Liam Paynes Cousin ~ A One Di...

By emmajanee37

14.8K 101 59


Liam Paynes Cousin ~ A One Direction Fan Fiction.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

1.5K 26 22
By emmajanee37

I am so, so, so extremely sorry I always take forever to update, I'm just so busy with sporting stuff, homework and school it can be really hard to find time to write. Thanks for sticking by me though :)

WARNING: I think this is a really boring chapter so I won't be suprised if you fall asleep reading it, it sooo boring. Oh well.

OMG, how amazing was it that the boys won the Brit! YAYAYYA! I was so excited and proud. INDESCRIBABLE EMOTIONS! Anyway, I'll stop talking and you can read now if you really want, haha, TADA!

Love Em xxx

* * * * * *

I opened our squeaky hotel room door. That is such an annoying sound. My head was still swimming with thoughts of Matt, his perfectly toned body, his beautiful eyes, his short curly hair. Everything.

"Hello boys!" I said cheerfully. All five boys were sitting on the couches around the TV watching some Australian soap opera.

"Someone's in a good mood, how was your walk El?" Asked Liam glancing behind his shoulder over at me.

I skipped over to the spare space between Liam and Louis.

"It was brilliant." I beamed plonking down in between them.

"What happened on your walk missy?" Asked Louis poking the side of my stomach and smiling impishly.

"Well... I may or may not have I date this weekend!" I was once again smiling like an absolute idiot.

"Oooo!" Yelled Louis.

"Tell me moooreee!" He prompted.

So I explained pretty much most of what happened from the football thing hitting me in the head to him asking me out. I really couldn't wait to get to know him better.

"Wow Ellie, sounds like you had a good walk." Winked Zayn.

"Yeah, it was brilliant." I smiled I looked over to Harry but his face startled me, it was so hard and emotionless. I don't know what had come over him but whatever it was he was obviously troubling him.

"Harry, are you okay?" I cautiously whispered leaning over towards him. He seemed frozen just staring into my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" He flashed the fakeiest fake smile I had ever seen. As if he thought i wouldn't notice that. I leaned in closer.

"Haz, what's wrong."

"I told you Ellie, I'm fine. Actually I think I'm gonna go to bed now, it's been a long day. Night boys, night El."

"Night Hazza" the boys all said in unison.

"Goodnight Harry." I whispered wondering if he'd heard me. He'd stood up and practically run out of the room as quick as he could. Something was definitely wrong, I just didn't know what.

"See you soon Hazza!" Yelled Louis cheekily.

I decided to focus on the soap opera the boys seemed to be glued to.

"What is this anyway?" I asked sinking back into the couch.

"Home and Awaaaay!" sung Niall.

"Although we have no idea what's going on." Chuckled Zayn.

My iPhone lit up in my hands, I glanced down at the caller ID and swear I had a mini heart attack.

Matt had called, just like he said.

My brain suddenly went into over drive. A small scream must have escaped my lips because the boys were just kinda staring at me with confused completions.

"Uh, Ellie, are you gonna answer that?" Asked Niall.

I quickly stood and ran into the kitchen, I knew they'd still eavesdrop but at least this way it would be harder.

"Ellie answer that damn phone!" I heard Liam yell from the couch.

He was right, I was completely over thinking a phone call.

"Hello?" I asked pressing glass to my ear.

"Ellie? It's Matt. Sorry is this a bad time..." He asked trailing off. His Aussie accent still sounded amazing even through a phone.

"Oh no! I just couldn't find my phone that was all." I assured him.

"Great. Well about our date. How does Saturday about quarter past 7ish sound?" He asked, I could heard uncertainty in his voice. Was he nervous?

"Date, eh?" I teased.

"Oh, no. Well, uhm... It doesn't have to be considered that if you don't want. Sorry. Uh..." Matt babbled.

"Matt, shut up, I'd love to consider it a date, let me just go ask Liam." I laughed.

I ran back to the lounge room were the boys were pretending to be interesting in that show. I couldn't really help but laugh at them attempting to cover up what they were really doing.

"Li, what are you boys doing Saturday night?" I quickly asked pressing my phone into my shoulder.

"I think we might have something on, but nothing you'll need to worry about." He replied.

I pressed the phone back to my ear.

"We're not doing anything." I told him excitedly. I quickly mouthed a thank you to Liam and turned the opposite way to them, who can be bothered to walk back to the kitchen.

"Great! Well I'll see you then yeah?" He replied happily.

"Brilliant, can't wait!" I said enthusiastically.

"Neither can I! Well cya Ellie."

"Bye Matt." I really didn't want to hang up, just listening to his voice sent shivers down my spine. I disconnected the call and turned around back to the boys.

"Well..." Asked Liam.

"I have a date with Matt tomorrow night!" I screamed jumping on top of Liam wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Congrats El!" Yelled Liam, returning the bone crushing hug. I pulled away from Liam but remained seated on his lap.

"One day to figure out what I'm going to wear! How am I going to do my hair! What the hell do people wear to football matches?!" I began freaking out the realization that I had a day to be ready sinking in. I ran my fingers through my brown waves mentally going through my clothes in my head. I have absolutely no idea.

"What if I completely stuff everything up?" I felt Liam's hand clasp over my mouth.

"El, calm down! Stop being such a worry wart! Why don't you go to bed and get a good night rest, worry about everything tomorrow." He tried to soothe me. I knew he was right though.

"Yeah, your right. Night boys." I quickly gave each boy a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the room towards the corridor. I stopped in front of Harry and Lou's door. I'd totally forgotten what had happened with Harry earlier after Matt had called as everything. Maybe I should go see if he's alright. My hand hovered over the handle but something in my head told me not to, to give him space. I dropped my hand back to my sides and just stated at the door thinking about Harry and his curls, his perfect smile, not like his fake one before but the ones when he's genuinely happy. It was to absolutely die for and make your knees go weak. Those dimples on his perfect cheeks. What am I saying!? What about Matt! I snapped out of my daydream realizing I'd just spent 5 minutes staring at Harry's door and thinking about him. He's your cousin's best friend, which means he's off limits. I quickly walked down the hall to Liam's and I's bedroom before I could start day dreaming again.

I shoved a singlet and some short, shorts on and jumped into our bed. I swear as soon as my head hit that pillow I was instantly engulfed by darkness.

* * * * * *

I never realized how much I'd missed Liam's cooking until now. I swear he makes the best bacon and eggs in the world.

I'd woken to an empty bed I could've sworn it was like Liam was never even there, I hadn't heard him come in last night or get up this morning. I had heard voices coming from the kitchen I assumed it was Liam and one of the other boys. So I dragged myself out of bed and slung on my silk robe. When I stepped out into the hallway the familiar smell of bacon and eggs wafted into my nose, I quickly ran out to the kitchen where Liam was making breakfast and Harry was sitting on one of the stools across the bench from him. Harry was flicking through an Australian newspaper, everything was so different over here.

"Morning you two." I had said cheerful taking the seat next to Harry.

"G'day Ellie, sleep well?" Asked Liam. I gave him a confused look as to why he was talking in one of those country Australian accents.

"Yeah, quite well thanks." I replied.

"Thats good, I'm just practicing my accent." He winked before turning round to the stove.

"Morning Harry." I had said. He at least seemed to be in a better mood this morning.

"Good morning El." He'd replied looking up from his newspaper.

"Ellz, want some bacon and eggs?"Liam yelled over his shoulder.

"Yes please!" I yelled back.

"So where are the other boys?" I asked Harry while waiting for my bacon and eggs.

"They were up earlier, now I believe the three of them are getting ready for our interviews today and then a rehearsal." He answered.

"Oh, wow, busy day." I stated.

"Ellza, is that the robe I got you for your 15th birthday?" Liam asked turning around.

I looked down at the robe drapped around my body. I thought back to my fifteenth birthday, that year I had, had all of my aunties, uncles, cousins and grandparents over to our house for a really nice family dinner. Liam's present had definetly been my favourite that year, I mean this silk robe wasn't exactly cheap for him back then, I'm pretty sure he'd spent two months of his pay on it. I had worn it all the time after I'd received it, and never wanted to get rid of it especially because it reminded me of Liam when he wasn't there.

"Yeah, it is." I nodded pulled it closer around my body. Liam looked so suprised that I'd kept it after all these years.

"You seriously still have it! Aww! I spent like two months of pay on that." He said happily. Liam assembled my bacon and eggs on a plate and passed it to me.

So now here I was eating Liams delicious breakfast and practically demolishing it.

"Oh yeah, Ellza, I talked to Kat before she's coming round any minute now to drop off her stuff and then shes taking you out shopping, I told her about your date." Liam winked while taking Harry and I's plates and stacking them in the dishwasher. It suddenly occurred to me that Liam still hadn't told me how I was supposed to know Kat.

"Great, I need to find something to wear. You know Li-Li you never told me how I'm supposed to know Kat." I asked placing my head in my hands and giving him a death stare. Of course right at that minute there was a knock on our annoying hotel room door meaning Kat must be here, meaning Liam could once again put off telling me about Kat. So now I have to spend the day shopping with someone I'm supposed to remember but can't, awkward much?

"That'll be her!" Liam grinned rushing over to the squeaky entrance. I could hear them saying their 'hellos' and 'how are you's' in the background.

"Why can't he just tell me!" I said not really talking to anyone in particular. I collapsed my head down onto the kitchen bench with a loud thud that actually hurt.

"I'm sure he'll tell you soon, try not to worry." I'd forgotten Harry was still siting beside me, hed actually be bothered to reply to me. I faced my head towards him with my hair covering my face so I couldn't really see him.

"He's rather frustrating, I hope he knows that." I laughed.

I heard Kat and Liam walk into the kitchen area so I guess I should be polite and pull my head up to say hello.

"Hey Kat." I smiled standing and giving her a quick friendly hug while Harry did the same.

She was wearing a really pretty cream dress that flowed down to about mid-thigh with a red blazer over it. She also had a pair of nice black flats with gold dots all over them. Kat seemed to have a really good sense of style thank goodness she was going to help me find something to wear tonight.

"Okay, I'll show Kat to her room and uhm Ellza and Haz you should go get ready we'll probably leave in about half an hour.

"LIIIUUUM!" I yelled running straight down the hall way almost accidentally knocking Niall over and then into our room heading straight to my suitcase.

I quickly jumped into the shower and washed my hair in record time, i swear. I put on a small layer of fountadation, mascara and all that stuff. After i was finished I eventually decided on a simple grey t-shirt with my favourite denim blue jeans. I still wasn't exactly sure what to expect with the weather here in Melbourne so I grabbed a darker grey jacket just incase. I also shoved a knitted red bennie on the top of my head to try and hide the worst of my hair, then I put a simple gold necklace around my neck. Finally I slipped on my black TOMS when I thought I was finally presentable enough.

I walked out glancing at the time on my iPhone, I still had 3 minutes to spare I thought smiling. The boys and Kat were all seated in the lounge room just chatting amongst themselves.

"Alright." I clapped my hands getting their attention.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked walking straight for the door.

* * * * * *

Kat and I had just kind of aimlessly been walking the streets of Melbourne's city and walking into any shop we thought seemed nice. I'd learnt alot about her, she's been dancing since she could pretty much walk and been dancing for the boys for a couple of months now. She had such a bubbly personality it was hard to not want to spend time with her. Not to mention her hair was absolutely amazing, I could definately see what Li-Li saw in her.

Kat had already known the story between Matt and I but so far all we'd found was a pair of really pretty brown flats with brown bows on the ends and a brown handbag to match them, I just need some actual clothes now.

"Ooo! Ellie lets go look in there!" Kat said excitedly pulling my arm and dragging me into a random shop I didn't see the name of.

Whatever this shop was it had some extremely beautiful clothes one top in particular caught my eye though. It was hanging on the rack to my left with only a couple of other pieces of clothing. It was a light cream colour and see through so I'd have to find a top to wear underneath, not that, that would be hard. It had floral prints spread out evenly over the material and a loose bow like thing around the low v-neck. I fell in love with it instantly, even if I didn't wear it tonight I absolutely had to have it.

Kat was long gone probably prowling the racks somewhere, it turned out she wasn't to far away searching through a rack with pink jeans covering it.

"There you are! Ellie what do you think of these jeans?" She asked turning to me.

"I think they'd look great on you." I exclaimed.

"No silly, for you. Oooo! What's that in your hand!" She screamed excitedly.

"Just this top I found." I said holding it up.

"That would go perfectly with a pair of these jeans!" Kat gasped.

"Quick Ellie, you choose a size and I'll run and get you a top to wear underneath that one."

Kat really had to much energy, it made me tired watching her. In less than a minute she'd ran back with a grey tank top and thrown me into a changing room. Ill admit, I actually really loved this outfit the only problem I have no idea what people are supposed to wear to AFL, I mean all I know about it is they use a strange oval shaped ball.

I stepped out from behind the door so Kat could see how it all looked peiced together.

"Wow Ellie, that looks so good! I reckon it'll be perfect! Casual but not to casual. And formalish but not really formal or anything. I love it!" She rambled on.

"I reckon this is it. What do you think?" She asked.

"Well I don't really suppose people wear dresses to the football, plus I don't know if Matt has anything else planned and I don't think I'll find anything else. So yes!" I explained excitedly running back inside my changing room to get changed back into my clothes.

We walked out to the counter and paid for my three items of clothing, to be honest I didnt even look at the price I just handed the cashier my credit card and paid for it. I'd worry about that later.

* * * * * *

After Kat and I had caught a taxi back home I'd had another quick shower and there was only about an hour until Matt was going to hopefully be waiting for me outside our hotel door. Kat had thankfully stayed to help me get ready. She'd already curled my hair in to beautiful light curls, they looked perfect and she was now applying my make-up. She was so good at it, I can't believe it but she might even make me look half good. She put a layer of foundation over my face, a coat of mascara, some natural eye shadow, I tiny but of lip gloss and some eyeliner. She had told me it would be better to go for a more natural look. I went along with it just as long as Matt thought I looked okay.

"TADA!" Kat yelled after putting the finishing touches here and there.

"Thank you so much Kat!" I screamed jumping into her arms.

"No problems El, one of the bonuses of being a stage dancer." She laughed.

"Now go get dressed into your outfit." She also said while walking out of Liam and I's room and assumed into the lounge room.

The nerves were definetly starting to settle in and I began doubting myself. What if I was wearing the wrong thing and he thought I was ugly? I mean it wouldn't be hard. Worst of all what if this was just a dream, all of it and I was going to wake up back in Wolverhampton near Lachie. No, I was not going to think about Lachie tonight, this was my night. I quickly got changed and ran out to Kat before any other negative thoughts crept into my mind.

"How do I look?" I asked spinning around in front of Kat.

"Beautiful! Matt's gonna love it!" she replied.

"He'll be here any minute now right?" I asked impatiently.

"Any minute now." She replied.

"I need something to pass the time, can your reach over and switch the tv on please Kat?" I asked as politely as I could at the moment. It was 7:16 and he wasn't here yet.

"Ellie calm down!" Laughed Kat.

And with that there was a knock at our hotel door.

* * * * * *

Oh gosh, I hope you half liked that chapter I totally understand that it was really, really borking and everything, fingers crossed the date chapter will be better!

Also, sorry for any of my silly grammar and spelling mistakes, Im to tired to fix it now.

I'd talk more but I am so tired right now and I just want to get this boring chapter out of the way so tada! Hopefully it's at least a quarter decent...

Oh! Also! I almost forgot, I wanted to say how much it truely means to me when people fan or I get a comment, I go into total FANGIRL and get soo excited! So don't stop letting me know what you think :) , believe me I will love you forever for it :P.


Em xx

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