Blame It On The Rain

By xofunpoison

2.1K 111 33

When two opposites collide, will they attract or nah? More

프롤로그. prologue


189 11 9
By xofunpoison

* we can blame it on the rain *

As soon as the elevator door opened, Margot's eyes widened by the second she saw who was inside of it.

Wearing a black leather jacket, white shirt underneath and ripped jeans with a pair of black shades on, the man infront of Margot straightened up himself arrogantly and spoke,

"Are you coming in or not?" He asked.

Margot cleared her throat and went inside. "Y-yeah sorry."

She walked inside and stand in the opposite side of where he stood in.

The elevator door closes and went down on it's own.

Weirdly, the elevetor seemed slow to get down for Margot.

She doesn't know why, but the mixed feelings of tension, nervousness and embarrassment was present in the air,  for her. And it's killing her.

Who wouldn't right? The guy who just winked and smirked at her was now happened to be beside her, by atleast a couple of inches.

She gulped as she felt her own saliva draining down from her mouth as the seconds passed by.

She took a deep breath and sighed heavily.

Feeling uneasy by the moment that she stood in there.

On the other hand, this arrogant man whose name is Jared, took a glance on his right to see what was the young blonde doing.

He practically lifted his black shades down to see a good view of her.

She looks good.

The elevator came to a stop and opened.

Margot got startled by the bell of it and was about to go outside until she realized that she still wasn't on the ground floor.

Looking up at the red sign,


Why is this elevator so slow?

The people outside of the 6th floor started rushing in and crumpled in inside, causing Jared to move from where he stood in into another.

Which was in, beside Margot's.

Margot almost jumped in horror as she felt his arms and elbows touching hers. Completely sending electrical waves throughout her body.

If it wasn't for everyone now in this elevator, she wouldn't care to scream.

But no, she has a pride (it's just that she's a little bit weird) and even though she wasn't officially hired in this company, she wouldn't let just any single embarrassment get on her way to be part of it.

She dreamed to be in here. And she thought she was meant to be in here.

But this man beside her is making her life difficult.

She bit her lower lip and try to calm herself, in which she did, luckily.

Jared saw what she did and smirked. Moving himself more closer into Margot's side, pretending and taking advantage of the fact that the elevator being turned into a can of sardines.

"Sorry." He said.

His minty breath fanning into Margot's ear and as she turned her head to look up, she was immediately greeted with his icy blue orbs.

She frantically nods her head as she tensed up more. "Uhh. N-no, it's okay!"
She whispered.

His strong cologne scent lingering into Margot's nose, making her to lean slightly into Jared's.

He smells good.

Margot almost literally slapped herself on what she just thought. Jared noticed that and just smirked.

Enjoying the effect that he gave on her.
Which was his speacialty.

Playboy it is.

If being a Playboy was a course, Jared would be the one kid on school who passed it perfectly.

Minutes have passed and suddenly the elevator ringed and opened.  The only thing that Margot was dying for to happen.

Thank you Lord!

One by one, the people started to walk outside and until it's just Margot and Jared that are only left.

Margot walked fast as she could until she was finally outside of the glass door.

Jared didn't seem to care that Margot is avoiding her,  until he saw something laying flat on the marbled floor.

He pick it up on what seemed to be brown envelop and opened it. Revealing Margot's full display of her face in the application form.

"Margot...  Robbie? " he said.

He looked from outside of the road and spotted the young blonde that he was with in the elevator awhile ago.

'this must be hers'

Jared quickly ran outside and luckily Margot was still in there,  waiting for a taxi to come by.

"excuse me, miss? "

Margot turned around and greeted him with smile,  "yes? " but it suddenly turned away.

"What can i do for you?" she said like almost of a whisper.

"I think this must be yours. " he said as he flashed to her the brown envelop that he was holding.

Margot eyed it out for a second and cursed under her breath.  "Oh yes,  thank you"

She reached for her envelop and Jared gave it to her.

Well that's what she thought.

Jared didn't exactly let go of her enevelop. His hands are still firmly grabbing it, not wanting it to let go.

He's surely playing his little games with her. Knowing that his simple wink got into her earlier.

Margot was completely annoyed by his actions.  She pulled her envelop back with a little force, being careful not to rip it off. It was her application form though. She might be needing it again after all.

Jared pulled out a sly smirk while still holding on the envelop, clearly fighting,  challenging the young blonde girl.

"Sir,  I really appreciate the kindness that you've shown to me earlier,  but i will much really appreaciate it more if you will let go of your hand on it"

Margot looked at Jared then back to her application form with a gritted teeth.

Margot doesn't have any other choice than to pull the envelop more with force. She could swear that she heard of a paper being torn slowly,  but she didn't care less. All she has on her mind right now is that to get her application form right out on this bastard's hand and quickly go home.

The dark brown haired man didn't budge and continue teasing her. He looked into her eyes and smirked slightly. Margot is totally yanking her whole arm as she fight her way on to her envelop.

"I said let go! " and as if the heaven heard her cries, Jared suddenly let go of his hand on the Margot, causing for her tostumbled backwards.  Her ankles getting twisted to the side in which of resulting for her to fall back.  It happened so fast. Before she knew it,  she thought she would feel an intense pain on her butt, but instead,  she felt strong arms quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her upward,  preventing her to fall back.

Margot gasped, and slowly opened her eyes, only to reveal those beautiful blue orbs staring right into hers. 

"There you go. " Jared whispered. Reffering to the application form.

Margot could feel his breath as their faces was couple of inches apart.  One wrong move and their might be something that she didn't want to happen.

She gulped as she looked down at his eye level. Completely embarrassed and ashamed of herself. She quickly got out of his grip and straighten up herself,  clearing out her throat as she spoke. "Thank you... Mister. " she said sounding confident.

Jared just stood there and fixed himself, adjusted his jacket and smiled at her.  Not that of a sweet smile,  but a smile that Margot wanted to rip his head off.

"You're welcome. Margot" he emphasized her name and then just in time a cab just went and Margot raised her hand, signaling for it to come.

Jared stood there waiting for her to come inside before saying,  "See you soon. "

Margot looked at him before closing the door, her mind was baffled, until she knew it, Jared smirked and winked at her. Again. For the second time.

She quickly looked away and closed the door.

See you soon? What does he meant by that?

Margot just shrugged out her thoughts and tell the driver her address. It was a long tough day for her, and it was mostly because of that jerk.

She looked at the window beside her and looked up in the sky, noticing that the once blue has now turned into gray.

She sighed,  I thought this is gonna be a good day.

Well it surely is a good day,  she must've left a good impression on that interview earlier though. However, the one and only thing that made her life difficult this day is that jerk.

And whatever the reason was,  from the moment he said those words,  see you soon,
Wasn't a good news for her.

This younger Leto will be definetely a big pain in the ass.


Sorry for the loooooooong hiatus.
This chapter took almost a few months to finish. Mainly because i lost my idea out of it. You know,  every writers worst enemy.

Sorry for making you wait that long. I really am.

I really appreaciate your support on this book and was really entertained to look at your feedbacks.

So please don't be a ghost reader. I reaally love it when you guys express your Thoughts on every chapter that i make.

t's like letting me know that someone is REALLY reading my story.

So please feel free to comment down and vote.
Again i'm really sorry for waiting you guys so long.

Until next time 😊


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