Over My Dead Body! (Chucky Fa...

Autorstwa candycoatedkouhai

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On her 21st birthday, Cassidy's friends decide to throw her a big party, and what better way to celebrate the... Więcej

I: Big 21
II: Here's Your Gift!
III: Hangover +1
V: Let it Begin
VI: Snoopy Danny
VII: However You Please
VIII: It Probably Won't
IX: Weird
X: The Blood to My Lust
XI: Satisfying
XII: Lydia = Litia! (Part 1)
XIII: Lydia = Litia! (Part 2)
XIV: Aftermath
XV: Moving On
XVI: The Past is Catching Up
XVII: Between
XVIII: Return
XIX: What're We Doing?
XX: Sneaky Little B-
XXI: Green
XXII: We've All Got Secrets
XXIII: No Way José
XXIV: So That's it?
Yall are WILD

IV: Maybe

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Autorstwa candycoatedkouhai

(Chucky's POV)

  "How come you didn't give me the whole 'Hi! I'm Chucky! Wanna play?' Thing?" Cassidy asks.

  "What's the point in introducing people if they already know who each other are?" I snarl. "Unecessary. I already knew you knew me, and I picked up your name from your friends." She sighs and stops walking- well, limping. "What're you doing? Why'd you stop?"

  "I just struggled all the way down here. I'm tired. Relax, we're almost there," she tells me, pulling me up higher in her arm's grasp. "And about my friends. Promise me you won't hurt anyone."

  "I ain't promising you shit. If anybody gets in my way, and I mean ANYBODY, they're dead, got it?"

  "Even if it's me?" I look up at her, raising my eyebrow.

  "I suggest you stay out of my way if you care that much about being alive." She stops in front of a house.

  "Here it is." We head up the steps and she knocks on the door with a free hand. A girl on the other side opens the door.

  "Cassidy! What's up? Come in!" The girls says. I assume this is Madison. She looks like the girl that was driving last night. There are other familiar faces from last night here as well.

  "Hey, guys," Cassidy greets them and stands by the door.

  "Are you limping?" Madison asks her.

  "Well I-" she starts to explain what happened, but I nudge her just enough so that she feels it, but no one sees it. If she tells them, they might try to kill me, or even worse, call the cops. Neither of those are an option for me. I refuse to go down. I have things I need to do, and I meant what I said earlier.  "I kinda fell on my leg, and it's really sore." Good girl.

  (Cassidy's POV)


"But I can see blood..." Tommy says, quietly. I gulp. I can't say anything, or Chucky will kill them. Let's just hope my lying skills are good enough to save their lives.

  "It's just fake blood from last night. I accidentally spilled like the whole damn bottle. I think it stains," I explain.

  "Why the hell did you bring that with you?" Amy asks, frowning at Chucky.

  "Oh, Chucky?" What am I supposed to say? Who just carries a damn doll around?! "I just love him so much, I wanted him to come with me!" I try to add on to the act by hugging him close to my chest in a lovey dovey manner.

  "Gross," Amy frowns, and gets up from the couch, going into the back.

  "So uh, Maddy, do you have my keys?"

  "Oh yeah that's right!" Madison squeals, reaching into her purse laying in a chair. "Catch." She tosses them to me, and I miss,  causing them to hit Chucky in the face. My eyes get huge as I grab the keys off his face.

  "Well, uh, guys, I hate to run, but I really need to be going. I have some... errands. Really important errands, and I only have so much time to get them done," I explain.

  "Aw, ok. Maybe we can all hang out sometime this week. Without the doll though. He's kinda creepy," Madison says. "Bye Cass."

  I tell everyone goodbye and leave as quick as I can without things getting too obvious, and get into the car. I put Chucky in the passenger seat. "I'm so sorry," I tell him. "I can't catch to save my life." Literally.

  "Whatever," he grunts.

  "So, what exactly are we doing? Looking for Andy?"

  "Hell no! Not now. Andy's too busy looking for me. I'm not trying to walk right into the kid's hands. He's gonna try to kill me again, and I have better things to do. That's why I'm staying with you. He'll never find me there. He doesn't even know who you are. What you're gonna do is help me get out of this body."

  "How am I supposed to do that?"

  He pulls an amulet out his pocket. "This is the Heart of Damballa. Without it, I can't transfer my soul out of this plastic piece of shit. I'm giving it to you for safe keeping because, well, you're bigger. If you lose it though, I'm gonna kill you slow. So don't fucking lose it!"

  "Ok, ok!" I take the amulet from him. It's a dull reddish color. "Can I wear it?"

  "I don't care what you do with it. Just don't break or lose it. That's my life you're holding."

  Good to know...

  "Anyways," he goes on. "I gotta find the perfect body to go into it, but first, there might be a few other people looking for me that we'll have to look out for."

  "Like who?"

  "Jesus fucking Christ you ask a lot of questions! Don't worry about it! Just go! Go somewhere with a bunch of people!"

  "O-ok." I pull out the driveway. It's a good thing he didn't stab my right leg, or else I wouldn't be able to drive. I wonder if that's the reason why he didn't? "Aren't you afraid of someone seeing you?"

  "No, because you're gonna pretend just like you did before. You're gonna make everyone believe that I'm just your doll and nothing more."


  We can go to the mall, maybe to the one that they found him at.

  "You know, you don't have to be so mean to me," I tell him.

  "You know, you don't have to keep talking," he sneers. I roll my eyes.

  "You're such an asshole."

  "Yet you're obsessed with me, Princess."

  There's nothing I can say to that. I stay quiet and turn on the radio. Sorry by Beyonce comes on.

  "The hell is this?" Chucky growls.

  "Music," I reply.

  "Gee, I had no idea. I meant what are we listening to, smart ass."


  "I don't like it!"

  "Well it's my car, and I'm driving! The least you could do is let me listen to my choice of music!" This is going to be a very long ride. It's already 2pm. Shit, I didn't even call my job. "So uh... what should I tell my job? You know, for not coming in?"

  "I wouldn't worry about that." The devil doll laughs.

  "Uh ok, but this job is my life. No money, no life. What am I sup-"

  "I said don't worry about it, alright?"

  I guess I have to trust him, but I'm scared to know why he keeps saying that.

  (Open POV)

    "Something definitely wasn't right about her today," Tommy says, leaning towards the others. They were all still at Madison's house, now discussing what happened with Madison and the doll earlier.

  "She seemed really nervous about something," Madison says.

  "I'd be nervous too if I was holding that damn doll! No, actually, I wouldn't even be holding it!" Amy barks.

  "I don't know. Maybe she's taking some meds for her leg that's messing her head up as a side effect." Tommy stands up and stretches. "Maybe it's nothing."

   (Chucky's POV)

    "None of these are working for me," I tell Cassidy,  looking up at her. We sat down on a bench for a while to see who all was strolling the mall today.

  "Wanna go home?" She asks me.

  "Yeah,  today is useless." She picks me up and we make our way to the outdoors behind the mall where she parked. It got late. A group of guys are hanging around her car. Who the fuck are they?

  I can feel Cassidy tense up. Her grip on me gets tighter, and I feel her heart beating in her chest increasing. She's scared, I don't think she knows them.

  "Well, well, well!" The guy standing in the middle of the other two chuckles. "What have we here, hmm?"

  "A girly, and her dumb doll!" Another says. They all laugh.

  "Whatdya want?" The other asks.

  "I-i just... This is my car," Cassidy stutters.

  "Oh really? Hear that, Oink and Floyd? It's her car!" The middle guy says. "People don't park back here for a reason, especially not girls who are all alone like you. You know why?" They step closer to us, and Cassidy steps back.

  "No," she croaks.

  "Cause this is Bonee's spot!" Oink yells.

  "I don't know who that is..." Cassidy starts tearing up a bit.

  "Me, you dumb slut!" The middle guys growls. "You have two options, cause I'm feeling childish. Either you give us the doll, or get beat the fuck up. I've always wanted a Good Guy doll."

  "No, I'm not doing either one of those!" She turns to run away, but Bonee viciously reaches out for her. She snatches away so hard that we both fall.

  "See what you did? Now you're gonna make me damage that pretty little face of yours! Hold her!" He commands the other two to hold her down. I'm not going to sit here and let these fuckers hurt Cassidy. Default time.

  "Hey! Wanna play?" I say, my voice switched into the real voice of the doll.

  They stop and turn around to look at me. "Oh, so he talks? After all these years? These things came out In the 80s, hell yeah! Grab him!" Bonee commands. Floyd picks me up.

  "What else can you say?" He asks me.

  "Leave the fucking girl alone, asshole!" I growl, pulling my knife out my overalls and shoving it into his throat. The other two turn around and immediately drop Cassidy.
  "What the hell?!" Oink cries. I jump down and Floyd's dead body hits the ground behind me. I pull my knife out of his neck.

  "Fuck off!" I yell, and they both scramble away. "You ok?" I ask Cassidy. She's shaking.

  "I... y-yeah. Come on, w- we gotta go before the cops get here..." She tells me. She picks herself up, then me, and we get into the car and pull off.

  "You've never seen anyone get murdered in real life, have you?" I ask her,  putting my knife away.

  "N-no," she quivers. "But... Thank you. You saved me."

  "Yeah yeah, don't turn it into a fucking water show."

  She smiles at me. "Maybe you're not as mean as I thought, Chucky." Something loud and weird rings through the car. "Damn, I'm really hungry."

  "Me too."


  "I said me too."

  "No, I heard you, but what do you mean? You eat food?"

  "Do you?"

  "Of course I do."

  "Ok then. I might be a doll, but I'm a human soul in a doll's body. I'm like you, I'm just plastic." Cassidy seems wildly intrigued. I thought she'd already know that since she seems to know everything else about me.

  Cassidy says she's not obsessed, but she is, and I know she is. Her friends know she is. We all know she is. She can deny it all she wants, but I know the truth.


    After we eat the food she bought, I'm actually sort of sleepy. I never really got much rest before, but maybe I can now that I'm in a place that I'm about 29% sure I'm safe in.

  "Something smells really bad over here," Cassidy snorts, looking around the closet. "Hey, Chucky, have you seen my cat?"

  "Yeah," It's between your legs right now," I tell her, and watch as she actually looks down for it. I laugh.

  "Ugh, that's not funny!" She yells. "I meant Mao! My cat! She's white with little black spots."


  Cassidy opens the closet. "Oh my god!" She screeches, leaning in. "Ooo she's gonna get it when I find her! The closet ain't a litter box!"

  "That shit stinks. Literally." I tell her, laughing again.

  "Shut up."

  Once she's done cleaning it all up, she mentions sleeping. "Where are gonna sleep?" She yawns.

  "In your bed. Right next to you," I tell her, half joking.

  "Oh no you're not! Anywhere but my room!"

  "Why? Scared I'll kill you in your sleep?"

  "That's exactly why!"

  "I have no intentions of killing you, Princess. Relax. You're mine for now, so I'll look after you, but I won't kill you." She death stares at me. "Not in your sleep, at least." I whisper to myself.

  "Promise?" I nod. "Then fine. You can sleep in my room, but NOT in my bed."

  "Fine by me. Your room is the warmest." Once it's settled, Cassidy carries me to her room with her.

  "I need to change. Get out," she commands.

  "Oh, come on! I'm not gonna peek," I tell her.

  "Lies! Stay out here." She slams her room door and I'm forced to wait outside until she's done. The door swings back open. "Ok, you can come in." She changed into a tank top and some really short shorts with a pair of knee socks. Cassidy closes the door behind me, shuts the light off, and lifts herself Into bed.

  I see a fuzzy beanbag in the corner of the room and lay on that. We sit in complete silence for a while, and my eyes get heavy.

  "Chucky?" She says, gently.

  "What?" I answer.

  "I know I already said this earlier, but I'm really thankful for what you did for me. I was scared and didn't know what to do. But you helped me. So... thanks."

  I'm used to her spazzing on me and having an attitude. Seeing this side of her... has an interesting effect on me.

  "It's no big deal," I tell her. "Couldn't just sit there and let them do that to you."

  "Yeah... Well, good night, Chucky."

  "Good night." I hear the bed rustle as she turns over on the other side. She's sleeping with her back towards me. Either she's insane, or... no, she's gotta be insane. Here I am, a murderer, sleeping in the same room as her, but she's got big enough balls to sleep with her back turned to me. What if I wanted to kill her? She wouldn't see it coming.

  I take my knife out and run my finger across the blade. I chuckle and set it down. "You've got guts, Princess," I say. "I dig it."

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