Christmas Reunion

By lenuska99

6.3K 214 63

It's Christmas and even in Vongola maison isn't happy atmosphere An exception. BUt what is this, A reunion f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 : In the town
The suprise

The end

1.2K 32 5
By lenuska99

Hello everyone. Yes I know it has been a long time, not only since I updated something, but since I updated this story. I don't have anything to say only the truth. I had this really bad writers block and each time I tried to write something I only got one sentence and that was it.

Finally,I not only wrote something, but finished this story. I really hope it isn't too rushed and it will be satisfying for anyone who waited for it.

Anyway please let me know what you think and so on.

Again I'm sorry for the long delay.


Last time :

"Tsuna,wake up. It's morning and today we are having your favorite breakfast." his only answer was incoherent mumbling before two big golden eyes opened and blinked up at him. He chuckled and kissed Tsuna's forehead. Tsuna smiled and cuddled closer to Reborn.

"Oh,and your classmates are here."


Now :

"What do you mean they're already here? Today is the Vongola Yearl yChristmas Ball, the mansion will be filled with mafia!" shouted Tsuna and quickly sat up. Reborn only smirked and stood up. 


"Don't worry Tsuna. They already know that you're the boss of the Vongola company, so they will think that this is the ball hosted by a company and not by a mafia organization" while Reborn was saying this he went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Tsuna was thinking about it and yes, Reborn was right (A/N : When isn't Reborn right). At the reunion he said that he is the boss of the Vongola company so it's going to look like a normal company ball.

"You're right Reborn" sighed Tsuna and entered the bathroom. Reborn smirked and whispered loud enough so that Tsuna could hear. "But of course the Varia, Arcobaleno, Byakuran, Yuni,as well as Nono and his guardians and your father will be there."his only answer was a choking Tsuna.

In the dinning room :

"I wonder if there will be any handsome guys." sighed Yuki dreamily. "You know that you are married right?" asked Mira. Yukionly nodded and went back to her dreaming. Mira shook her head and went back to her breakfast.

It was really simple but delicious. On her plate were toasts with herb butter and a vegetable salad at the side. Just when she was starting her second toast the main doors opened and in walked "Dame-Tsuna? With a really hot man...?

But wait isn't that the man who was with him at the reunion,too? I think Reborn Vongola is his name. Omg he really is handsome.


"Ah, here he is. Finally Dame-Tsuna. I'm looking for your breakdown."


When Tsuna and Reborn stepped into the dinning room every eye was on them, with Mochida chuckling evilly and Yuki making heart eyes on Reborn, who didn't even blink in her direction. Tsuna only stopped for a moment to think about their sanity before continuing to walk to the head of the table, where Reborn was already sitting and sipping his espresso.

When they finally stopped eating Tsuna stood up. "I would like to thank you for accepting our invitation. The annual Vongola Christmas ball will be tonight and I would like to request that you attend this ball. As it's our company's annual tradition, our partners and some very influential people will attend, so please be on your best behavior." here Tsuna paused and smiled at them. 

Later that same day :

It was almost time for lunch and the mansion is buzzing. The maids and butlers are running from one room to another and back to the kitchen to check on the progress of lunch. It has to be perfect, because the young master (our Tsuna) and his Famiglia have guests and the other members of his Family will come, too, since it's time for the traditional Christmas dinner.

This tradition began the same year Tsuna became Decimo. He thought that the family should be together for this kind of holiday. So he called the Varia first, then Dino, the Arcobaleno, Byakuran, Nono and his guardians, his mother and finally, with Reborn standing with gun aimed at his head, his father. Since then all of them will sit at one table and then after dinner, they share gifts and then finally they'll sit down in one of their many living rooms with a fire place lit, hot chocolate and some traditional Christmas movies.

This year isn't going to be different. It has been planned. First, they will have dinner, then, in the biggest ball room will be the dance and finally there is a big firework planned at end of the evening. After all this has to be perfect. At the end the guests are free to roam the mansion and Tsuna's family will retreat to their traditional movies night.

Dinner time :

"Come on, Byakuran and his family are here. Someone has to welcome them." said Tsuna as he was dragging Reborn to the main gate, where they could already see the big, long and purple limo. Yes, purple. Only Byakuran would have something like that. You can see from the end of the hall how bright Tsuna's smile is. At the other hand youc ould also see Reborn's dark scowl.

It's because just when Byakuran arrives these two were... doing things. So, yeah.  But let's move on to other things. Just as Tsuna burst through the gate, Byakuran slammed his limo door open. Only one small problem, the limo was still moving. Byakuran, with grace mind you, jumped out and ran straight into... Tsuna, crushing him in a bear hug. As he was cuddling into Tsuna's soft, fluffy hair, you can literally hear Reborn's teeth grind together in his anger. He always detested Byakuran's hugs or anyone else, since we're at it. Tsuna was his and only his damn it.

But of course Tsuna, the always loving sky, loved them so Reborn always held his mouth shut. Okay, it has been 10 minutes already and it looks like, Tsuna was starting to feel uncomfortable, too, so it's time for Reborn to take action. With one long step Reborn took hold of Tsuna's thin waist and pulled him into his chest. "Byakuran, it's nice to see you again after such a long time." Reborn said with his killing intent leaking out so much that even Byakuran nervously smiled.

"Byakuran– sama, please stop jumping out of the still running car!" The trio turned their heads to the source of the voice, only to see Byakuran's family running towards them with many bright colored gifts under their arms. Tsuna and Reborn could only sweat drop when Byakuran laughed. "He is doing that always?"

"Oi! Trash!" They all turned to the other side were they could see the Varia and surprisingly Dino coming, with again more gifts.

Tsuna smiled. "It's again my favorite time of the year."

Sometimes later :

Chaos. That's the only thing you could think of while being in the main and biggest dinning room. It was like a battlefield. On one side of the room were all of Tsuna's family and on the other one his old classmates. It's true that they all know about Tsuna being the boss of the company. Yes that's true. But they don't know about said company being one of the biggest Mafia families.

It wasn't like they were throwing food or something else. No. It was the atmosphere. It was so thick, that it could be cut with a knife. Tsuna, who sat at the end of the table sweat dropped. The whole famiglia was glaring at his former classmates while they were looking at them with interest and no one took notice of the killing intent.

So Tsuna decided to focus on the food. As an appetizer they have some light salad with marinated raw salmon and cherry tomatoes. Next will come the soup. It will be a sour one with some potatoes and you can add some meat in it, like sausages. The main dish will be roasted chicken with a rich sauce, rice, potatoes and some vegetable garnish.

For desert will be small and big cakes, tarts, pies etc... Tsuna absently hummed. How he liked Christmas. Of course he didn't just mean the food. The atmosphere was great and the feeling when you see the happy look on your famiglia's face. Just wonderful.

The biggest ball room :

After a wonderful dinner it was time to reminisce about the oldtimes. The room was full of chatter and some occasional laugh. Tsuna stood near the biggest balcony and smiled to himself. He always knew that Mafia and civilians can be together. Some of his old classmates were dancing on the dance floor while others were talking with some of his famiglia. Of course that meant others than Kyoya, Mukuro,Byakuran, The Varia, Viper, .....

Okay, fine. That means only Takeshi, Fon or Skull but its still something. He quietly snorted into his glass of wine when his gaze fell on Reborn and at least ten girls around him. And judging by his face they weren't only telling jokes. He smiled when Reborn looked at him with, dare he says, a pleading look.

Gently pushing himself off the wall he made his way where they stood and smiled one of his most charming smiles.

"Excuse me ladies, I hope you wont mind if I steal Reborn here from you for a moment?" he said sweetly and took Reborn's arm. He was already dragging him away, not waiting for an answer. Tsuna opened the balcony door and quietly closed them again once they stood in the cold night air.

"I see you are as popular as ever." Tsuna said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Reborn glared but then sighed. Well, Tsuna was right in the end. The only difference was that now Reborn wasn't enjoying the attention one bit. After all, he has the one and only next to him every morning when he wakes up. Reborn stepped closer and sneaked an arm around Tsuna's waist and brought him closer then was possible.

Tsuna gently laid his head on Reborn's strong chest and smiled when he felt a nose burying into his fluffy hair. "It's going to be okay Reborn. Don't worry. Just endure some hours with my classmates and then after that, we will have our own traditional Christmas celebration. Like every year." Tsuna whispered and gently kissed Reborn's suit jacket.

He heard him sigh and felt him nodding before he was gently pushed away from his chest. Tsuna looked up at Reborn's face and smiled when he saw the look in Reborn's eyes. He couldn't always understand how Reborn could say everything he wanted with his eyes while being a cold blooded killer. At least that is what people are saying about him. The killer, not that with his feelings coming through his eyes. That is something only Tsuna could see in the end.

He was so deep in his thoughts that he flinched when the arms around his waist tightened and Reborn brought him even closer. His face, naturally, nuzzled into Reborn's neck and nibbled at the skin there. Reborn would never admit it but he loved when Tsuna did that.

"Mmmm, R-Reborn? What are you doing?" Tsuna asked between gasps which started when Reborn brought his hands down on Tsuna's perk ass and started kneading it. He could just heard Reborn's smug smirk when he spoke back.

"What's the matter Tsuna? Hmm? Come on, tell me."

Tsuna blushed and hid his flaming face in Reborn's neck before whispering, "D-Do you want someone to see us? Like this? "

Reborn's smirk grew even bigger if it was possible and his hands squeezed with more force then before. Tsuna's almost silent squeak was devoured by Reborn's mouth. Before the kiss could get better Reborn pulled back with a growl that sent shivers down Tsuna's back.

"It would be the last thing they would see." Tsuna shivered againat the cold tone in Reborn's voice. Reborn is really possessive . And Tsuna couldn't say it bothered him. At all.

Flashback :

Reborn and Tsuna were in the biggest family room, trying to decorate the big Christmas tree. Many glass spheres, sweets and many more, with more bright colored garlands were placed everywhere in the big room. A big gold start was already at the very top of the tree waiting for other decorations.

The two were nowhere to be found in the room, or were they ? If anyone was to enter the room they would see no one. It's Reborn we are talking about after all. But if someone walked further inside the room,... well, that's something else. There next to the big white leather sofa, laying on black fluffy carpet was a certain couple.

Reborn was currently trying to forever mark Tsuna by placing numerous hickeys on Tsuna's neck and shoulders.

"Reborn? W-what are you doing?" Tsuna asked while trying not to squeak louder so no one would hear them. Reborn gave one more violent bite before saying. "I hate how they look at you, you're mine! Not some nameless brat whose name I don't remember now or ever." he said before returning to his previous task. And Tsuna could only endure the , ehem, "not" pleasant trial.

End of flashback:

Yes, not minding it one bit.

The family room, later after the party ended :

Inside the room, around a big coffee table, every member of Tsuna's family was sitting and each of them had some type of hot drink in hand. Be it hot chocolate, coffee or even tea. The room was filled with laughter and pleasant conversation. This day is the only one in this family when people who would normally never speak with each other are speaking like old friends.

For example Hibari, Mukuro and Byakuran or Xanxus with Lambo. Wao.

Tsuna was nestled with Reborn on one of the love seats, happily sipping his hot chocolate while Reborn has his own cup of espresso. Tsuna could already see the beginning of the big tick forming on Reborn's forehead from all the ruckus. He gently took hold of Reborn's hand with his and brought it up to his lips to press a little kiss upon his fingers.

Reborn turned to look at him and Tsuna saw the softening gaze he got. Smiling he returned to his silent observing of the room and his beloved family. He loved moments like this, no one was destroying anything or fighting with each other.

Next, his gaze fell on the big tree they decorated and all the presents under it just waiting for them to unwrap them. Tsuna knew that, mainly the kids, everyone was waiting for him to give the okay. So with a deep breath he ended the wait.

"How about we look at the presents now?"

His only answer was the argument of Lambo and I-pin about who will be the first one to unwrap their presents. At the end it was I-pin who, with Lambo crying crocodile's tears in the corner, opened her presents first.Everyone was giving something different, but all of them put a lot of thought into their presents.

For example little tonfa key chains from Hibari or a book about explosions from Hayato.

Little by little everyone opened their presents some happy, and sometimes not so happy, 'Thank yous' were exchanged. In the end, despite all the obstacles, it was a very pleasant evening and it was late in the night when everyone said their goodnight and went to their respective rooms.

Tsuna's room (and Reborn's) was, naturally, the furthest one. Tsuna was walking alone because Reborn wanted one last cup of espresso before bed so they split. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't noticed the hand coming from one dark corner and his eyes widened when he was dragged around the corner and instead of the hand his nose and mouth were covered by a piece of clothe soaked in something.

The last thing he did, before his world become dark, was to let out a little amount of his flames and hope that Reborn won't be as angry as last time.

Dark room somewhere inside the Main Vongola HQ :

The first thing Tsuna noticed was how tight the handcuffs on his arms and ... legs were? Why the f... was he handcuffed on his legs. Haven't they heard about ropes? Against his better judgment he rolled his eyes when he heard the steps heading his way. Typical, trying to be important.

Trying to scare him. He inwardly scoffed, old school. Or better put, like something from old mafia movies. So someone who isn't working for or is new in the mafia. The steps were coming closer and Tsuna could already recognize that it's a man.

Suddenly, he was blinded by a sharp light coming from the little lamp directed on his face. Blinking, his vision cleared and his gaze fell on his kidnapper for the first time. And this time he scoffed for real.

"Mochida? What are doing?" his "kidnapper" just smirked and with a smug voice said, :"Well Dame-Tsuna, it looks like your time has come."

Tsuna resisted the giggles before answering, "A-are you for real?"

Mochida frowned. What is the little shit saying? Tsuna seeing his face, this time, broke into giggles. Is he for real? Who still says things like this in a time like this. When it's the 21th century. Whatever Mochida was going to say was interrupted by a gentle knock on the door.

Both of them turned their gazes, first, at the door and then on each other.

"Don't look at me. I'm bound to a chair and by the way I think it's for you."

Mochida gulped before making his way to the door, slowly. He was still only halfway there when there was a second phase of knocking, but this time it sounded more urgent.

"If I was you" Tsuna started, "I would open it before who ever it is there gets mad."

Tsuna could see how Mochida collected all the courage in his body before opening the door only to come face to face with the black barrel of a gun and a deep voice.


And the beautiful night was interrupted by high pitched shriek.

The same late evening :

"Ahh, finally finished. I think my head is breaking." sighed Tsuna and sat on their bed. He reached up and untied his tie and tossed it on a chair which was followed by his jacket. He sighed again and lied down.

"Tsuna." Tsuna looked up at Reborn and found him standing at the end of their king sized bed while looking down at him. Tsuna sat up and moved so he was closer to the edge of the bed, reaching his hand up to Reborn.

"Reborn what's wrong?" Reborn looked at him and smiled. "Buon Natale"(A/N : Merry Christmas) Tsuna looked at the clock, and really, it's officially 24th of December.

Tsuna smiled and kissed Reborn on his cheek "Grazie"

Bonus:) (or Please don't kill me! thing)

The next morning :

Tsuna nuzzled into his pillow and sighed. The previous evening, no, the whole day was very tiring. He just decided that he won't leave his bed today. And by the hand, currently sneaking under the big shirt, which wasn't even his, and on his lower back, Reborn has the same idea. Tsuna smiled and with, still, closed eyes turned so he was facing Reborn and burrowed into his bare chest. He just loved that Reborn always slept without a shirt.

"Good morning" he whispered and pressed a kiss over Reborn's heart. The arm on his back tightened and a deep, deeper than normal, voice murmured  "G'morning."

Mornings like this were, sometimes, the only good thing in his day. Between the paperwork, always interrupting fights between his guardians, coughtHibariandMukurocought,  and .... yeah. Tsuna's happy thoughts were cut off by being turned around so he was laying on top of Reborn while he sat up so Tsuna was technically straddling him.

Tsuna's squeaks were swallowed by Reborn's tongue in his mouth. Tsuna's hands went automatically around Reborn's neck and he slightly moved so he was straddling only one of Reborn's strong thighs and pressed down.

Both of them moaned at the felling and Reborn's hands moved to rest on Tsuna's waist to help him move with more forces. It wasn't long before Tsuna couldn't make any sound besides these tiny mewls.

Tsuna could feel himself coming when he heard something weird. Meowing, but this wasn't the type he would make. When he heard it again he stopped and looked around. The room was the same like always. Or not?

There, on the orange sofa sat a middle sized white box with a big red bow on top and it was ... moving?

"What's the matter Tsuna?" Reborn asked and Tsuna could heard the smug undertone in his voice. So instead of answering he slowly stood up and on shaking legs moved to where the box waited. On the lid was a little note with his name. Holding it he sat next to the box and read the now familiar handwriting of his loved one.

Dear Tsunayoshi,

I know you noticed that I didn't give you any present last evening but it was only because I wanted to give it to you privately. I hope you will be satisfied.

Love Reborn.

Slowly putting the note down he noticed that Reborn now stood before him and was holding the box in his direction. Carefully taking the box and slowly opening it he wasn't prepared for the full lap, courtesy of a small fluffy white kitten with black socks and the same red bow as on the box. His hands were trembling as he reached for the, now, shivering kitten and brought it closer to his face.

Pressing a gentle kiss on the kitten's nose he chuckled as he got licked with a small rough tongue. Slowly he put the kitten down on the fluffy carpet and watched as it tried to walk. Happy that it won't get injured Tsuna then moved so he was cuddled into Reborn's chest.

"Thank you Reborn, I love it." and with a deep kiss he went back to watching his new little addition to his beloved family.

The end

So I really want to thank everyone who read this and for your reviews,too. I really love you guys and hope you read my others stories too.

By Lenuš

Beta'ed by Dawnsty

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