Right place right time

By writenamehere

4.8K 79 24

Sam never expected to meet this guy, but when she did, she didn't want to let him go. Dan howell fan fic... More

Right place right time
Do I know you?
Calm ~ part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

I'm here

185 3 0
By writenamehere


Well hellooooo there

How are you?

Eaten any waffles lately?


I'm really craving waffles.

And Jaffa cakes.

And sushi.

I'm always craving sushi it's one of my favourite foods.

Well that was an INTERESTING FACT for you.

I'm bet you're glad you know that.

So enjoy this chapter please because I enjoyed writing it :)

Vote/follow and all that jazz


Sam's POV

I woke up some time later from a dreamless sleep, to see Dan gazing into my eyes.

"Hello beautiful." he said and kissed my lips gently.

"Hi." I managed to say.

My stomach hurt and I was finding it a little harder to breathe. There was a constant ache over my body, all put together with my still quite prominent headache.

I tried to lift my head but just winced as a sharp pain shot through it.

"Don't try and move Sam, your head needed stitches but you'll be alright in a couple of days."

"What else is... you know..."

"Are you sure?" Dan looked worried.

"Completely. Please tell me."

"Well, you have one cracked rib and you've chipped your jaw. The cut on your head wasn't that big, head wounds bleed like crazy, so you've got two stitches. You also have quite a big cut on your stomach which needed 4 stitches..."

"... an the rest of me is black and blue, right?"



"Sam, you'll get through this. You're gonna have to stay in for a couple of days, but then I can take you home."

"I'd like that."

A few minutes later, the doors burst open to reveal an out of breath Phil, dragging behind a puffy eyed Annie.

As soon as they saw me, their eyes lit up and their faces moved into wide grins.

"Sam!" Annie scream/Cried and ran over to me, stopping just in front of my bed with a look of shock on her face.

She quickly brushed it off and replaced it with a smile as she half hugged me.

I instantly thought about my hair though. It was so disgusting. It would take years to grow back so I have to live with it for years.

A constant reminder of what I went through in the past 24 hours. Fantastic.

Once Annie had collected herself enough Phil came over to me and kissed my forehead.

"I'm so glad your safe, it wasn't the same without you, blue eyes."

"I'm glad to be back. Even though I haven't even been gone a whole day, it seemed like an eternity." I beamed at the three of them looking down at me. I loved them all so, so much.

"OH!" Dan shouted, and reached under my bed, pulling out a huge wrapped box.

"When... how... how the hell did you...?!" I spluttered.

He tapped the side of his nose in a 'me to know, you to find out' sort of way and winked at me.

"Merry Christmas babe. Just tell me of you don't like it, it's kind of a long shot."

I laughed at him and started to tear of the wrapping paper, Dan helping me.

Once the wrapping paper was off, I noticed it was covered in hundreds of tweets, from fans and YouTubers. There were also load of pictures of our friends and me and Dan, the biggest was us on our first date, ice skating.

It was a picture we'd asked someone to take, both me and dan were laughing at something. Get had his arms wrapped round me and was stood behind me, our heads resting on each other.

Some of the tweets were from weeks ago. They were funny or nice ones that I'd either replied to or favourited.

Others were more recent, wishing me a Happy Christmas and some from last night wishing me well. There were messages from our friends on, Chris and PJ's making me laugh.

"It's brilliant, I love it Dan!" I told him.

"Pfft, that's just the wrapping!" Dan laughed, an urged me to open the box.

I opened it (with great difficulty) and looked inside.

I pulled out the tissue paper which had been put in there, and ended up in a sea of rainbow coloured tissue paper. Just this made me laugh, it would have been enough to brighten anybody's mood.

"Is there actually anything in here?" I giggled as I pulled out yet more tissue paper.

"Of course there is!" Dan was almost crying he was laughing so much. "KEEP DIGGING!"

""YESSIR!" I called and did as I was told.

Once I found the middle of the box, something soft brushed against my hand.

I grabbed hold of it, and pulled it out. (That's what she said ;D... Sorry)

It was a llama hat. With lipstick an eyelashes. Oh. Jesus. Christ.

"Dan, I think this is possibly the best gift I've even been given. Thank you, so much, I love your little face!" I told him and attempted to get the hat onto my head without putting any strain on the stitches on my head and stomach.

Carl may have been a psychopath, but he was no hairdresser and had managed to leave the front part of my hair long enough to be a long fringe.

My hair covered my eyes so I brushed it to the side and looked to the others. "Ta dah! How do I look?"

They just looked at me open mouthed.

"That good huh?" I chuckled.

"N-no, I mean yes, but I think you should see something..." Dan rambled, and ran out of the room.

He came back a second later with a mirror, and held it up for me to look in.

"It fits! But what?" I asked, admiring the hat in the mirror.

"Sam, your hair..." Dan said. The penny dropped.

"OH MY GOD WE HAVE THE SAME HAIR!" I shrieked covering my mouth with my hand and instantly wincing in pain.

"You're like a blonde me!" he laughed and then leant forward to kiss my nose.

"A perfect, blonde me." He whispered.

I stayed in the hospital for a couple of days while they made sure I wouldn't cause myself anymore damage by moving in the wrong way or anything.

The bruises on my face started to heal and my headache got better and better.

I'd asked not to have any visitors apart from Dan, Phil and Annie while I was in hospital. I didn't want anyone to see me in the condition I was in, but I got loads of get well soon messages.

And then there was my hair.

It was really choppy, so I'd planned to go to the hairdressers after I got discharged from the hospital.

On the second day I was there, however, Dan was about an hour late for visiting me. I assumed he'd slept in, which I really didn't care about. He'd been so supportive, he deserved a proper sleep.

When he came in he stopped at the door and said- "I know you were going to wait until you got out of hospital, but I know it's been hanging over you for ages. So I went to my local hairdressers, and they agreed to come to you." he grinned and a guy with immaculate brown hair scraped back came in, armed with a belt full I products and scissors, combs and dyes.

I instantly felt excited and grinned widely at Dan.

"Helloooo darling! Danny here told me you were having some hair trouble, so I'm here to help. Leave it to me!" I laughed at how camp he was, and Dan helped me onto a wheelchair.

"We got special permission from the nurse on duty." Dan explained as the hairdresser wheeled me into the little ensuite bathroom and washed my hair over the sink.

It felt nice to get it washed, seeing as I hadn't been able to shower in a couple of days.

Once he was done he wheeled the chair back into my hospital room and helped me into a proper chair.

"Now then, what sort of a look are we going for here?" he asked me and Dan. before I could reply Dan gave him a small price of paper.

The guy read it and beamed at him.

"Okie dokey, let's get smokey!" he sang and began to cut my hair.

Once he was happy with his cut, (I had no idea what it looked like, as I didn't have a mirror) he got out a couple of dyes from his belt.

Once the dye had done it's job, we went back into the bathroom and he washed my hair again.

The final touch was drying it an running a pair of straighteners though it.

"Et, c'est fini!" he chimed.

I looked at Dan who smiled back at me. "it's beautiful." he said. "How much do I-"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT MR HOWELL!" the guy almost shouted. "You deserve this. I don't want your money. I will be going now." he said, and strutted out of the room.

I turned to look at dan. "Well? How do I look?" I asked him. "Do you still have that mirror? I want to see it!" He chuckled at me and went in search of the mirror.

He came back into the room and sat down next to me, holding it in front of us so we could see each other.

My hair ha been cut exactly the same as Dan's, with a straightened fringe brushed to the left side of my head. It was the colour I'd had it when we went on our first date, bleached blonde with a light purple colour over the top.

"I look like a mix of you and Tyler Oakley!" I laughed. "I love it, Dan, I really do. Thank you."

I buried my head in his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

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