Porcelain Heart

By Breations

254 36 3

**MLP fanfiction** Solstice Love. A beautiful pony everyone looks at with a sort of wanting admiration. She... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 10

12 3 0
By Breations

Solstice Love wakes alone. She's neatly tucked in, and sighs. War is coming. Soon. She won't see Sombra much anymore. She sighs and heads to the window. The slaves' flanks are still uncovered. She smiles, glad to see the color there.

She wanders the castle over the next weeks. Finally, there is only a few days left. She doesn't leave his rooms, he hasn't even appeared in them once. She worries slightly, but then trusts that she'll see him again.

Finally, two days left. She only paces the room. She hears someone enter, and she stops pacing, to stare at Sombra. His face is dark with worry. He forces a smile for her, and she runs to him, embracing him. He stands there for a moment, then returns the embrace, running a hoof through her hair absentmindedly. She notices he's covered his flank, and realizes it was covered only in public at the ball.

"Ready?" She whispers.

"No. My guards are of few. I'm recruiting some now. I... I'm sorry."

She squeezes him. "It's okay."

He seems off. Distant. More so than normal.

"What's wrong?" She asks gently.

"Nothing," he replies too quickly.

She doesn't push. She stands there silently. They hold each other until he has to go again. His touch lingers on her as she goes to bed.


He stands there, some slaves just stand, ready to serve, others look afraid. All fear for them will be gone soon.

He starts, pulling up his magic.


He makes it through all of them. He has his guards lead them out. He sits on his throne, staring at the wall. What if... he stops himself. But, he can't.  What if he gets captured? If she does? If he gets killed? If she gets killed?

He stands suddenly, the though sickening him. He glances at his flank, a bit of magic missing, revealing part of the crystal. He takes a deep breath, seals the mark off, and makes a decision.

He heads to continue his drafting.


The wretched day comes. She waits fearfully watching the sky. Finally, she hears the buzzing before she sees it. Guards line up on the ground, not moving at all. The guards of Celestia arrive.

She finds herself shaking. Today is the day. She may loose her love. She paces the room, always glancing. Where is Sombra?


He hurries to his rooms. He has two guards in tow. He bursts into the room, and he sees her worry-stricken face. "Sombra?"

He walks up to her. He puts a hoof on her shoulder, then removes it. He pulls the attitude he uses in public, a cold look, no emotion. "You are to stay right here. I brought guards, you're staying here."

"Sombra, no. Please."

"They will not allow you to leave, on any circumstances. The windows will be blacked out, and  you won't leave these rooms." He takes a deep breath. "Goodbye, Solstice Love."

She gapes at him, eyes teary. He breaks the attitude with a kiss on her cheek, gentle and lingering, and restores the attitude. "I love you," she says to his back.

He pauses, only for a moment, then shuts the windows with his magic. He walks out the door, guards sealing her in.

He goes outside, ready to fight. Celestia herself descends from the skies.


She paces, and glances at the guards. She has to get out. Somehow.

She hears clanging. Yelling. Cries. She has to go. Now.

She tries to shove her way through the guards, but to no avail. She paces for hours, waiting.

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