30 Day Writing Challenge :D.

By Katarinapaige2017

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30 Day Writing Challenge :D.
Day 1 - Your Best Friend :D.
Day 2 - Your Crush :D.
Day 3 - My Parents :D.
Day 4 - A stranger :D.
Day 5 - Your Dreams :D.
Day 6 - Your sibling or closest relative :D.
Day 7 - Your Ex - Crush :D.
Day 8 - Your Favorite Internet Friend :D.
Day 9 - Someone You Wish You Could Meet :D.
Day 10 - Your Newest Fan :D.
Day 11 - Someone You Don't Talk To As Much As You'd Like To :D.
Day 12 - Someone You Hate The Most :D.
Day 13 - Something You Love :D.
Day 14 - Something You Hate :D.
Day 15 - Something You Wish You Could Change About Yourself :D.
Day 16 - Someone Who's Not In Your State :D.
Day 17 - Someone From Your Childhood :D.
Day 19 - Someone That Pesters Your Mind :D.
Day 20 - Somewho Who Broke You Heart The Hardest :D.
Day 21 - Someone Who You Judged By Their First Impression :D.
Day 22 - Someone You'd Give A Second Chance To :D
Day 23 - The Last Person You Kissed :D.

Day 18 - The Person You Wish You Could Be :D.

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By Katarinapaige2017

Dear the better me,

     You're beautiful and you mean something. You're the girl everyone wants to be friends with. You have tons of confidence and nothing ever goes wrong for you. Everyday, you actually have something to look forward to. You're actually able to go out do things with out people jumping down your back. You're the girl I wish I could be. But, I know you're only a fantasy that sits in my mind. You'll never be real and I have to learn to embrace my flaws. You'll still always be the better me.

xoxo Katarina.

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