The Magic Pawn Series: The Di...

By SimonaDiaconescu

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Now available as a compelling series on Amazon globally! What if the very foundation of your existence crumb... More

Chapter 1: Radical changes
Chapter 3: Dream or reality?
Chapter 4: Looking for answers
Chapter 5: More and more madness
Chapter 6: Word of the day
Chapter 7: Run and don't look back
Chapter 8: Trapped
Chapter 9: Almost dead
Chapter 10: Face-to-face with Baldric
Chapter 11: New beginnings- The Barbara Balfour Campus
Chapter 12: Getting settled in
Chapter 13: Off to a bad start
Chapter 14: Getting to know Eric's dark side
Chapter 15: In the wrong place, at the wrong time
Chapter 16: Fooling myself
Chapter 17: Time to be honest
Chapter 18: At Baldric's mercy
Chapter 19: Life happens as I wait for a cure
Chapter 20: Surprise attack
Chapter 21: When things are getting complicated
Chapter 22: Confessing my feelings for Eric
Chapter 23: Just another crazy day in the campus
Chapter 24: When you would rather be lied to than find out the truth
Chapter 25: When you think it cannot get any worse
Chapter 26: When the man you love ends up hating you
Chapter 27: The battle

Chapter 2: The Island of Kaeillindor

71 11 1
By SimonaDiaconescu

The island really did have amazing places. The forested mountains descended straight into the clear sea. The luxuriant vegetation seemed to coat the entire island in a green cloak. The ever-present palm trees, the olive trees, the fruit trees, and the cypresses of a green so deep that it made it difficult not to stop and stare at them, curios about whether they are real or not.

And in that wilderness, the wonderful species of orchids with their dazzling perfume and the colourful carpet they lay made you daydream and never want to get up from that dream.

Then we reached a cliffy area, full of trees and shrubs some of them with shapes as strange as they were interesting.

Some of them were shaped like mushrooms with slim branches uniformly positioned to form a green hat.

'Wow... it looks strikingly similar to the dracaena cinnabari', I said as I realised that I was thinking out loud.

Edward and Christine gave me a strange look.

'I was talking about that tree over there', I said, as I was pointing to one of the numerous trees in the shape of sunken hat mushrooms. The same look. 'Dragon blood, if I have to spell it out for you. The extremely bizarre tree whose red-coloured resin drips off the trunk when it is wounded? Come live here and you've never been interested in knowing this?'

'Wounded?' They all asked, and then started laughing.

'I'll lead the way, my aunt interrupted. 'I have something that needs to be done.'

After she left, the other two continued to tease me.

'What's so funny?' I retorted.

'A wounded tree?' Edward asked once more.

This was becoming very annoying. I looked at them both. Christine gave him a shove before he could say anything else.

'I didn't know you were so smart', he said, while keeping himself from laughing.

'Really? I have always been passionate about nature; the most bizarre wild places; the strangest rock formations. The unique trees and...'

'But this is definitely not blood...what blood?' Edward shouted behind me.

'Of the dragon', Christine replied much too loud although she was standing right next to him.

'I did not say it was blood', I retorted while stopping. 'I only said it looked like blood. I cannot believe that this superb scenery doesn't move you even a bit. It is unique and...'

'This was our reaction in the beginning...but we are starting to get bored with the scenery. The trees that have strange shapes are frightening.' Christine became serious again. 'That tree that you were telling us about has black resin as you can very well observe, and silver threads drip off it during the night. Trust don't want to come close to it when that happens.'

'And what about the screaming tree?' Edward pointed to a specimen that seemed very familiar to me.

The trunk in the shape of a bulb, thin branches with numerous flowers all coloured differently, unscented and in the shape of funnels. The tree did not have any leaves.

'Screaming?' What a strange name...

'We named it like that.'

Aaa....ah it began with the letter a...

'Everything happens at night. The flowers just seem to come alive. They make a truly deafening noise and...'

'That's it', I burst. 'Adenium obesum – the dessert rose. I knew it! were saying what?'

'If the first part of the island is just like any other, welcoming and full of superb scenery, this one is far from that', Edward said.

I felt a chill down the spine.

'That's just stupid', I added in mockery.

'I think that...'

'Then we should have taken the other road. We can still go back, you know. You still have time to change your mind.'

'No thanks, Edward. The dead area of the island frightens me more. Even Meya avoids it and you know that your mom does not scare off that easily.'

Although a part of me was curious to see what Christine was talking about, I realised that, in fact, it was better I didn't know.'

We walked away from that area and came across another stretch of thick vegetation.

When we finally arrived to the inhabited area I was very pleased to see a combination of various architectonic styles. The predominantly white modest houses combined with the more vivid colours of the big pompous buildings. The large yards and enormous gardens embellished with all sorts of statues and fountains placed in the middle of fields of flowers – each more different and special; the meticulously pruned hedges which kept company to the various fruit trees.

People were already hustling and bustling on the narrow and busy streets that sprung from the main street. Although it was still very early in the morning, the entire community was up and running. Even children not more than twelve years old saw freely to their activities. Shouldn't they be sleeping at this hour? It was holiday time. Waking up early had always been a problem for me.

Christine answered my questions as though she would be a mind reader. Or perhaps she just checked out my face which definitely showed total confusion.

'People here work hard to make a better future for them of just for having what to put on the table the next day. If there is a lot that needs to be done then those families have their children working also. Living here is a lot more difficult.'

'Yeah...not many can afford to just stay and do nothing', said Edward while starring at Christine. She turned her back at him and ignored him.

'I'm guessing there's no telephone reception here...or is there?'

'No, there is no reception. We use our own methods...'

I sighed. There is so much that I have to learn...

I looked around at the crowd wondering how they all got to live in a place like this. I assume that most of them were born here.

'Your room is already prepped', Christine said. 'I chose the colour and all the decorations although Brysena took care of everything else. Brysena is one of the many employees of father's;' she cleared it for me before I even had the chance to ask.

That's when we stopped in front of a huge building, truly impressive.

'Is this where you live?'

'Yes, it's wonderful, isn't it?'

'Wow...' that was all that I managed to say.

The gothic style building was no doubt the size of a palace: tall walls, not too thick and supported on the outside by buttresses that finished in sharp arches; numerous windows, tall and wide with flare-like frames and divided longitudinally by see-through stained glass columns which allowed light to enter the room abundantly. A beautifully coloured rose window framed the door on top. On the last floor of the building – out of the three – a bas relief representing the phases of the moon stood out.

A large garden surrounded the building probably covering a wider area in the back of it. The front part was filled with flowers some of which had been carefully planted in large pots of different shapes. There were also small garden statues. The water ran as clear as a bell as it flowed out of a marble fountain centred by a sculpture portraying the nude bust of a woman.

The vestibule presented a big arch on which there lay inscribed several meticulously drawn stars. Then there was the long hallway with its huge golden chandelier shining in the sun light; supporting poles covered in clamberers bearing multi-coloured flowers. The marble floor was made of rhombus stones of different sizes positioned as such that they would please the eye.

As we were walking down the hallway that was much too long and mazy I felt as though I were in a labyrinth. There were far too many doors that were hiding who knows what, and corridors coalescing with one another.

'How much time do you think it takes someone to move through the house without getting lost?

'Too much time', Christine replied with a smile on her face. 'If we consider the underground area also...and those secrets rooms that I am sure dad has been keeping away even from us, his children. Although I think my sister Maggie is close to discovering one of those rooms... if she hasn't already...'she sighed.

So Christine also had a sister.

We went up a spiralling staircase and stopped at the second floor where my room was being prepped for me. Several other small hallways followed until – eventually – we got to our destination. Edward had cleared off – I think he went straight for the freezer – leaving Christine in charge of helping me with everything else I needed.

The room was very spacious with a large bed in the middle of the room that could have easily taken four persons. A painting stood above the bed portraying a blonde woman with gorgeous green eyes. The walls were painted in a shade of light purple and there was a mirrored nightstand across from the bed. By the window there was a small table accommodating a large orchid in a pot, and a desk in the corner.

'Are you the only ones... aaa...' I felt I was losing my breath, unable to say the word – this was absurd by all accounts.

Christine gave me a strange look.

'Aaa... Do I really have to say it?'

'You don't like the room...?'she asked appearing to be a bit disappointed.

'No, no, it's not that. The room is beautiful. It is even more welcoming than I would have expected. I like it a lot. But we can talk about it later...Are the rest of the inhabitants also... I mean... can they also do aaa...'

'Why is it so hard? Wizards? Witches? No...' she replied unmoved. 'It is only Maggie, Edward, Meya and I. And no one must know about this. OK?'

'I wouldn't even know what to tell them, if I wanted to.'

'Dad doesn't know either. This is...'

'A very serious thing and extremely important...yes, I know...'

'Magic is not a thing!'

'Ok.... so we are I need a twig like the one in Harry Potter or what?'

'Like in what?'

I started to laugh.

'Harry Potter?! Come on... everybody knows about...' but Christine interrupted me and didn't let me finish my sentence.

'No, we don't have twigs. And try to remember that we live on an island in the middle of the sea; the secret island.' The irony in her voice made her sound funny. 'We don't have television, internet connection and no mobile phone network.'

'What can I say?...if you can do the cool stuff I have seen in movies then all those things that you just listed will seem to be nothing compared to this. '

Christine insisted she gave me a hand unpacking although I didn't need the help – I only had a suitcase, too small for all the things I would have wanted to put in it. Before I could even open it Christine beat me to it and my clothes started flying through the room heading for the wardrobe. I was shocked by the large number of things flying through the room and how everyone got placed properly. Exactly how I had them placed at home.

' this really is a helping hand.'

'I cannot believe did they all fit into that small rotten suitcase?'

'What can I say? The contrast between what's essential and what appears to be dominates when magic is taken into the equation.'

'Will I also be able to do this? And how did you do it?'

'This and many more...'She shrugged her shoulders. 'You just need lots of concentration and a few words.'

'So anyone can do magic if they learn the right magic words?'

She burst into laughter while heading slowly towards the door.

'Oh Kate... you have so much to learn.'

'Wait! You still didn't answer my question.'

'Only if you are gifted.' That's the only thing she said and then closed the door behind her.

Alright... this girl could be really strange sometimes.

I wasn't going to stay in the room. I took a hot shower and then I decided to go and explore the house a bit, in an attempt to find the kitchen – my stomach really needed some food.

As I was rushing to find a way out of this labyrinth I was "lucky" enough to run into a guy.

He pushed me out of his way and seemed to be quite nervy about the little incident.

'Move out of my way!' he snapped at me.

'Alright...There is no need for you to shout or to push me away like that', I told him, but he ignored me and went on his way. 'A "sorry" would have been a lot easier', I shouted behind him.

He stopped walking but didn't come towards me. I waited for him to say something. Nothing.

'Aaa... what are you doing?'

'I am waiting', he said in a sharp voice.


'For you to apologize.'

Although my indignation grew with every second I spent with "Mr. Cranky", this was too much. I burst into laughter and that made him even angrier.

'What's so funny?'

That's when I froze. A shadow flashed across his face. But his face seemed numb. An eerie sensation descended the room. The coldness in the air full of despair, fear and also...

I screamed unable to pursue my thoughts. Everything around me was turning into an icy marble.

As I was trying to pull myself out of this surreal feeling I began waving my arms and feet like a madman resisting his straightjacket. I was uselessly fighting the air around me; that force beyond the tangible. The thought that I was at least trying to do something soothed me. A desperate voice resounded in my ear. Although I could not understand anything it was telling me I continued to hang on to it until finally, with one last scream from me, it all ended.

With my eyes tear-filled I managed to get back to reality. I was still in the hallway and the guy was holding me by the arms. Christine was also there looking very serious.

I shuffled my eyes from one to the other unable to say anything.

'Are you ok?' he asked.

I pulled myself from his arms and gazed into his deep blue eyes. He could hypnotize any girl with that look. I found myself imagining how it would have been to just take a taste of those fleshy lips and grab him by his scruffy brown hair. He was tall, around 1.90 and well-built but not like those who overdo it in the gym. This was the first time anything like this was happening to me and I know it's more than just physical attraction. I saw myself in his eyes and I knew then that I would never be able to live without those eyes; those blue eyes that I seemed to know. Something about this guy seemed familiar. I know it's crazy.

I am going crazy. It cannot be that I see a guy for the first time and think that I could never again be without seeing his deep beautiful eyes. Ok Kate...Come to your senses!

The guy was also scanning me head to toe, waiting for me to say something. He probably thought I was crazy. I nodded and came out of my daydream back to reality.

'Are you well Kate?' Christine asked me.

' I'm sorry.'

'This is Eric', Christine said. 'He is also a wizard. He is friends with my father and Meya and is here visiting.'

'Is she a witch?' The guy asked surprised. 'I didn't feel anything coming from her.'

'That's because she has never used her powers. Not intentionally. This is something completely new for her.'

'I'm Kate. Katelyn Lambert', I said and put out my hand.

He remained perplexed and left me hanging.

'Katelyn Lambert? Are you sure?'

'There are many things I am not sure of but I think I know my name', I said, trying to pull a joke.

He put out his hand and, strangely enough, gave me a large smile.

'I am Eric Balfour and you have no idea how happy I am to meet you.'

The next day, at breakfast, I met the rest of Christine's family. Her father Aaron was a tall man, big around his waist and completely grey. He was in his fifties. Maggie, her sister was twenty years old, shorter than me and very beautiful. She had curly dark hair down to her waist. Her green eyes and dimples made her look very adorable despite the fact that she always looked serious.

I didn't feel comfortable. Eric avoided looking at me and chose to ignore me. Since we had been introduced we hadn't talked again. He did say that he was happy to meet me but now he was ignoring me. And I had to refrain myself from looking at him. Now and then, he glanced over at Meya, who was mixing her food with the forks; she appeared to be lost in her thoughts. For a moment I wondered what these people must have been thinking about until I realised that I actually should not bother about that. The only one who was in a good mood was Edward who was teasing Maggie over her body.

-You're trying a new weight loss diet? He looked with fake-hungry eyes at her fruit salad. I didn't know he liked anorexic girls... Ok, I'm done, he said, cowering at her sight.

Before it got even more awkward for me, Christine stormed into the room. I was wondering when she would pop up.

'Good morning, everyone. Yes, I am sorry I'm late. It seems time has finally managed to pull a trick on me too. Maggie is the one who is usually late.'

'You are ten minutes late. I am never late for more than five minutes.'

'Yes, but you do this almost every morning', Aaron said uninterested. 'I have to leave. I have something to take care of. Meya, if you are done, I would like for you to accompany me somewhere.'

'Eric, I'll see you later this evening.'

'Sure', he replied and gave my aunt a smile which she seemed to like although I felt to be a bit forced.

I was wondering what their history was.

'Of course...'Maggie commented after the two had left. 'They never have enough time for us. Not to mention that "somewhere". She never tells us anything, absolutely nothing...'

'Why don't you try to find that out yourselves? I can always decide to follow them if you want.'

They all turned and looked at me.

'Maybe I should not have said this...'

'But you did say it', Eric replied.

This was the first time when he was talking to me and I felt worse than a teenager because I was unable to find my words. I just looked at him without saying anything.

'I don't think this is a very good idea', Edward said. 'After all, it is none of our business what they are doing. And it should not be your business to know that either. I don't know about you but I for one don't think that mom is keeping things away from me. And if she is doing it, then it is surely for my own sake. I mean...'

Maggie raised her hand in protest.

'Just give it up, won't you? I am really not interested in your relationship with Meya. And if you like to go on without knowing, well then that's your business. So please go on living your colourful life filled with innocent people.' Then she added as if for herself. 'Pff... As if there is such a thing...'

'Listen sis, don't you think this was a bit too harsh?'

'It's alright, Edward said. 'This is just how Maggie is...'

She puffed but said nothing. I could not tell if Edward was disturbed by her behaviour or not. He seemed to be his own self as he had been until then.

'Eric, I almost forgot. Is it alright if we move the training for tomorrow at 3.30 pm? I cannot make it today.'

'Sure, I have some business I need to take care of today anyway.'

'Training? What kind of training? Soccer?' I asked in an attempt to make some conversation.

Eric started to laugh and I didn't understand what was so funny about that.

'No, not that. But if you really are curious then you can stop by and watch us. You might be surprised. I don't think you would manage it anyway.'

I didn't understand what he was referring to but I felt that he was challenging me and I wasn't going to back down.

'Sure. I will be there tomorrow at 3.29 pm. I can hardly wait to see you in full action', I told him and winked at him as I was trying to hide the irony in my tone of voice. 

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