Fangs and Claws [Boy X Boy]

By Jenniferbirt

226K 7.2K 1.7K

Dominic Price graduated high school, or hell as he'd call it, and is spending his first few weeks of freedom... More

Dear Readers
Chapter 1 Summer vacation
Chapter 2 Giddy up
Chapter 3 Adventure
Chapter 4 strange encounters
Chapter 5 nice to meet you
Chapter 6 I'm so sorry
Chapter 7 I hope I dont regret this
Chapter 8 This is my life now
Chapter 9 parents come knocking
Chapter 10 Biting and Clawing
Chapter 11 Marking
Chapter 12 Games, Castles, and Sore asses
Chapter 13 family affairs
Chapter 14 where'd ya go?
Chapter 15 parties are fun
Chapter 16 without a hitch
Chapter 17 Distractions
Chapter 18 Unexpected plans
Chapter 19 Goodbye Mom
Chapter 20 Two More Days
Chapter 21 Welcome Home Golden Summit
Chapter 22 freedom
Chapter 23 Puppies
Chapter 24 New Bodies
Chapter 25 what does this mean?
Chapter 27 At All Costs
Chapter 28 Injuries and Fighting
Chapter 29 Stew
Chapter 30 Hell
Chapter 31 Fight
Chapter 32 Time
Notice from Jenn

Chapter 26 Late Night Talks

2.4K 117 9
By Jenniferbirt

Chapter 26
Late night talks


I can't sleep. It's nearly impossible every time I lay down my eyes are glued open. I'd been tossing and turning in bed until Colton kicked me out for moving so much. I decided not to bother Nic and just left to walk outside for a bit. It very late and nearly pitch black It's out but my eyes seem to adjust pretty well to the dark now. I see far more vibrantly than before.

It's nearly silent out except the call of the insects and occasional wolf howl in the distance. I walk down to the lake and take a seat at the waters edge before leaning back and gazing at the stars and moon. There's a few clouds drifting through the light but I can't see much.

The moon reflects almost perfectly on the waters surface illuminating the area surrounding as tiny hints of green flash occasionally above the waters surface. Frogs are singing in the woods with the grass hoppers and cicadas and an owl cries not too far away. I relax at the quiet and calming atmosphere. It's been so long since I've just taken some me time to relax. I think it's since that one night while camping when I couldn't sleep then too.

I feel so at home in these woods, like I've been here a million times but I know this is only my second. The air is chilly but nothing I can't handle.

I dont really know what time it is, the last I checked it was eleven but I think it's been hour since then. Nic has been up with Toby and a member of a neighbouring pack all night so I've been keeping my distance. I dont want to embarrass Nic in any way.

I cross my legs as I lean over and trace a finger through the shallow water to create waves. I made sure to sit far enough away so the tide wouldn't soak me but close enough to play. I dont know why but I've always felt comforted by water.

Just as I place my hand in the water a toad jump from its perch on a log into the water startling me slightly as my heart races for a brief second before I smile. I never even knew he was right next to me, that's why I like toads so much. They're almost invisible until they move. Plus they have cute chirps.

As I play in the water I start getting the feeling I'm being watched as I turn and look over my shoulder to see a slender girl walk to me before sitting down. It's Toby's mate, Amanda. I haven't seen her in a while, I wonder what she wants from me.

"Hi." She says softly? Her voice soft and childlike. Not high pitched just, innocent in a way.

"Um, hi." I state back as she smiles before turning and looking at the moon herself. I will admit she's very beautiful but here under the moon light she looks like a goddess. He long blonde hair looks white as it falls over her shoulders into soft curls. A soft smile continues on her lips as her glittering eyes stay trained on the sky. Her skin is almost glowing and the freckles on her face only highlight her features.

I catch myself staring before I turn quickly and look at the sky too. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" She asks me and i nod, feeling a smile creep onto my lips.

"Yeah it is." I breath looking at the stars painting intricate illusions in the sky. Her eyes turn back to me as I feel her gaze scan me like I had done to her.

"Why are you out here." She asks me, not rudely or negative in anyway, but in sheer curiosity.

"I couldn't sleep, and I didn't want to bother Nic so I came out here to clear my mind."

"What were you thinking about?"

"I dont know... everything I suppose. Nothing stayed in my head for long before I was thinking of something else. And it was starting to drive me insane. Everything from the moment I met Nic and Colton to this exact moment has been racing through my head. I'm worried and stressed, but I dont know why." I tell her glancing her way as she looks at the lake. She hums in understanding, letting me know she's listening to me.

"I see," she responded, "Well let me think." As she says this she stands gracefully from her spot and she steps towards the water and cups some into her hands. "Tell me, if this water were poison, what should I do?" She asks and I frown.

"Drop it." I replay and she smiles.

"And what if I keep holding onto it?"

"You'll hurt yourself."

"Exactly. So if I drop it," she lets the water fall from her hands back into the lake, "I can move on and not be hurt. But if I continue to stand here it will only get worse. That's what stress is." She tells me stepping back over and sitting down. My eyes keep trained on her as she does this, almost astonished at her reply. "I understand you've been through a lot. You're no longer the person you once were, but holding onto that guilt will not fix it." She adds on and i find myself nodding as I look away.

She and I stay silent for some time, watching the water and sky ever so slowly change, "how do you like it here?" She breaks the silence momentarily making my heart skip a beat from fear.

"I love it here. It's peaceful and welcoming."

"Would you consider living here with your mates? Or do you wish to leave with them again?" She asks and I finally look at her again. A strange glint is in her eyes as she stares at nothing in particular.

I think for a moment. I understand what she's saying, she wants Nic here. Maybe it's the fact she's the real beta of the pack that she wants the leader here. Maybe Nic will be happier here. "Possibly, I think Nic would like that. And Colton doesn't have a desire to go anywhere else. He's told us he'll follow us wherever we go. Maybe I'll ask Nic to stay." She turns and smiles at me gently before standing and offering her hand to me.

I grab it as I stand before she begins to lead me by hand back to the house. As we're walking back a man leaves. He stops momentarily when he sees us before turning and leaving with a sullied look on his face. The man is tall with dark hair and an aged face. His presence alone was enough to frighten me but Amanda's hand squeezed mine to calm me as she stood tall. Just then I notice Nic come to the door after the man where he spots us.

As he sees me he seems to grin and walk towards the both of us, "I'm sorry about him. He's from a pack that's rather old fashioned." He explains stopping in front of us with a warm smile.

"What do you mean by that? Why did he glare at us?" I ask softly in case the man could possibly still hear us.

His hand softly grazes down my arm to my hand as he lifts it to his lips, "he believes I should discipline my mates when they act out." He states but seeing my confused face he points to where mine and Amanda's hands are still connected. "Personally I dont mind seeing my family bond but he's not me." He says before leaning forward and kissing my head.

I smile at his gestures as he begins to lead us inside. "Come on, it's going to rain soon and it's late." He says as we nod and follow him inside. It's quiet as most people are asleep right now. The light in the living room illuminates the room and part of the kitchen as the rest of the house sits in darkness. "Why are you still awake anyway?" Nic asks and I shrug.

"I couldn't sleep, and I didn't want to bother Colton with my tossing so I left."

"Are you feeling ok?" I nod at his question and offer a smile.

"Yeah I'm fine, I promise." He smiles back at me then turns his attention to Amanda.

"Glad to see you out and about. It's rare to see you without Toby near by, what's the occasion?" Nic teases lightly at his sister in law and she chuckles.

"It's a beautiful night, I didn't want to pass up an opportunity to enjoy it before it rained." She answers vaguely, hardly answering Nic's question.

"Did you just wake up?" He continues and she offers an innocent smile.

"I'm going to go to bed now, is Toby in your office?" She asks Nic and he nods a reply. With a soft smile and a wave she descends upstairs leaving Nic and I alone. 

I pull him over to sit on one of the couches with me before talking, "what was that meeting about." He pulls my waist gently to have me lay against him. I can't help the smile from pulling my lips as my head rests on his shoulder.

"Its nothing you should worry about. I'll tell both you and Colton tomorrow about it. For tonight I just want to enjoy this moment with you." I bite my lip softly at this but dont question him. There a pit in my stomach telling me something is wrong but he said to leave it and I will. "So Wolf pup." He says with a smirk as he playfully pokes my forehead. I chuckle swatting his hand away looking up at him. "Feel like learning to shift tomorrow?" He asks me and my eyes widen as I suddenly sit up watch him carefully.

"Are you sure? I mean you think I'm ready for that?" I ask, my hands against his chest holding me at arms length to watch his face. Maybe he's just joking.

"Of course you are. You have been for a while but we never got around to it. I figured you'd want to. It's definitely a fun experience." He explains with a grin as his hands pull me onto his lap and closer against him.

"Fun? You said it would be really painful." I remind him and he chuckles shaking his head.

"Well, yes it's painful at first but once it's done your body will have already healed and you'll be a wolf. It's completely different from being a human and I can't wait to see your reaction. So what do you say?" He asks, a hopeful glint in his eye as he smile softly.

"Yeah ok, we can do it tomorrow when Colton's up." I yawn, covering my mouth as I stretch ever so slightly.

I feel his lips press against my cheek before he moves to get up, "let's go to bed, it's late." I nod and his arms slip around me before he swiftly lifts me and carries me off to bed. I'm already asleep before I even reach and mattress.

I know it's short but it's been a while since I've updated so I figured get something out and this sets up the ending so expect it within like the next 6 chapters probably. Anyway it's really late so I'm gonna go to sleep.

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