The Dark Tiara

By _FantasyPrincess_

21.3K 356 111

"๐“๐ก๐ž๐ฒ'๐ซ๐ž ๐ง๐จ๐ญ ๐…๐š๐ข๐ซ๐ฒ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ž๐ฌ. ๐“๐ก๐ž๐ฒ'๐ซ๐ž ๐“๐ซ๐ฎ๐ž. ๐„๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐›๐จ๏ฟฝ... More

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โ„‹eroes, ๐’ฑillains, & โ„‘n ๐”…etween
๐“ ๐“ข๐“ฝ๐“ธ๐“ป๐”‚ ๐“•๐’๐’“๐’ˆ๐’๐’•๐’•๐’†๐’
2. Chance At Freedom
3. A Bandit, a Thief, But also a Princess
4. Threats & Promises
5. Lies brought to light
6. Illusions Of Grandeur
7. Illusions Of Grandeur pt. 2
8. The Illusions Fractured
โ‚Sneak Peekโ‚

1. A Princess as a Pawn

1.1K 33 9
By _FantasyPrincess_

𝟏𝟖 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝕷𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖗

𝕿𝖍𝖊 sun had barely started to peak over the horizon when Emily awoke. Waking early had become something accustomed to her as it was one of the very few times she was able to be by herself instead of being followed around by servants, guards or her mother. It was also one of the few times she could get out of the castle, every since The King's death fear grew over another attack on the royal family, confining Emily to the castle. She crawled out of bed making her way over to the wardrobe, where she went through the cloths till she found her riding clothes that where tucked away in the back. Emily went to the room divider changed from her pale teal nightgown into her riding clothes, pulling her dark brown hair into a braid as she grabbed her satchel off of the vanity. When she finished braiding her hair she made her way out of the room avoiding the guards that roamed the halls knowing they would question her on where she was going if they saw her. Emily worked her way to the servants corridor as it was the easy place to slip out of the castle from as it wasn't watched all that often other then especially occasions. There were few servants in their corridors so early as they were finishing any details, cleaning and preparations for when The Queen woke. Allowing Emily to leave the castle with ease most days, except today was not one of those days as she was only stopped in the corridors by a servant. The servant was Merryweather a tall older lady who was most likely in her late thirties to early forties, she had worked at the castle most of her life helping to raise and look after Emily. Merryweather was wearing a bright blue dress, the skirt of the dress fan out slightly once it reached her waist. The dress was cut in a small v neck shape pushing the beginning of the sleeves closer to the end of her shoulders, the sleeves were short as they stopped a few inches down her bicep then the sleeves where cut into a piece of fabric that overlaid the rest of her biceps then rounded off. The sleeves were a dark blue patterned lace, as the skirt of the dress had a lighter blue overlay of fabric down the sides. The only other detailing was embroidered patterns along the bottom of the dress, that where a mix of silver and gold for the patterns. Her hair was a deep brown that made her hair look almost black, she had part of her hair pulled into a small bun on the back of her head while the rest of her hair hung loss with waves in it.

"You know your mother will have a fit if she finds you gone again." Merryweather advised before she quickly went on her way 

"When does she not though." Emily smiled slightly hoping to get Merryweather to laugh slightly instead she only got a partially stern look "Please Merryweather.."

"Oh fine, just don't be to long today." Merryweather smiled as she shooed Emily to leave, turning back to what she was doing with a laugh and the shake of her head as Merryweather mumbled to herself "Maybe one day I'll have some sense to stop her." 

Once Emily was out of the castle she rushed to the stables that stood on its own piece of land away from the castle. She brought her horse out of her stall, the horse was a tall thoroughbred that was mostly black but also white patches such as a white diamond on its face, hoofs and other white on its sides. She mounting her horse, riding bareback  which saved her time but she also knew her mother wouldn't approve. She rode off to a clearing that was in the forest that surrounded the castle. The light was peering through the bases of the trees slowly making its way higher in the sky starting to shine it through the branches and leaves. When Emily arrived at the clearing she dismounted, letting her horse roam the field as Emily sat down against a tree taking a book from her satchel. The field was a beautiful place that was a grassy area encircled by trees with all different kinds of flowers blooming in the center during the spring. The darkness started to fade as the sun took its place high in the sky looking down, as the rays came peering through the top of the trees they seemed to shimmer on any leaves that fell which made the clearing look like an enchanted garden. 

A hour had passed when her mother Helena woke at the castle, once she was dressed she made her way to Emily's room, having a servant follow behind her caring a bright red dress across her arms. Helena had received a letter that morning from a suitor she had invited the day before, the letter held the response that he excepted. Helena made her way into Emily's bedroom excited with the news only to be enraged when she found the bed empty. 

The servant walked into the room timidly looking around the empty room "Your Majesty, where is the Princess?"

"She's gone! You fool! Get out!" Helena snapped as she ripped the red dress from the servants hands throwing it on the edge of the bed and stormed out of the room yelling for the guards "Guards! Find the Princess now!" 

The captain of the guard sent out two groups, one group that was looking on the main road and the other through the forest surrounding the castle. The captain lead the party searching the forest, knowing this was another stunt of the Princess and she would be found where she normally was. Emily was writing in her book when she was pulled from her thought as she heard guards shouting and the hoofs of horses. As she looked up from the book she saw the captain of the guards heading her way as the rest of the guards with him rode up behind him and then encircled the clearing. Emily closed her book as she stood up dusting herself off as she knew the guards meant it was now time to go back to the castle.

"Princess Emily we've been looking everywhere for you." The captain of the guard spoke as he halted his horse and turned to another guard sending him to call off the search. Charles was an older man with ginger hair that looked like it had disappear at the sides of his head. While he had a mustache that curled at the ends, a slight beard that was cut so there was only a strip of hair on his chin and side burns that made up for the rest of the beard that was missing as the sideburns followed his jaw line but stopped right before his chin.

Emily rolled her eyes as she made her way over to Beauty "I think that's a bit of an exaggeration. I was here like all the other times." Corrected Emily as she placed the book in her satchel then mounted Beauty

"Your the Princess and the future Queen, you should have an escort with you at all time."

"I didn't even go that far from the castle. I don't need guards following me around all the time, let alone one." Emily defended as she tapped Beauty's side getting her to trot over to where Charles was waiting

"It doesn't matter, someone that wanted to end the royal family could easily get to you."

"Why do you worry so? I can handle myself and I'm not that worried about it when I'm this close to the castle." Emily reassured him as she started to ride back to the castle

"That's my job. The princess should have an escort at all times. You are a princess you shouldn't be thinking you can handle yourself, especially when you don't have a weapon with you." Insisted Charles as he started to ride back to the castle alongside Emily, annoyed at the situation that had almost become a daily occurrence

"And why can't I protect myself!? Hmm." Emily protested with a huff as she road ahead

"Because you are a Princess and the heir to the Kingdom. Think how your mother would feel if something happened to you and what the kingdom would feel."

"She doesn't care and I don't want to be the princess..." Emily mumbled to herself as she watched some guards heading back to the castle in front of them

"Why do you act so ungrateful? Anything she says it's because she's worried about you and she's trying to keep you safe. You should start acting like a princess." Insulted Charles as he stopped his horse in front of Emily blocking her from riding any further 

 Emily was shocked by what Charles had said as he had never spoke to Emily in that manner no matter how annoyed he was. She had nothing to say to him and just looked at him with a stunned expression, as she had her horse trot around him heading back to the castle. When Emily saw the castle come into view between the trees, she flicked the reins making Beauty take off towards the castle. She road off quickly hearing the captain yelling her name off in the distance. When she arrived at the castle grounds she took Beauty back to the stables, where she left sugar cubes and some new hay before heading back to the castle. Emily made her way through the castle to the grand hall where she might find her mother. She made her way to the entrance of the grand hall where she could see Helena was already speaking to Charles. Emily stood back against the wall in the archway of the entrance trying to listen to what they where saying. Helena quickly noticed Emily out of the corner of her eye but kept speaking to Charles but as she spoke she raised her arm flicking her wrist, making Emily appear next to them in a cloud of gold smoke.

"Mother! You know how I feel about you using magic!" Emily huffed

"Well then maybe you shouldn't be listening to my conversations." Helena turned to face Emily "How many times am I going to have to tell you that you are to not wear those anymore? Next thing you know I'm going to have to burn those." 

"I was out riding! What am I suppose to wear!" Emily threw her hands in the air as she was already frustrated with her mother

"No, you were not out riding! You snuck out again into the middle of the forest! Where you could have been attacked. Then you are rude to the captain when he is sent to find you because you ran off!" Helena crossed her arms as she scolded Emily

"Charles was the one that called me ungrateful and was not being rude to a Princess!" Emily scuffed as she looked at the captain and laughed slightly not believing what she was hearing

"You will not mock me Emily! You are going to start acting like a princess! Charles said you corrected him! That you where ungrateful for the guards coming to look, along with being ungrateful about how I worry about you! You will not disrespect Charles! You will not be disrespecting me!" Helena exploded as she stepped closer to Emily as she waved her hand in a shooing manner to tell the captain to leave

"I wasn't rude in the forest he was being disrespectful to me, he was the one being rude." Emily countered as she looked away from Helena

"You will not disrespect him every again! Do you understand?" Helena glared at Emily waiting for her to nod. "You will restrain yourself from being disrespectful next time. You will also apologize to the captain when you see him next." Helena ordered as she gave Emily glared, before turning around to the servant who had walked in while they where talking. Emily rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, as Helena turned to the servant and took a letter from her and dismissed her. Helena turned back to Emily as she read the letter with a smirk on her face as she read the letter.

"I wasn't being rude, why do you take his side over mine always?" Emily asked annoyed interrupting the silence

"You will not question me! Or suggest that I take a side when I do not! I give you more freedom then most people would!" Helena snapped as she looked up from the letter

"Then why did you send an entire search party after me when you know where I would be?"

"I didn't know where you were, for all I knew you could have been kidnapped." Helena glared as she spoke

"But you know that I'm normally out there. You could have sent maybe four guards, but that's not the point-"

"I don't care what your point is. The whole meaning of all of this is that you run off without telling anyone and you don't act like a Princess. You will stop being ungrateful and rude!" Helena fumed as she kept listening to this

"I don't act like a Princess? I done so much just for you to see me acting more like a Princess! I've dropped archery, I barely get to take Beauty out anymore, not like I get to because you send the whole royal guard after me! I've let you pick the suitors, not getting a choice in it! When I have no intentions of marrying any of them, just to make you happy!" Emily snapped back as she threw her hands up in the air frustrated

Helena rolled her eyes as she handed Emily the letter to read as she spoke "This is a waste of time when there is another suitor on his way now and you should be getting ready. His name is Prince Thomas, and he's on his way here." Helena smirked as she took the letter back from Emily

"Mother!?" Emily yelled as she looked up at Helena as she took the letter 

"You need to go change, there is a new dress on you bed waiting." Helena took Emily's arm as she walked her towards the stairs heading to her room

"So you've had another suitor to come meet me this entire time and didn't tell me." Emily asked annoyed as she pulled her arm back from Helena

"You are 18 now, the girls your age are already married." Helena rolled her eyes as she pushed Emily upstairs slightly "I'll be lucky if I can even get someone to tolerate you as I do." Insulted Helena as she started to follow up the stairs with Emily making sure she would go to her room

"I don't care how old I am. If you would just let me marry someone that I love-" Emily turned around sharply

"Oh please, just get up there and change. I don't have time for this." Helena scoffed as she took Emily's arm walking her up the stairs

"Why can't I just marry someone I love?" Emily pulled her arm away from Helena

"Because you will marry who I tell you to." Helena raised her voice as she grabbed Emily's arm again "Now Prince Thomas will be here any minute go change!" Snared Helena as she started up the stairs again pulling Emily along

When Emily reached the top of the stairs she pulled her arm from Helena's grasp and ran to her room, Helena watched till Emily made it in her room making sure she wasn't pulling anymore stunts. Once Emily was in her room Helena started to head back downstairs to make sure everything was in order before Thomas arrived. When Emily reached her room she slammed the door shut behind her, collapsing to the center of the room frustrated and upset. She sat on the floor thinking how to get away, her thought where interrupted when Merryweather and Carlotta came into her room to help her get ready. Carlotta was a tall younger lady in her early thirties to mid thirties, she was wearing a deep red dress where the sleeves stopped just above her elbow forming out into a small ruffed cuffs over her elbow. The sleeves were a light red then the main dress but they were overlaid with a bright white pattern lace while the cuffs were completely the white pattern lace. The skirt of the dress was mostly red but with a white underlay down the center. As the white moved down the skirt of the dress if cut farther away revealing more white that was pleated. The white of the skirt brought out the white on the sleeves of the dress as it was the only detail in her dress. Her hair was a deep black and hung loss except for some clusters of hair on either side of her head that was pinned back up to keep from falling in her face. 

"Lets get you ready Emily." Merryweather spoke as she walked over to Emily to help her up

"Just leave me here to die alone!" Emily said dramatically as she flopped onto her bed face first

"It could be worst, now come on before Helena shows up." Carlotta spoke as she took the red dress from the bed and draped it over the room divider

"How could it be worst? She's trying to force me into marriage with some random person." Emily rolled over onto her back dramatically and propped herself up on her elbows looking at Carlotta

"What Carlotta is trying to say is, that you will just get rid of him like the other seven suitors." Merryweather covered up what Carlotta had said and gave shot Carlotta a glare

"Nine actually... I guess your right" Emily sat up as she spoke starting to take her boots off

"Nine what?" Merryweather asked turning her attention to Emily as she made her way to her bedside

"Nine suitors. You said seven, when there were nine." Emily corrected as she placed her boots on the floor

"Emily your being dramatic." Carlotta spoke as she brought the heels over to the bed placing them down

"I am not! She has found ten suitors now with this new one! Unbelievable." Emily huffed in disbelieve as she flopped back down onto the bed

Merryweather stood at Emily's bedside and picked up a pillow from the bed "Emily you are being dramatic. Mrs. Carlotta has told you to stop." She hit Emily with the pillow

"You did not.." Emily turned her attention to Merryweather shocked

"Oh yes I did, your highness. Now get up." Merryweather beamed as she hit Emily with the pillow again

Emily grabbed a pillow from behind her and hit Merryweather with it  "Now we're even." Emily chuckled sticking her tongue out at Merryweather, only to be hit in the face with a pillow by  Merryweather

"Stop it!" Carlotta yelled, getting Emily and Merryweather to freeze with the pillows held above they're heads ready to hit one another again "We don't have time for this, now Emily get ready." Carlotta insisted

"You're no fun..." Emily mumbled to herself as she put the pillow down on the bed and got up making her way over to the room divider

There wasn't a time Emily could remember when Carlotta had been less stern then Merryweather, Carlotta had always been the one to try to keep on time and wanted everything to be perfect and go as planned. Even though she was younger then Merryweather she acted as if she was older and in charge as she saw that Merryweather was more lenient which would lead to them all being in trouble with The Queen if she ever found out. So in Carlotta's eyes she was more fit to be in charge as she was keeping with schedules and the rules which would keep them all from being on Helena's bad side. This obviously cause the two to constantly bump heads as Merryweather was formally in charge by age and experience but Carlotta saw herself as in charge as she was keeping the Princess in her place. But Emily remember when her father was alive during that time Carlotta was more lenient and worried much less, as well as Carlotta didn't think she was in charge over Merryweather back then. Then once her father had past Carlotta became strict and stern with Emily and all of the other servants. While Merryweather stayed the same which only annoyed Carlotta leading her believe she was in charge or above Merryweather due to how 'childish' Merryweather was acting. Everyone had thought the change in Carlotta was ode but it was due to the fact that she was frightened of Helena, like most of the servants were but they had never taken it out on each other as Carlotta had with her change. While Merryweather wasn't worried about Helena even after Emily's father past, she was more concerned with helping Emily and looking after her. Merryweather was only ever strict if she had to be, which was only in the presence of The Queen or any other servants that were not apart of the trusted circle. She was like a mother to Emily, Merryweather was always looking after Emily and was always there for her when Helena wasn't. But she would also turn a blind eye to what Emily was doing once in awhile to allow her to have some freedom, as Emily had been kept in the castle since her father had died due to the fear of someone trying to kill her like what had happened to her father. While Emily was changing she heard the door to her room open and a familiar voice follow.

"Do you two have her ready yet? Helena is not a patrician waiter. You know how she is when she is kept waiting." Flora fretted as she stepped into the room. She was a much older lady then Carlotta and Merryweather, most likely in her late seventies to early eighties. She wore an dark green long sleeve robe like dress, that had a small collar that was folded down with gold detailing on it. The dress had gold detailing that ran along the seams of the dress, the gold detailing throughout the dress represented the royal family. The center of the dress was open with a gold frost glitter evergreen fabric as the underlay while the top dark green dress was sown together at the waist. Flora's hair had turned from a light ginger to a silvery grey, her hair looked as if she had bangs on one side as they where pinned back along with the rest of her hair that was pinned into a bun on the back of her head with a few pieces of hair that hung loss as they had most likely had fallen out from the pins. Flora was in charge of all the servants in the castle, tasked with keeping them in like and on task. 

"Oh, she can wait a little longer with all her nonsense." Merryweather scoffed as she turned to shoo Flora out

"You know how she will be if she is not down there soon." Flora spoke as she opened the door slightly ready to leave "Emily don't hesitate to run this suitor out." 

They all giggled like little girls at the thought of all the suitors leaving, as Flora left the room. Once Emily had finished dressing she stepped out from behind the room divider. The dress was a log sleeve fitted top with a high fitted collar while the bottom flared out into a ball gown. The top on the dress was a bright red lace that had a beige underlay as the designed in the lace was a flower pattern, there where little gems in the center of some of the flower patterns. While the bottom was solid red color with a silky blood red sash tied around the waist separating the top of the dress and the bottom. Once Emily had the dress on she made her way to the mirror as she took her hair out of her braid, letting her hair fall into the curls that had formed from having it in the braid. 

"Doesn't this seem like a bit much?" Emily asked as made her way to her vanity looking in the mirror

"A fancy dress is never a bit much when your the princess." Carlotta corrected as she picked up the high heels that she had placed by the bed and walked them over to Emily

"You look beautiful Emily." Merryweather chimed in as she brought a small jeweled headband over to Emily and placed it on her head gently

Emily put on the heels and looked at Merryweather and Carlotta as she spoke "Lets hope this one is as easy as the other ones to chase off." 

Merryweather made her way over to Emily and gave her a hug as Carlotta left the room. "I'm here for you Emily, we all are. I just want you to know that it was our decision not just your fathers wishes." 

"Thank you Merryweather for everything." Emily whispered to Merryweather as she let go letting her leave the room

Once Merryweather had left the room Emily looked at herself one more time in the mirror of her vanity, then around the room thinking about escaping now. She started towards the room divider to grab her satchel when her door was opened, she froze turning to the door to see if it was Helena. The person that entered her room was one of the royal guards as he made his way into her room he took off his helmet revealing his identity.

"Damon?  What are you doing!" Emily shot harshly as she made her way over to where he was. The two of them had grown up in the castle together, as Damon's father was part of the royal guard and he was following in his fathers footsteps. Whenever Emily could get away from her lessons they would always explore all the secret passages in the castle or play in the large garden at the back of the castle. As they grew they fell in love with one another but where also separated, as Emily's time was taken with royal duties and Damon's time was occupied by training to become a royal guard. But whenever they had to opportunity to see each other they would meet in secret. When Damon lost his father in one of the Kingdoms wars, he was heartbroken but took his fathers place in the royal guard hoping that he would make him proud.

"Did you talk to her yet?" He grinned as he gave her a hug

"No... I haven't found the right time to ask her.." Emily confessed as she tucked the hairs around her face behind her ear 

"Why don't you just tell her about us? Maybe if I talked to her she would change her mind"

"No Damon! She won't listen, if there's any chance of us being happy we just have to leave."

"Your the Princess! Your not just gonna be able to walk out without The Queen or all of the royal guard coming after us. I don't know why your so worried about me or you just talking to her?"

Emily paced back and forth through the room as she worried "She has magic! She doesn't hesitate to use it on anyone! She would be furious! There's no telling what she will do if she find out about us..."

"Emily your worrying to much about this." Damon paced he hands on Emily's shoulders getting her to stop walking "I am a royal guard you now? I can be a knight..." Joked Damon as he smiled at Emily with a small chuckle "I'm not that bad in her eyes." 

"Damon you don't get it! You may be a royal guard but you are not a King or a Prince or even nobility! She wouldn't hear of it for me to marry someone like you!" Emily huffed as she turned her back to him "She is not going to let me marry someone normal.. She brings in all these suitors that are-"

"Just say it Emily!" Damon snapped slightly

Emily turned to face him confused at why he snapped at her "What?"

"Just say it. You are trying to I'm just a commoner Emily..."

Emily started walking to the door "You should go.. Please, I have to go meet the Prince."

"I just came to see you, but I can see all that did was upset you." Damon placed his helmet back on his head as he headed towards the door leaving

Emily followed towards the door as she went to say something to Damon but stopped herself as she already knew he wasn't happy by her decision. She looked at herself in the mirror again not sure who she was becoming or how to make things right with Damon. She knew he didn't like anyone referring to him as a commoner as he was technically higher then that, but she had let it slip not thinking about what she was saying as she was worrying. She had never meant it as throwing it in his face and she hoped he knew that. As she was thinking she was brought back to reality as there was a knock at her door. She opened the door to see Baileywick looking as his pocket watch, checking the time which he was always doing. He looked up from the watch to see the door was open and Emily standing in the doorway confused. He placed the pocket watch away into the pocket of his vest before speaking 

"Princess Emily, your mother said you need to come downstairs. The prince is waiting." Once he relayed the message from The Queen he went on his way

Emily straightened out her dress before she left her room and headed for the stairs case. As Emily started to come down the staircase she could see Thomas and Helena talking. Thomas was an older man in his late thirties, he had dark brown hair with hazel colored eyes that looked almost brown, he spared no expense to try to show how rich he was with his outfit. Once they saw Emily coming downstairs, their conversation stopped as Helena met Emily at the bottom of the stairs.

"Your late" Helena hissed as she took Emily's arm and walked back over to the Prince, not giving Emily a chance to say anything. Helena introduced Emily and Thomas to one another, Emily had to apologize for being late. The way he acted and spoke Emily could tell that he was just as bad as the other suitors. Then quickly started coming up with how to get rid of him, knowing her other tricks may not work.

"Thomas spoke of possible going on a walk with you in the garden, so you two could get to know one another better." Helena suggested as she looked at Emily

"Oh did her come up with that all by himself?" Emily murmured to herself only to be pinched by Helena getting her attention knowing she spoke to loudly

Thomas smirked as he looked at Emily "What was that Princess?"

"You know exactly what I said." Emily scoffed as she looked at him was a mocking smile

"I'm sorry for my daughters attitude today, she not normally this disrespectful. We have had quiet the morning. Wouldn't you say Emily?" Helena mocked as she kept a hold of Emily's arm. "Which brings me to this, after the stunt you pulled this morning. That little stunt you pulled with running off into the forest that has become so normal for you. Now you will have a personal guard, who sees to it that you will not be running off anymore." Helena sneered as she waved a servant off to go fetch one of the guards

"I did not pull a stunt, I simple went out for a ride. Then you sent the who royal guard after me." Emily snapped back knowing that Helena was trying to embarrass her along with making her look like someone how needs to be taken care of in front of Thomas. She tried to make her voice sound sweet "Anyways we will be in the garden." 

Helena laughed slightly "You think I care where you are after all the problems you have caused?"

"Oh so your a trouble maker princess?" Jested Thomas as Emily just rolled her eyes at him, getting a reaction from him "I've dealt with a princesses like that before."

Helena glared at Emily "Don't worry about that Thomas, she's going to straighten up and she will have a personal guard to make sure she doesn't get herself kill."

Thomas interrupted as he cleared his throat "Well Helena, you won't have to worry about that because when we're married that won't be tolerated."

"Excuse me, but who said we are going to get married? The way your talking to me will not be tolerated if we're married" Emily snapped at Thomas as she raised her voice

"Emily! You will not speak to Prince Thomas like that."

"Why? Because he's a Prince? Well I'm a Princess and that makes us equal." Emily turned back to her mother as she spoke

Thomas provoked Emily "It's quite alright Helena, I can handle a princess throwing a fit. She'll learn." 

Before Emily could say another world Helena interrupted "Emily!" Helena glared at her as she tightened her grip on her the back of Emily's arm so Thomas couldn't see "Your personal guard is going to be Damon. I though you would be more comfortable with him being your guard since you grew up together."

Emily gave a slight smile to Damon as he walked over to them. Thomas on the other hand didn't like the idea that Emily and her guard knew each other, Thomas felt like he would stand less of a chance with Emily. Thomas asked Helena if Emily and him could start their walk, Helena nodded letting Emily's arm go but not before she whispered something in her ear. Emily pulled her arm slightly from Helena so Thomas wouldn't notice, Thomas held his arm out for Emily to take but she ignored him and brushed past his hand as she walked towards the garden. When Thomas realized Emily didn't take his arm he walked quickly to catch up with her. The garden was magnificent and grand to fit with the rest of the castle as Helena believed if it wasn't as grand as the castle there was no point in having a garden. There where two beautiful water fountains scattered on either side of the garden along with two striking statues. One statue was of her father that had been made after he had passed to honor and remember him, the base of the statue had a shield carved into the center of it and said 'In honor of a loving King, husband and father'. While the other was a statue of Helena and Emily, the statue was made when Emily was twelve, it had her sitting on the floor encircled by a large dress as Helena stood off to the side with a pointed crown and a long sleeve dress with two layers on the main part of the dress. On the statue of Helena and Emily held an engraving at the base of the statue that said 'To the two beautiful women in my life'. The garden also held a hedge maze, that really wasn't a maze as there where no dead ends and the path was lined with stone, in stead of a maze the hedge pathways were more of a private walkways that where lined with hedges. Most of the hedges have beautiful vines growing on them that where growing flowers on the vines, each vine held a different colored flower it was growing. There was also spectacular flower bushes all throughout the garden and whenever there was a chance to, the bushes where placed into patterns of spirals along with encircling the trees that where growing. In the middle of it all stood a magnificent tree as other trees scattered about striving to be the same magnificent tree. While they walked through the garden outside Thomas was talking about himself for most of the time, the adventures he had been on, the wars he had fought and dragons he had slain. Damon followed behind them putting distance between them as he watched Thomas closely. As they walked Emily pulled a flower from each brush and vine they walked past, wasting some of their time but also making a bouquet. They had walked through very little of the garden in the time they had been out there, which was Emily's plan. As they continued to walk she brought them to her fathers statue, where she placed the bouquet of flowers on the top of the base at her fathers feet. As Emily stood by the statue looking up at her father wishing he was still there, she could remember when all the happy days before her father father had passed and when he had shown the statue to them. Her father had made a spectacle out of it as he had a picnic set up in the garden for them all, along with blindfolding Emily and Helena as he led them to where the statue was. When he revealed the statue to them he had told them he wanted a statue made to honor them, so they would always remember how beautiful they are and that they where the only women in his life. As Emily remember those happy days before her father passed she was brought back to reality when Thomas started to speak again.

Thomas scoffed as he inspected the statue "This is the King's statue?"  

"Yes. Why do you think otherwise?" Emily challenged as she turned to face Thomas

"It certainly is not magnificent enough for a King, it should be taller and the King should be slaying a dragon." Thomas remarked as he looked up at the statue as if he was imagining a new statue 

"My father was not one to brag, he was very humble. My father would have loved this statue. Something simple for him." Emily made sure to emphasize simple to get her point across wondering if Thomas even knew was humble and classy were.

 "This is not a statue any King would want." disputed Thomas as he inspected the statue "The looks of it make it seem if no one is even taking care of the statue."

Emily was taken back by what he had said but it also filled her with rage as she was always making sure her father statue was taken care of since it was one of the few things she had left of him. She found the courage somewhere in her and slapped Thomas across the face with everything she had "You will not speak of my fathers statue like that, when you have no clue what goes on!" 

Thomas looked at Emily stunned for a minute then exploded with rage "It would do you some good to learn some manners! Before we are married!" Thomas grabbed her by the shoulders roughly, catching Damon's attention as he moved closer with his hand on his hilt

 "How dare you touch me!" Emily dared as she felt her nerves and any caution wash away with her father looking over her.  Surprising herself with her outburst of slapping Thomas.

"You will not disrespect me! And you will never hit me again if you want to live! I will not have a queen that disrespects me." Thomas snarled making sure it was clear he would not tolerate this, as he threw Emily to the ground beside the statue causing Damon to run over quickly

Emily snapped as she hit the ground "I will never marry a snob like you!"

Thomas just laughed slightly "You really think you have a decision in all this?" He went to step closer to Emily but Damon stood in his path as he glared at him

"And who says I don't!" Emily snapped back 

Damon held out his hand helping her up "Emily, are you ok?" 

"I'm fine Damon. I'm alright." Emily stepped back from Damon once he helped her up, knowing that Thomas would not like this

"I knew that this was going to be a problem, she said she was fine, now go." Thomas said harshly as he move towards them

Damon looked at Thomas harshly "What?"

"The fact that Helena placed you as Emily's personal guard when you two know each other."

"You are really full of yourself. I think we're done here" Shot Emily as she moved to Damon's side glaring at Thomas. Thomas started to walk towards Emily trying to grab her hand as she pulled her hand away and stepped back, allowing Damon to step in between them again. Thomas rolled his eyes as he ignored Emily, knowing that he would just place one of his knights as her personal guard. Thomas suggested they should finish their walk, but Emily walked off with Damon following behind as the walk was cut short seeing as Emily had enough of Thomas. Emily and Damon arrived back at the castle first where they where greeted by Helena who was waiting in the front of the garden. Helena did not look pleased when she saw Emily storming towards the castle with Damon not far behind while Thomas was nowhere in sight. As Emily approached Helena she tried to start explaining but Helena wouldn't hear of it and told Emily to go to her room. Once inside Damon escorted Emily up to her room as Thomas was starting to approach the front of the garden where Helena stood waiting. When Emily and Damon reached her room, she ran her hand through her hair nervously pushing her hair back out of her face as she started to pace back and forth through the room.

"Damon, there's no way... He's not gonna leave."

" You can't just give up like that. What if you tell her what happened outside?"

"I'm not giving up. I'm trying to tell you... She wouldn't listen, I just tried to tell her now and she wouldn't hear it." Emily huffed as she sat down on the edge of her bed turning away from Damon as she looked out her window

"Well then help me think of something else, since you don't like any of my ideas." Damon was starting to become frustrated

Emily just rolled her eyes "The only thing I could do is get away from here. Alone. No one else could come with me. If we both disappear then you-"

"Who cares, as long as we're away from here then I'm safe."

"I do! Because they'll becoming after both of us!" Emily stood up from her bed and turn to Damon as she raised her voice " No you wouldn't, she would have you killed if she found us or you. She would kill you herself.. If I where to leave you, you wouldn't be able to know where I'd be going."

"Emily-" Damon was cut off as the doors to Emily's room where flung open as Helena walked in

"Oh darling," Helena made her way into the room "Damon you may leave. You are suppose to stay outside of the room." Helena gestured to the door

"Yes your Majesty." Damon bowed his head and left the room

Helena walked to Emily and gave her a hug "You haven't managed to screw this up yet."

"What do you mean?" Emily stepped back from Helena

"Thomas, he wants to stay here another day to get to now you more. We've also planned a ball for tomorrow."

"What Ball? Don't you think it's a little late to send out invitations for a ball that will be tomorrow?" Emily ask with a sweet but fake smile

"When you are Queen people make time to come to a ball, especially the royal and noble guest. Besides this ball has been planned for weeks now, it is your eighteenth birthday and people would like to see the Princess." Helena looked down at her dress which had some dirty on it that was not from walking "What did you do?"

"Why do you always think I was the one doing something wrong?"

"Because I am your mother and your a princess."

"So what does that mean? Just because I'm the Princess it's always my fault?" Emily threw her hands up annoyed

Helena crossed her arms annoyed "Oh no, I already had a chat with Thomas about how the walk went. I heard all about it." 

"Mother, He was being rude! He was disrespecting father and me!" Emily walked behind Helena as she started walking to the door

Helena turned on the heels of her shoes to face Emily "He was making a remark on the statue! All you had to do was just keep silent!"

"So what? I'm just suppose to let him disrespect The King? Along with me?" Emily stopped walking to keep from running into Helena

"I do not want to hear another word about your father!" Helena glared at Emily as she was frustrated at the mention of the King "You need to learn to control your temper! You will not be disrespecting the prince again!" 

"Do you hear yourself? Your telling me to do nothing." Emily stepped back from Helena "Why can't I just marry someone I love?"

"We do not get the luxury to marry for love. I let you have more freedom them anyone else would give you-"

"No, I could marry someone I choose if you only let me." Emily pleaded as she gentle grabbed Helena's hand

" I will not hear about this again! True love is a game, it doesn't exist! It's not real! It's only there to break people's hearts!" Helena raged as she ripped her hand from Emily's grip, making Emily back away timidly "Do not grab my arm again! I am not a servant! I am your Queen and mother! You will respect me as so!" She moved towards Emily making her back down, till Emily ran out of room behind her forcing her to sit on the bed "I have a ball to finish planning for tomorrow. I don't have time for you childish games!" Helena scolded as she turned on her heels  leaving Emily's room, slamming the doors and locking them behind her with the flick of her hand. Emily ran to the door pulling at it to see if it was really locked from the other side, slamming her hand on the door with a huff as she turned around leaning against the door, realizing that she was trapped more then ever. Emily walked over to the lounge sofa that sat in front of the fireplace and picked a pillow up from the sofa throwing it at the door. Charles was waiting a few feet from Emily's door where he stood waiting to escort Helena, as The Queen passed by him he quickly started walking at her side. 

"So what are you going to do with the Princess?" Charles questions Helena as they started walking down the hallway

Helena rolled her eyes from the mention of Emily "Hopefully marry her off to this Prince, if not I'm going to be forced to practically sell her off to someone." 

"If your always so frustrated by her very presents, then why do you act as if you care for her?"

"She reminds me of someone... Even though she is frustrating at times, its nice to have a pawn in the game over nothing at all."

"It seems like she is more trouble them its worth. Why didn't you just leave her locked up in the dungeon when you had her there?"

"Now Charles, where would be the fun in that?" Helena gave Charles a wicked smile


✧☾ 𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼 ☽✧

Thank you all for being so patient with this story. 

I was really having trouble rewriting this chapter But it's here now!

I am so excited for you all to be able to read it! I hope you all enjoy the chapter!

Leave a like and any thoughts you had on this chapter in the comments!

Thank You again

(Last updated: Feb. 26 2021)


☙  ⚜  ❧

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