Saving the Tributes || Demigo...

By Yournormalpjofangirl

184K 7.6K 7.4K

Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Thalia, and Nico are sent to the future of Panem, taking a... More

.oO. Prologue .Oo.
.oOo. Percy .oOo.
.oOo. Annabeth .oOo.
.oOo. Thalia .oOo.
.oOo. Piper .oOo.
.oOo. Thalia .oOo.
.oOo. Annabeth .oOo.
.oOo. Jason .oOo.
.oOo. Frank .oOo.
.oOo. Peeta .oOo.
.oOo. Piper .oOo.
.oOo. Leo .oOo.
.oOo. Annabeth .oOo.
.oOo. Hazel .oOo.
.oOo. Jason .oOo.
.oOo. Nico .oOo.
.oOo. Percy .oOo.
.oOo. Thalia .oOo.
.oOo. Percy .oOo.
.oOo. Nico .oOo.
.oOo. Peeta .oOo.
.oOo. Piper .oOo.
.oOo. Percy .oOo.
.oOo. Annabeth .oOo.
.oOo. Percy .oOo.
.oOo. Leo .oOo.
.oOo. Nico .oOo.

.oOo. Hazel .oOo.

8.9K 351 929
By Yournormalpjofangirl

I was having some trouble understanding it. Marvel was excited to get into the arena. Every time someone mentioned the Hunger Games, his eyes glimmered with a excited hungry light. I was beginning to doubt his sanity. And that wasn't good if I was supposed to ally with him, as the mentors said.

"Hazel, get up!" Gloss called through the door. My eyes flickered open and caught on the light cameras. No privacy, not even in our own rooms. It kind of freaked me out.

After breakfast, I immediately went to my compartment, wanting to spend as little time as possible with my bloodthirsty partner and mentors. Even the Capitol representative was as eager for the games as the rest of them. Most of the time spent in my room was staring out the window, trying to spot any hint of the land we were in as we zipped by at 200 mph.

Then suddenly the sunlight shuts out completely, filled with the artificial light I saw everywhere now. We must be in a tunnel, I thought idly. I could sense the direction the train would turn even before it would turn, and when we would exit. So when we burst into the sunlight again, it wasn't the sudden transition that made me do a double take, it was the people.

'What in the name of the gods are they wearing? 'I asked everyone else, disgruntled. Piper sounded like she was laughing as she responded.

'Oh, you're there too? Yeah, this is the fashion in the future, apparently. No monster is going to need a disguise with everyone looking like one. I bet the Minotaur would fit right in.'

I watched as the crowd cheered and smiled and waved and threw flowers at my window, as excited as mortals on Christmas day. I stepped away and shut the window, sickened by their bloodthirstiness. Even the ancient Romans weren't that bad, with their gladiator tournaments. At least they didn't pretend to sympathize with the fights to the death.


After getting a full beauty treatment, including getting completely waxed, lotioned, getting a pedicure and a manicure, and brushing my frizzy hair as much as possible, my cavalry sword, which was disguised as a simple charm on a bracelet, was the only thing I was wearing as my 'prep team' left. I itched to take it out and cut down all the people rooting for our deaths, but I refused.

The door slid open and a woman entered, completely decked out in rhinestones covering her clothing, almost like spikes. I winced as she drew closer, my fingers curling to my cavalry-sword bracelet. But the woman stopped some distance away, pursing her lips.

"Alright, I can work with this," she decided aloud, looking me up and down. "You're not fat or too skinny, which is good. You've got some muscle too, but that's only expected. You are from One, after all."

She snapped her fingers. "Come with me."


Uncomfort was the first word I would describe it. My gold-glittered dress was spread out in ruffles with a silver dinner plate crown on my head that resembled the moon. I mean, it wasn't as uncomfortable as full gear armor, but at least armor could save my life. This was just a disgrace.

'I can't wait to see everyone else,' Leo said, almost sounding gleeful.

'Please, Leo, just wait until they see us,' Annabeth retorted.

'How about a compromise?' Jason suggested. 'No one looks at each other and we don't have to hear about this ever again.'

'That suits us just fine,' Thalia grumbled. 'I look like a cow.'

'Well, we'll see each other soon. I'm first,' I thought, turning around in the full-body mirror. My stylist clasped her hands together and beamed.

"You'll be sensational!" she exclaimed. "Your gold eyes fit so well too!"

I grimaced, but turned my lips up in a smile. "Thanks."

"Alright, let's get going." she headed out of the room, not looking back to see if I'll follow. For a moment, I was tempted to stay, but I knew I had to finish the quest. We headed into the elevator and go down one floor, to the last level of the remake center. I saw dozens of horses, four per chariot. I hopped into the one marked District 1, and sat next to Marvel. He glanced at me and smiled. "Yeah, we'll definitely get the most sponsors," he said. "We're their favorites. And we look the best."

I just shrugged. "Sure."

Then the doors opened and our horses stepped forward as the music played. I looked at our white stallions and thought of Chiron, which made me think of Camp Half Blood, which made me think of Camp Jupiter, which made me think of my quest, which made me miss Arion.

The sky was darkening as we swept in a last circle before stopping for the President's speech, making it nearly impossible to take our eyes away from the chariot in the back, with the people standing in it on fire.

District Twelve, Katniss and Peeta, held their chins high as the flames swept around them on their capes.

'They totally stole my line,' Leo complained in our heads. I rolled my eyes, though he couldn't see me.

'It makes sense,' Annabeth said, her voice in our heads impressed. 'District 12 is coal, and coal is fuel. They're the coal.'

'But I'm hotter! And I'm more flammable!' Leo whined as the chariots began moving again. We missed the speech. Whoops. Not really.

'Here's a thought, don't catch on fire here,' Percy advised. 'I'd have to dunk you with water when they all freak out, then we'd be taken in for questioning, then Hazel and Thalia would have to use the Mist, then we'd fail our quest, then the Capitol would notice that like half of their tributes were missing, which would lead to a lot of confusion, then a rebellion, then everyone would die.'

'You seem to have it all thought out,' Annabeth said as I dismounted from the carriage. I wasn't even listening to our stylists rant about District 12's appearance and followed them robotically to our floor.

"Hazel!" Gloss snapped her fingers and glared at me. "C'mon! If you doze off like this in the Games, you're going down in one second."

I tried to smile apologetically at her. "sorry," I said. She huffed and snapped her fingers again. "Just c'mon. Training is tomorrow. We need to get you prepared so you can destroy the others."

I raised my eyes to the ceiling as I followed her to my room. Gods have mercy, I said in my head.

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