I: Big 21

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(Cassidy's POV)

  "Seriously? You don't have it?" I groan, wanting to tear my hair out.

  "Nope, I'm sorry, ma'am. It's kind of odd. We almost always have those in stock every single year," the woman behind the counter apologizes to me and checks her computer. "I'm afraid none of our stores have that sweater, actually."

  "Shit," I say under my breath, sighing. "Ok, thanks anyway. I still want this knife and fake blood, though."

  "Certainly!" I place the two items on the counter and watch as she slides them across the red light on the counter. There are two beeps, then she presses a button on the screen. "Ten dollars and sixty four cents."

  Scrambling through my purse, I pull out my wallet and take a ten dollar bill out the middle. "I have sixty four cents," I alert her. Finally, I find the change and hand it to her. She puts the money in the register and gives me my receipt and bag.

  "Have a nice birthday!" She says. I thank her and head out. I can't believe they didn't have it.

  A sudden vibration goes off in my pocket, followed by the sound of Into You by Ariana Grande.  I whip out my phone and slide the green button over as I get in my car to drive off.

  "Yo, you're still coming tonight, right Cass?" Lydia asks.

  "Of course I am! I'm just having some issues. Minor ones, hopefully," I tell her. "I should have bought my damn costume as soon as I found out about the party. I've tried two different Halloween stores and no one has what I need! It's literally the last thing I need to complete my costume." I slowly stop behind a car at a red light.

  "That's messed up. I'm sure you'll find it, though." She tries to reassure me.

  "Where are you? You want me to come early and help with anything?"

  "Girl are you crazy?! This is your  birthday party! We're doing this for you! There's no way imma have you setting shit up when it's supposed to be your glow day."

  I laugh a little. "Ok, well I'll see you in an hour."

  "See ya then."

  I toss my phone into my purse sitting in the passenger seat. Man, if I can't get this shirt, I'm gonna be so pissed. Why would I go costume shopping on the day of Halloween? The hell was I thinking? Luckily, though, there's still one more place I can go to and search for it. There's a Halloween USA right down the street from here. It's my last hope to slay tonight.

(Open POV)

  "How the hell did we not get her a gift?!" Lydia shrieks, jumping into the back seat.

  "Girl, it's just a gift. She ain't gonna go batshit crazy if she doesn't have a gift. Cassidy will be happy just that we put this together for her, gifts or not," Tommy says, buckling himself into the seat.

  "Tommy's right," Madison adds. "Besides, I'm sure we'll be able to find her something she'll love before time is up."

  "Ok, guys. But we gotta be back by 8:45. The party starts at 9, but I wanna make sure everything is cool before everybody gets there, and we need time to do last minute costume touch ups. Diamond is already there now with Amy," Lydia explains. All of the friends agree, and they pull off to the mall to find the perfect last minute gift for Cassidy.

  Once there, they all scramble into the stores, but no one seems to have anything that catches their eyes. Finally, the group heads into Hot Topic. Who could go wrong there?

  "We've literally been in every store," Tommy groans. "There has to be something we can get her here."

  Lydia and Madison begin searching every shelf and rack in the store, and so does Tommy, when suddenly, he sees something out the corner of his eye. He turns around and drops everything in his hands. "Oh. My. God," he coos, grabbing what he sees and rushing to the counter. "How much is this?!"

  The cashier seems confused as to where Tommy got the item from. "Uh... I haven't seen that in here before, Tommy. Maybe somebody left it on accident," he replies, scratching his head through his beanie. "Are you trying to get a last minute gift for Cassidy?"

  "That's exactly what we're doing," Tommy tells him, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "So how much?" Lydia and Madison join him.

  "Just take it," he tells them, waving his hand.

  "Really?!" Lydia squeals.

  "Yeah, go ahead."

  "Wow, thanks, Ryan! I'd kiss you but that'd be weird since we don't really talk much!" Madison squeals after Lydia. Another cashier joins Ryan, and Madison's eyes chase him down. He looks at what Tommy is holding.

  "The fuck is that?" Noland asks, pointing at it. He glances at Madison, who looks like she's having a mental issue.

  "H-hi Noland! You'll be at the party tonight right?!" She answers, completely ignoring his previous comment. He nods. "Ok cool I'll see you then hopefully maybe I bet you'll look great in whatever it is you're wearing with those luscious legs of yours- I mean what A HA oaosnsjdb..." She darts out of the store without another word. Noland, confused, shakes It off.

  "Anyways, we gotta go," Tommy tells the two. "Thanks again."

  "See you at the party!" Lydia adds. Tommy and Lydia take Cassidy's gift and collect the discombobulated Madison outside the door and head back to Lydia's house.

(Cassidy's POV)

  "Yes, yes, YES!" I yell, running out of Halloween USA with my bag. I finally found it! I happily hop back into my car and go home before heading to the party.

  After a quick shower and some hair dying, I grab all of the necessary materials to make my costume work and plop everything down on the counter next to the mirror in the bathroom. First things first, I gotta get dressed. I slip on the striped rainbow shirt it took my five-ever to get, then step into my blue jean overalls and snap the buttons securely into place in the front and back. Next, I put on a pair of white socks and lace my red Chuck Taylors up over them. To complete my clothes, a grab the cloth pin I made and pin it to the front of my overalls.

  Now that that's out of the way, I let my now ginger-colored hair down, stuff it into two, poofy ponytails, and start working on my face. A stitch here, a dash of fake blood there. Finally, I pop in some blue contacts, and I'm all set! Not a moment to spare, either. Snatching my phone off the bed, I head out and lock the door.

  As I'm on my way to Lydia's, my favorite song comes on, so naturally, I turn it up and start jamming to it. This costume party is also a contest. Best costume wins a secret prize, and I'm going as my favorite slasher, Chucky. My costume this year is definitely better than last year; I just went as the Cheshire Cat. But this time, I went all out. I ran all across the damn town to find this shirt, and now I'm gonna slay the look.

  I pull up in front of Lydia's, and there are cars parked all over the place. Her house is huge, and I can hear the loud music from here. I find a place to park my car and look into the mirror at myself before getting out.
  "Hi, I'm Chucky! Wanna play?" I say to my reflection, my big blue eyes staring back at me. I laugh as I get out the car and head to the door. It opens right after I knock.

  "Cass! So glad you could make it!" Lydia cheers.

Over My Dead Body! (Chucky Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα