Sacrifices (Undertale FanFic)...

By Brynwyth

11.9K 359 84

Frisk has freed the monsters of the Underground. Finally, monster kind is allowed to return to the surface. I... More

Choose Wisely
Authors Note
Alrernate Ending: RESET 01.
Pre-Sacrifices: Soundless Cries
Pre-Sacrifices: Her Bestest Friend
Pre-Sacrifices: Join The Monsters
Author's Note

Post-Sacrifices: A Doll With Feelings

191 7 1
By Brynwyth

Toriel stood at Frisk's door, hand hovering over the wood. It had become routine for her child to shut herself in for days at a time, but it still worried her. Toriel knew the girl was pouring all of her efforts into ambassador work and college studies. It was Frisk's way of coping and she only wished there was something she could do to help. With few options to do this, Toriel opted to simply support Frisk until she decided she was ready. Today, however, Toriel would not let Frisk stay locked away. She rapped the door softly.

"My child, I implore you come out."

Frisk glanced at glowing numbers emanating from the clock on her bedside table. It's that time already, huh? She mused dully whilst sitting up. She blinked. The room was covered in shadows. Fading sunlight from the open curtains saw to that. Frisk slid out of the bed and stumbled to the door. Opening the wooden rectangle revealed a horned woman, Toriel. Their eyes met.

"Hello," Frisk signed. "Do I need to come down?" Her face held no emotion.

Toriel blinked in mild surprise. Frisk had expected this, she realized. The goat-esque female took in her daughter's appearance. Frisk was wearing a strapless blue dress. It had a sweetheart neckline with a knee-length skirt. A white ribbon tied around her waist pulled the outfit together. The girl's hair normally stopped at her shoulders with her bangs being slightly longer. But now, it fell just above her chest in loose waves. She didn't feel like cutting it.

"Ah, you're already ready..." Toriel trailed off. She cleared her throat. "The others are waiting for us in the car. Let's make haste, yes?"

Frisk simply nodded and stepped out of her room, shutting the door behind her. She followed her mother down the stairs and out the house. The car started moving once Frisk had slid in the backseat, next to Chara. Asgore looked back at Frisk from the drivers seat.

"Howdy, Frisk. I hope you are doing well."

"He-" Asriel started.

"Hey, partner! Excited about today?" Chara's shouted, promptly cutting the male off. Her optimism was almost overbearing. Like she was trying too hard. Frisk glanced at her and shrugged. 

"A little bit," She signed. Chara elbowed her arm.

"Better than nothing," She beamed. Frisk arched a brow at her. Chara was being uncharacteristically cheery and nice. Frisk winced inwardly. She had made a pun unconsciously. 

"I exist too, you know!" Asriel called out from the other side of the car. This outburst from Asriel garnered a small smile from Frisk,  but only for a moment. "Whoop! Got her to smile before you did. No chocolate for you, Chara." Asriel stuck his tongue out. Chara made a face and grumbled a bit.

"You made the bed for your undoing," Frisk signed, nonchalant. "When you cut him off it was the perfect opportunity."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Chara crossed her arms with a huff. Frisk rolled her eyes and stared out the window. A silence filled the car with each passing second.

"L-let's turn on some music, shall we?" Toriel fumbled with the radio switch for a good minute before managing to get it to a decent station.

Frisk watched the scenery roll by, but she wasn't really seeing it. Hey eyes had glazed over, mind elsewhere. Chara gave Frisk a cursory glance of slight disdain. The girl's mouth was slightly open, chin being propped up by her hand which rested against the window. This is what had become of the person she respected the most. A lifeless doll.

"Frisk..." Chara sent a thought in her direction. Frisk continued to stare out the window. "Frisk!" Still no response. Chara's mouth twisted into a frown. She jabbed Frisk in the side with her elbow. Frisk straightened her back and turned in Chara's direction, pain flickering across her features.

"What was that for,?"

"I said your name. Twice." Chara sent back, annoyed.

"Oh." Frisk's expression softened. She looked down and played with her fingers. 

"Frisk, today is supposed to be happy. It's your birthday. Instead you act like someone shoved a bar of dark chocolate in your mouth that was eighty-five percent coacoa without mint filling." Frisk took on a perplexed look.

"That was oddly specific. What are you playing at, hun?" Chara stared for a moment, caught off guard by the endearment. "Chara?" Chara shook her head slightly and put on a smile. 

"Sorry, partner. I was remembering that time when I did just that. You moped around for the rest of the week." She giggled at the memory. Frisk did not reciprocate Chara's thoughts about the event. 

"It wasn't even real chocolate," She huffed. 

"Void chocolate is still chocolate." Chara protested. Frisk made a face and Chara smiled. The two fell into a comfortable silence, bobbing their heads slightly to the radio. "I miss this," Chara closed her eyes. 

"Miss what, dear?" Frisk asked, confused. Chara sighed; familiarity pricked at her memories, but she couldn't place it. She looked at Frisk in the eyes.

"Just talking. Bickering, even. You're always shut up in your room or out doing ambassador work. I understand why, but... Be happy today, for me, please. Or at least pretend for the others. It's the big one dash eight. Have some fun."

"I, ah, I," Frisk stuttered, refusing to meet Chara's eyes. "Okay." She agreed. Frisk turned away from Chara to stare out into the scenery once more. Her throat tightened and she made sure to block Chara out of her mind. "How can I be happy when you're not here? I finally had you back and now you're gone again." She asked to seemingly no one but her own thoughts. A single tear slid down Frisk's face before she carefully wiped it away. 

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