Vanished Undercover

By Mistiemiller

309 0 0

Ashlynn Saige is a genetic prototype that a group of scientists were working on before they were arrested. Wi... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Authors note!!
Chapter Six
Chapter seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter One

36 0 0
By Mistiemiller

"My name is Sergeant Kale Holist, Michigan state police. There's been a recent wave of young teenage girls being kidnapped from the downtown clubbing area of Detroit . Unfortunately our detectives can't seem to catch a slip up from the suspect and we havent been able to arrest him. Blaine Ashton is a twenty-four year old caucasion male. At 5'8" and 240lbs with brown eyes and black hair he seems to blend. We have been tracking him for about six months and twenty-one victims. As far as we know he is a high school dropout from a wealthy family. He has been arrested multiple times for Grande theft auto as well as illegal street racing. He already served his time for the crimes so we can't use that as a reason to arrest him. Our only chance is to catch him in the act."

"Am I going undercover again?" My voice came out quiet and shy but it didnt faze segeant Holist at all. I've worked with him for the longest time so he knows about my shy tendencies. He also knows I am very good at what I do. I've been an undercover agent for the state police for a long time but normally they use me for smaller jobs like in schools to catch drug dealers. I'm only nineteen so I can fit in at the high school even though I graduated two years ago. 

"We would like you to. Your a young female that is on the attractive side. You fit the description of the girls already kidnapped. I want to send you to my group of specialists that will dress you up for the occassion now and send you out tonight. We have been watching a club Mr. Ashton likes to visit and we believe he will be there tonight to pick up another girl."

"And what safety precautions will be taken?" I am very nervous about this assignment. I have never been in an undercover situation of this type so I will be careful to ensure my safety before taking the job.

"We want to hook a micro camera with a microphone built in onto your bra. We can do it with black and with a lacy bra you shouldnt be able to see it. We will also insert a tracker chip into your arm so that we can track where you are. Both should be hidden and they wont be able to find them if they do a search."

"How long will I be on the job?" The nerves I normally feel are going wild. Being a narc for the state police was not my ideal job but with my genetic background it is almost a perfect job for me, I was not a normal baby; I dont have a mom or a dad. I am a scientific experiment engineered to be crazy attractive. A few scientists got together wanting to create people like me and place us into donor mothers. The police found out but but because we were so developed we were considered fetuses and so they let the donors complete the pregnancy and we were placed in foster homes of a sort to be cared for until we were old enough to be on our own.

"We expect you to only be in there a week at most. We will give you a chance to get in so we can gather data and we will extract you at the best possible time so that we can save as many girls as possible as well as catch as many of the criminals as possible." My boss went on to tell me the details and we decided I would be dropped tonight so that we could set things in motion as quickly as possible.

It doesnt matter how many times I go undercover it is always going to be awkward standing in the dressing room in my underwear or only a robe while people obsess over changing me. While the police station's tech guy infused a cam and mic on my bra I had to sit in a robe while the hair and makeup ladies did me up to look even better than I normally do. 

Normally I avoid dressing up because I already draw the eye naturally but my boss said this wouldnt work if I looked like a boy. All of the girls that were kidnapped had been dressed up and looking extremely attractive. That said, the ladies helped me pull part of my chocolate brown curly hair that goes down to my hips up into a half updo while making my eyes look an attractive smoky color that accents my emerald green eyes. Sometimes I like to pretend I have my mom's eyes even though I really dont have one.

The tech guy walked into the room without a care in his head about the fact I was half naked and that I might be uncomfortable with him in here. Quite frankly the guys didnt faze me it was the ladies that I didnt like seeing me in such a state of indecency. I'm in the beginning stages of figuring out my sexuality and I'm beginning to notice the ladies more than the men which makes me more self-conscious around the females than the males.

"Here put this on so I can make sure it's working." I took the black lacy bra from the tech guy and went into the other room to change. They thought the lace would help hide the camera a little better than a solid bra would. When I got it on I went out to the main room again where Techie went on to mess with my bra and move the camera around so it worked correctly. When he was done he left and it was time for me to get dressed. 

The ladies who did my hair also picked out my clothes and decided I should wear a short single strap dress that was a nude color underneath black lace. The strap was lace as well so that the camera could see through the material. The dress stopped just under my butt and I was worried that when I sat down my butt would show. I had gotten lucky and they allowed me to wear solid black converse with the dress, they said it made me edgy and attractive, I was just glad I would be able to walk.

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Blaine POV

I showed up at BlackRose Lounge around midnight and grabbed a seat in the back. Cameron was with me drinking and checking out the ladies. He decided that he wanted to kidnap a girl tonight. I just let him in on my business and he wants to try out the kidnapping part. I told him if it was successful he could be my new partner so that I have help to get more girls in one night.

He was watching, waiting, for the attractive girl that caught his eye. There was a cute brunette that came into the bar a little after midnight and she was looking a little nervous. She's young so my guess was that she had used a fake ID to sneak in. She went straight to the bar and ordered a drink. She sipped it a while but I could tell she was nervous and unsure on what to do. 

At some point she made it to the far side of the dance floor and another pretty girl started grinding on her. She seemed to let lose a little bit and danced back. She caught Cameron's eye because he soon went over to check her out. He stood back at first watching, waiting, for the best chance to step in. He soon put his hands on the girls hips and danced back with her. She tensed at first and soon relaxed.

When the song was over he took her to the bar to get a drink and that was the signal that she was the one he wanted. I headed out the door and stood against the wall so that when she came out I could follow her. It was kind of chilly outside as I waited but just as I expected she came out and headed off towards the bad area of detroit. Not wanting to lose her I began to follow. 

We went around a lot of turns but eventually Cameron pulled the car up and got close. She was stumbling a litle bit like she might have been tipsy. I grabbed her mouth and wrapped the other arm so that I could pull her into the backseat of the car. 

 The girl struggled at first and tried to escape but she froze when I put my gun to her head and told her to stop struggling. She was nervous and fidgetty at first but when I cocked the gun she froze completely. I pulled her onto my lap so that I could grip her better as well as keep the gun on her side instead of her head so that if we passed a car we wouldnt look so suspicious. 

Ashlynn POV

I don't like guns, they terrify me, and I was scared to move. I sat rigid but Blaine told me, with his deep voice, to lean back and try to relax. There is no way to relax in this situation. He repeated himself again and when I still didnt comply he reached up and pulled me down so I had no choice. I tried to sit back up but he told me not to, that he didn't want to have to shoot me.

I sat there silently trying not to get on their bad side. I only have to be with them for a week and I would rather not get shot. It had been about thirty minutes and my trembling stopped. 

"Cameron, is she asleep?" The guy in the front glanced in his rearview mirror so that he could see me.

"No, she's crying" 

I dont know if Blaine was trying to put the moves on me or comfort me but he reached up so that he could rub my stomach. The touch at first scared me because it was unsuspected. I shot up from leaning on Blaine and tried to get up. He just pulled me back down though and told me to relax in the same soothing voice he used on me earlier.

He began to rub my tummy but everytime his hand went too close up or too far down I would tense up. He chuckled every time. Once I saw that he wasnt trying to grope me I stopped tensing up as much and actually relaxed and started to get drowsy. 

I barely stayed awake for the next few hours. I was able to watch what was going on but I didnt really comprehend what they were saying. I only knew something was up when Cameron pulled into a hotel parking lot. When he turned to look at me and Blaine he laughed at the fact I was almost asleep.

"Maybe we should keep driving. If she falls asleep we can carry her in with no problem. It's going to be tricky getting past the front desk if she starts screaming." It scared me a little bit when Blaine laughed and said that was what the gun was for. I dont like the sound of that...

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