Over My Dead Body! (Chucky Fa...

By candycoatedkouhai

112K 3.5K 1.9K

On her 21st birthday, Cassidy's friends decide to throw her a big party, and what better way to celebrate the... More

I: Big 21
II: Here's Your Gift!
III: Hangover +1
IV: Maybe
VI: Snoopy Danny
VII: However You Please
VIII: It Probably Won't
IX: Weird
X: The Blood to My Lust
XI: Satisfying
XII: Lydia = Litia! (Part 1)
XIII: Lydia = Litia! (Part 2)
XIV: Aftermath
XV: Moving On
XVI: The Past is Catching Up
XVII: Between
XVIII: Return
XIX: What're We Doing?
XX: Sneaky Little B-
XXI: Green
XXII: We've All Got Secrets
XXIII: No Way José
XXIV: So That's it?
Yall are WILD

V: Let it Begin

6K 187 63
By candycoatedkouhai

(Chucky's POV)

  I end up waking up before Cassidy does, which means I have nothing to do. I glance over at her clock. 8:30am. Yesterday she didn't wake up until like 9 something. I was going to just go back to sleep, but I heard her phone buzz. I'm not being nosey or invading her privacy or any of that shit, but I gotta know if she tried to get me caught. So I take her phone and push the power button.

  Fuck! There's a password, and I don't know what it could possibly be. I pick the first thing that comes to mind and start tapping the pin screen "C-H-U-C-K-Y." Well what do ya know, it unlocked. I laugh quietly. That was too easy, and the sad part is that I only typed that in as a joke.

  She has an unread message from Danny. I open it.

  "Not sure what the hell happened yesterday, but don't worry! I'm not gonna let him hurt you! I'll tell the others and we'll be over to get you!"

  That son of a bitch! I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance, now he's gonna go open his fucking mouth to everyone. If too many people know, I'm done. This could get back to the wrong person, like Andy, or those other issues I've been running from.

  Now I have to kill some more people. Goddamn "best friend" of hers. She should have told him to keep his mouth shut. He just sent this, so if I do something now, he can't do anything to me. I try to think of a quick plan. I don't know where he lives, and I'm pretty sure he's not gonna come back here alone after what happened. He can't be that dumb.

  I do know where Madison lives. If I go to her house and ask her, she'll tell me, if she wants to live of course. But what if she's not alone either? What if she has company.

  Shit. There's too many open holes that I can't fill. I set Cassidy's phone back where it was and head downstairs.


  I arrive at Madison's house and knock on the door, laying on her porch in Barbie mode. When she opens the door, she looks down at me and is somewhat hesitant before she opens the door finally and picks me up.

  "How'd you get here, Chucky? Shouldn't you be attached to Cassidy?" She says, examining me. I'm carried inside, and she sets me down on the couch. "I'll call her to come get you."

  "Won't be necessary," I tell her. Madison drops her phone and screams.

  "D-did you just-"

  "Talk? Yeah, I do that. Calm down for a moment, won't you? This is important business I've come here for. Two things I need to know. Where does Danny live, and do you know any guys by the names of Bonee, Floyd and Oink?"

  She cringes. "Why do you want to know where Danny lives?"

  "Shut up! I'm the one asking the fucking questions, you're giving answers! Now tell me, or I'll gut you like a fish!" All of Cassidy's friends really test my patience.

  "H-he lives on on the 3rd block after this one."

  "Now we're getting somewhere! And what about those guys?"

  "Where'd you hear those names?" I glare at her. "I'm sorry! It's just that those aren't just some normal guys, they're weirdo gangster wannabes who do stupid things in hopes of getting noticed. Like hanging around the back of the mall, raping, beating, robbing people. We used to be friends with Oink."

  "Who's we?"

  "Me, Cassidy, and Amy. He and Cass actually dated, but he treated her like trash. She broke up with him, and that's when he went to the life he's living now."

  So that ass wipe hurt Cassidy... "Is his real name Oink?"

  "Don't know. He never told us." 

  "I've heard enough." I was just about to leave, but I stop at the door. "You're alive today, but if you call the cops on me, or anyone else for that matter, you'll be gone. So don't go telling all of your stupid ass friends, got it?" Madison nods, and I walk back to Cassidy's house. The list of fuckers I have to kill is starting to get longer.

  (Cassidy's POV)

   I slept great last night! I pull the covers back and look at my leg. Blood leaked through the bandage and onto my sheets and cover. I should probably change the bandaid. I go to the bathroom so that I can. When I finally clean my wound up, I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is still that orangish red color, and honestly, I don't even feel like changing it.

  A silverish chain flashes on my neck in the mirror. I almost forgot what it was. Did I sleep with this on? Come to think of it, where's Chucky? He wasn't on the beanbag he slept on last night. I go back into my room to find him laying across my bed.

  "You called, Princess?" He snickers. Oh, thank goodness. I thought he left to do who knows what.

  "I was just wondering where you were," I tell him.

  "I've been here. Downstairs."

  "Oh, ok. Well, what's the plan for today?" I plop down on the bed beside him.

  "I have some shit to do within the next hour or so. I don't expect you to come with me. Unless, you're not afraid."

  "What would I be afraid of?" Chucky smiles at me but doesn't say anything. "I'm not afraid!" I have no idea what I'm about to get into,  but when I go places with Chucky now, I feel so safe and protected form anything. It's funny that I depend on a life size doll to protect me... but he's not just a doll. On the outside, he is. But deep down inside is Charles Lee Ray, the Lakeshore Strangler, the guy I didn't personally know, but somehow fell in love with.

  "You'd probably get in my way anyway," he goes on, wiping the previous blood off his knife. "I doubt you've got what it takes."

  "I'm sure I do!" I pout. It can't be that bad right?

  "Well if you're going, we have to leave like right now. Time is ticking."

  That's that. We hop in the car and I wait for him to tell me where I'm going.

  "Remember that mall we were at? Yeah, go there," he tells me.

  I kind of want to ask why, but I'm not going to. He'll probably just tell me to stop like he always does. I'll let him do his thing.

    We arrive at the mall, and he tells me to pull around the back. "Uh, Chucky?" I say, starting to get nervous. "Can I ask why we're back here?"

  The doll maintains his focus on his knife and doesn't look at me. "Unfinished business."

  What could he possibly need to do back here after what happened yesterday? Wait, did he come back to kill the other two?

(Open POV)

    "Alright, I really need to go home," Ryan croaks, leaning across the counter.

  "What's wrong?" Madison asks him, returning from the back. "Are you sick?"

  "Yeah, sum ting wong with that left over Chinese food I had this morning. I'm gonna call in sick for the day. You can hold me down, right?"

  "What did you have to do?"

  "Just cash register with Nol-"

  "Ok!" Madison cuts Ryan off and goes behind the counter. "Alright, go, get out! Go home! You don't feel good, don't hang around here! Noland  and I will take care of everything!"

  Ryan laughs and grabs all his stuff before leaving. "See ya when I see ya." He exits out the back to avoid having to go through all the early shoppers in the mall. He'll have to walk around to his car, but it doesn't bother him.

  He notices some people, and what appears to be... Cassidy's car? One guy is pinned to the group with... A doll on top of him? Stepping a bit closer without making himself too noticeable, Ryan identifies the doll as the one that he let Tommy and the others take to give to Cassidy. Putting the pieces together, that has to be Cassidy in the car, unless the doll drove away with it.

  (Cassidy's POV)

    Blood is going EVERYWHERE. Chucky just doesn't stop stabbing Oink, and I sit here and watch it all go down until Bonee appears.

  "It's that demon doll from yesterday! Didn't have enough?! You came back?!" Bonee yells, and he goes to grab Chucky.

  No, I have to do something! Chucky didn't sit and watch me get abused, and I'm not gonna watch him. I open up the compartment below the passenger side of the dashboard and pull out a knife. I specifically keep it there for situations like this. Then I hop out the car and run towards Bonee.

  "Let him go!" I yell, drilling the knife into his back.

  "You son of a... bitch!" Bonee yells back, struggling to get his words out. I watch as he falls beside Oink, who is probably going to bleed out from so many jabs with Chucky's knife.

  "Oh, Oink," I start, stooping down beside him. "I always knew you weren't worth shit, but really? This? Of all things to do with your life, you could have been a fucking coffee person in a nice office somewhere for fuck's sake! But you chose a life of nothing. I guess nothing attracts nothing, right? You make me sick." Chucky picks himself up.

  "Whoah, you're a fucking natural, Princess!" He cheers. "Honestly I didn't think you could do it, but you did, and-" he stops praising me and looks over. I try to see what he's looking at,  and my eyes meet with Ryan, standing there, nervously shaking.

  "Ryan, I know you may me traumatized by what you just saw, but-"

  "Get away from me, Cassidy! You're a goddamn murderer! I'm calling the police!" Ryan cries, pulling out his phone and running away.

  "N-no! Don't!" I scream. Oh boy, this is NOT going to end well. I'm not going to jail, and I'm not gonna let them take Chucky either. "What do we do?!" I turn to him.

  "Kill the little shit!" He replies, throwing his knife at Ryan. To my surprise, he has good aim, and the knife goes into the back of his neck. I cringe. Ew. We both rush to Ryan, and I take his phone. The screen was off, so I put his thumb on the home button and unlock it to go through his call log.

  "Fuck! He already called!" I tell Chucky. He pulls his knife out of Ryan's neck.

  "You let... This stupid... possessed doll do this to me," Ryan groans, blood spilling out his mouth.

  "I'm sorry, Ryan. But I'm not going to jail, and neither Is Chucky," I tell him, taking the battery out of his phone and putting it in my pocket.

  "He's... ch-changed you..." After the last few words, his pupils change to a dead state. I pull a lighter out my pocket  and the battery and set it on fire.

  "We need to go," I tell Chucky.

  "Yeah, haul ass," he says. I use my jacket sleeve to place a big, pointy rock into Ryan's hand, and rub Chucky's knife on it so that Oink's blood gets on it. Then we run back to the car where I give the knife I had to Bonee, and a the gun out of Oink's pocket to Oink, careful not to let my hands touch anything. Even my knife was prepared for this.

  We quickly get into the car and leave. "What was all that shit you were doing?" Chucky asks me.

  "Making it look like we were never here," I tell him. "Making it look like they did it to each other. The cops are gonna show, no doubt. But when they get there, they can't trace it back to us. There's no security cameras behind the mall. It's pretty stupid."

  "Oh, you are smart! Good thinking, Princess."

  "I might have to burn this jacket. It's got blood all over it. And I really liked this jacket..."

  So I killed a guy, and helped contribute to two other murders.

  "He's changed you."

  That's what Ryan said, right before he died. Did Chucky changed me? Or have I always been fucked up deep down?

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