Scarred | βœ”

By masoomaaa

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Elene Fox is hiding. Hiding from the past and the future to come. She wants nothing else than to blend in the... More

Chapter 1: I Promise.
Chapter 2: Letter Guy.
Chapter 3: Burn Me Alive.
Chapter 4: I Like Challenges.
Chapter 5: Made You Smile.
Chapter 6: So Close.
Chapter 7: I Like You This Way.
Chapter 8: Double Or Triple date?
Chapter 9: Spark.
Chapter 10: Moving On? Not So Much.
Chapter 11: Fingers Crossed.
Chapter 12: Still Need To Practice.
Chapter 14: Kidding Myself.
Chapter 15: I Let Him.
Chapter 16: I Know The Story
Chapter 17: Capture The Flags
Chapter 18: Top Roping
Chapter 19: Truth or Dare?
Chapter 20: You're Wasted.
Chapter 21: Falling For Different.
Chapter 22: Understatement Of The Century.
Chapter 23: My Type.
Chapter 24: Seven.
Chapter 25: The Letter.
Chapter 26: ClichΓ©.
Chapter 27: Always In The Eyes.
Chapter 28: Package Deal.
Chapter 29: Practically In Love.
Chapter 30: Apologize.
Chapter 31: Exposed.
Chapter 32: Blurred.
Chapter 33: Hung Up.
Chapter 34: Hey.
Chapter 35: A Bit Nerve Racking.
Chapter 36: Chaos.
Chapter 37: Balloons And A Message.
Chapter 38: Typically Highschool-ed.
Chapter 39: Everything.
Chapter 40: Not Your Typical Ending.

Chapter 13: Fake It.

171 21 16
By masoomaaa

"Do not wear that blue sweater for God's sake Elene." Conan pleaded as he saw me holding it in front of the mirror and checking if it could go with my jeans.

I raised one eyebrow.

"Oh please, what do you know?" I said ostentatiously.

"Exactly, I don't know. I just came from Melanie's place and she told me to tell you not to wear the blue sweater you find so amusing, but it's not. And uhm, she's right." He said as he went into his room.

Ugh. Only if Melanie didn't have that influence on me. I put my blue sweater on the bed and looked for the beige one.

Wait, did Conan say he came from Melanie's place?

"Hey Con, what were you doing at Mel's?" I shouted, too lazy to go across my room to his.

"Uh..." he hesitated.

"Nothing, I was just passing by her house and I had her favorite donut so... So I thought I could surprise her and drop by. You know how much she loves donuts, and surprises." I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

I would believe him, except that Melanie hates donuts. I know it's weird, but then again, so is she.

It wasn't so convincing, but I didn't have time to argue, Melanie will tell me tomorrow.

It was six already and I had to reach the Central Park by 6:15. The park was ten minutes far and I had to walk so I'd better be off by now.

It was so cold, I was happy I had my coat on. As I reached the entrance of the park, I was looking for a bench when I spotted James coming out of his shining black Audi.

I looked away as soon as his eyes searched mine. I could imagine him grinning. Before he could walk towards me and start another awkward conversation, I ran to his car and opened the door.

"Hey." I said blowing air into my hands to keep them warm.

"Hi." He looked at me and smiled.

"What?" I said, louder than I was supposed to.

He grinned, looking for words. "You look..."

"I don't wanna know." I interrupted putting my hand on his mouth, and taking it back when I saw him leering.

Ugh. It's getting awkward so quick.

We remained quiet the whole way, because I didn't want to say anything and he respected that. Thank God.


The music was so loud I could hear which song was playing from the main road.

"Fuck!" James whispered all of a sudden gripping my hand and pulling me towards him averting me to enter the house.

I pushed my eyebrows together. "What?" I asked him abruptly.

He had a timorous yet adorable look spread all across his face and sweat covering his forehead. I chortled.

"Okay, are you acting Elene? Because you nailed me." I said contemptuously but his expression didn't amend.

"Well, it's just looking like you're terrified to go to a party and I'm laughing at you like you do at me at times. And this sounds so crazy, it's starting to freak me out."

"Actually-" he pulled me towards him and pointed to an average height girl with very short blonde hair and a very commendable posture. She was standing at the bar with a glass of wine in both hands each.

"She's Gwen Young. She used to be with me in my older school too. She's a total freak. She's like crazy over me. Whenever I go to parties, I pretend like I'm with someone or else she tries to hug me, kiss me and get over me in all possible ways. I never even thought that she'll be here." He explained.

"Okay, then I'm going to see a great movie tonight." I mocked him, controlling the laugh.

"Nuh-uh. She'll not come close to me because I'll tell her that you're my girlfriend." He chuckled.

Okay, was this supposed to be funny? Because I didn't find it hilarious, at all.

I hesitated. "Sorry, what did you just say?"

"Come on. I'm just asking you to be my pretend girlfriend for this one party. How hard is it? Just fake it." he requested, secretly pleading.

Well, he didn't know how hard it was for me. He couldn't even imagine that his plea was so hard for me to fulfill.

One minute passed and I didn't even say a word. Of course I knew how it felt to see a person who's creepy and obsessive about you and it wouldn't be such a coincidence if all that was over James Rowell.

"I understand that you don't even know if you even like me or find me in a place for your friend but just help me. Remember you said to ask anything from you in return for saving you at the party from Drake? We'll call it even."

"I know this is something way more to call it even, but I will make it up to you I promise." He insisted.

Ugh. Did I really say that? How dumb was I? A guy like James would definitely save that for any special moment like this one, unless I knew James wasn't that kinda guy.

"I...I just don't know. Being your girlfriend at a party would be so weird."

"Why? Am I not boyfriend material?" He chuckled, teasing me.

"Uh, no. That's not what I said. Any girl would be lucky to have you but-" I bit my lip.

A wide grin crept his face as my words trailed off. Holy crap. Why can't I keep my mouth shut?

"Wow. Didn't see that coming."

Gwen Young ran out of the house as her eyes met James'.

"Well, your admirer's here." I mumbled.


I almost puked. Jamie?

Suddenly his expressions changed like they were faded as Gwen spread her arms around James. He looked cute as he struggled for breath.

"You know how much I missed you? No, you obviously don't. Or else you would've come back." She complained poking him.

And he felt so uncomfortable, struggling for answers.

"You know I got so busy here with all the sudden projects and assignments. You know the exhausting routine."

She caressed her fingers all over his face, and it made me puke but I swear he looked cuter than ever.

"We had so much fun the last time Jamie, my mom was asking about you. You have to come to Boston again." She alleged, well 'pleading' would be me being more specific.

"We'll see about that." He said, putting her hands away gently and straightening himself.

He looked at me and that's when I realised a wide grin crept across my face, and he was suddenly amused.

"Shall we go?" He said smiling at me.

"Oh, you're here with a girl. Is she your girlfriend?" Gwen asked in disgust after perceiving me from up to down.

James looked at me and pleaded for help. Well, what harm could come in being his pretend girlfriend for just tonight? I thought.

How hard could it be? I could here Melanie's voice.

James' eyes were asking for one favor and I was thinking it as a way of giving him that favor since he helped me at the library, and the party.

But I don't know much about him.

You could, if you take a step today.

I don't want to regret it.

You won't.

How are you so sure?

Does he look like Adrian from any angle?

No way.

Better than him?

I don't know.

"Looks like she's not so sure either." Gwen smirks and I realise my stupid conscience had caught me at a bad time, again.

"Uh, yeah. He's my boyfriend." Even hearing it coming out my mouth ached.

James' face lit up all of a sudden.

"Gwen, I'm here with a date." He alleged, outgripping her hold from his waist and holding my hand.

This time, its like electricity in my hand as his hand touches mine.

He left Gwen outside the house forcing me inside with him with Gwen's mouth flocked ajar.

"So now, you get to see me as your boyfriend for tonight." James said.

"I hope it's not scary." I mumbled.

The party was so buoyant and loud, that people were actually shouting in order to have a conversation with one another. And thankfully, there was no body from our school as this was James' old school friend's party.

One of the very optimistic reasons why I agreed to come, since no body would recognize me and the gossips would take a break.

"Hey James!" a guy shouted behind us throwing his arm around him.

"And whoa, you brought a date? Not so usual, huh?" he pointed.

Not so usual? I tried to control the twinge to my very best at the sound of 'date'.

As soon as he left us after bragging all about his party, I turned to face James.

"Not so usual? You don't bring girls to parties with you? Or you never date?" I asked, suddenly realizing that it was none of my business. But why was I finding it so eccentric. Again, not your business Elene.

He laughed. Not expected.

"So now you're comfortable talking about girlfriends and boyfriends all of a sudden." He observed, controlling his smile.

"No, I mean. It was just a sudden thought. You don't have to answer it." I replied looking down.

Why did I have to be so over the line? Ugh.

He was quiet for some time and then he slowly alleged, "I've never felt for a girl so deeply before. Yeah, I've dated some before, but they didn't last much long and never even got close to serious. I don't know."

"I just haven't had that true feeling of affection for someone. I get interested in someone but that's mostly it. So I think I'll get serious with someone when I know it's true and right." He actually told me everything that must be in his mind, because after that he felt so relaxed.

"So...that's why you don't take girls to parties with you?" I asked.

"Yes. I always thought the only girl I'll ever take to party with me will be when I think it's moving towards something, with her." He said. A lump lodged itself in my throat.

He was indirectly pointing that to me, and I understood that. Maybe he meant the same.

"You're already assuming it's moving towards something?"

"I'm getting ready for when I'm sure." And we both got silent at that.

"I don't really think she's your date Jamie." Gwen whispered in James ear from behind him, close enough to scare the hell out of him as he trembled at her voice.

Well she did seem creepy, a lot, but I didn't know what was so uncanny about her that made him jump at her voice.

He didn't know what to say so he kept quiet, which irritated Gwen more and entertained me even more.

"Why do I think you're trying to get away from me? You know I'm still opening that offer for you." She said seductively to him.

James eyed me twice after I understood what he wanted me to do. I actually had no idea what to do to stop her from annoying James.

And I kept reminding myself, that its only because I owe him for exactly two things.

1. Library.
2. Drake.

I stood up. "James, I want to dance." I said holding his hand and pushing up from his seat. It came by a surprise to Gwen and James too.

"You're good." He whispered in my ear. I laughed.

"No silly, we cannot do that here." I said spanking him lightly.

I peeked and Gwen was still watching.

James laughed and gave me an impressed look. Gwen rolled her eyes at me.

"Okay, she's not going." I whispered to him annoyingly. Seriously, what was with her?

"I know how she will." He gave me an assuring look and pulled me into him, gripping my waist. I widened my eyes.

I hesitated. Okay. Take a deep breath Elene. Deep, deep breath.

James touched my cheek with his left hand and pulled the strand of my hair behind my ear. I closed my eyes as my cheeks turned scarlet. He moved closer. And his lips too. What was he trying to do?

I couldn't push him away because I couldn't create a scene at a party.

He moved so close that I could feel his breath on my lips. We were sharing the same breath. My hands were on his neck all of a sudden.

He pulled me closer as my heart raced faster. I could hear his heartbeat. It was fast.

I didn't have the urge to open my eyes and look in his eyes, because I would stare in longer and I didn't want to think what would happen after that.

"Peek in and check if she's still looking at us." He whispered lightly.

My eyes shot open. What the..

Oh. Thank God. I took a brief sigh.

I saw her over James' shoulder as she threw the glass of wine and went the other direction into the kitchen.

I cleared my throat. "She's gone."

James left my hold slightly and outgripped his hands from my waist. I felt numb.

I looked away hoping that he didn't see my face, which was flushed by all means.

He grinned looking at me. Yeah, he had noticed it long before I started to hope he wouldn't.

"I'll get something for you to drink." James said as he went to the bar.

Although this was a second party I've been to after a year, but still I couldn't believe parties were the same. And I can't believe I stopped going to parties because of what stupid shit happened. I stopped myself from the world because of what he did.

But I still can't forget what happened with Drake.

I don't know what the hell was wrong with me. Despite everything Melanie said, I couldn't just move on. Or could I really?

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