head I guess." He nodded.

"Don't repeat what I'm about to say, but he's a fucked up man Louis. I know you wouldn't do that to Allison."

"Well um...thanks?" I don't really see the point in this.

"I just have one more question." I nodded. These don't even have a point to them at all. "Have you ever kissed her before?" Oh.

"" Please don't ask anymore questio-

"Do you want too?"

"Yes. Now can you please just agree to going to dinner tomorrow night before I smash your head because of all these pointless questions!" He nodded.

I don't know why he was asking me these questions, but at the thought of his questions, I really just wanted to kiss her now.

Ally's POV:

My whole body was shaking as my eyes kept darting to the clock. 2:52 am. 8 more minutes. 7 more. 6 more. I don't want to do this. I want to get out. I don't want to get caught. I want to get to the police station.

My mind was trying to have me back out of this whole plan. I haven't spoken to John, because I can't. I can't even go over any of this with him because I can't see him. I've been up, my legs shaking nervously. I felt my stomach turning and turning at the awful thought.

I always used to think that the worst time I would ever get this unsteady feeling was when I had to speak in front of my whole class remarking a speech that I wrote myself. This, this was much worse than I could've ever pictures in a million years. This felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest at the rate it was going.

2:55. Shit. The light in my room was turned off because I was acting like I was acting like I was sleeping. The lights out in the hall seemed to be off too. God dammit I want to do this, but yet I really don't. I closed my eyes and pictured how great it would be after. I wouldn't even get to say goodbye to John. As wrong as it sounded because he was a part of the kidnapping, I would honestly miss him.

I gulped, looking at the clock. 2:58. Maybe John will forget to slide the key under. Ally what are you saying?! You want to get out! You hate this place and you want to escape. I gulped, the time reading 2:59. I was so early in the morning, I can't even imagine what the worst thing would be if he found out.

I stood up quietly, and turned the light up clock towards the door, my hand shaky as I held it. I waited for the time to change to 3:00, convincing myself that this would all work out. It will Ally, I promise, it'll all work out and you can finally see Louis again.

At exactly when the clock hit 3:00, a small paper slid under the door. I brought the paper to the clock's light, opening it up. Enclosed was the key, of course, and a note. I read it to myself:

Be good out there. Hold on too Louis. He'll treat you right, I know how hard he's working. -John

I placed the note in my pocket. I don't have time too think about that now, I have to think about getting out of here. I placed the clock down on the side table, and too a huge breath. Here we go.

I walked to the closet just like John had told me too. I opened it. I turned on the light in the closet, and lifted up the corner of the carpet just like John had said too. The witch to the cameras was under there, and I took a deep breath before switching it off. I heard a woosh sound, telling me that they had turned off.

I walked over quietly to the door, and took a deep breath. I placed the key in the whole, as it turned perfectly. This is really happening. I turned the knob softly, and opened the door as quietly as possible. As soon as I opened the door, I saw the shoes sitting right in front of the door. John's room was right ahead of mine, and I saw his head looking out at me.

Rob's room is farther down than this, so he won't see John looking at me. I slid my feet into John's huge shoes, and hoped I'd be able to walk in them. My whole body was shaking.

Rob nodded at me, and I reached back to close my door quietly. As soon as I was about to close it, John closed his door so loudly, it overpowered the sound of my door closing. My heart beat sped up at the thought of passing Rob's room. How am I going to walk by, without him actually realizing it's me? I have to go fast.

I started walking in the shoes, and I knew why John chose them. They were loud enough for Rob to hear that they were his shoes. I saw Rob's door as I approached the next hallway, and I tried to walk casually past it. I was holding my breath the whole way, and I successfully made it passed. My heart was thumping, my adrenaline rushing up and down me.

I saw the kitchen, and walked swiftly and fast towards it. I couldn't turn on the lights, John told me, because they all knew so easily where the keys were, that if I turned on the light he would know it wasn't John. I reached my hands out, feeling blind. I also could've passed out at any second.

I felt the counter slightly graze over the palm of my hand. I felt over the top of it, hoping the keys wouldn't be too loud. I kept reaching and reaching, but I couldn't find them. Wait, John said they were on the other side of the kitchen. I tried not to drag my feet along the floor as I moved to the other side of the classroom.

I stuck my hands out, feeling the counter again under the palm of my hand. I took a huge breath, and kept feeling around. I heard the sound of clicking behind me, and I froze. I always wondered why in movies no one ever ran away when they heard someone, but now I knew. I couldn't move, as I heard a door open.

The light clicked on, and Guy looked me straight in the eyes, filing folders in his hands. I continued to stay frozen, not even caring where the keys were at this point. He looked down at my shoes, noticing that they were John's. His eyes went wider than I'd ever seen before as our eyes connected again.

He was just about to scream something, before I quickly placed my hand over his mouth as hard as possible.

Hello! Thank you for over 1,000 reads so far! I hope a lot more people start reading this, haha. SO comment what you think about predictions or what just happened. <3333

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