Sanity ~ A Luna Lovegood Fanf...

By bobzies

15.7K 742 116

The Battle of Hogwarts is over but that doesn't mean the torture and haunting will end. Find out how Luna Lo... More

The Finished Battle
The Aftermath
The Tower
The Burrow
The Last Goodbye
The Visitor
Neville Longbottom
The Three Broomsticks
A Stranger
The Platform
Returning to Hogwarts
A Letter
Brother and Sister
A Familiar Face
The Headmistress
The River

Pumpkin Juice and Butterbeer

465 29 3
By bobzies

That day was spent completely and solely with Rolf. 

I had bared my soul to him and though I didn't mind, he thought it only fair that he reciprocate and tell me all about himself and his background.

We talked whole hours away, hunched over our delightfully comforting beverages - I had a butterbeer while Rolf had a pumpkin juice, claiming it was better for your health - with steam rising in our faces. I learnt all about his past, and he learnt even more about mine. 

I felt a genuine connection with Rolf Scamander, like I could really trust him, pour out all my thoughts and secrets to him. I felt like he understood me, on a level only few ever had before, as if he already knew me. And with the loss of my father, my soul was lonely and yearning for someone close. Rolf filled the gap. 

When it was nearing evening, and my back was starting to ache after so long huddled forward over the table to hear him properly - he had quite a quiet, soft voice, which was hard to be heard over the chatter and din of The Three Broomsticks -  I finally got to the question: "What brought you to Hogsmeade then?"

A smile brightened his already bright face. "Now that's a story," he stated, his eyes gleaming with mischief like they usually were. He didn't elaborate, purposely of course. I raised my eyebrows and that caused a laugh to escape his mouth. 

"Alright-alright," he chuckled, raising his free hand in the air like a surrender while his other remained wrapped around an empty mug.

"You know how my grandfather grew up here in Britain, and the whole point of my trip here is to visit the places where he grew up from. He attended Hogwarts, of course, and I wanted to see the place for myself. I've heard it's not in its glory days at the moment though..." His voice trailed off and with it so did my mind. It was a fact that made me wince; the fact that Hogwarts had seen better days. The castle would never be just the same as it was before the Battle. An overwhelming feeling of sadness and death would always hang over the school, like a black, depressive veil.

Rolf's words startle me out of my thoughts. "I had planned to visit his childhood home today. It's in Chudley. Have you heard of it?" 

A smile swept across my face as my eyes brightened. I nodded quickly."Of course, it's where the Chudley Canons originated," I beamed, forgetting that I was still nodding my head up and down. 

"The Chudley Canons..?" he repeated. He put the brim of the mug in his hand to his mouth only to find there was nothing remaining but the unwanted bits of mush at the bottom of the cup.

"They're a Quidditch team. I'm supposing you're not a fan?" 

"Oh, no. Not at all. I've actually never been interested in following the sport. I was always more fascinated by the creatures around me - like my grandfather, I suppose; it's in my blood." He exhaled a small chuckle and set his mug down. He didn't call the waiter for another. "What about you?" 

"I went to the World Cup a few years ago and... I was the commentator for a match once, last year; Gryffindor VS. Hufflepuff." I looked up and realised he was looking intently at me.

"I would've loved to be there," he said kindly, "is that a future career path?"

"Oh definitely not," I said adamantly, I glanced back at the dwindling remains of my Butterbeer, away from his insistent gaze. "It was an enjoyable experience, but for no one other than myself. I think I got a little off track."

Rolf replied with a soft smile. "Luna, I've got a proposal-"

Suddenly my mind jumped to the conclusion that he was about to ask to marry me and I immediately felt my cheeks go red. We'd only just met! But my fears were put to rest in less than a second.

"-How would you like to accompany me to Chudley?" Now he was grinning. I felt embarassed that I had thought of such a drastic thing. We had only just met. 

It took me a moment to respond. "Rolf, I... I don't think I can do that. I don't want to impose on your travels-"

"Luna - no. Think about it, you know the area much better than I do. It'll be great fun. How about we finish up here and we can head over to Chudley. We could even go for a walk if we make it before dark - if you want to, that is." 

His dark eyes gazing at me. Hair even darker than his eyes scruffed at the top. The lopsided quirk in his mouth, fat dimples digging into his cheeks. The smooth, even tone to his voice and the foreign accent. 

He would be a slendid companion.

And that is the story of how I ended up spending my entire summer with Rolf Scamander. 

A/N If you're reading this, how about dropping a comment. Let me know what you think of the story, good or bad! And thanks for reading :) xx

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