V: Let it Begin

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(Chucky's POV)

  I end up waking up before Cassidy does, which means I have nothing to do. I glance over at her clock. 8:30am. Yesterday she didn't wake up until like 9 something. I was going to just go back to sleep, but I heard her phone buzz. I'm not being nosey or invading her privacy or any of that shit, but I gotta know if she tried to get me caught. So I take her phone and push the power button.

  Fuck! There's a password, and I don't know what it could possibly be. I pick the first thing that comes to mind and start tapping the pin screen "C-H-U-C-K-Y." Well what do ya know, it unlocked. I laugh quietly. That was too easy, and the sad part is that I only typed that in as a joke.

  She has an unread message from Danny. I open it.

  "Not sure what the hell happened yesterday, but don't worry! I'm not gonna let him hurt you! I'll tell the others and we'll be over to get you!"

  That son of a bitch! I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance, now he's gonna go open his fucking mouth to everyone. If too many people know, I'm done. This could get back to the wrong person, like Andy, or those other issues I've been running from.

  Now I have to kill some more people. Goddamn "best friend" of hers. She should have told him to keep his mouth shut. He just sent this, so if I do something now, he can't do anything to me. I try to think of a quick plan. I don't know where he lives, and I'm pretty sure he's not gonna come back here alone after what happened. He can't be that dumb.

  I do know where Madison lives. If I go to her house and ask her, she'll tell me, if she wants to live of course. But what if she's not alone either? What if she has company.

  Shit. There's too many open holes that I can't fill. I set Cassidy's phone back where it was and head downstairs.


  I arrive at Madison's house and knock on the door, laying on her porch in Barbie mode. When she opens the door, she looks down at me and is somewhat hesitant before she opens the door finally and picks me up.

  "How'd you get here, Chucky? Shouldn't you be attached to Cassidy?" She says, examining me. I'm carried inside, and she sets me down on the couch. "I'll call her to come get you."

  "Won't be necessary," I tell her. Madison drops her phone and screams.

  "D-did you just-"

  "Talk? Yeah, I do that. Calm down for a moment, won't you? This is important business I've come here for. Two things I need to know. Where does Danny live, and do you know any guys by the names of Bonee, Floyd and Oink?"

  She cringes. "Why do you want to know where Danny lives?"

  "Shut up! I'm the one asking the fucking questions, you're giving answers! Now tell me, or I'll gut you like a fish!" All of Cassidy's friends really test my patience.

  "H-he lives on on the 3rd block after this one."

  "Now we're getting somewhere! And what about those guys?"

  "Where'd you hear those names?" I glare at her. "I'm sorry! It's just that those aren't just some normal guys, they're weirdo gangster wannabes who do stupid things in hopes of getting noticed. Like hanging around the back of the mall, raping, beating, robbing people. We used to be friends with Oink."

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