The Not So Perfect School For...

By LittleFireBug

2.8K 236 13

When Jack is shipped of to boarding school, she plans on being the most rebellious student to have ever walke... More

Leaving Is Not The Hardest Part
Good First Impressions Are Hard to Come By
Bedroom Madness
Don't Eat Too Much
Groups And Principals
Popularity Boundaries
Even Bad Boy's Cry
Unexpected Visits
School Sucks
Loved And Lonely
Mornings Are The Worst
The Most Important Meal of The Day
Adjusting to a Less Normal Life
Truth, Lies and Manipulation
Requiring Advice
Off With The Faeries
Kissing Games
The Top Student, The Rebel and The Teacher
The Willing Heart of a Wolf
Lost Found and Bound
The Wolf and The Snake
No Rest For The Good Guys
Some Necessities Are Luxuries
The Priorities We Share
The Opposing Sides
Truth From Lies
The Other Side
Wings Of Fright

Lights and Ice Hockey

97 10 0
By LittleFireBug

Chapter 10

Jack's POV

As it turns out, the school has an ice rink, yep, an ice rink, I hardly ever do homework in general but I was never going to do it now and I'm not even sorry.

The intense cold causes my breath to condense and I can feel every particle of air traveling to my lungs, making them shiver against the heat of my blood.

As I'm lost in my paradise, I can hear shouting, it's blurred, out of focus but then I realise Coach is shouting at me. "JACK! I HAVE NO TIME FOR DAYDREAMERS, YOU'RE IN GOAL! Maybe that will wake you up." oh dear, I catch a glimse of Helena, she is way to happy about this arrangement. This is not good.

Terrible actually.

The pit of my stomach begins to throb, like it's going to implode at any moment as I slide on the pads and the helmet, it fits slightly to small but I don't mind, even if it was a perfect fit, I wouldn't be convinced that it would protect me, not from Helena.

Everyone seems to be ready and Coach is herding us onto the ice, i breath deeply, slightly scared, even my cocky inside voice, which usually has something to say when I get myself into these situations, says nothing. My body begins to tense up, like it's preparing for something, running maybe, I'm down with that.

You need to prepare Jack, a war is coming.

I've read somewhere that in times of crisis or danger you mature, maybe my voice decided to do that because it's never usually serious. It's not just the words that have changed, the tone seems wiser, manly, yet delicate, kind, instead of a teenage schoolgirl.

Concentrate Jack, you must concentrate.

I'm on the ice now, heading towards the goal and all I can here is my deep, sightly tense breathing in my helmet. I can, however, feel the sympathetic eyes looking at me, waiting for me to fail, to flee and I almost believe them. But I'm stubborn, always have been, always will be and some annoying white haired, green eyed bully will not make me run. Not today, maybe tomorrow, but not today, today I will survive just to spite her and then I will be the one smiling not her.

Those kind of thoughts are dangerous Jack, they can lead to sin and once you step on the path of sin, you may never return.

Woah, cheery, what have you done with my 'let's just kill everybody' voice? They helped me plan these things, not tell me it's a sin. But as usual when I ask a direct question, there is no reply. Typical.

I sigh. This is going to hurt... a lot.

Helena's POV

I watch my prey skate to the goal, she seems to be balanced and controlled, shame, I was hoping she couldn't skate. No matter, a difficult catch is always more exhilarating. She sighs the kind of sigh that implies she knows she's in trouble, good, I'm glad she knows that she did wrong and therefore must be punished for it. Soon the whistle will blow and that's when the fun begins.

Dillon's POV

I can feel the intense breathing of my pack, they're on edge and I don't blame them. With Helena being so perditorial and Jack not knowing the whole story of the school, I would be on edge too. Helena, however, is calm with all her focus on Jack.

This is going to be a long game.

Jack's POV

As the whistle blew, time seemed to slow but the figures sped up, merging into each other making the ice shiver under the sudden change. When I try to distinguish one from another my eye lids stutter as if trying to speed up my vision so I can see them individually, but instead it just makes my head hurt and my eyes water. For once I wanted to be smaller, seen as I am tallish, so I could hide away and hibernate where no one could bother me.

One figure stands out enough for me to see they are aiming for the goal, my goal, I breathe, in and out, slow and contolled but there is no need someone has stolen her shot. She lifts her head and roars with frustration, yet another girl I know I won't mess with. She looks me straight in the eye and I swear her eyes glow yellow, an intense, bright yellow that could not be human, but if she's not human then are the rest?

Am I human? I mean I do see the ghost of my friend's, well I hope he's a friend, sister. Maybe we're all on drugs. That would solve many of my problems, however, that does seem to easy of a solution to me and nothing about this school is easy.

"Jack!" A voice jolts me from my daydream, there is another figure lined up to shoot at my girl, this time, however, it's Helena. I take a deep breath, in and out, slow and focused, I will not let her crush me, I can be strong. She lines up, looks me in the eye, with fluorescent blue eyes staring into the darkest secrets of my soul and she winks before hitting the put in my direction. Much to my amusement, she misses the goal completely, unfortunately, this caused Helena to howl with anger as she throws her hockey stick in the direction of the goal. Although it misses me, it hits metal bars holding up the goal posts and they crash on top of me. Everyone, except Helena, sprints towards my location, I can see the blurred figures heading to me, however, soon time began to slow and they seemed to be getting no closer.

Seconds felt like days, will I die here if they can't get me?

Dillon's POV

I could feel her heartbeat begin to slow, as we rushed to her but time seemed to increase like even time understood how fast we had to get to this human and yet, no matter how fast we ran we didn't get any closer. Suddenly a pure white flash blocked our way, we all had to shield our eyes from the overwhelming power of the light and my heartbeat began to race as the time began to slow. I tried to move but I was paralysed and now I was angry, how can we save this girl if some light won't let us, no stupid light will get in my way.

Calm young wolf, I am here to protect the child of the Elohim.

The smooth, reassuring voice calmed my wolf instantly, suddenly I know to stay put and wait, Jack will be fine.

Jack's POV

The light calmed me. Am I going to die now?

No dear child, your time has not come, now close your eyes and know as a child of the Elohim, you are protected.

I closed my eyes and the darkness was overwhelming, I wanted to open my eyes to the beautiful, pure light again but something inside me I shouldn't. I felt completely warm, protected and loved as a body pressed to mine, it felt like they were carrying me but why? What did I do to deserve such love? But soon the questions began to float away from my mind, emptied of all thoughts and doubts, I felt paralysed.

Just as quickly as the warmth came, I felt cold and empty, not unloved but like I was missing something. I was lifted but not like before, I opened my eyes to find Luke holding me and I smiled, he was my friend.

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