Zootopia: Where The Wild Thin...

By zoo-to-hell

10.5K 746 454

cover art by: akemi2310224 Zootopia has become a cesspool. Predators are assigned collars that have needles i... More

PART 1 - The God That Failed
Chapter 1 - Nick is Dead
Chapter 2 - Freak Show
Chapter 3 - ...And Justice For Nobody
Chapter 4 - XXX
Chapter 6 - Twisting Under Schizophrenia
Chapter 7 - Lynch Mob
Chapter 8 - Slither
Chapter 9 - Carpe Diem Baby
Chapter 10 - Attitude
Chapter 11 - Low Man's Lyric
Chapter 12 - Touch the Sun
Chapter 13 - Where Boys Fear to Tread
Chapter 14 - It's Time To Save My World
Chapter 15 - Deep Blue Dream
PART 2 - Deep Blue
Chapter 1 - Where Blood Is Inches Thick
Chapter 2 - Dead Skin Mask
Chapter 4 - Serenity
Chapter 6 - Pieces Come Together
look who's back mOTHER FUCKS
Chapter 7 - There's A Hole in the Earth
new stories

Chapter 5 - Super-Terrorizer

280 24 17
By zoo-to-hell

"Sir, what are we going to do? This bear, and his case, is dangerous to the fabric of society we have created for this country! People are going to see into our world we've created!" A weasel informed a large black sphinx, who sat back in his leather seat behind a perfectly organized mahogonay desk.

The sphinx held his hand up, flexing his fingers into his palm, thinking angrily. His deep yellow eyes burned holes into the weasel, who was sweating profusely. "This bear, Hammet, cannot do anything. He has no information on the D.P.C.U, or anything that goes on with us. We sure as fucking hell, are not going to let anyone in now."

The weasel held a finger up to say something, but was interrupted by the sphinx raising his hand up to stop his talking. "All he has a case based on ethics. Ethics don't win court battles. Facts and information does. This bear is going to crash and burn, just like his case. I warned him, I sent him a message to his wife, and he didn't listen. I'm going to make sure they receive..."

He leaned over the desk, looming over the small weasel, his gums splitting apart to show pearly white fangs.

"...The bitter end of things.." His voice trembled with venom, and the weasel smelled his carrion breath, shaking in his place.

The weasel gulped, and finally mustered out words amongst a fit of stuttering. "Th-That's the thing s-sir. A p-police officer by the name of J-Judy Hopps, she and a-a few other officers went and searched th-through the information room at the complex. T-they have info on our in-inner workings!"

The sphinx's expression flatlined, before carving into pure fury. "Are you serious? Tell me you are joking."

The weasel quietly whined in fear, shaking his head.

The sphinx roared, digging his nails underneath his desk, flipping it over. The weasel flinched at the sound of papers, glass, and his desktop being crunched and shattered.

"Kill that bitch who let them in, call the security now and tell them to take her to the fucking shredder!" He roared down at him, claws retracted, his voice crunched and gainy.

The weasel held another finger up, keeping his head down, staring at the mess on the floor, along with the overturned desk. "T-to be fair sir, you told her to let them in."

The sphinx thrust his claws around his collar, holding him up to his face. "I told her to call security, to overpower them, and throw them in the shredder, and apparently the bitch didn't do it!"

The weasel turned his head away, avoiding those thin, razor fangs that armed his jaws.

"Y-yes sir. I will tell them. Is t-there anything else you need d-done?"

The sphinx stared intently into his eyes, and sighed contently. He set the weasel down gently, and straightened out his own tie.

He took a moment to calm his rage induced breathing, before exhaling narrowly. His eyes turned back to the weasel in a more business-like manner. "Tell the Investigative team to start snooping through Ms. Hopps' files, anything you can get on her. Also, get one of them to spy on her. I'd like to know as much about her as possible."

The sphinx put his finger to his chin intently, thinking carefully. "If somehow fate decides Ms. Hopps and that son-of-a-bitch Patrick Woods cross paths, the D.P.C.U. is going to be ruined. So will the fabric of this country I have so easily created."

The weasel waited patiently on the floor, twiddling his fingers together. "Anything else sir?"

The sphinx looked out to his window, which chopped light into thin lights by the blinds. He held his hands behind his back.
"Yes. If at anytime, inform them that they find Ms. Hopps, or Mr. Woods' wife alone, kill them. Violently. And tell them to send me a picture. I'd be more than happy to set them up as examples of "predators that got out of hand because they had their collars removed" by a third party."

The weasel felt a cold shiver run up his spine, and he licked his dry lips. "Kill them sir?"

The sphinx's expression stayed dull. "Yes. Kill them. Mutilate them. Especially the rabbit. Any chance they get of her alone, tell them to kill her."

The weasel gulped, swallowing heavily. "Y-yes sir. Shall I also inform the front desk to get you a new desktop, and get the janitors to clean up this mess?"

The sphinx turned around to face him again, shifting his let hand to his pocket. "Yes, right away, please. Inform them of my plans first."

The weasel nodded, and began to stiffly walk out of the dark, dreaded room.

That man is a super-terrorizer, The weasel dreaded to himself in his thoughts.


Nick's eyes fluttered open, to find himself in Judy's bed, fully clothed in pajamas. The aroma of department store flower scent filled his nose, and he smelled of soap from when he bathed with Judy the night before. A sheepish smile crept up his lips, while a pink blush ran under his fur down his cheeks.

The fox yawned, stretched up, and cracked his back out, groaning in pleasure as the tight knots in his back relaxed, spreading comfort throughout his body. He fell back down against the bed again, curling into a comfortable ball, taking the pillow beside him against his nose, inhaling the faint smell of Judy, and the strong scent of  floral soap they bathed in.

The fox pulled his muzzle away from the pillow, and his eyes widened in horror at what he saw. Sitting at Judy's small table, in the old wooden chair.... was himself.

It didn't make sense. Nick knew he was having another episode, but this one had no signs. It had just come on to him! Instead of vibrant green eyes that Nick had commonly noticed himself having everyday he looked in the mirror, this reincarnation of himself had milky white eyes.

He was blind.

"Hi Nick." It spoke, a friendly smile unexpectedly springing on his lips. It stretched its back out just as Nick had earlier, groaning in satisfaction. "I'd wave to you, but I can't see a damn thing."

Nick shook his head violently, pressing himself against the corner of the headboard of the bed and the wall.

"You're not real." He growled, pressing himself as flat as he could against the corner.

It laughed, knocking its head back in a playful laugh. Too playful. "Maybe so Nick, but I'm real enough. I'm all in your head, yet you believe I exist so much, here I am. I am just a creation of your head, and you're losing your mind."

Nick snapped at him, extracting his claws in preparation. "No, I control you. Why am I seeing you..."

It leaned forward, and smirked back at him, and the milky white of his eyes evaporated till he could see the eyes behind them, they were green just like his. It was an exact copy of him now.

"Stay with her Nick. I was wrong. She's good for us."

Nick stared back dumbfounded, blinked, and like that, he was gone.


"You guys were looking for me?" Judy clicked the door behind them in an interrogation room, where Jimena and Diego sat. She mentally smiled at how close they were sitting now.

Jimena peered around the bunny, past her surroundings; here eyes uneasy and anxious. An unusual look for the African Dog.

"Judy," She took a deep breath, and motioned for her to sit in the stainless steel chair in front of her and Diego. The rabbit felt anxiety seize her midsection, her heart raced at a pace faster than usual.

"You have seen the news about the bear?" Jimena asked, her hispanic accent slightly more uneasy than usual. Judy nodded, a knot of anxiety building in her stomach, massaging her knuckles with an opposite paw.

"Yes, I know him just a little too, why do you ask?" Judy gulped, shifting in her seat, digging her claws underneath the steel chair.

Diego yelped excitedly, having Judy's ears wince in pain. "You know him?"

Judy brought her fingers up timidly, mumbling. "I mean, not personally, but I met him in a chat room."

Jimena waved her arms around to call for a refocus. "This is good news. We have an easier outlet."

Judy cocked her eyebrow, swallowing down another lump of uncertainty. "Outlet?"

Jimena and Diego turned to each other, with the coyote giving a slight nod back.

Judy was left with a tense knot of uncertainty floating in her stomach. "We're thinking of sharing the information we got from the D.P.C.U. to him." Diego sighed, looking over his head, as if there were a dark cloud blotting out the light above.

Judy's paws relaxed slightly, but her mouth stumbled for words. She was at a loss for their thoughts of insubordination. "Isn't that highly illegal? We could lose our jobs, and get thrown in Jail! Do you know how long I've wanted to be an officer, this is my life's dream! I can't risk it!"

Jimena's face twisted angrily, suddenly standing up from the steal chair, towering of the little rabbit, fangs beared. "You value your job over the wellbeings of millions! It us our duty to protect and serve justice to the world, and this--" She roped a finger in her collar, outstretching it for her to see the box which held the needle and shocking mechanisms. "This is not justice. This is cruelty and suffering, something my family, Diego's family, and all predators had to endure."

She jutted out a violent finger down towards Judy, who sunk deep into the steel chair.

"And you are going to help us get this information to him. If not," She hesitated for a second, looking to the side. She breathed heavily. "If not, I will kill you."

Judy's veins froze, as her eyes locked with hers. Jimena was dead serious. Her gaze was cold, full of malice, and bottled anger. She was about to explode if Judy didn't agree to help him. She would kill her.

Diego suddenly kept off of his chair, putting his paws on her shoulders. "Oooo-Kay, Jimena, calm down, nobody's going to kill anyone, she has perfectly good reason to be afraid to help. This job is her dream and she--"

Jimena snapped her jaws back at Diego, thrusting his paws off her shoulders. "And is it not my dream to be rid of these things!?" She roped her thumb in the collar, and then tapped Diego's with her index finger.

"Even as officers, Diego, they do not trust us. Isn't it your dream to rid yourself of this Diego? Doesn't every predator alive dream of life without a collar?" She held her paw on his forearm, and stared into his eyes. The fox gulped, looking away to the corner.


"Then to hell with her dreams!" She shouted, turning back to Judy, claws popping out her claws. The rabbit whined, pressing herself against the back of the steel seat.

"You say you've spoken to the bear before?" Jimena snarled, pressing her face closer to the rabbit, the lines on her pearly white fangs becoming more apparent.

"Y-yes." Judy breathed, her eyes roaming around her looming figure, attempting to find a way out.

Jimena licked her lips, and thought for a moment. She raised her finger back towards her, "Can you speak to him now?"

Judy looked around Jimena, to see her laptop sitting quietly on the steel table. The rabbit hesitated, but instead, gulped down her submission.

"Yes, I can."

Diego still kept his head away from Jimena's outburst, and strummed his fingers against the table.

Jimena grinned widely, showing her pearly white fangs again.


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