Everything I Want - A Calum H...

By carlyp5431

7.1K 108 33


Everything I Want - A Calum Hood Fanfiction
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

297 9 5
By carlyp5431

A/N: Carly's outfit is in the external link :)

Carly's P.O.V.

After being at the beach the whole morning with Christine and Jenna a shower was the first thing I felt like doing as I headed up to my room. I tossed my beach towel and stripped off my bikini before tossing them both into the laundry bin. I looked at the clock on my night stand not knowing what time it was. 12:15pm. That means the boys should be done at the studio by now and I could see if Cal wanted to come over. Ehh whatever, I can do that later. Right now, a shower sounded more tempting. Deciding on having the shower first, I grabbed a fresh, non-sandy towel and turned on some music. I started the shower, letting it warm up a bit before stepping in.

As I showered I sang along to whichever song came on. I was halfway through putting my shampoo when I heard Voodoo Doll come on. Naturally, since it was my favourite 5SOS song, I sang every word and I sang those words loudly. When it came to my favourite part of the chorus where Calum sings “And it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest, and I'm having trouble catching my breath” it seemed as if he was right there in the bathroom singing it to me.

Confused and with a head full of shampoo, I peaked my head out from behind the shower curtain to find Cal sitting on the counter beside the sink smiling widely at me.

“I like the hair. Shampoo bubbles are a good look on you.” He joked.

I stuck my tongue out at him then asked “As much as I liked your singing, why are you in my bathroom and how long have you been in here?”

“I came to visit you and I came in about halfway through your rendition of U.N.I. By Ed Sheeran.” He said after chuckling.

I slapped a hand to my face and groaned as I realized that meant he had been in here a solid 5 minutes.

“You could have made you presence known a bit sooner you know.” I stated matter of factually.

Cal put on a face of mock disbelief and said “What, and miss out on your singing?! Never!”

I just laughed as I brought my head in the shower and under the steady stream of water again then said “Go wait downstairs ya goof. I'll finish up and then I'll be right down.”

I heard his feet hit the floor as he jumped off the counter along with Calum's voice saying “Next time you have a shower let me know in advance so I can join okay?”

I peaked out of shower curtain again, looking at Cal with an eyebrow raised.

He put his hands up in defence while smiling cheekily at me then said “Just a suggestion!”

I rolled my eyes and returned to my shower. Once I was done I put on a pair of light blue bleached ripped jean shorts along with a grey and white striped knit shirt that had 3/4 length sleeves and buttons down the back. I put on mascara and eyeliner then combed my hair before heading downstairs.

I found Calum and my dad talking and laughing together in the living room.

As I was walking into the room I heard Calum ask “So I can tell her then?”

“Tell me what?” I said as I walked over to the love seat Calum was on and sat down next to him. I smiled up at him as he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into his side a bit more.

Calum's P.O.V.

“Tell me what?” I heard Carly ask.

Well, it's now or never!

Carly joined me on the love seat and before I could tell her my news I looked back to her dad. He gave a slight nod, making me slightly more at ease.

“Well today while the boys and I were at the studio we were told that we would be going on a two month long tour around Australia, England and Ireland. We'll be leaving in two weeks.”

I saw Carly's face fall but watched as she attempted to mask her feelings as she put on a fake smile and said “That's amazing! You guys will get to meet so many fans and you'll have such a great time over the two months you'll be away.”

I saw her smile falter a bit and I knew it was because she thought I would be leaving her by herself for two months. I also knew that her hurt wasn't something I ever wanted to see again. Cheesily enough, when Carly's happy it makes me happy. Seeing a genuine smile on her face or hearing her contagious laugh always brightens my mood.

I couldn't let her hurt go on any longer so I continued by saying “I wasn't done missy! Capitol said that we could each bring one person with us since it's our first tour on our own. Michael's bringing Marina, Ashton's bringing Sam, Luke is bringing Alex, and I came here to see if you wanted to come with me. Your parents have to approve of it first though obviously. I'm not going to be held responsible for your kidnapping if they don't want you to go. Your dad here has already agreed though so you only have one more parent to get through!”

Next thing I know, Carly was squealing and had jumped up off the love seat then proceed to tackle her dad with a tight hug.

After a few seconds she let go and with the biggest smile I've seen her with she said “This is going to be so fun! I can't wait to start making plans with the girls and look for places we could visit in all of the cities!”

Her dad chuckled and said “Don't get ahead of yourself now. You still have to get permission from your mother and we both know that is going to be one hell of an obstacle to overcome.”

Hmm, Carly's mum must be overprotective or something.

Carly groaned then muttered “Great, I forgot about that for a minute.”

“Well, I have to go get ready for a company golf tournament. Can't be late! Calum I'm assuming you'll be staying for a bit longer?” Her dad asked me.

I nodded and replied saying “Yes Sir. I'm just going to talk some things over with Carly.”

Carly's father nodded and said “That's fine, but I insist that you call me Charlie or Charles. When you call me sir it makes me feel like an old man.”

“That's because you are old.” Carly joked as I laughed.

With a smile gracing his face, Charlie said “Yeah, yeah. You two sort out whatever needs to be sorted out but keep it G rated okay?” He then turned to me and continued by saying “Calum, it was nice to finally meet you and I hope I'll get to see more of you around here.”

I stood up to shake his hand and said “I sure hope so Charlie. It was nice to talk with you today.”

He then headed to where I'm assuming his bedroom was to get ready.

I grabbed Carly's hand and brought her over to where we had previously been sitting on the love seat. I sat on one half while Carly placed her head in my lap and slung her legs over the edge of the arm rest. I played with pieces of her long hair, twirling it around my finger as we talked about the few other details for the tour that I knew about. We didn't know much right now but there would be a meeting in a few days to explain everything out in detail to the parents.

In the mean time however, I had to go home and talk to my own parents about the tour. Of course I had already phoned them and briefly told them about it, but now it was time to go discuss the details the boys and I had been given.

Carly and I walked hand in hand towards her front door where I had left my shoes to say our goodbyes. Once I had slipped my Converse on I put my hands on Carly's waist and pulled her closer to me. She wrapped her hands around my neck and looked up at me through her eyelashes as she bit her lip.

She has no idea just how big of an effect she has on me.

I then felt her soft lips on my own and wished I could have stayed like that forever. All too soon Carly's lips had left my own. Craving more I attached our lips once more and could feel a smile grace her lips.

Pulling away I saw that her beautiful smile was still there. I smiled back and opened the door to leave.

“See ya later alligator!” Carly joked as I started to walk out the door.

“In a while crocodile!” I laughed before closing the door and making my way to my vehicle.

As I drove home I couldn't stop thinking about Carly. We hadn't known each other personally for a long time but that didn't matter. Our connection was already strong and only got stronger day by day. It felt like we had already known each other for years. I knew that Carly was someone I wanted to keep in my life for a while and I was fully prepared to make that happen.

Carly's P.O.V.

Once Calum left, I knew I would have some time to kill before my mum got home from the grocery store and I could talk to her about the whole 'going on tour' thing. Might as well paint my nails then!

The purple nail polish I had applied had just finished drying and I was flicking through TV shows aimlessly when my mum walked in. Wanting to get on her good side before the argument that was sure to follow, I helped bring in the groceries and put them away. I made small talk until we had finished, wanting to be sure her full attention was on what I had to say.

Growing nervous as time went on, I sat down on one of the stools at our breakfast bar and said “Mummy, I need to talk to you about something very important to me.”

She raised an eyebrow and said “Okaaayyy? You're not going to tell me you're pregnant or anything are you?”

I laughed, feeling slightly more at ease, then said “No way! Are you crazy?”

“Well you never know these days! Have you see how many teen mom's there are?” She replied, looking relieved.

I shook my head before looking down and muttering “You're not going to like what I have to say any more than that though.”

With a confused look on her face, my mum asked “Car, what are you talking about?”

I fiddled with my hands, as I always did when I was nervous or scared of how someone could respond, and sat in silence, trying to figure out the best way to word my answer.

My mum, knowing all of my little habits, quickly noticed this. She crossed her arms and gave me one of those mum looks where you know they mean business, then asked Carly, what's going on?”

Unable to hold back any longer, I blurted out “5SOSaregoingontourandCalumhasaskedifIcancomewiththem.”

“Could you please repeat that? Maybe a little slower this time?” Mum asked.

“5SOS, so Calum, Ashton, Luke, and Michael, have been informed that they're going on tour for 2 months around England, Ireland and here in Aus. Since it's their first tour by themselves, management said that they would each be allowed to bring one person along if they wanted to. Calum came by earlier while you were out shopping and asked if I would like to be his plus 1 for the tour. Naturally, I said I'd have to ask you and Daddy first. Daddy talked with Calum and is already on board. It's all up to you now.” I said, giving my mum a hopeful look.

“No. Absolutely not! There's no way I'm going to let you go off to a foreign country with a teenage boy you've only known for a few days and his three teenage band mates unsupervised.” She responded with a definitive tone in her voice.

I started to argue against her but was soon cut off by my mum saying “No buts Carly! It's not happening. There are too many unknowns and you have too many commitments here.”

I knew better than to interrupt my mum while she was mid-rant so I waited until she had finished to calmly ask “What are your concerns? I'm sure there is a solution that could help to fix them.”

From the incredulous look I was given I knew the list far surpassed two or three minor details.

“How about the fact that you'd be going to two new countries with four teenage boys you've only known in person for a few days?” She asked.

Oh jeez. I could already tell this was going to take awhile.

“Mummy, it wouldn't be just us. There's also Alex who is Luke's girlfriend, Marina who is Michael's girlfriend, Sammy who is Ashton's girlfriend, Adam their tour manager, the Capitol UK management team, plus the equipment crew and security! And as for going to England and Ireland, you know those are two places I've always wanted to visit. By going on tour with the boys I'd be able to do that for a lot less money than it would normally cost me. Plus, the boys lived there for 6 months! They know the area and along with Adam, they will be sure keep us out of the bad parts.” I retaliated.

Mum crossed her arms tighter in front of her body and said “What if you get hurt or want to come home early? What will you do then?”

“If I get hurt there are hospitals with skilled doctors in them and there's also this thing called traveller's insurance. If I want to come home early that's fine. We can just buy an open ended ticket so I can return whenever I want.” I countered.

“What about school and gymnastics and soccer? I will not let you become a high school drop-out and throw all these years of education away.” she challenged.

I rolled my eyes and reciprocated by saying “As if I would ever just give up on school! I've worked way too hard to get to the point I'm at and you know it's my dream to become a physiotherapist. I would never be able to do that without post-secondary education, let alone without completing high school. And if you think, even just for a minute, that I would throw my future away for a boy, you are dead wrong. I thought that online schooling would be a good option because you'd be able to check up on my progress whenever you wanted. If you decided that I wasn't doing well enough, then I could come back home. As for gymnastics, my gymnastics career was going to be ending soon anyways so I don't see the problem in ending it a few months earlier. I know I'll miss it but that was to be expected. And soccer is only house league, not to mention that it doesn't start for another three months.”

All mum had to say to this was “Online schooling doesn't seem like the best form of education though.”

I let out a frustrated groan and said “Mummy, really? If you're so against it then maybe I should just give up on my education! It's definitely not my first choice but right now it's the only choice you're giving me. Why are you so against this idea? I'm not a bad kid! I do all of my school work, I get good grades, I don't do drugs, I don't go to parties every weekend, I don't have a child to take care of, I hang out with a good group of people, and I don't even swear that often! I truly do not understand why you're so opposed to this. Please Mummy, please enlighten me.”

As I finished proving my point, I saw my mum's facial expression soften as she hopefully started to see things my way.

“It's just, even though you're my oldest child, you'll always be my baby. You're growing up too fast and I'm not ready to let you go. I don't ever want you to move out, but I know that the day I have to is coming soon.” Mum confessed.

She looked like she was about to tear up so I got up off of my stool and went over to hug her reassuringly.

As she hugged me back I said “Mummy, I'll always be your little girl. Nothing could change that! And I realize that you may not want me to move on yet, but it's gotta happen sometime. I'm not going to be able to stay here forever and it's time you start accepting that. And as for the growing up too fast part, I won't be able to grow up if I'm never subjected to any new experiences. With experience comes maturity and I won't be able to attain this maturity if you aren't willing to let me go out in the world and try new things.”

She nodded in agreement or understanding, which one of the two I didn't know.

We released each other from our hug and Mum looked at me before saying “I see now that this is an experience that will benefit you later in life. Just don't have forget about us while you're over in the UK having the time of your life.”

Are you kidding me? As if I could even go two days without talking to you guys!” I laughed.

I then realized fully what my mum implied and said “Wait, does that mean you're letting me go?!”

“I thought that it was pretty obvious!” Mum said as a smile graced her face.

I could feel this overwhelming sense of excitement and joy spread throughout my body and let out an excited squeal. I hugged my mum again, but this time in thanks instead of out of comfort.

Mum laughed and said “Just know that this is a conditional yes. I still want to meet Calum's parents and talk to management about the schedule and where's you'll be staying and everything like that.”

A broad smile still on my face, I nodded then said “Fine by me! If it's alright with you, can we check to see if the Hood family wants to go out to dinner with us tonight? And there's actually a meeting with management for the families about all of the details in a few days. Once I find out when it is I'll let you know straight away! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go freak out about this with Alex, Marina, and Sam who were probably just told as well.”

I started to leave but before I could even reach the stairs I backtracked and gave Mum a hug as I said “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You have no idea how incredibly happy this makes me!”

Even as I practically ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time, I heard my mum's laugh at my enthusiasm. What did she expect? To give me permission to go and then for me to just sit there straight-faced? I don't think so!

I group called the girls and after gushing for awhile we decided to go to the mall to celebrate. God only knows how much money I would be blowing today in my happiness induced state.

“This is going to be so fun, oh my gosh I can't wait!” I gushed while picking up a shirt to try on.

I saw Marina roll her eyes, teasing me, as she took a sip of the iced coffee we had been forced to stop for earlier.

I scrunched up my face at her, then laughed as I saw Sam swing her body to the side to bump her hip against Alex's. The two giggled at each other and we all continued to look through the various clothing racks as Marina thought out loud, wistfully saying “I can't wait to be in Ireland.”

“I don't know about you guys, but a whole week in London sounds perfect.” Sam added as she picked up a loose fitting tank top and held it to her body.

I nodded in agreement then grabbed a pair of dark sunglasses and put them on. I directed my next question at Alex, asking “What are you most excited for Lex?”

As I waited for her answer, Marina took out her phone so that we could get a selfie. I made a mock 'posh' face while Marina pouted seductively. She uploaded it to Twitter then put her phone back away.

There was no doubt in my mind that the picture would be all over Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram within the next few hours. I guess it's because Lex, Rina, Sam and I made up what the 5SOS Family liked to call 'The Girlfriend Club'. Pretty much, we were getting attention now because we were close to the boys. Most of the fans liked us, but there was a distinct group who felt differently. We had all assumed that there was going to be people who didn't like us though. I mean none of us expected a relationship with one of the boys was going to be easy.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Alex respond to me with “Probably just seeing the guys happy, this tour means so much to them.”

I looked at Marina and Sammy and knew that my facial expression mirrored their own; blank.

“Okay, so maybe I'm totally freaking out about getting to shop in almost every city in Australia, England, and Ireland.” She raved.

Ahh, there's the Alex we know and love! We all laughed and continued to browse the racks while we talked to each other.

I was placing yet another shirt to try on in my arms when I felt two hands cover my eyes.

I heard a familiar male voice greet us and could only assume it was one of the boys. I was soon proven right as the hands were removed from my eyes and Calum came into my view. He took a stray piece of hair in his fingers before tucking it behind my ear and resting his hand on my cheek.

He just smirked at me and took in my features as we heard Marina groan in disagreement at the boys' sudden arrival. As Marina hit Michael’s stomach lightly, I shifted my gaze back to Cal with a pout making it's way on to my face.

“You guys ruined our girls day out.” I remarked, still pouting.

Calum didn't say anything, but instead ran his finger over my lips.

For some reason, it made me want to kiss him and it made me want to kiss him hard. What a little shit. He knew exactly what he was doing to me and when I acted on this urge he just smiled widely into the kiss.

I pulled away blushing slightly at the smug look on Alex's face. She sets up one couple and suddenly thinks she's a relationship wizard or something! Eh, whatever. I'm happy with Cal and judging from his proposition to go on tour with him earlier that day, I think I could say the feelings are mutual.

As Calum held me to his side with one hand in the back pocket of my shorts, I watched Sam swat Ashton's roaming hands away from her body as she curiously asked “What are you guys doing here?”

Ashton gave a mock look of hurt and asked “Can't we boyfriends be with our girlfriends?”

Alex shrugged her shoulders as if she were deliberating the options and dragged out her answer, singing “Well...”

“Meanie.” Luke pouted while wrapping his arms tightly around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder from behind her.

They were honestly the cutest couple ever! Even though I'm more than just a fan now, my inner fangirl is coming out and all I can think about is how much I ship them and how if they don't get married one day they'll probably still be forced into marriage by everybody else.

“Aww, baby...” Alex cooed to Luke before a mixed look of confusion and slight fear flashed across her face as she continued to say “Wait...where is Baby?”

“Dropped him off at Luke's place; our mums are all there and they said they wanted to meet him.” Michael laughed.

Well if the boys were here to stay then us girls might as well put them to work!

“Well c'mon then; you boys aren't just going to stand here and look pretty.” I sassed while handing the pile of clothes I had collected to Calum and walking with purpose towards the dressing rooms.

I was glad no one could see my face because it turned bright red as Cal affectionately sighed “You're pretty.”

He started to follow me and as we were walking away I heard Luke quietly question “We aren't as weird as them, are we?”

“No.” I heard Sam scoff, “You're worse.”

I was probably grinning like an idiot, but all I could think about was how lucky I was to have the greatest friends on the planet and a spectacular boyfriend who cared about me. It seemed like more time I spent with him, the more I found myself falling for him and the stronger our bond felt. To be honest, these feeling scared me. While they did also excite me, I had never felt anything like this before and wasn't quite sure what to make of it all. The only thing I did know was that I didn't want to lose Cal any time soon.

A/N: hey hey hey fellow 5SOS lovers! it's been ages since I last updated and I have no excuses for that other than school is a bitch and I wish I was done right now. lovely, right? :) and just so you guys know for future reference, arguments are really hard to write. it took me forever to try and get the fight scene(??) decent enough to post. or decent enough according to my standards :P I don't know how many readers I have(probably like three) but if you're one of those readers it would be lovely to hear what you thought! love all of you guys heaps! alsoo, shoutout to Em(@Sheeri0h) for being fantastic and creating a new book cover for me. it's far better than I could've done so go give her some love(or votes becuase that works too) :) -Carly xxx

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