The Princess and The Servant

By Airtempleavatar

554K 15.1K 10K

Asami is a princess. Not an average princess. She is the princess of Encanta, a magical realm. She has everyt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 25

12K 294 86
By Airtempleavatar

Enjoy :)

"Almost finished".

Asami finished up wrapping the medical wrap around Korra's cut up arm. The glass had done a number on her arm. There would definitely be scars, but they'd fade after a while. A long while. Asami put on the metal clasp to keep the wrap on.

Asami looked over at the bowl filled with water that had been set on the bedside table by the healer. There was a small hand towel inside the water.

Asami reached out and picked up the water soaked towel. Ringing the water out, Asami turned to Korra. She scooted closer to her.

"Stay still. This might hurt".

Asami looked at the cut on Korra's forehead. She lightly pressed the towel onto the injury.

"Ow!!", Korra said, wincing, making Asami pull away.

"Sorry", Asami said.

"It's fine", Korra said.

Asami resumed lightly dabbing the towel onto the slightly bleeding injury.

"Thank you", Asami said, "for protecting me. That must've been scary battling for your life".

"It wasn't so bad", Korra said. "I was more concerned about you since you were asleep so anything could've happened to you".

Korra shrugged.

Asami lowered her hand.

"Are you sure you're okay??", she asked. "You know you can talk to me, right??".

Korra nodded, looking at her lap.

"I know", she sighed, her shoulders sagging. "I don't know. I guess I'm just still trying to process what just happened".

Korra looked up at Asami.

"My uncle nearly tried to kill me again and he almost did. He had a blade pressed up against my throat. I had to do something. So I used my waterbending to form an icicle and stabbed it into him".

Asami thought about it, a mental picture in her head of what happened.

"Well", she said, continuing to wipe the blood away.

"You're safe now and you don't have to worry about him anymore".

"How do you know that??", Korra asked, anxiety and uncertainty in her eyes.

"What if he escapes or has someone else try and kill me for him".

"Korra", Asami said. "That is very unlikely to happen. No one wants your head on a platter other than him and I'm going to be damned if he ever tried to hurt you again".

Asami motioned to Korra's appearance.

"I mean look at you. He really hurt you. He nearly killed you and I won't take any chances. He's never getting out. We're going to take his powers away somehow since he had to have gotten them from somewhere. You're going to be fine".

Korra smiled gently.

"Sorry, I just wouldn't be surprised if he did find a way out".

It was silent. Asami continued to clean up Korra's bloody face. She took in every cut and scrape and bruise. Asami felt the protective so in her starting to come out.

"I'd never let anything happen to you", she said.

"I know".

Asami pulled the towel away.


Asami looked Korra over fir any open wounds or cuts that needed to be treated. When she found now, she said, "You should be all done. Let me help you change out of that that".

"Then I guess I'm right on time".

Korra and Asami turned their heads to the doorway of the infirmary room. The healer fairy had flown in. She flew over to the two.

"Here, your highness", she said with a bow.

"You don't have to bow", Korra said. "It's unnecessary at the moment".

The fairy smiled and looked at her.

"It's a sign of respect, your highness", she said.

That exactly what the woman at the ball had told her.


The healer fluttered over to the bed and sat down beside Korra.

"Yes", she said. "And you have earned my full respect".

Korra raised an eyebrow. "How??. You're the second person to tell me that".

"Well", the healer said. "You fought your uncle in order to not only protect yourself, but Princess Asami as well. That, to me, is bravery and shows that you protect the ones you love. You were beaten in order to keep her and anyone that he might be tried to hurt next safe. That shows that your care for others and that you're selfless".

The woman shrugged her shoulders.

"That's the kind of Queen I want".

Korra didn't say anything. She thought about it for a moment. Then she smiled lightly.

"Thank you...... um.......".

"Oh!!", the healer said. "Forgive me, your highness. My name is Flora".

Korra smiled. "Thank you, Flora. I'm happy you think I'm a good person".

"Well you are", Flora said.

Suddenly she yawned.

"Sorry, your highness", she said, covering her mouth with both hands.

"Don't be", Korra said. "You should go rest. I think me and Princess Asami will be fine on our own. Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it. You didn't have to".

Flora laughed lightheartedly. "I'm just doing my job, your highness. But I really should be getting back to bed".

"I'm sorry if I caused any trouble for you", Korra said. "If you need any help, I could gladly get you whatever you need like an assistant or something".

"That's very kind of you, your highness", Flora said. "I'll let you know if I need anything and it was no trouble at all. I'm glad I could help. I haven't done much lately. I'm glad I could be of assistance to my future queen".

Flora stood up.

"Are you sure you'll be okay??. I'll go get you some water so you can take some medicine for the pain".

Korra gave a nod. The fairy turned and flew our of the room.

Korra sighed, leaning back. She looked at her hands. Her eyes were heavy with exhaustion.

"What time is it?", she asked.

Asami looked over at the clock on the wall.

"It's about 5 in the morning", she answered.

Korra nodded. She rubbed her tired eyes.

"Here you are".

Korra and Asami looked up. Flora flew over to them. She stopped and landed in front of Korra. She held out a small cup with both hands.

Asami took the cup. She smiled at the fairy.

"Thank you. I think we can handle it from here", she said.

Flora nodded. "Alright. Call me right away if you need me, your highness".

Flora waved her left hand. Two tiny medicine capsules appeared in the palm of her hand.

"This is for the pain. Should knock her out for the rest of the morning. Make sure she stays in bed tomorrow and I'll be here to check up on her every hour or so. She might have a head injury from what I was told".

She looked at Korra.

"You said, you banged your head on a mirror, correct??".

Korra nodded. "Yeah and the wall".

Flora knelt down in front of the blue eyed princess. She reached a hand out and laid it one the front of her head, keeping it still.

"Don't move your head and follow my finger with just your eyes", she said

Korra followed her finger with her eyes. Flora moved her pointer finger in slow movement in different directions, watching Korra closely.

After a moment, she pulled her hands away.

"Any headache??", she asked.

"Yeah", Korra said, "but it's a better than earlier".

Flora nodded. "That's good. I don't think you have a concussion but we'll keep a close eye on you for a few days, just in case. If you get dizzy or your vision gets a little whacky, call for me right away".

Flora stood up. She looked at Asami.

"Make sure she sleeps and eats breakfast. But nothing heavy in case she does have a concussion".

Asami nodded. "I'll be sure to remember".

Flora nodded. "I'll be back in a few hours".

"Thank you", Korra said.

"It's a pleasure to be of service to the princess", Flora said

After saying goodbye, Flora gathered her stuff and flew out.

Asami looked at Korra.

"Here", she said, holding out her hand with the medicine capsules and the cup of water.

Korra took the capsules. She swallowed them with the water. She stayed still for a moment, letting the medicine go down.

"Drink a little bit more water", Asami said.

Korra sipped on the water for a bit.

Asami pulled the cup away.

"C'mon", she said. "We should get you bathed and cleaned up, get you new clothes and then".

Asami stood up. "Off to bed with you".

Asami helped Korra up. Korra sighed.


"There you go."

Asami helped Korra slipped on the pair of pants. Korra mumbled out a thank you.

Asami looked at her. The blue eyed princess was half asleep.

Asami giggled.

"You okay??"

Korra nodded. "I'm okay."

Asami wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Let's get you to bed."

Asami led Korra over to the bed. Korra sat down.

"I think I can do it by myself, Asami", Korra said as she pulled herself up.

Asami pulled the blanket up.

"Well I'm not going to risk you getting even more hurt than you already are. So let me take care of my future wife and no arguements."

Asami smiled at her. Korra was blushing at the words "future wife". She didn't say anything as Asami tucked her in. Korra laid down slowly, Asami helping her since she was in pain from the bruises and cuts she received.

Korra finally was resting on her bed. Asami leaned down and kissed her cheek softly.

"I love you. Don't worry about anything right now. You just need to sleep. I'll be here until you fall asleep. Then I'll leave to go talk to my parents. Your parents might stop in while you're asleep as well later on today."

"You need to sleep too", Korra said, already feeling the medicine kick in.

Korra's eyelids drooped. She sloppily reached a hand out.

"Stay. Sleep."

Asami smiled. She took Korra's hand.
She sat down beside her fiancé.

"Shhhhh go to sleep. I'll be right here."

Korra whined quietly.

"But I want you here with me. I don't wanna wake up alone."

Korra pouted.


Asami sighed, already knowing she'd give in to that pout.

"Okay. If you really want me to."

Asami got into bed, careful not to make too much movement, incase Korra was moved around by it. Asami laid down beside Korra, using her arm as an extra head support.

"Better??", she asked.

Korra grinned sleepily. She nodded.

"Yeah. Sami."

Asami snaked an arm around Korra's waist, scooting closer. Korra immediately snuggled into her warm embrace. Asami listened to her steady breathing, as she gently played with Korra's hair.

After a while she heard Korra's breathing slowing down. She was asleep.

Asami laid there, just enjoying the moment. She thought about the events that had occurred not even two hours ago. Asami couldn't believe that Unaloq had tried to kill Korra again. His own neice. The poor girl couldn't seem to catch a breath from all the chaos.

Asami looked down at Korra. The sleeping girl probably wouldn't wake up, since the medicine is heavy, if Asami should decide to move from her position. Korra looked so peaceful and comfortable, Asami didn't want to move just in case.

Asami smiled.

She gently kissed Korra's forehead. Asami made sure the blanket was covering her enough to keep her warm. It was quite cold outside with winter fast approaching.

The sound of the room door opening grabbed Asami's full attention. She looked over at the door, tensing up. She relaxed once she saw King Tonraq and Queen Senna walk in. The two looked at Asami.

"Asami", Queen Senna whispered.

The king and queen walked up to the bed. Senna looked down at Korra.

"How is she??", she asked. "We talked to the healer".

"She'll be okay", Asami whispered. "The medicine the healer gave her was for the pain and put her right to sleep".

Senna brushed Korra's dark brown hair out of her face.

"Poor baby", she said. "She didn't deserved any of this."

"I know", Asami agreed. "At least Unaloq is locked up".

Asami looked at the king.

"What do you plan on doing with him??", she asked.

"I'm not sure yet", King Tonraq replied quietly. "But one thing is for sure. I won't let him hurt our family anymore than he already has. He seperated our family once and tried to kill Korra three times. I want Korra to have a life where she isn't afraid of trusting anyone because she's afraid they'll try to kill her. I want her to be happy and safe."

"I couldn't agree more", Asami said.

"We'll talk more about this once Korra is feeling better and all that", Queen Senna said. "For now, she needs rest and you".

Asami nodded. "You don't have to tell me twice, your Majesty".

"Please", Queen Senna said, smiling. "Call me Senna. You two will be married soon I hope and so we'll be family".

Asami smiled. She looked at Korra.

"Yeah. Soon".

So yeah. Comment what you think :)

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