Next Door Prankster [Tokio Ho...

By MyTroubledMind

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After a traumatic experience Roselle moves to LA, where she is forced to live with her neighbours when her mo... More

It All Begins.|Chapter 1
Fainted|Chapter 2
Dinner and cupcakes|Chapter 3
I'll Yoda the shit outta you. |Chapter 4
Have a good night sleep, darling. |Chapter 5
Would you rather. |Chapter 6
Pumpkin muffin. |Chapter 7
Kim. K. |Chapter 8
Baking soda volcano.|Chapter 9
Pumba. |Chapter 10
I killed a Smurf. |Chapter 11
Bieber and me. |Chapter 12
Grandparents. |Chapter 13
Rainbow road. |Chapter 14
You're just a hater. | Chapter 15
Did she just...?| Chapter 16
My unicorn. | Chapter 17
Yodalicious | Chapter 18
KillBill| Chapter 19
Handcuffs... and cakes. |Chapter 20
I'm just here to be pretty. |Chapter 21
Bye, Felicia.|Chapter 23
Who are you, people? |Chapter 24
Oil me up.| Chapter 25
Close but so far. |Chapter 26
Idea generator.| Chapter 27
Is this official? | Chapter 28
Was it Grumpy, was it Sneezy? | Chapter 29
Ooh, someone is in trouble | Chapter 30
That's so gay.| Chapter 31
That's bad for you. | Chapter 32
Born for shock value.| Chapter 33
Elephant In the Room. | Chapter 34

If I only had a dart...|Chapter 22

894 31 25
By MyTroubledMind

"I didn't even realize I was this gorgeous?" Georg said from the passenger seat as he looked into the visor mirror.

"Imagination is a powerful thing, isn't it?" my sarcasm came out to play as it does all the time, actually.

"I can feel his ego deflating," Tom commented from the back seat.

"Nobody asked for your opinion, Tom," Georg turned around to glare at him.

"Sometimes the truth hurts," Tom said. That poetic little shit.

"Let's play a game," Raquel suggested.

"Depends on what game," Bill said.

"I spy," she replied and her hands made a rainbow motion, "I'll start. I spy something that is round and covered with black leather," she said.

"Bill?" I guessed.

"Shut up," Bill rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

"Oh, oh a steering wheel," I said.

"You're not so dumb after all," my sister insulted me.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes.

"I spy something that Bill can never have," Tom said.

"A good personality?" I guessed.

"A bigger dick?" Tom said.

"Wait, doesn't that mean he already has a big dick?" Gustav pointed out and Tom had a thoughtful look on his face.

"Ooh, I get it. He can't have Roselle," Georg said loudly.

"Aaaand that is enough of this game," I pursed my lips together.

♫ ♫ ♫  

"Aw, man," Adrian groaned from beside me and I gave him a look of confusion," I forgot I have to organize the Halloween party," he explained.

I nodded thoughtfully and said, "I'll help you, bae," I reassured him.

"Oh, and don't forget your date tonight,' he said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Shit," I cursed.

"Roselle, Adrian, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" our teacher asked.

"Yes, you see. My great, great grandma had a seizure while playing Twister," I lied, " We're just paying our respects."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she apologized.

"I can still feel her in my heart," I said and made a peace sign.

She nodded and continued on with her lecture.

"Okay, now I feel bad," Adrian said.

"It's alright. She'll get over it," I shrugged him off.

"What if she feels so compassionate about your loss," Adrian put the word "loss" into air quotes, "that she cries herself to sleep and dies."

I just looked at him with my best bitchface. I shook my head and asked,"Have you ever considered starting a writing career?"

"No," he replied.

"Good, cause you'll be horrible at it. Cause whatever you just said doesn't make any sense," I said.

"Oh, come one. That was uncalled for," Adrian said with a small pout.

"Adrian, Rose," Mrs. Kellum warned.

"We're just reliving our old memories with her. May she rest in peace and may her heaven be filled with dogs," I placed my hand on my heart for a special effect.

"I understand, but please try to pay attention," she smiled.

"Will do,"

"Oh, em gee, I can feel her crying inside," Adrian pouted.

"You can feel her insides?" I questioned, horror written all over my face.

"Maybe you're right. I shouldn't be a writer," he sighed in disappointment.

"It's okay. There are plenty of jobs in the sea," I reassured him.

"Are you threatening to kill me?" Adrian gasped.

"I might be," I said jokingly.

"We'll see," he said and dragged his finger across his throat.

♫ ♫ ♫  

"I'm so hungry," Adrian complained.

"There's food right in front of you." Being in the cafeteria and what not.

"My hand is so weak from the lack of food. Feed me, woman," he demanded. Chantel just shook her head at him.

"I will drown you in your water bottle," I threatened my unicorn.

You're so evil," he fake cried.

"She is," Bill agreed as he stuffed a sandwich in his mouth.

"I hope that gets stuck in your lip ring," I said with a smile.

"Oh, hey, Billy," Courtney greeted wrapped her arms around his neck and then sat down next to him.

"Hey, how you been?" Bill smiled at her. My eye twitched at the sight.

What the fuckity fuck, fuck, fuck?

"So, baby, do you want to hang out after school?" she fluttered her eyelashes at him.

Bitch, you ain't fooling anybody with those fake ass 10 meter long lashes.

I swear Bill glanced at me before replying, "Of course. What do you have in mind?"

If I only had a dart to throw into her eye. If only.

"Well, maybe we can go out to dinner and then maybe you can come back to my place," she traced her finger along his arm, "My parents aren't home," she added.

Somebody, please hold my hair cause I'm about to throw up.

"What the hell?" Adrian asked quietly.

"I have no fucking clue," I said as my eye continued to twitch.

I curled my upper lip to keep myself from speaking. My mind whirling with thoughts that only made me assume the worst. The feeling of jealousy was slowly growing into my skin, filling my blood. Making my eyes go dark, and my mouth became a straight line. And I hated this feeling.

I shouldn't be jealous. So why am I? I never really responded to his pathetic yet cheesy pickup lines. He was just playing, right? Right?

My grip around my water bottle tightened and it made noise which brought everyone's attention.

"Oops, I underestimated my strength," I laughed it off. Adrian sent me a confused look.

What the frick frack is wrong with me? Pull yourself together right this instant, Roselle.

"You seem a little pale," Courtney smirked.

"Yeah, your presence simply gave me an allergic reaction," I smiled and continued eating my food.

She glared at me and her mouth formed into a deep frown. You can get wrinkles, boo. But that's none of my business.

"Oh, my God. Court," one of Courtney's minions said as she clapped his hands together, "You won't believe what I just discovered." she said creating tension and Courtney gave a look that told her to continue.

"There is a new tanning salon down the street from your house," she said and grinned.

That's it? I thought that maybe she found out her dad's credit card pin code and she bought herself a new personality maybe. We can only hope.

"Oh, my God. That's amazing," she laughed, obviously ecstatic about the news. Her obnoxious laughter echoed throughout the cafeteria making heads snap towards the sound just to make sure a hyena didn't get into the building.

I stood up and grabbed my tray and emptied it and placed it on top of the other trays. I glanced back for a second and they all gave me curious looks.

I looked around the busy halls not being able to decide where to go. Well, you have to get your books for science, you dumbass.

Watch who you're talking to, missy.

I'm mentally talking to myself. I have problems.

Once I grabbed my books I headed for the library, the only quiet place to be because annoying cool kids don't ever come here. I slid down the wall in a far corner where no one would disturb me. I rested my head on the wall behind me and closed my eyes. I thought about the school's Halloween party and my mixed feelings towards him. Yes, him. Why him of all the other dudes. Why?

Whhyyyyyyyy? Y u do dis, Rose?

"Are you trying to sleep?" Adrian asked as he slid down the wall next to me.

"No, I'm trying to die,' I replied with a sigh.

"Not sure if you're serious or nah, but I need help with the Halloween party,' he sighed a heavy sigh and rested his head on my right shoulder.

"I think you need help overall," I said sarcastically.

"Shut yo mouth," he chuckled and pulled out a notebook.

"What's that for?" I asked. He's not studying so why would he need that. "Wait, are you using the pages to wipe your tears?" I questioned.

"No. I'm writing down ideas for the party," he said.

"I thought you already had ideas from what I remember," I pointed out.

"I know, but I need more." he fake cried.

"Don't cry. Unicorn tears are valuable," I teased and poked him in the ribs.

"Poke me one more time and I will chop off your finger with my unicorn horn," he threatened with narrowed eyes.

"That sounds extremely sexual," I stated.

"Your face sounds sexual," he replied.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, "That makes no sense," I said.

"Your face makes no sense," he replied and smirked.

"I will rip off your horn and shove it up your butthole," I said in a monotone voice and stared him straight in the eye.

"I don't doubt you'll do that," he said and got a pencil. "Now, woman, put your brain into work for once and help me."

I narrowed my eyes at him for the insult, "Well, you could do a singing competition,"

He raised his brows and thought for a moment.

"Don't let your mind wander. It might get lost," I said sarcastically.

"Anyways, that's actually a pretty good idea. You can sing, Bill can sing. Maybe you guys should sing a duet together," he shared his thoughts.

A duet? With Bill? That just calls for disaster. Aaaand now he is on my mind again. Damn you, Adrian.

"Heh, yeah, no," I said.

"Keep em comin'," Adrian said.

"Um, how about the best costume competition?" I suggested.

His eyes widened and a grin took over his face. "That's a great idea. What else you got?" he asked.

"A rap battle," I suggested, my voice getting higher. "I mean, we all know that I'll slay that battle," I patted myself on the back.

"Riiiight, you probably would," Adrian agreed.

"Thought so."

"But anyway, what are you actually doing here? And no sarcastic replies otherwise I'm gonna punch you in your nuts," he threatened.

"I don't have any nuts," I pointed out.

"You will after I'm done with you," he said, his eyes narrowed at me.

"You make no sense whatsoever," I told and sighed.

"Now answer my question," he demanded.

"I think I'm developing feelings," I said honestly. Now that was hard to admit. Wow.

"For who?" he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I think recently I've been sexually attracted towards owls," I told and held in my laughter.

"Fuck you," Adrian playfully said. "But seriously, who?"

"Bill," I whispered.

"No way," he almost screamed. "I fucking knew it. I fucking knew it. Chantel owes me 20 bucks."

"You fuckers bet on us?" I asked in disbelief. Apparently, I said that way too loud because the librarian shushed me. How dare you shush me?

"You bet we did," he grinned, "See what I did there?" he asked with an even wider grin.

"I will slice you in half," I said.

"I'm gonna get 20 bucks. I will be rich," he danced.

"What do I do?" I asked.

"I don't know. I mean, do you want to be with him?" he asked.

"I don't know. He's an asshole though," I said.

"But a very cute asshole who you have a crush on," he cackled.

I stood up and said, "I will leave you here to die now," I walked away.

I hope you enjoyed at least a little bit. Tell me what you thought and I promise the next chapter will be more interesting ;)

Thank you for being with me throughout this entire unfinished book and the ones who have just joined the NTP small little fanbase. I literally love you guys with all my heart and I wish you all the best

See you in da next chapter xoxo

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