The True Happiness

By 1Dneverland

6.7K 114 48

Hanna Evans is a normal girl with a huge love for books, instilled by her grandfather. Searching for somethin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (Alex special)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Second Part - Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 (Alex)
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 11

154 3 2
By 1Dneverland

October 5, 2009

6:08 p.m.

I just came back from work. Today was a very interesting day.

In the morning Audrey arrived with Alex. Audrey climbed off the black convertible with her head held high and squandering arrogance from every pore of her body. I patiently waited for Alex to get off the car. She got off just as I expelled the cigarette’s smoke. She placed the backpack over her left shoulder. She had no sweater on and I could see the button up and short sleeves shirt tightened on her breasts. I narrowed my eyes and gave one last drag to the cigarette before tossing it to the floor and smash it with my shoe.

Alex was wearing braided hair, unlike the other days that had brought it loose. The game had started and I was good playing. Alex looked at me with her chocolate eyes and I dedicated her half a smile. Her cheeks took on a pale pink color. She remembered what had happened yesterday. She had a chain with a pearl resting in the valley of her breasts. She pulled the sweater on blocking my view.

When she came close to me I took her by her arm and I pulled her arm forcing her to lean on the wall, just like I was.

“Hi Alex,” I said and her cheeks acquire that pink again.

“Hi Niall,” she whispered.

“How was yesterday afternoon?” I said innocently.

From her expression I knew she was thinking about our yesterday’s meeting.

“Good, thank you,” she merely said.

I looked quickly around us, no one was watching us. I smiled and put my hand on her leg. She winced and shook her leg to move aside my hand. I put my hand on her warm skin again. I moved closer to her. Alex smelled like yesterday. A mixture of flowers, raspberries and something more. Her aroma reminded me of when I was little and used to play in the garden of my grandmother. The scent of flowers mingled with the raspberries growing in the bushes. It was strangely familiar and comforting. I placed my lips just below her ear and she shivered.

“You smell like flowers and raspberries,” I whispered.

She put her hand on my chest. I noticed that her hands are small and delicate to compare mine. She pushed me, keeping me from her. I looked at her eyes. They are brown. Nothing extraordinary. Thousands of girls have brown eyes... but somehow they seemed unique.

“Get away from me,” she told me. Her brow was furrowed although her cheeks were flushed.

“Your body doesn’t tell me that,” I told her and she raised her hand to slap me but I stopped her with a quick move.

“You can’t do that. What aren’t you a lady?” I said mockingly.

“I just defend myself.”

“It was just a comment,” I shrugged.

The doorbell rang and she walked away from me. She walked toward the entrance, mingling with the others. I hung the backpack on my shoulder and started walking. As I got my books of my locker I could see perfectly Alex at the other end of the hall. Audrey leaned against the lockers blocking my view. She crossed her arms as she made bubble with gum. She exploded it and continued chewing the gum making an irritating (but sexy) sound.

“What is it?” I said pulling out my book for Literature.

“It's a shame that she is not a virgin. We could have so much fun with that,” Audrey commented smiling.

“It's your plan. Tell me what to do,” I shrugged.

I watched as Alex walked away down the hall to the literature class with her books in her hands. I returned my gaze to Audrey who had a wicked smile on the lips.

“Next week we will have that stupid camp we have every year and I thought that you might mysteriously get lost in the woods,” she told me.


“Well, there you fill her of beautiful words and so we'll open our way. Use your charms and do something,” Audrey rolled her eyes and moved on to her next class.

I closed my locker and started walking towards literature class. I sat right behind Alex, wining the place to ​​Louis. He looked at me with curiosity, amazement and anger on his face. I didn’t pay attention to him while he went to sit a couple of rows back. Alex hung her backpack on the back of the chair and was surprised to see me sitting behind her. I winked at her and her cheeks took that shade of pink. She turned around when the teacher entered the class room.

Alex is a sweet and romantic girl. She wants hearts and flowers... And if she wants that, I will give her that. Romantic girls were the easiest. A couple of nice words and they think you're already in love with them. Pathetic. But the easier the game, the better for me. The teacher started talking about Jane Austen. I had read most of her novels so I didn’t need to pay attention.

I spent the first few minutes of class thinking about what my first move would be. If I was very abrupt she’ll walk away. And although I wanted to keep away Alex from me, that would not be good for the plan. It must be something to leave her confused and wanting more for herself came towards me, falling into the trap. Poor and stupid Alex.

I looked around me to make sure that no one was watching me. Alex's hair was in a braid but the tips of her hair were loose. I stretched a little my hand and took a bit of her hair. She stiffened and shook her head a little to get rid of me, but I didn’t let go of her hair.

I continued playing with her hair for the rest of the class. She kept twisting for me to let her go.

When the class ended she turned to see me with a frown.

“What do you think you were doing?” She said in a whisper for not to attract the attention.

“What thing?” I played dumb and she crossed her arms.

All had left the room, too concerned about the following class to pay attention to us.

“Don’t ever touch me again,” she said and I approached her.

“Your body begs me to touch it,” I said and she turned red like a tomato.

“Listen to me, Niall. Stop bothering me. Don’t mess with me,” she put a finger on my chest while she was threatening me. “Go and find a bitch to fuck with.”

“Of course I’m gonna fuck her,” I told her changing the mining to her words.

She gasped. I was furious and that caused me to laugh. The smile on my face only infuriated her more. She kicked a desk and clenched her fists.

“I hate you...” She stopped when she realized that she didn’t know my last name.

“Horan,” I said.

“I hate you Niall Horan,” she said like a little girl.

She turned and left the room in a rage.

“Don’t show your panties to anyone else,” I told her to make her angrier.

The rest of the day Alex avoided me at all costs so I had not the chance to bother her more. In the afternoon the few students that were responsible went to the bookstore to buy books for the Literature homework for later this month. Good Monday at work.

In the afternoon when I got home I realized that Alex had closed her window and curtains. I just smiled and took out my books to do the homework. I had angered Alex.

October 6, 2009

11:57 p.m.

Today started as a bad day, but I may had taken advantage of it.

In the morning when I climbed off the stairs ready to go to school, with the uniform on wrongly as always, Dad stopped me just as I passed in front of the kitchen.

“Niall, come here,” he said putting the cup of coffee on the table.

I rolled my eyes and I went shuffling to the kitchen. Dad and I were the only ones awake at this hour. I went before to avoid taking breakfast in family. It's his family, not mine. Dad got up early to advance things work and wait for his wife to get up to make breakfast.

“What?” I said crossing my arms.

“Good morning,” he and said I rolled my eyes. “I fear I have bad news.”

“What do you mean?” I gave a step forward.

“Last night when Monique returned it was dark and when she parked the car...”

I looked at him with such hatred that he stopped talking. I clenched my fists and my breathing grew heavy. I turned around and left the house. I opened the garage door furiously whipping the door. I turned on the light and saw my motorcycle. The paint was scratched, both mirrors were broken. The handle was in an awkward position and on the floor was a cardboard box with all the pieces that had fallen from it.

“This bike cost me two jobs and double shifts for almost a year,” I muttered.


“Shut up!”

“Calm down... I can take you to school...”

“Don’t ask me to calm down. I don’t want you to take me to school. The bitch of your wife is blind?”

“Don’t call her bitch,” he got angry, but I gave a shit.

“I can think of another name,” I said through clenched teeth.

“Okay. I can buy you another one,”said he to make me feel better, but I didn’t want anything from him.

“‘If you want something you have get it on your own.’”

My mother's words echoed in my mind.

“Buy me this one,” I told him showing him my middle finger.

He looked at me indignant and I turned on my heels. I would have to walk to school. I sighed. I started walking as I kicked a pebble. Just then Alex left the house with her things on her hands. She tucked the books in her car. I approached her and she looked at me.

“Hi,” I greeted.

“Hi Niall,” she said politely. She was still upset about yesterday.

She looked at me for a few seconds. She was impeccably uniform compared to me.

“Where are you going?” She asked me.

“To school,” I said shrugging.


“Yes. My bike had an accident,” I kicked the pebble.

“Oh God. Are you okay?” She said worriedly.

I crossed my arms. She thought I had had an accident. I half smiled. I could take advantage of this.

“Yeah... Only my leg hurts,” I lied.

“Oh, then let me take you to school,” she said playing with her keys.


“You can’t walk up there if your leg hurts,” she said with obviousness.

I smiled. I got in the car and she put our stuff in the back seat. Her car smelled like flowers in spring. She climbed in and smiled. She was so naïve. She started the engine and pressed the pedal. That movement caused her skirt to rise further, leaving an exquisite view of her legs. Her skin looked so smooth that I wanted to stretch my hand and caress her skin.

I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. I needed to think about my next move...

“Grandpa, Josh is waiting for me outside,” Hanna says and closes the book.

James frowns.

“See you tomorrow,” Hanna promises while keeping the book in her bag.

“Why do you always leave me in suspense?” James asks her smiling.

Hanna smiles at him.

“I’ll come tomorrow,” Hanna says before going out.

(HI!! Hope you liked it. Please vote, comment and spread the word so we can be more :D xoxo Follow me on my twitter: @Imaginator1D and on my instagram: 1DNeverlandfanfic. And if you want ask for a follow back ;) )

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