Familiar (Jungkook x Halla)

נכתב על ידי curiousasian

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Jungkook (BTS) & Halla (The Ark) Fanfic Minyoung goes on a trip to America when her mother is on the verge of... עוד

Prologue | Pains of the Past
1 | New Beginnings - H
2 | Where Are You? -J
3 | My New Friend - H
4 | Tough Crowd - H
5 | Stuck In My Head - J
6 | Why? - J
7 | How Could You? - H
8 | Nice Talk - H
9 | Let's Hangout - H
10 | Studio Trouble - H
11 | Could You Be... - J
12 | The Past Is The Past - H
13 | The Big Man - J
14 | Hope Comes in Many Forms - H
15 | What's Going On? - J
16 | What Accident? - J
17 | Seriously. Again? - H
18 | What Happened? - H
19 | Hey You, or Should I Say... -J
21 | Trust in Me - J

20 | The Duet - H

127 13 1
נכתב על ידי curiousasian

I took out the bracelet from my clutch and examined it again. It was so rare to have time to think about stuff, but recently since I've came here to South Korea I have had plenty of time to think through lots of things. It was so peaceful, and I loved it.

I flipped the burnt string between my long fingers and tried to think harder about the past. It was no use. I felt like there was a large wall in my head that was made of the best material in the world, and not even a meteorite could break it.


I turned around to see who the low-husky voice belonged to, although I had a feeling I knew who it was.

"Jimin's been trying to find you! He sent Jin and I on a search throughout the whole building," he breathed out placing his hands on his knees trying to catch his breathe again.

"Sorry, Tae," I smiled sympathetically at him while I placed the bracelet back in my clutch.

Taehyung took his phone out from his pocket and made a phone call. "I found her, we're heading to the table."

His wide rectangular smile appeared back on his face once his phone was returned into his back pocket and he looked down at me.

I gave him a questioning look after a few moments of him staring wordlessly at me.

"You look amazing, Halla. Simply elegant," Taehyung said trying to impersonate a designer while his wrists flicked out. "-and hot, may I add."

"Thanks," I smiled while chuckling back at him. "Are they starting?"

"Yup," he said popping the p. "Let's go!" He ran over to me and held his arm out for me to take, in which I did gladly since the heels were killing me. I still couldn't understand how girls wore these things. Especially three or more inches of it.

Taehyung walked us both downstairs, and towards a table where the other members were at. They were all wearing a white tux matching each other; most likely because of their performance tonight.

I looked around the table and saw that everyone but Jungkook was seated. Taehyung seated me next to Jimin and an empty seat which I presumed was for Jungkook.

"Where's Jungkook?" I directed towards Jimin.

"He's the opening act. CEO says that Jungkookie is good at 'setting the mood'" He air quoted with his fingers.

I glanced around at the other tables and saw most of the tables consisted of many singers and groups from the company along with their friends from other companies. There weren't many people who were not famous, and that made me feel a little odd and uncomfortable. I could also see from my scan of the tables that some people were looking at me. Mainly because I was sitting at a table consisting of K-Pop's most talked about boyband, and I am just a small nobody who got rejected by their boss. Everything around me started to get stuffy and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I quickly turned back around in my seat contemplating on my next move. I looked around at the members. Taehyung, Jin and Hoseok were all talking on a phone connected to a selfie stick, which I presumed was them on the V app. Namjoon had earbuds in, and was writing somethings down on a notepad. Yoongi was resting on the table with his forehead on his folded arms, and Jimin was lost in a daze.

I grabbed my clutch which was laid on the table in front of me, and turned to get up. Before I could, I felt an arm grab my wrist. Jimin.

"Where are you going?"

"Uh, just to the bathroom," I lied. I really just wanted to get out of the room. I felt suffocated like I couldn't breathe.

"Oh, okay. Do you know where it is?" I nodded my head giving him reassurance, and stepped out. I speedily walked past a numerous amount of tables in order to get to the front door. It wasn't helpful that their table was located front and center due to their popularity.

Once I got close to the door, I could see the whole setup of the building now. The long white streamers that draped from the ceiling, the velvety red carpet floors, and the beige table covers. The place was mansion-like.

I stood next to a column that was next to a closed off area. I reached into my clutch and played with the string to calm myself. Was this anxiety that I was feeling? No eyes were on me any more, and I felt like I could breathe normally again.

The lights in the room dimmed and a single spotlight was shown over the curtains of the stage. The CEO walked out and gave a speech thanking all the people for attending.

"Halla. I need your help," A voice said behind me that made me jump. I turned to see Jungkook. His eyes looked compassionate and desperate.

"Jungkook, you scared me," I scolded him. "How did you know where I was?"

"Nevermind that. Can you perform with me?" I could tell how stressed out he was just by his voice.


"My duet partner got a sore throat, and she can't sing," he whispered hurriedly.

"Why can't one of the other artists at SH do it with you? I mean they're fit for the stage," I trailed off looking away.

"Well, as of right now, you are the closest singer in reach to me."

I looked behind me to see the door to the backstage. Darn it. I thought this was the front door?

"Aren't you supposed to be onstage in like...right after this speech?" I looked at the stage trying to avoid his plea.

"I won't be if I don't find a replacement," he said

"Sorry, but I can't go up on stage." At least not in front of all these people. I looked over to the sea of people in the audience.

"Halla," Jungkook said in a more calmer and hushed tone. He placed his fingers under my chin causing me to look into his brown orbs. "Do you have stage fright?" One eyebrow was quirked upwards and his eyes were focused on me.

I opened my mouth to respond, but immediately closed it again. There was a reason I never performed onstage back home, and why Yein performed all my songs.

"But what about your audition? You sang in front of all the auditioners as well as the SH artists."

"That's different," was all I could mutter. I looked away so my face was no longer in his grasp. "You wouldn't understand."

"Englighten me then." He crossed his arms and kept a hard stance revealing his toned muscles.

"Jungkook. You have to be on stage soon." I tried pushing him, but he was way too strong compared to my small stature.

"CEO Jung speaks for at least ten minutes. We still have plenty of time," He flicks his wrist out looking at his watch. "Eight minutes of it to be exact."

"Jungkook," I repeated in a more serious manner. This was just getting ridiculous.

"Halla," he smiled revealing his bunny face.

I didn't respond and just stared at the boy in front of me.

He sighed and his smile faded after he realized I wasn't going to speak. "A closed off room versus a large, open room," he whispered to the air not looking at my direction.

"What?" I asked looking up at him. How did he know that?

His gaze fixed back to mine in a softer manner. "Still the same," he quietly muttered under his breath. I would've missed it if he wasn't so close to me. "Performing in a closed room makes you feel like you're alone," he spoke more louder this time.

"How did you know that?"

"Lucky guess," he shrugged. "Anyways, you'll be fine." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me backstage in a quick flash. "Here." he handed me a microphone, and walked me to the far end of the stage.

"Jungkook, I said I don't want to do this," I demanded at him as I tried to release his tight grip on me. "I can't."

"Yes, you can," he said calmly with a small smile. He raised his hand and placed it under my chin, making me lose my focus and urge to push him away. "Just keep your eyes on me. The crowd isn't there. Just me. Okay?"

I could hear the CEO wrapping up his speech, and I knew the curtain was going to open any second.

"I don't know the song," I attempted to plead one last time.

"You know the song, trust me," he smirked down at me.

"How do I know what part to sing?"

"Sing it like how we practiced," he grinned at me. What is that supposed to mean? "Remember, just me." He gave me one last look before walking across to the other side of the stage.

I could feel my hands starting to clam up, and sweat was forming all over my body. Why is he making me do this? My uneven breathing returned, and I couldn't control it. I clenched my fists and closed my eyes trying to fix it.

"Halla," a voice whisper-yelled.

I opened my eyes to see Jungkook, who was as cool as a cucumber, looking at me with an intense gaze.

"Just look at me." I quickly could breathe again, and decided to just keep my eyes on him. He gave me another small smile, before I heard a loud applause from the other side of the curtains.

The lights turned off and the curtains began to move aside. The music started, which made Jungkook immediately start walking towards the front. I laughed to myself at the choice of song. It was We Don't Talk Anymore by Charlie Puth. While I was in the hospital, I was so obsessed with the song that Jungkook insisted on us recording a cover of it, but we never got around to it. We planned out everything before hand though. The parts in the song that were ours, the way we would perform it, and the way we'd even harmonize.

I looked at the man who was only a few feet away from me. I continued to stay in the back until it was my turn. I wiped my hands on my dress a couple of times, and continued to steady my breathing. When it was time for our first harmonization, I slowly stepped out, and into the spotlight.

Afraid of looking into the audience, I continued to listen to what Jungkook had told me. The second his face became visible to me, I locked eyes with him. At first I could still feel the nervousness, but when he smiled at me everything became okay.

I guess my stage presence was lacking, because of how stiff I was. When Jungkook's gaze was burning intensely into me, I looked away and for some reason I looked into the direction of the crowd. I was stunned and felt like something stabbed me to the point where I couldn't move. So much so that when my verse came around, Jungkook walked over to where I was and lifted my hand into his.

"Just look at me," he mouthed.

I did as I was told, and continued on with more confidence. A smile reached my face when I realized I was doing just fine.

Once the song finished, we bowed and walked towards the backstage with our hands still clasped together. The applause was exaggeratingly still there once we were off and the next performers were getting ready.

"You did great, Halla!" Jungkook exclaimed enclosing me in a big embrace.

I hugged him back, not wanting his warmth to leave, until a loud throat clearing was heard. We released each other, and looked to the direction of the sound.

"CEO Jung," Jungkook addressed him.

"Jungkook," he responded with a very stern look.

"What is the meaning of all this," he questioned with his arms crossed. It wasn't until now that I noticed his stature was much smaller than Jungkook's.

"CEO, I-," he started but was cut off.

"Since when did your solo during the opening become a duet with a nobody who got rejected from auditions?"

I looked over to Jungkook. So there was never a duet? His words were meant to hurt me and I knew they were working. "I-," I started.

His head snapped over to my direction. "Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do. Just because you got rejected from the auditions now you're even trying to seduce one of my artists."

"CEO Jung," Jungkook spoke up now with anger.

"Jungkook-," I grabbed his arm to calm him. His hands were tightly compressed into fists and were turning white. "don't."

"I gave you the chance to do the opening, but instead you're trying to cause trouble. Do you know what your fans might think? I am surprised Jungkook, you have disappointed me. I can't believe I actually trusted you and placed my grandaughter's life in your hands."

His granddaughter? Wasn't she missing? And why is she in Jungkook's care?

"Sir-," I started again. "Jungkook's not the one at fault, please don't get mad at him. He was just trying to help me-"

"Help you?" he laughed out. A moment passed before he continued, "Ah, I understand now. You're right, he's not at fault." he nodded his head.

I felt a brief relief overcome me, and I knew Jungkook was also relieved.

"It's yours." He looked me dead in the eyes, and I was terrorized by the coldness he was looking at me with. "I forgot you are only an orphan. You're trying to win sympathy points with him is that it?"

"CEO Jung!" Jungkook raised his voice dangerously.

The CEO didn't look at Jungkook, but just kept his intense gaze on me. I stared back at him, not wanting to let my defense down, but tears were starting to prick my eyes. I looked downwards and swallowed.

"Jungkook may be naive, but I promise you I'm definitely not," he finished off.

He turned back to Jungkook. "Where is she right now? Have you even bothered in contacting her? Or are you too blinded by this stupid girl?"

Although I knew his gaze was fixed at me, I didn't dare to look up at him as I felt a salty wetness stain my face.

"CEO, I've already met with her," was all he said. I was surprised at how monotonously he had responded

CEO Jung's voice was much more calmer now with passion as he responded, "How is she doing? Is she alright? "

A long silence went through as we all stood there. All that could be heard were through the silence was my muffled sniffles.

"She's living a hard life, but without a doubt doing a lot better than I could have ever imagined."

Credit for the song goes to my favorite cover artist, Silv3rTear. You guys should check her out! Also, sorry again for the wait. I'm starting to think I should just delete this story as I no longer have any motivation in finishing it :( I don't know. For now, I guess I'll leave you all with this chapter.


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