Danger In Love

Por TheMostInsane

55.1K 2.7K 1.3K

In an Alternate Universe, Mark and Jack didn't become youtubers. But instead Mark worked at an agency which b... Más

Chapter 1: Beginnings
Danger In Love: Meetup
Danger In Love: Missions
Danger In Love: Mission Complete
Danger In Love: Shoot
Danger In Love: Gone Wrong
Danger In Love: Betrayal
Danger In Love: First Blood
Danger In Love: Documented
Danger In Love: Distrust
Danger In Love: Taken
Danger In Love: Broken Trust
Danger In Love: Apologize
Danger In Love: Morning
Danger In Love: Surrounded
Danger In Love: Return
Danger In Love: Intentions
Danger In Love: Gone
Danger In Love: Over
Danger In Love: Shot
Danger In Love: Awake
Danger In Love: End
Sequel Announcment

Danger In Love: Imprisioned

1.8K 102 68
Por TheMostInsane

((Yay i'm back once again! And I haven't finished the next chapter yet, but I've gotten about half of it done, and so a quick warning... the next chapter is going to be long. But this one isn't super long. So enjoy! :)  ))

Mark's eyes slowly open to a dark room. He groans as he sits up on the cold stone ground, his head spinning still from whatever he was injected with. He rubs his head as his eyes adjust finally being able to fully see his surroundings.

He was in some sort of small, dusty cell. The bars looked old however sturdy. Mark groans as he stands up, his muscles sore. How long had he been out? He had no idea.

He walks up to the bars testing them once, yep they were sturdy enough to keep him in, jsut as he thought.

He cusses under his breath before noticing the man from before, the one who had stopped him. He was alone outside of the bars not having noticed Mark was awake. Sean was nowhere to be seen probably running off after he did his job.

The man finally turns around, smiling as he see's Mark awake. Mark simply growls at him.

"Ah you're awake Mark. I've been trying to find you for awhile now."

The man says with a small smile earning a small growl from Mark who says nothing in response.

"It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, however thanks to your 'friend' Sean, I could finally find you."

At the mention of Sean's betrayal Mark's lip curls back in a slight snarl.

"Alright... You've got me... now what?"

Mark finally says, his voice dripping with venom.

"Its simple. We're going to kill you."

The man says with a simple shrug.

"However, its always more fun to watch people suffer."

He finishes, a sadistic smirk forming on his face as he finishes. Mark growls and glares at the man, his hands gripping the bars so tightly his knuckles whiten.

"And who exactly are you?"

Mark asks his glare never fading. The man smiles slightly.

"how rude of me. You can call me Nick. I'm one of the guys you've been after for the longest time. Hitman of the group, Hell's Angels, as you know us."

The man says making relaization hit Mark. Hell's Angels was the large drug ring he had been after for at least a year, the whole reason he met Jack. He growls at the thought of Jack again, he thought he could trust the man, proven wrong once again, he should have known better.

"I see you remember then, right. Well if you'll excuse me, i have some other buisness to attend to. Enjoy your stay Mark."

The man says before walking away. Once he is out of view Mark tugs on the bars again to no avail. He soon walks away and begins pacing the small space, thoughts racing his mind, about the Cartel, about the man, about Jack. He stops and soon punches the wall closest to him.


He growls thinking about Jack before slouching down the wall until he sits on the cold ground once again.

"That's not very nice is it..."

A voice says, coming from what Mark assumed was a cell next to his. The voice had a fairly thick Irish accent which Mark recognized almost immediately.

"What do you expect, you got me here."

Mark growls at the man leaning his head against the brick wall, ignoring the sting in his hand from punching the hard wall.

"Mark... I didn't tell him where you were."

Jack says quietly, just loud enough for mark to hear, his voice breaking slightly.

"Yah right... I don't want to talk to you Jack..."

Mark says bringing his knee's to his chest. He can hear Jack sigh from the other side of the wall.

"Then don't talk, just listen..."

Jack says, his voice quiet and sincerely worried.

"I won't lie to you, I was working with them before, giving them information about you. But I told them I quit... Because I liked you... and I thought I had finally made a friend... Someone I could trust."

Jack says quietly, his voice gaining a slight quiver with each word.

"I didn't tell him your location... I don't know how he got it."

Jack finishes. The room is silent, Mark quietly thinking on what Jack said. After a couple minutes of the thick silence Mark speaks.

"I don't believe you... Its not the first time you lied to me..."

Mark finally says quietly, though the anger was gone from his voice.

"Mark, I'm locked up just like you are. What reason would I have to lie to you."

Jack says with a sigh. Mark thinks quietly for another minute before sighing seeming to give in.

"Fine... I believe you...."

Mark finally relents.

"So you got a plan to get out of here Mark?"

"Nope... You know this Cartel better than I do. What's our best option...?"

Mark asks quietly turning his head so he looked at the wall, a part of him wishing there were some way for him to see Jack. But he could imagine the man's face, his blue eyes probably full of hopelessness, his green hair messily flopping over his forehead, his mouth probably curved into a deep frown.

"Our best option?..."

Jack mumbles seemingly to himself but Mark hears him as he begins to think, staying silent for a few seconds.


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