Professor Layton: Love In All...

By EffervescentElixir

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The sequel and final part of the Love In Memories two-parter. The heroes escape from the thrilling finale in... More

Professor Layton: Love In All Adversities
1. Prologue
2. The Fallen Castle; Memories Of A Time Gone By
3. The Feelings Will Always Be Close
4. Making Connections
5. The Diabolical Plan
6. The Dream Net
7. A New Age
8. Revelations: Time To Fly
9. The Dead World
10. A Warm Reunion
12. London Streets Remapped
13. The Illusion of Free Will
14. This Is Our Cycle
15. Changing Tides
16. Betrayed Senses
17. Only Perceptions
18. A World In Turmoil
19. I Knew You Would Come
20. Endless Love
21. Deceived Minds
22. Stranded And Trapped
23. Shared Sentiment
24. Everything Is In Order
25. The Seeds Of Corruption
26. Before the Storm
27. Looks Can Be Deceiving
28. Love In All Adversities
29. This Isn't Over
30. Forgive Me
31. Love In Memories
32. Epilogue
Author's Notes
A Delicate Lie

11. The Race For Claire

406 9 16
By EffervescentElixir

"And you were blamed just because of your obsession with cake?!"

"Well, I won't deny it, but as much as I love cake, I told the Inspector. Sir, I told him, sir I refrained from eating this particular cake. This is evidence!"

"Oh poppycock, Barton!" Chelmey sniffed, unfolding a newspaper and briskly ruffling out the creases. "You scoffed that cake down like there was no tomorrow!" The Constable went to open his mouth when Chelmey raised his finger. "And don't deny it. We got video footage!"

Barton looked uncomfortably at Flora and then jumped as the young girl began to laugh. Her laughter went on for a while, growing and growing until all in the copter couldn't help but find themselves smiling. Flora was almost on the floor with the state she was in, and soon the others found themselves giggling as well. Sure they were in a grim situation, but that didn't mean fun couldn't be found. There is always a light in the dark.

The trip was a long one and they had to stop off for the helicopter to refuel. They had stopped in a nice location and Chelmey and Barton had gone to the nearby store to buy a newspaper and get some food for them all. (In truth, Barton also saw it as an opportunity for some long awaited treats). It was almost ten in the morning and all sorts of worrying thoughts were filling their heads. The Gatherers could be just a few miles behind. Or even ahead!

Inspector Marauder didn't seem at all worried and strutted about as if it was another ordinary day back at the office. Hershel questioned her air of calmness, but knew that she must have had good reason.

"It's because I don't fret needlessly."

"Excuse me?" Hershel inquired, shaking his head as this woman had apparently read his mind.

"Don't worry." She laughed, brushing her hair away from her eyes. Her long blonde hair usually covered most of her face, but now Hershel could see the beauty underneath. "I'm not reading your mind. I just read your face. Your expression gives it away. How can I be so cool right now?"

Hershel didn't say anything and she continued.

"It's because I am a detective. I face all manner of cases, some too horrible to even utter..." She looked down and then suddenly she was smiling and facing him again. "Still, I live through them and come out a better person. I have seen it all and come out stronger each time. Well, I say I have seen it all but this takes the cake!"

"What about the adventures the Professor goes on?" Flora said, appearing from behind the helicopter, still refuelling.

"Well, although half the world may know the wonderful adventures you go on, Professor; I simply have no time to see such news. I have, of course, heard of you, but that's as much as I knew. Just talks of a clever Professor who solved big mysteries. Not too dissimilar from what I do."

"Hey!" The young girl protested. "The Professor goes on far greater adventures than you will ever-"

"That is enough, Flora." Hershel grinned, raising his hand. "Inspector Marauder merely meant that our line of work is similar. Solving mysteries and stopping evil. While I do boast a more exotic line of work, she undoubtedly has seen her fair share of mind-boggling mysteries."

"That I have." The inspector muttered, stopping a moment to lean against a nearby tree.

"I admire you." The Professor suddenly blurted out. He realised what he said and saw the slow look of confusion and shock on the Inspector's face and he blushed and continued. "What I mean is, I admire your strength. Your courage. T-to come out of such hardships and to grow from them. That is what I admire..." He trailed off, cheeks still bright red as the Inspector also found herself blushing.

"Do you two..." Flora began, a look of wicked intent. The Professor tried to stop her, but she said it. "Do you two like each other?"

"Of course not!" Inspector Marauder snorted. "We hardly know each other. Besides... I know about this Claire... The one we are going for..."

She placed her hand on the Professor's but instead of blushing this time, he found himself smiling at the Inspector with a newfound respect.

"I know she means a lot to you. I can see you love her... If only that idiot, Oliver could... He lost the plot and became the head of a criminal organisation! That's how messed up one can be over their love for someone. I'm just glad that you're not like him. Still, I worry. If not shown on the outside, I do worry... I don't see how we're going to stop him..."

"I cannot say how we will stop him. We just have to have hope that the others can take down the Gatherer and escape before they are caught. As for stopping Oliver, well..."

"Aren't you forgetting, Professor?" Flora stated proudly. "We couldn't fight him before because we didn't want the townspeople to get hurt! Now, we can return with the police. We know where they are. We can bring the fight to him!"

"A most noble sentiment!" Hershel smiled.

Flora could see the doubt in his eyes and she went to say something when suddenly he stood up more straight.

"But perhaps you are right, Flora. It may not seem like it, but we are of the advantage now. Just so long as the Gatherer group can do their part..."

"I have faith in them!" The Inspector said, moving away from the tree as she saw Chelmey and Barton coming back from around the corner. Barton was scoffing his face down with doughnuts.

"Because of Inspector Grosky?" Flora asked.

"Yes there is that, but more importantly, young Albert there." The Inspector grinned as she saw the young girl's look of confusion. "Albert is as he says he is. A Folsense expert. If anyone can get them out of a tight spot, and show them the secrets of that town, I have complete faith that he can help them. He might even end up saving many lives. Wouldn’t that just make him proud. He is such a lonely boy... The other kids avoid him because they say he is too nerdy knowing all those facts. It's why he spends so much of his time at the station. He has become a regular visitor. A good friend of mine as well. I always find time to take a break and have a cup of tea with him... I don't know why I am telling you all this."

"No, no, Inspector." Hershel smiled. "That was a most incredible story. I believe that kindness will always prevail. One can always find a friend even in the unlikeliest of places."

"And I'm sure he will make some more friends after the kids hear about what he did to save everyone."

"What's this about saving everyone?" Chelmey asked, stopping as he reached the three members waiting by the helicopter.

"Dij we mish somshing?" Barton said through a mouthful of sugary snacks.

"Don't eat everything now, Barton!" Chelmey roared, his face turning scarlet as he screamed at the portly Constable.

"I'm shorry, Injspecher!"

As the Inspector shouted at the Constable that fine morning, the others muttered silently and found their way back into the Helicopter. The pilot made sure the C.S.C was attached securely and once that was done, he too was waiting for the two men to finish.

The helicopter would only take the group most of the way. Before they arrived at London, the group would enter the C.S.C and fly the rest of the way in that. It was important that the Gatherers believe they were still travelling as one whole group.

When the other two were finally ready to join, they entered and soon the helicopter was flying again. They had no time to waste!

Now, half an hour later, as Flora had laughed herself out and the others had gone on with their business, Chelmey took to opening the paper and what he saw caused his jaw to drop open.

"L-look... I don't think arriving in the C.S.C will matter anymore..." Was all he could say.

Turning the newspaper around so all could see, the other also had a similar reaction to the Inspector.


Although the headline would be shocking in normal circumstances, it was what was underneath that and even the picture of a shining woman standing next to a teary-eyed man.


The world renowned puzzle-solving amateur sleuth and Professor of archaeology, Hershel Layton was revealed to have been a serial killer. An anonymous tip-off lead the police to find incriminating evidence. The Police are launching an inquiry and are urging anyone with news to come forward. Read more on page 7.

"Well this is going to be harder than we had originally thought..." The Professor gulped.


"Was the police bribe successful?"

"Yes sir. They have already had it published in today's paper. The Strapping Times. It would have been top headlines had it not been for... well... all this!" The right-hand man of thought about the man whose name the Heartbreaker had stolen. The owner of this paper was rich and powerful. Quite fitting for his leader.

"This is most excellent news! Everything is falling into place! It looks like Layton will reach London before us, but with everyone associating his face and his abnormally large top hat with a serial killer, it will be so much harder for him to reach Claire in time. Where were they last spotted?"

"Their position on the radar was last seen heading over St. Mystere and they should be arriving in London in a few hours. They will get there a good deal ahead of us."

Oliver cursed and began to pace furiously. Once more he was talking to his right-hand man and he had far more faith in Benedict than Martin. He felt certain he wouldn't be sending this man to the butcher.

"It doesn't matter!" He managed to convince himself, a broad smile forming on his face. "I don't know how they are travelling so fast, but no matter where they land, a group of nine people won't get far in the city without being noticed."

"Sir." Benedict began, but then stopped himself. He knew that his life depended on every word he said.

"Well, what is it?"

"It's nothing, sir..."

"Mr Freeman, might I remind you what happened to Martin?"

"Sorry sir. It's just... what if they get to Claire anyway? They know where she is!"

"Oh, I am not worried about that. I still have one ace up my sleeve. One he will never see coming. One who will reveal his weaker side and when he least expects it, will strike and finish the job, once and for all!"

Benedict felt a chill go up his spine. When the Heartbreaker spoke like this, he could instil a great sense of fear in everyone. He was terrifying and yet inspirational at the same time. It was hard to explain.

"Come, Mr Freeman. We are approaching the city of Miracles. Soon enough, we shall have a miracle of our own."


"This is strange..." Don Paolo muttered, once again checking the screen on a little controller he had.

"What is?" Inspector Grosky said, turning his attention away from the stunning view below them.

"This device tells me if the C.S.C is operational. According to this it isn't. They should have arrived at London by now. Why haven't the Professor and that activated it yet?!"

"Who can say?" Clive muttered, still in awe at the view below. In his head he was reflecting on how lucky he was. Only a few days ago he was on the run from the law. Now he was in a helicopter, flying in the sky, the taste of freedom fresh upon his tongue.

 "What do you mean, 'Who can say?' There must be a good reason!"

"Well, perhaps they were held up when taking a refuelling stop. Probably the little chubby one, what's his name... Carton? Bart? Barton, that's it! Probably he stopped for some food and the middle-aged grumpy one is barking his head off at him."

"Layton knows we have no time for such foolery!" Don Paolo said royally. "We have a world to save!"

Clive examined the spiky-haired man with distaste and went back to leaning against the side of the copter and admiring the scenery below. He couldn't tell which version he liked better. Dimitri, or Don Paolo.

Albert had remained quiet the entire trip and was irritated as the course of that morning had involved that lot arguing. When the copter landed for refuelling, he took to the spare seat next to the pilot. He admired how cool she had been throughout all that noise back there.

"How long until we reach Folsense?" He asked. He didn't really need to know. They were heading over some very familiar mountains and from his studies of the geography of Folsense and the area around it, he knew the exact distance they were from his town. He just liked the company.

"I'd say about twenty minutes." The pilot responded, beaming back at the eager boy. "The sky seems calm this morning, so we might make it there in fifteen if we're lucky. That being said, I hear that you want to land a bit away from the town so you can sneak in unseen. I would ask why the secrecy, but Mr Ascot said that you were friends of the Professor meaning you were on very important business. I didn't need to ask anymore."

"Well, I can tell you. We are going to save it and the world. You know the dead people returning?" The enthusiastic boy didn't wait for her response. "Well, they are only illusions. If we don't stop this ancient machine from creating the illusion, then the world will be part of the illusion and go on living a lie."

If anyone else had told her that, she would have called them crazy. Just knowing Professor Layton's name was associated with this mission meant that she most definitely believe it. Plus, she saw the people returning. One of them was her deceased mother.

"Why is it so bad?"

"You can't be falling for this madness!" He stated sternly. "It's all a lie!"

"Well maybe some people need the lie..."

Albert went to protest further when he saw the Pilot rub her eye under her glasses. Just for a brief second he saw the tears. He then realised.

"You mean... Someone you know returned?"

"A lot of us have lost people. I lost my mother to disease... This illusion, if that is what it is, is causing no harm. It's bringing hope back into people's lives! Why can't this be a good thing?!"

The two of them were silent as Albert reflected on that.

"Seeing your loved ones is a true wonder..." The young boy finally said. He worked up the courage to defend his cause. Otherwise he feared this woman might turn the helicopter around. "But if we keep living the lie, we will only end up more hurt in the end. The illusion makes it so that these people don't age. While we grow old and die, they will still be there, watching this happen and they are powerless to stop us. Sure, the illusion means that because we see them we feel as though we can touch them, but it's all in our heads. They aren't really there. And when we die, we won't see them again. At least, not who we are. This is wrong!"

The pilot was silent this time, but then she nodded. She would have to give up those she once loved, but she could see sense in what this boy was saying.

The helicopter lurched forward and Albert had to grab hold of something.

"What's happening?!" He cried.

"I'm getting you there as fast as I can!"

As the young boy smiled at her and she smiled back, she knew that in her heart she did this for another reason. Stopping the illusion was important, she could see, but until then she wanted to be with her mother for the little remaining time they had.


The helicopter arrived at the outskirts of London and the passengers found themselves looking down solemnly knowing their task was much harder now.

 Everyone would be looking for the Professor.

As they began to land on an abandoned building, Hershel could not help but feel helpless. He had grown confident that they had the lead. That they would find Claire first, but now that didn't matter. Even if they were ahead now, the race for Claire was far from over. In fact it was worse. Sure, he knew where she would be, but how can you cross a sprawling city like London unseen, especially when everyone was looking for you?

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