kiss my wrist

By obsessedwithonika

18.6K 770 158


kiss my wrist
trust me
no new friends
The party
revenge is a bitch
Not anymore
I need you
New start
Prom part 1
Prom part 2
I missed you
A Coma
Hard To Do
I Lied
The sequel!

the text

1K 40 2
By obsessedwithonika

Nicki's Pov

I sat on my bed and I started cutting my right arm. I didn't cry I just watched the blood run down my arm. I made more cuts as I thought about every mean thing anyone has ever said to me. Tears start to come down my cheeks. I switch arms and start to cut my left arm I then started to cry uncontrollably. When the blood had dried I cleaned myself up a bit and grabbed a piece of paper and pencil and then started to write my suicide letter:

Dear world

I'm not really sure what I did wrong but you always seem to treat me like shit. Every time I try to be strong you would break me down. When you broke me down and I tried to get back up you would kick me down. You make me feel worthless and stupid. At first I didn't believe you and I try to be strong but I can’t take it anymore. I'm giving up. You win your finally getting what you want. I'm taking my life because I truly believe that there is no reason for me to live anymore. Don’t mourn for me or tell me you’re sorry because that's what I wanted you to do while I was alive. So goodbye cruel and evil world

Onika Maraj

I grabbed my bottle of sleeping pills and got a handful of them. Just as I was about to put some in my mouth my phone vibrated. I put the pills down and picked up my phone and I saw I got a text. I opened it and it was from safaree.

Text message

Safaree- hey nicki it’s me safaree I have something that I want to tell you. For the longest time I’ve had the biggest crush on you. This might sound a little creepy but I think that you are the most beautiful girl in the whole school and when you smile it lights up a room. I know the other kids pick on you but don't let them get to you keep your head high. Next time I see one of them messing with you I'm going to beat the shit out of them. I hope I get to see you in school tomorrow love safaree :)

I was in shocked at what I had just read I couldn't believe that the cutest boy in school had a crush on me! I put the pills back in the bottle because I felt like safaree's text to me was a sign that I shouldn't kill myself tonight. I laid down and read the message over and over again until I fell asleep.

The Next Day

I woke up to my alarm going off as usual. I turn it off quickly because I had a massive head ache because all the crying I had done the night before and my body was sore everywhere. I eagerly got out of bed because I wanted to see safaree. I went to the bathroom to take a shower clean up the dried blood on my arms. I put on some skinny jeans and a white tank top on top of that I but on my brown leather jacket to cover up the cuts and bruises on my arms. I put on some sun glasses to cover up my black eye.

I walked downstairs and my dad was nowhere to be found still. I was glad he wasn't home and I wasn't worried about him at all. I grabbed my car keys and drove to school.

When I got to school I started to walk towards my locker and there was safaree sitting there waiting for me.

"Hey nicki" he said as he was getting up "did you get my text?"

"Yes" I said looking down at the ground "that really meant a lot to me" He gently grabbed my face so I was looking directly at him.

"I truly meant every word I said Nicki I like you a lot"

"Awe that's so sweet safaree but I don't think I'm reading for a relationship right now so can we just be friends?"

"Yeah sure we can be friends" He said giving me a smile and a hug "but uh nicki why are you wearing those sunglasses inside?”

“No reason at all … I just like sunglasses”

“Well take them off I want to see your beautiful eyes” before I could tell him no he had already had my sun glasses in his hands.

“Nicki! What happened to your eye?”

“It’s nothing now give me my sunglasses back!”

“No nicki please tell me what happened” he said as he grabbed my hand. I looked down at the ground

“It-it was my dad. He was drunk and he got mad at me” I said as I started to cry. He pulled into me into a hug and let me cry into his chest. The bell rang and he just held me until a teacher came by and told us to go to class. He wiped my tears away and told me to have a wonderful day.

The rest of the day was okay nobody messed with me until I got to the end of the day.  I was walking towards to my locker and Blake, this asshole in my math class grabbed my ass.

“Hey don’t fucking touch me!”

“Oh come on baby I know you want it” he said as he pinned me to the wall and started to touch to my boobs

“Get the fuck off of me you sick bastard” I kicked him in the balls and tried to run away from him but caught up to me and pushed me back onto the wall

“And where do you think you’re going you little bitch” he slapped me

“You’re going to regret doing that” he started to rub my inner thigh

“Please get off of me” I tried to run but he was to strong. He continued to rub his hands up and down my body and he almost got to my women hood. I started to cry

“Please stop I’m sorry”

“To late to say sorry” He said as he started to out his hands under my shirt. Just as he was about to touch my boobs someone yelled “Hey get the fuck off of her!” I looked over and it was safaree. He ran over to me and he pushed Blake off of me so hard that he fell on the floor. Safaree punched him five times before I told him to stop.

“AND IF I SEE YOU MESSSING WITH HER THERE WILL BE MORE WHERE THAT CAME FROM!! I DON’T EVEN WANT YOU TO LOOK AT HER!’ He kicked him one last time then Blake got up and ran away.

“Nicki are you okay”

“No!” I said as he pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest. He rubbed my neck until I calmed down

“Safaree can I can I come to your house today? I don’t want to be alone.”

“Of course you can come to my house. Come on lets go right now”

We walked to my car and I let him drive the car to his house. I walked into his and I was amazed his house was so big.

“Wow safaree your house is so big!”

“Thanks it’s my dad’s mansion” he said “so what do you want to do? We should probably do our homework”

“Nah I don’t even want to think about school! Do you mind if we watch a movie?”

“Yeah that’s find so what movie to you want to watch?”

“Can we watch the titanic?” The titanic was my favorite movie growing up I don’t even know why but it always seemed to calm me down

“Yeah sure” he put in the movie and we sat on the couch next to each other.

“You can take your jacket off if you want” he said

“No I’m cold” I said. I had lied I was hot as hell but I didn’t want him to see my cuts.

“Oh okay” he said. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me even though I told him I wasn’t ready for a relationship I just needed to be held by someone. After about an hour into the movie I looked up and safaree was fast asleep. Soon after he was sleep I quickly fell asleep listening to the sound of his heart beat.

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