
By _Jazzabelle_

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I'm really bad at descriptions so just read the book. Its good I swear. More

The Original Sketch
Sorry, No Second Sketches
Guest Speaker
Leona's Past Part 1
Leona's Past Part 2
Friend's Reunited
Relationship Problems
Special Date and Paper Collecting
Stalker Watcher
No New Friends
Without a Trace
Searching For Her
Fur Lease Novel Dot
Christmas Trip
Who Is She
JK I Lied
Lyd and Mel
Are You Really Found?
Shading and Blending
Graduation Day
Life Goes On
Baller Problems
Carter and Rae
Single Soul
Back Home
Just why tho? (Issa snitch)
To Escape or Not to Escape
What Matters In Life?

Christina and Gabriella

72 3 0
By _Jazzabelle_

Christina's POV

"I've been down so long it look like up to me. They look up to me. I got fake people showing fake love to me. Straight up to my face." My phone rings and I get up picking up the phone. "Hello," I say sleep in my voice. "Hey sorry if I woke you up. I just wanted to talk," I looked at the number and it was a private number. I look at the time and its 8:30 AM, "Who is this?" "It's Raeil look don't hang up I just wanted to apologize for everything. For being a bitch while we were together, for cheating, and for continuing to be a nuisance to you. I completely understand if you don't want to see me or speak to me ever again. You could honestly hang up the phone at any time and I wouldn't be mad at you I treated you so wrong and you deserve so much better. I hope you find someone worthy of your love. I'll never forget the times we shared the good and the bad. It was supposed to be a onetime thing between me and her but it turned to something more. I'm so sorry that I put you through all of this and I hope you find someone who can treat you better than I ever could." She says through the phone and her voice cracks a couple times. "I forgive you. I hope that you find someone who makes you happy as well. I'll see you around I guess but I have to go get ready to meet my mom and possibly my aunt," I say getting up and sitting on the edge of my bed. "I thought she lived in Michigan?" she said confused. "She does. I'm not in Cali right now. I came back for break," I say picking out something to wear. "Oh, well I'll see you around then," she says and we exchange goodbyes before hanging up the phone.

Second day of the year and so far, it looks good. I took a shower and got dressed grabbing the keys to the rental car and walked to the hotel's parking lot. I went to the car and got in turning the heat on. I remember why I stayed in Cali for college and not go to Michigan State. It's too damn cold here. I pull out of the parking space and start to my mother's house.

I was surprised it took me an hour to get here I thought it would have taken less. Well I mean I did stop for breakfast but I'm here. The place I lived for the first 14 years of my life. The place I thought I was always safe. The place where my aunt convinced my momma she should kick me out. I get out the car and walked to the door. I was hesitant about knocking on the door but I did anyway. "GABS GET CHO ASS UP AND SEE WHO AT THE DOOR!" someone yelled from inside the house. I bet it was my mom she never had an inside voice. The door opens and the person who I assumed was Gabs opened the door. She had on some sweats and a sports bra on. We had the same skin tone except she had tattoos everywhere. The one that stuck out the most was the one on her arm it said M.A. I wondered what it stood for. "Who are you?" she asked pulling me from my thoughts. "I'm Christina who are you?" I ask and she turns around and starts to yell. "MOM SOME GIRL NAMED CHRISTINA IS HERE!" Mom? What does she mean mom? My mother comes and pushes the girl out the way. She stops and looks up at me. "Christina baby girl omg," she pulls me into a tight hug and I hug her back. It's been 8 years since I last saw her and she looks the same. "You've gotten so tall and your hair has grown so much. I'm so sorry for what happened I was listening my sister and let her make my decisions when I shouldn't have," she said wiping her tears. "Here come in you probably have so many questions," she moved to the side pushing the girl to the side and leading us into the living room. "Momma who is this?" the girl asked mom as we all sit down in the living room. "This is your little sister," she says and the girls face gets red fast as her fists clench. "You didn't think to tell me I had a sibling? After all that I went through to find my family you couldn't tell me that I had a fucking sister!" she said getting angrier by the minute. "First of all, while you in my house you're going to lower your fucking voice when you talking to me. Take all that hostility out of you voice and then raise it three octaves when talking to me. Second of all how many times did I tell you not to cuss at me. Do it again and you'll be on the streets. You live in my fucking house I pay the bills and I put food on the table. When you start doing that then you can say whatever you want till then you watch your mouth. I don't give a flying fuck how old you are but you still came out of me therefore I will not even hesitate to get a frying pan or extension cord and tear your ass up. Third, I did tell you that you had a sister when you asked me who's kid was all over the house. What did I tell you when you asked me that?" she went off on the girl to the left of me. She was silent and if momma was anything like she was before I left then this girl about to get it.

"Answer me when I ask you a damn question," she said again making the girl next to me flinch and drop her head. "You said that was your other daughter and my younger sister. You never did tell me what happened to her though," she said. "Well I let Aunt Kirstie persuade me to kick her out of the house because she was gay when in all reality, I didn't care it was just too much yelling and I said just go and she left. The next day you came and yall dad called and told me that she would be living with him." Momma said crying. I go over to her and start rubbing her back, "Its ok momma I'm here now and I'm not mad at you if I'm mad at anyone it would be Aunt Kirstie for making you kick me out." "Hey get yo ugly ass up and get dressed and go bond with your sister," the girl just sat there picking at her nails. "Gabby. GABBY. GABRIELLA ESTELLA-" "Ok, ok I'm getting up jeez woman," she got up and got hit in the back of the head. "Get up the first time I tell you. Chrissy come eat," she said getting up and walking to the kitchen. "I already ate momma," I said sitting at the island and she turned around pointing the knife that she was cutting strawberries with at me. "It wasn't a question and where is my nephew and that white girl he been running around with?" she asked referring to Kiara and Jimmy. "Ma she's mixed with white and black and they're not together anymore." I say walking to where she was popping a strawberry in my mouth. "I would have left her crazy ass too the bitch stabbed him in the leg after all. Couldn't walk for a month. Here's ya breakfast she said handing me a plate with a weird looking waffle. "It's a Nutella waffle just taste it." she said putting two more on a plate and setting it next to me. I cut mine and pour syrup on it before taking a bite. "You made Nutella waffles thank you mommy." Gabby said hugging her. "Ok, ok, get yo 6'10 ass offa me." She says pushing her off of her. "I'm actually only 5'8 so haha." She said sitting down next to me scarfing down her food. "Hungry much?" I ask putting my plate in the sink. She rolls her eyes flipping me off. "Whatever come on Chrissy Poo." She said dragging me out of the house and into a purple hummer. "Really a purple hummer?" I ask getting into the car. "Yes bitch. Purple is the color of royalty and I'm a kingpin." She said starting the car and pulling out the driveway. "I know." I mumble scrolling through my phone then I bumped my head on the dashboard and feel cold metal on my head. "Nigga the actual fuck is your problem. You could have at least warned me before stopping the car. Is this how you treat sister that you just found out about today?" I said rubbing my head and looking at her.

I look in her direction and she had a gun pointed in my face. "How the fuck did you know I was a kingpin? Who told you about me?" she asked. I rolled my eyes, "I mean you don't exactly look like you work at the supermarket do you. You have that look that just screams 'I sell drugs.' Your car does smell like weed and so do you. Plus, you just seem like one." I said and she put the gun under the seat where I assume it was hidden and started driving. "Welp sorry for that. But on another note, how old are you?" she says her eyes on the road. "I'm 22 so that makes you 23 am I, right?" I ask and she nods. "So, you're a basketball player I hear?" she says. "I am how did you know?" I ask confused. "I looked you up your pretty good by the way. When is your next game?" she says looking over at me and I look at our schedule. "Our next home game that we have is on January 13th" I say locking my phone and the car stops. I look up and we were at a Dave and Busters. I get out the car and walk into the building with her. There were kids and adults roaming around playing games and having fun. We walk past the front desk and she hands me a card and we walk over to the card reload station. She hands me 3 twenties and I put them on the card. We spent the whole day playing games and felt like we were in a competition. She got more tickets than me but it didn't matter we were just having fun. We were on the way back because momma said she was cooking food and that we had better not gotten anything else to eat. We were walking to the car when someone yelled something. I didn't pay it any attention until it was yelled again. "M.A." the person called we kept walking until we got to the car. "M.A. I know you hear me calling you!" they yelled and Gabby turned around. "Bitch what the fuck do you want?" she said getting angry. "First you cheat on me, then you ignore my calls, then you say 'Yea we should leave each other alone then,' and now I catch you with another bitch, no offense to you, what is going on talk to me. I've been trying to talk to you about it I want to forgive you but you're not giving me the chance to." She said and we looked at each other laughing for a good minute. "Hi, I'm her sister we were just having a sister day. I'll let you guys talk nice meeting you." I say walking back to the car and sitting down waiting for them to finish talking.10 minutes later Gabby comes back in the car and closes the door. After sitting there for a few seconds and then she hits the steering wheel making the horn honk. "You want to talk about it?" I ask locking my phone and she nods her head. "Well start with why she called you M.A. and why you have that on your arm." I suggest pointing to the tattoo on her arm.

"Well it stands for Myself Always because after I was born someone stole me from the hospital. I was never found. When I turned 10 my friends would say I was adopted because my "parents" were Nigerian and looked it too. They would always get teased and they would tell me that I was milk and my parents were charcoal. Kids at my elementary school were weird like that. It used to bother me so much that I would come home from school and cry. If I remember anything Tina told me, it would be to always care about yourself. To always include yourself in whatever I was doing which to this day I still don't fully understand that but I live by it. I always am thinking about what I do and how it will affect me. I started to look for my real parents though. I found out that dad was in Cali and mom was in Michigan when I turned 15. I lived in Ohio at the time so I had no choice but to find mom. I ran away one night and caught a grey hound here. Found momma and have been living with her ever since. My high school had a recording studio and me and my friends would go and make music in there. I started rapping and uploaded my songs to SoundCloud. Its why I haven't been to college mom says as long as I have a legal way to make money. Even though most of my money comes from dealing she thinks it comes from rapping. So, my rapper name is Young M.A. and the only people who know my real name are the ones who were there before most people call me M.A. like my girlfriend even though we've only been dating for a month I have a ton of trust issues from Tina and Greg and past relationships it's all just too much. One night at an album release party I got fucked up and woke up next to a girl and she found out. I really don't miss her either. Relationships are too much for me and I just told her that I needed a break. In all reality, I have my eyes on someone else. She was just someone to fuck with I didn't mean for it to be serious. I want to leave her but I don't want to hurt her because she deserves way better. The person who I actually want to be with I don't know if she's going to want to be with me. I've hurt her so many times and she keeps coming back but I'm afraid that she won't anymore. I would drop everything for her and I just don't want to lose her." She says basically opening herself up to me. At least she trusts me to tell me all this stuff. "Wow that's fucked up. Things happen for a reason at least you found mom. It's better that you found us rather than never meeting us. For the situation with your girl, don't string her along and let her go. Don't play with her feelings and just end it. For the person you actually have feelings for if they really care about you they would take you back and forgive you. Give her space, tell her how you feel, and hope for the best. If you do get her don't fuck up again." I say rubbing her back and she starts the car. "Thanks sis that really made me feel better." She says pulling out of the parking spot. "No problem I hate seeing my family upset. But Ms. M.A. play a song since you got bars." I say laughing and texting mom that we were on the way home. She laughs with me playing one of her songs.

"It's about time you two got back did you have fun?" Momma asked as we walked into the house. "We went to Dave and Busters thus all of the stuff we got." I said gesturing to all the stuff on the couch. "Hey how many days are you staying in Michigan?" she asks taking something out of the oven. "Until January 7th why?" I ask helping Gabby set the table. "Because I want you to come here for Tarren's birthday party." She says bringing over the glass dish to table as I quickly notice that they were enchiladas. She brings over the rest of the food and we all sit down to eat. "So how is school going? Are you still in basketball?" mom asks and I nod while swallowing my food. "It's going good. I'm on the team at school." I say taking a sip of my water. "Are you the star player?" she asks and Gabby nods as I shake my head. "I know I'm a good player but at the same time I don't think that I'm best player good." I say shoving rice into my mouth.

"Issa lie. I've seen you play on the internet when I looked you up. You're the best on that team. In all of the games you've scored the most points." Gabby said finishing off her food. "Ok, if you say so, mamma you done with your plate?" I ask as Gabby helps me clean off the table. "Yes, and you know you're not going back tonight. It's too late for you to be out there driving." She says handing me her plate. "Momma I will be fine it's not like I'm going to Cali its only 30 minutes away." I say loading the dishwasher. "Once again it wasn't a suggestion, your room hasn't been touched since you left. If I don't see you in the morning imma find you and we gone dance with my belt." She says threating me. "You betta find your way upstairs. That belt is not your friend." Gabby says stating the obvious. "Ok mamma I'll stay tonight." I say scrolling down my Instagram. I walk upstairs and look in my room or old room I don't know. It was the same as I left it and that felt kind of good. All of my paintings and things were still on the wall. Looking back, I was really bad at painting and I don't know why I put these up. I look at my picture wall and saw all of the pictures from middle school and the first semester of high school. There were pictures of all of my friends and family. I missed my friends but it's not like any of them are still around in Michigan. When I moved to Cali I lost contact with all of them so even if they were still in Michigan I wouldn't know. I take off my sweatshirt and joggers hopping in the bed and drifted off to sleep.

I wake up to a thud and look at my clock on my desk. It's 4:00 in the morning who the hell is in the house. I reach under my bed and feel for my rock and knife. Momma had crazy hours at the hospital and I had to spend nights alone so this was my protection. I was surprised that they were still there. I grab the knife and rock and walk out the room to see Gabby doing the same with a gun. She looked at me and was looked at me with a confused look. We hear a glass break and continue down the steps. I walk into the kitchen and Gabby walks into the living room. I saw nothing in the kitchen but saw the broken glass on the floor. "Nigga the fuck you doing in my house?" I heard Gabby yell and rushed to the living room and saw her standing pointing her gun at someone or something. "Bitch you got me fucked up if you think imma let you steal my shit and kill my men and let you get away with it. On top of that you have my baby cousin running around looking for you while you hoeing around. Give me one reason why I shouldn't blow your brains out." The person yells and I walk around to the other entrance to the living room closer to the front door and see this person by themselves. They weren't very smart to come here alone. "Because If you do this blade will glide across your neck." I say sneaking up behind her putting the knife up against her throat. "Now put the gun down bitch before I have to get brains all over my couch." Gabby says and the person drops the gun. "So, Natalia what brings you to my humble abode at 4 in the morning?" Gabby asks walking to the gun and puts it in her shorts after putting it on safety. "Fine then we can do this the hard way." Gabby says nodding to me and I remove the knife and Gabby knocks the shit out of Natalia. "So, you wanna take a field trip?" she asks and I shrug. "Well I'll take that as a yes and why do you have a knife and rock in your room?" she asks sitting the girl up and I could see her better. She had all blonde dreds and was a mocha color. She had two eyebrow piercings, a nose piercing, and dimple piercing. I explain to Gabby why I had the rock and knife in my room and put on a hoodie from the high school I went to here and some sweats.

"Come help me get her in the car." Gabby says and I grab her feet. We drag her to the car and leave mom a note saying that Gabby took me to the studio. After getting her into the car we hop in the front and drive to this abandoned warehouse. There were two cars where we parked and Three people standing outside. When the car stopped, they came over and took her out of the car and we got out and went inside. There were naked girls all over the first room packing and cooking drugs but we just kept walking through the building to a staircase. I followed them down the stairs and into a room. The guards sat the girl down and took her phone out of her pocket, a taser out of her boot, and some mace from out of her other boot. Jeez she wasn't taking any chances but why didn't she reach for her mace or taser. Oh well her lost. "Hey watch her until we get back." Gabby says walking out of the room. "Uh no this is your problem come back here." I yell and she continues to walk up the stairs "Love you too sis." She says and I give up and walk back in the room. I get on my phone and start playing a game on my phone. "Well look at that Young M.A. has finally taken her hair out of them braids. Never thought I would see your hair like that." Someone said. I mean my hair was really long and covering my face. I guess we do look a lot alike.

I look up and put my phone in my pocket. "Not necessarily Young M.A. huh? You were close though how about another try?" I say pushing my hair out of my face. Her eyes squint as if she doesn't believe it's not Gabby. "Well I see a girl that's pretty fucking sexy." She says and I roll my eyes. I've never dated a stud but if I did it wouldn't be her trust and believe. "So, I see your awake and trying to hit on my sister that's not a surprise. Let's get down to business shall we." Gabby says walking back in the room. "We were just making conversation while you went to do whatever." Natalia says shifting in her seat. She stops when Gabby pulls out a gun and aims it at her. "What brings you too my house at four in the morning?" she asks. "I already told you not only did you kill my men and stole my drugs, you got my baby cousin running around here heartbroken because you a hoe." She said annoyed that she had to repeat herself. "Let's start with ya peoples and ya shit. When we met for the deal your people tried to short change me. I brought the amount of powder you asked for but that bag was a little light when I got it. When I asked where was the rest of my fucking money they tried to take my life. So I did what I had to do." Gabby walked closer to Natalia with every word. They were so close to each other that if either had bad breath they would smell it. "My bad, my bad but you still have my cousin looking like a fool." She said spitting in her face. Gabby stepped back and wiped her face. "If she's your cousin why are you all up in her relationship?" I mumbled and thought no one heard me. "I'm sorry didn't hear you pretty girl." Natalia said tilting her head. "I was just saying if she's your cousin then why are you trying to fix her relationship? She doesn't need you to fix shit for her she's grown. Let her fix her own problems." I say calmly.

They both just stared at me. "What I'm serious if its between them let them handle their shit. YOU don't need to be handling her problems. She's a grown ass woman and if she wants to talk to her she can no one is stopping her." I said being honest. "True shit you need to listen to her before you end up six feet under." Gabby said uniting Natalia and walking her over to the steps holding her by her dreds. Me not wanting to be left alone I follow her to a room. It there was a bed, two harnesses, a literal wall full of dildos, and a furnace. I just wanna know who had to put these on the wall and why they were there. Gabby picked up Natalia and threw her on the bed. This is when I noticed the metal chains on the bed as Gabby clamped them onto her wrists and ankles. I finally put two and two together and dragged Gabby out of the room by her arm and into the hallway. "Gabby I know she broke into the house and accused you of some shit but you can't rape her." I said because no one deserved to be raped. "I'm not Chrissy, I was just gonna torture her a little to get her off my clit." She said explaining herself. I just nod and allow her to walk back into the room. I stay in the hall and just wait for her to be done.

Gabriella's POV

I turned on the furnace and puts two rocks in there on the grates as well as my branding iron and close it after taking off her shoes and pulling her pants down. "So let's talk senior year of high school and the day before graduation. Can you remember what I told you when I blessed your pussy with my tongue and strap?" I ask grabbing on of the rocks out of the furnace with my bare hand not even wincing at the hot rock. Natalia looked at me as if I was crazy. I would too if it wasn't a family thing I was used to seeing. It's something that ran on my momma's side. I first saw momma do it, the my abuela, and then my Aunt Kristie do it until I tried it myself. The first few times I would wince at the pain a little bit but after a while it didn't hurt anymore. "You told me that it was the last time because I wanted to sneak around on Papi and fuck other bitches. If that you ever saw me again that it wouldn't be pretty." She said never letting her eyes leave my hand. "But you didn't listen to Papi did you? You came to my house saying you missed me. What happened when you did that?" I grab her ankle and press the hot rock against her foot. "AHHHHH FUCKKKKK" Natalia screamed and I took the rock and placed it into the furnace bringing out the other rock. "What happened Natalia?" I ask.

"You told me that I was going to regret coming to your house. That night you came over my house and fucked me until the sun came up and I couldn't walk until the next morning and you told me the next time you wouldn't be so generous and that no matter what I was always yours." Natalia said in between her sobs. I press the rock into her opposite foot. "AHHHHH SHITTTT" Natalia screamed again. I took branding iron and walked over to Natalia. "So, when I saw you with that girl what happened to her?" I asked remembering when I had my men kill the bitch. "She ended up dead and you reminded me who I belonged to." She said still sobbing. "I never punished you for that, did I? Well to help remember you who you belong to I'll give you a little reminder." I said pressing the branding iron into her inner thigh. "AHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUCCKKK" she cries again. "Now if you fuck up again I'll make sure it'll be the last time you fuck up." I say walking closer to her face. "Understood?" I ask wiping Natalie's tears. "Yes." She says attempting to stop crying. "Yes what?" I ask. "Yes Papi." She says as I kiss her forehead. "I'm sorry for hurting you babe but you gotta listen to Papi and I'll take care of you." I say. I really felt bad because I do want to be with her but I've hurt her so much in the past and now I don't know if she wants to be with me. I just don't want her to move on so I scare her into staying with me. I hope this is the last time I have to hurt her.

I walk out the room and Chris was there with a "what did you do" look. "I'll tell you later. Now we go get the nurse." I say leading her upstairs and into a room where our nurse was supposed to be. "Hey M.A. what brings you here?" Jamie our nurse says getting up from the chair to get peroxide and bandages. "Burns on her feet and inner thigh so not as bad as normal." I say rubbing the back of my neck. "New worker huh?" says and I shake my head. "Well I mean that would be weird for inner thigh huh? Normally it's the shoulder if it's a worker. So what makes this girl different?" Jamie asks getting the burn cream and extra bandages. "It doesn't matter that much. Chris stay in here don't leave and call me if anyone bothers you." I say and walk out with Jamie. "So who was that?" she asks walking down the steps in front of me. "She's my little sister." I say leading her to the room Natalia was in. "Oh, that makes a lot of sense now you guys look alike just a tad though. Let's take a look here." She says referring to Natalia's burns. "They don't seem to be as bad as you normally do. You must care about this person to an extent." She says examining her burns. "They actually aren't bad at all only second degree burns. You normally make third degree burns." Jamie says applying the cream on her feet and inner thighs.

"Here put this on her burns once a day until they heal." She hands me a tube of some kind of cream after bandaging her wounds. I nod and watch her walk away. I take the restraints off of Natalia and have my guards carry her to my car while go and get Chris. I walked in the room and she looked up from her phone. "Come on Chris we got shit to do." I say and she gets up as we walk to the car. I get in the car and Natalia was soundly asleep in the back. Chris didn't notice her back there and I was kinda glad because I didn't feel like explaining myself. "Got damn it momma you always do this." Chris says and I look over at her. "What's wrong?" I ask keeping eyes on the road. "She basically told me that I'm staying with you guys until I leave but I have an hour and a half to get there, pack my stuff and check out." She says rubbing her temples. That sounds like her alright. I make a U-turn and start driving to the hotel. "I got you sis. You staying at the Marriott downtown, right?" I ask and she nods. We were a good 15 minutes away so as long as it didn't take her so long to pack she would have time. We get to the front and I drop her off and wait for her to get her stuff and check out.

After about 30 minutes I heard Natalia groaning in the back seat. "Shhhhh, just go back to sleep babe." I say rubbing her back and putting a blanket over her. I just started to feel even worse. I went way too far this time and deserve whatever is coming to me. She faces the back of the seat and I hear soft snores signaling she was asleep. I look up and Chris was walking towards the car I get out and open the trunk for her as she puts her bags in the back. I also noticed that she changed into some different clothes. "Changed your clothes I see." I say walking up to the front. "Yea these feel more comfortable. The other ones were way to small." She says putting on her seatbelt. I do the same and pull off to the house. I notice momma's car wasn't in the driveway. She was probably with her friends or at the store. "Hey, you need help with your stuff?" I ask getting out of the car. "I literally brought a backpack and a suitcase. I think I can manage." She chuckles and gets her things out the back. I go in the back seat and get Natalia and carry her to my room setting her in the bed. I put a blanket over her and walk out the room and find Chris in her room.

A/N: Hey-o I is back bitches. Too much.......Ok I'll stop . But lets have a lil chat. Soooooooooo I am going to be writing a story on Gabby and Natalia cause why the fuck not. So it'll probably start when this story is over which is chapter 25 I think but I'm not sure. You'll know when I start it though. This chapter is apart of the story and is canon to the story line. Welp see ya'll Saturday byeeee. -Stay Saucy 

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Ion do description but aye read 🌚
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tbh just read .. I think this one of my best books fr.
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LAURINAH I suck at descriptions so just read to find out