𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞...

By starlightdove

11.7K 544 660

"𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦... 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘴𝘰... More

01 | Confessions of a Runaway
02 | Uncovering a Truth
03 | Seal the Deal
04 | Eyes of Fire
05 | Introductions and Bad Choices
06 | Tasting Rejection
08 | Main Ingredient
09 | Still a Mystery
10 | Snakes and Fish
11 | The Good Samaritan
12 | Twittering Musician
13 | Introductions: Second Attempt
14 | Ender's Dance
15 | Following Anna
16 | The Raven and The Robin
17 | Epiphanies
18 | Investigations
19 | Meet My Fist
20 | Lawbreaker
21 | A Hidden Purpose
22 | Temporary Home
23 | Unexpected Rival
24 | The Devil's Fruit
25 | I'm Too Old For This
26 | Off To The Races
27 | Broken Memories

07 | A Heart to Heart

313 20 7
By starlightdove

          I rolled over and flipped the book to another page, plush carpet beneath cushioning my spine as I read on.

My twelve year old brain scoffed at the characters inside this particular story, reading how they struggled with expressing their feelings to one another.

Adults make things so much more difficult than it has to be.

"Novalie, it's time for your lessons!"

I turned towards my governesses, frowning at the news. "Already?"

An exasperated nod. "Your mother will be furious if you miss another one."

I've never been someone who gave much thought before acting, my sudden retreat and sprinting legs confirming that ideal. Loud shouts were ignored as I hightailed away, laughing without any worry for punishment.

Papa and mama truly did spoil me.

Henrietta, our Head Maid, gave a rushed reprimand as I almost knocked her over while sprinting down the long corridor. I paused while catching my breath, kneeling behind a fancy cabinet that held old photos of historic ancestors.

"Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home..."

Ears perked up at the sudden sound of singing, a haunting voice drifting through the mansion. A smile cracked as I recognized the owner; small hands pushing me back on my feet.

"...house is on fire..."

The tune drifted through elaborate halls, bouncing off priceless décor in a lasting melody.

"...children all gone..."

Rough yet effortless notes flowed, forever lost in the empty corridor with only my young ears bearing audience.

"...All except one."

I burst through the doors and entered our family's private library. "Maverick, that can't be a real nursery song!"

The teen turned around and looked at his younger sister, dark eyes showing exhaustion, hair in complete disarray. Maverick was usually so put together, although he seemed to be shutting everyone out these days—not caring for anything besides the old dusty books in our vast collection.

He recently turned eighteen, so our parents excused it as having 'a phase'.

"Novalie, haven't I asked you to knock before?"

"You never answer!" A giggle escaped. "Besides, you don't own the whole library, silly goose."

"You're right." He looked conflicted.

I jumped towards Maverick and grabbed his much larger hand. "Sing another?"

"Not today, sparrow." He gave a sad smile. "Go back to what you were doing."

I pouted while obeying, giving him one last hopeful look while making my exit. He observed me for a brief moment, before turning around and disappearing behind a shelf of towering books.

I closed the door, hearing his singing begin once again.

We were always told to be grateful for what our family had, so I couldn't fathom why Maverick chose to do what he did the following evening.

The fire killed our parents, but it was my brother who betrayed us all.

Everything from the manor's respected masters, their diligent staff, its beloved dog, ancestral paintings—were all gone because of him.

When I emerged from the smoke and into the elaborate garden, he was just standing there calmly with hands inside his pockets, head tilted up and gazing at the mansion consumed by fire. Our brown eyes connected, the flames flickering in turmoiled irises, a scorching scene that brought life into his otherwise emotionless gaze.

Maverick flinched at my form, as if I were a ghost.

My brother appeared frightened for a moment, as if seeing me coming out alive from the burning building surprised him. His sadness was quickly replaced with despair. We didn't share any words as I coughed and lightly limped over, childlike eyes haunted from the events that just played.

"I'm sorry, Novalie." There was less than a foot between us, and I watched as tears escaped from underneath his lashes. "I had no choice."

I said nothing.

"You will understand one day."

The darkest memory of my childhood, which was unfortunately forever imprinted in memory, reemerged.

I was the only one who miraculously escaped that wretched fire, with Connie's recent words causing me to understand why. That being said, I couldn't decide whether the heat resistance was a blessing or curse.

Jeez, I can't deal with these thoughts so early in the morning.

Especially while attending classes.

When Faisal mentioned NIFEEN my first thought consisted of: What kind of whack ass subjects does this school even teach?

It was properly answered our third day, with the previous one being used for introducing undergraduates to their courses and topics. I was currently sitting in one of the few classes that Riley didn't share with me. To my surprise, she was still down to being friends despite the disaster from yesterday.

Even the twins stayed loyal, after hearing my defense of them.


The yell made me jolt, zoning back onto a sweet looking teacher who was demonstrating the ways she could bend metal sheets with her bare hands.

"Strength from a blue-whale." Professor Evergreen addressed the nervous class. "This particular animal is one of the most strongest, with their tails being able to flick a boat into the air."

The random guy with a white tie sitting close to me made a disgruntled noise. We both shared unsure glances that bordered on impressed, hoping this teacher only used her strength for the greater good and not punishment.

Yeah, well I can grab a hot cookie tray right out of the oven without any aid of oven-mitts.

"Since you're all young Soul Spirits, this seminar will be mainly focused on the ways in which you can find and discover. Not just your inner beast, but little quirks that make you different from the Unspirits."

This sounds terrible.

"For the first assignment you will be partnered up with a fellow classmate, and together you two will examine physical traits and urges of the mind."

Morwen once explained that the second years were practicing their bestial instincts.

Which sounds way cooler than 'find' and 'discover'.

I wondered what the fourth years were doing in their final grade—probably slaying dragons or something.

"Lastly, Miss Bishop and Mister Solis will be paired." A double clap. "Now, get to work!"

The hand that was supporting a lazy chin slipped and I knocked my forehead on the desk's corner, a responding noise followed and I looked up to witness Connie had done the same thing. We looked at each other in disdain, our disgust ignored by the professor as she went to other students who were asking questions.

Connie looked like he wasn't going to budge out of his seat even if there was a natural disaster, so I decided to be the mature one and head over.

"I already know what you are so this discussion is over." He grabbed his notebook and began writing, all while paying zero attention to my affronted expression.

"That's cool and all," I hissed back at him. "Except I have no clue what my spirit is."

His elegant hand wrote neat words in cursive, calligraphy that put my chicken-scratch to shame.

"Can you stop writing in your little diary for a minute?" I grabbed the pen and threw it across the room, unaware by how it almost took another student's eye out.

"I can't disclose any information with you even if I wanted to," Connie sighed in annoyance. "Which I don't—it's confidential for as long as Faisal deems fit."

"Why does he have any say in this?"

"Because." He dug into his bag and brought out an identical pen as before.

"Can I know his spirit?"


I had to hold myself back from grabbing Connie's pen once again, but this time in using it to stab him. "Then tell me about your spirit."

It took me off guard when Connie paused his writing, taking a moment to think about a response.

"Unicorns are rare." He paused once more and struggled to find the right words. "We don't advertise our presence because people would abuse our contract capabilities."

I stared at violet eyes shifting down in thought, watching as they turned cold in memory.

"We are hunted, used for selfish wishes and bargaining. They are powerful Soul Spirits, almost never heard of. If someone were to figure out that you've 'ensnared' one under your order, people would treat you differently—may it be in respect or hostility."

My thoughts went back to Ophelia's Orphanage, and how they treated people as tools.

"So shut your mouth about it," Connie ended at last.

I noticed his stiff shoulders, a tense position that contradicted his usual haughty posture. That, along with his white hair, probably made everyone think he was a swan spirit... although, I thought a peacock suited him more.

"I almost became a victim of human trafficking." I said airily, not really checking if he was listening. "I caught the mistress making a deal with some shitheads in charge."

Connie's pen stilled, head barely tilting an inch towards my direction.

"All I remember is being absolutely feral, like a cornered animal." My voice wavered.

"Faisal mentioned that you barely escaped," Connie shared. "He gave me quite the verbal lashing that I should be more careful with your wound."

I waved in dismissal. "It's healing just fine."

"I know." He looked down at the injured spot. "I've been alleviating any damage, one of my unicorn perks."

His confession caused a brief pause between us, an earnest expression forming onto us both.

"That's kind of sweet," I joked. "You're like my fairy godmother."

"Shut up."

My mouth twitched in amusement as colour appeared on his pale face, embarrassment clearly displayed. Perhaps it was the reason that pushed me to share more thoughts.

"From the sounds of it, you didn't have the greatest contracts... but I admire your ability to push forward." I continued my emotional spiel while awkwardly fidgeting with nearby pencil shavings. "It doesn't matter if someone acts like an a-hole, no one should be used against their will."

"Spirits, you're definitely her." Connie gave a cynical shake of his head as if he couldn't believe it. "It's uncanny."

I frowned. "Who?"

"This contract between us isn't your fault, it's mine." Connie abruptly changed the topic. "So don't feel responsible for my situation."

A pained expression formed before I could hide it.

He huffed. "What now?"

"I never take responsibility." My arms foldes over our desk. "I'm always selfish, someone who runs away from all her problems. I left those children, knowing that the orphanage dealt with disgusting activities."

Connie didn't have anything to say, although his interest peaked with my background story.

"It gives me nightmares," I confessed. "They looked up to me."

"One shouldn't carry the weight of something that is beyond their control, from the sounds of it you were also a victim."

A laugh was my self-defense mechanism. "You kinda' sound like an old man."

"I am old," Connie snapped back. "Older than all the students in this room combined."

"Fuck off," I whispered with owl-like eyes. "You're an elder."

"I'm not, my mind and body age differently than others. It's another nuisance from being a unicorn, few Soul Spirits have the same longevity attribute—it's a pain in the ass."

"You're a pain in the ass."

"Don't get me started on you."

I squinted at Connie and he mirrored the action.

A loud bell signaled the break of period two, an impromptu end to our staring match. I quickly packed my side satchel and shuffled away with the other exiting students. Any excuse to escape an emotional conversation was a free ticket out of here.

It was probably my rushing that made any self-awareness dissapear, because I violently ran into someone as soon as the corner bent. Heat flared beautifully as a muscled arm swiftly grabbed my narrow waist, amber irises searing intensely into me.

Our faces were inches apart, surprise written on both.

"Oh, it's you again." The rescuer let go soon after.

I landed with a grunt as my bruised tailbone smacked into the marble flooring. My head looked up at the tall form of Ender Mishal hovering overhead, looking down his nose as if I were an ant wiggling helplessly on the floor.

"How gallant," I gritted.

"Only with civilized people." Ender's stare was sardonic. "Not to charity cases like yourself."

A sneer appeared on my face, expression mocking. "At least I'm not a walking dick with legs."

"Says someone who's always withering on the ground like a misplaced worm." He owned every inch of his stature, as though it were a demonstration of superiority over me.

Benedict and Zelda flanked him on both sides, the former looking downwards apologetically.

"Hey, are you alright?" The wolf offered a hand in assistance.

I checked if there were any hidden hand-buzzers, with none in sight, I grabbed it and heaved myself up.

"We're going to be late for class." Designer sunglasses were pushed further up Benedict's aquilline nose.

"Blame the pauper," Ender snided.

The serpent let out a cynical smirk.

"Play nice," Zelda shook her finger like a disappointed mother.

The two older boys brushed past us without another word, their gazes not meeting mine. Students parted for them like Moses parting the Red Sea, their impressive forms slinking into the crowd.

"Eat the rich," I mumbled under my breath.

"Bah, ignore those two stuck-ups!" Zelda handed me a book that was dropped from the collision. "They're pretty chill once you get to know them, don't let their harsh display throw your opinions off."

That'd be sound advice if they didn't have sticks up their asses.

"They made their thoughts fairly clear," I deadpanned.

"Just give them another chance, I've never seen them so frazzled over someone before." The girl barked a laugh, seemingly remembering some funny incident. "Boys are dumb when they're confused."

"Boys are dumb, period."

Another bark of laughter. "You're going to end up being my new bestie if Ender keeps his weekly sulking."

All I did was blandly stare.

"I gotta' run before landing another detention." Zelda peace-signed as she jogged ahead. "Later, Bishop!"

I gave a halfhearted wave.

The students began talking none too quietly about the whole exchange, so I scurried off before they could further gossip. Hopefully I wouldn't be rudely bumping into Mishal or Hollows again anytime soon, because I felt like a string ready to snap from tension.

Judging by the way they rudely regarded me, I'm guessing the feeling was mutual.

Game on, gentlemen.

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