Professor Layton: Love In All...

By EffervescentElixir

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The sequel and final part of the Love In Memories two-parter. The heroes escape from the thrilling finale in... More

Professor Layton: Love In All Adversities
1. Prologue
2. The Fallen Castle; Memories Of A Time Gone By
3. The Feelings Will Always Be Close
4. Making Connections
5. The Diabolical Plan
6. The Dream Net
7. A New Age
8. Revelations: Time To Fly
9. The Dead World
11. The Race For Claire
12. London Streets Remapped
13. The Illusion of Free Will
14. This Is Our Cycle
15. Changing Tides
16. Betrayed Senses
17. Only Perceptions
18. A World In Turmoil
19. I Knew You Would Come
20. Endless Love
21. Deceived Minds
22. Stranded And Trapped
23. Shared Sentiment
24. Everything Is In Order
25. The Seeds Of Corruption
26. Before the Storm
27. Looks Can Be Deceiving
28. Love In All Adversities
29. This Isn't Over
30. Forgive Me
31. Love In Memories
32. Epilogue
Author's Notes
A Delicate Lie

10. A Warm Reunion

393 10 10
By EffervescentElixir

Hershel discussed some of the more finite details as the orb slowly made its way over the large, elegant buildings of the oasis of a city that was Monte d'Or.

These details consisted of their most immediate move which was how they would separate and how the group heading to London would be able to make it there before Oliver. Surely he had vehicles that were taking them there at great speed as they spoke.

As the preparations were complete, Hershel asked Don Paolo how to control the orb, dubbed 'Cata-Sphere-Copter. Or C.S.C for short.

"Well, I am sure it shall be easier to call it that." The Professor grinned lightly.

When the little lesson was complete, they landed the orb and allowed the stealth group to depart. The Claire team also followed as Hershel explained that they could take them to a friend that would get the stealth team to Folsense much faster.

"Who is your friend?" Flora inquired eagerly, almost letting go of the Professor's hand as Team Layton made their way down the colourful, familiar (to Layton) streets of Monte d'Or. Hershel seemed to know his way as if he had made his way around the streets many times.

"A good friend of mine. My best friend. Randall Ascot."

"Of course!" She exclaimed. "Luke told me all about this adventure and how personal it was to you. It must have been so horrible to believe your friend was dead all those years. All that time thinking one you loved was never coming back..."

"Indeed." Hershel said solemnly. "Still, he is alive and well. There were a few complications with the law, but I believe that he is living in the Ledore mansion, or should I say, Ascot mansion now."

"Yes, yes. I was there, Layton!" Grosky pouted.

"Yes, you were, however, I understand that the events afterwards were not told to all. Flora does have a keen interest."

"Just like the Luke boy, eh?"

Don Paolo and Flora turned quickly to the Professor expecting him to flinch, but he didn't.


The group was silent after that, with the only sounds being that of cheering in the distance as people saw loved ones returning to them. The part of the city they landed in was quite deserted and that is what the Professor had suggested.

Hershel found himself smiling as he looked upon the gates that blocked the path leading to the mansion. He knew that this time going up would be on good tidings. Not for the purposes of an investigation.

As he went to open the gate, Inspector Marauder stopped him.

"Wouldn't these people you know be out celebrating the return of their loved ones?"

"Ah, while that is the case for a majority of the city, I am fully aware that this city was built on dreams and miracles by the owners. The only loss they suffered was that of my friend, but he was actually alive so they would not see his ghost. They have no reason to leave the mansion."

"Maybe they just want to witness the wonders?"


"Wonders!" Hershel's old and dear friend, Henry snorted. "We knew that this was not as it seemed."

"We knew that this was not quite the miracle it appeared to be." Angela smiled, taking a seat next to Henry and the Professor. She placed the tray of tea on the table in front of them. "We also knew that you would be involved and you would find the rational explanation."

"That is most certainly the case." Hershel nodded, taking a cup from the tray and filling his stomach with the warm joy that was a good cup of tea.

"Well this is quite the warm reunion." The third and final member of Hershel's friends grinned, also taking a cup of tea. This friend was Hershel's best friend. Randall.

Randall had changed quite a bit since Hershel had last seen him. Although, it was more of a familiar change.

He now sported the hairstyle he had as a teen and he was wearing glasses once more. He didn't need them, but he would wear them all the time to mimic a famous archaeologist.

"It most certainly is." Hershel agreed.

As he took another sip of his tea, he turned his gaze to the other members of the group, sat uncomfortably close to each other across the two sofas. The nine had just managed to fit, but they had to move along as Randall and Henry took a seat and now Angela had joined so the person on the end fell off.

That person happened to be Inspector Chelmey.

He grumbled as Constable Barton helped him up and found a chair to the side to sit on.

"It should have been you, Barton..." He muttered silently to himself, but due to the uneasy silence in the room, everyone had heard that.

"You know," Flora chided. "you really shouldn't say such horrible things about your partner."

Chelmey's face was almost as red as a tomato, but Barton calmed the boiling Inspector just in time.

"It's quite alright... It should have been me. I'm not as important as the Inspector here."

"Yes, yes. That's quite right!" Chelmey said proudly. It would have ended there but Flora was not satisfied.

"Now, now, Barton. You shouldn't say that! Everyone is important and no one person is more special than another!"

As the mature young girl argued with the once again furious Inspector, the Professor smiled as he once more drank some of his tea.

He really was impressed with the maturity and wisdom that Flora possessed. He couldn't be more proud of her.

 He knew that he had to end the tiff though as they were on a tight schedule and he calmed them down as he spoke a single name.


Instantly the atmosphere in the room was like a library with a bossy librarian who scolded anyone who uttered a sound.

As uneasy gulps found their way into some members of the group's throats, three people were left confused.

"Who is this Oliver?" Randall finally said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. They all agreed that as uncomfortable as their seating arrangement was, the silence of the room after hearing that name left them shifting in their seats as if the Professor had just told them someone had died.

"He is the reason for the return of these deceased loved ones. He is the reason we are here."

"Who is he?"

"It is a little complicated..." Hershel muttered. "but what you should know is that he is in charge of a criminal organisation called the Gatherers and they are using an Azran machine to induce this state of believing in these apparations."

"An Azran artefact you say?" Randall gulped. He was a great admirer of the Azran civilisation. Even after what Hershel had told him about his adventure into the Azran sanctuary a few years ago.

"Yes, and as much as I know you would like to take a look at it, right now all that matters is stopping it."

"Alright. I believe that these visions people are seeing is wrong, it's too false. We are giving into false miracles. But the way you speak... it must be more serious than we realised."

"That it is. And we come here to you today, quite by misfortune, but because of this misfortune, I habe actually found a way to turn it into fortune."

"So this wasn't just a friendly visit?" Randall chuckled, but then was serious once more. "I - I mean, we will do anything we can to help, won't we, Angela?"

He took his wife's hand in his and she beamed back at him.

"Of course. Anything for you, Hershel. And not just because you brought us together again."

"Because you're our friend!" Henry exclaimed, standing up firmly, a spring in his step. "And friends will do anything for each other!"

"Your generosity and keenness to help is most kind." The Professor said, also rising. "Not only are you helping to save the world by helping us, but you are proving the true power of friendship."

As the old friends of Hershel cheered, so too did the eight other members of the room. Soon the cheering became more hearty and would have continued to grow, but Inspector Grosky's eagerness got out of hand as he jumped in the air screaming 'For the Yard!' and he knocked the chandelier which unhooked from the ceiling and fell to the floor with a resounding crash.

The room went eerily silent and all eyes turned to Randall, Angela and Henry.

"Well..." Randall smiled shyly. "You did say that was a hideous chandelier, didn't you, Angela?"

There was a pause and then Angela began to chuckle and so the room found themselves in roacous laughter. That is until Inspector Grosky became a bit too eager once more and leapt into the air.

"NOOOO!" Screamed the entrire group.


 As the helicopter blades whirled in an a circle growing faster and faster until the eye could no longer follow its movements, Randall stepped down from the copter and waved off the Stealth group.

Flora and Hershel also joined the waving while the other Inspectors all began to mount the second helicopter.

"Off we go!!" Grosky could be heard shouting from the distance. "We have a villainous scoundrel to stop!"

They watched as the helicopter was just a small speck in the distance and then Herhel turned as Chelmey barked from his seat in the other aircraft.

"Hurry up, Layton! We're on a tight schedule, remember?!"

Hershel nodded back to Grosky, but turned to Randall who was holding a small box up.

"I... well. I want you to use this, Hershel. If you should need it, which hopefully you don't. I..."

"What is causing you this distress, Randall?"

"Well, I know what I did as the Masked Gentleman was wrong. I know you forgive me, but it is uncmorftable bringing the subject up. This box. Well... I don't know if you will accept it."

"And why would I not?" Hershel frowned.

"Well... Oh just take it!" He pushed it into Hershel's hands and then sighed. "Don't open it now. You will know when to use it, so just take some time to familiarise yourself with its contents."

"But what's in it?!" Flora moaned. She was still standing beside the Professor.


"I see..." Hershel murmured, turning the box over in his hand.

"Please don't think badly of me. I don't use it. It was just some miracles I never used. I kept it because I thought it might come in handy one day..."

"Well, I believe it might definitely be an asset."

"Oh!" He sighed in relief. "That's so good to hear. Well, do put it to good use. You know how much miracles can save a person's life. I hope that if the need arises, this can save one."

"Thank you, Randall. I will treasure it and use it wisely. This is a most special gift."

"I am so glad that I can be of more use. I just didn't feel as though lending you these copters was enough."

As the two friends said their goodbyes, the Professor and Flora boarded the plane and took their places opposite the law enforcers. Flora chose to be opposite to Barton for his funny, yet kind personality. Hershel sat opposite Inspector Marauder to get to know her more.

As the second helicopter began to rise in the air, Hershel and Flora waved down at the figures of Randall, Angela and Henry.

"Come back in one piece, do you hear me, Hershel?!" Randall cried.

"I will!" The Professor called back, holding his hat in place as the wind blew against it.

Soon this copter was a speck in the distance to the people at the Ascot mansion, and as Randall and the others began to head inside, the best friend of Hershel turned and stared into the distance wishing the best for the Professor and his friends. The fate of the world depended on them.

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